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The Adequacy of Financial Support Received by the Small High-School Bands in Texas
The problem undertaken in this study is to attempt to determine the adequacy of financial support received by the small high school bands in Texas.
The Administration of the Guidance Program for Secondary Schools
An attempt will be made to answer these questions: (1) Why is a guidance program necessary? (2) What steps are being taken to accomplish the objectives set forth? (3) What is considered the best method of instituting a guidance program? In answering these questions a study of the guidance programs in a few of the leading cities and states of the United States has been taken into consideration. The best possible method or combination of methods will be recommended. This method will be compared with the program of guidance now in operation in the Waco High School, Waco, Texas.
Advantages in the Social Studies to be Derived from the Texas Centennial by Children of Junior High School Level
The predominant theme utilized by the Texas Centennial is the historical background Texas, which encompasses a hundred years of independence and four centuries of progress. This study aims to select and classify those buildings in the Texas Centennial Exposition containing exhibits possessing educational significance for junior high school social studies students.
Analysis of Age-Grade and other Indices of Pupil Progress in the Primary Grades
The problem set forth in this study is to determine the causes of delay in school progress in the Bowie, Texas, elementary schools, and in which grade or grades the delay occurs.
An Analysis of the Background Data of Fifty Students Who Failed in the College of Home Economics, Syracuse University
The problem of academic failure has been of real concern to the administration and faculty at Syracuse University. The study at hand is concerned specifically with the problem in the College of Home Economics. Through a study of the data known about students at the time of entrance into the College, it was thought that a better basis for selection night be recommended for the admission of students to the College. Such questions as the following arise in the mind of the research worker: 1. Do the group psychological tests given at the University at the time of entrance give us one basis by which we may predict probable academic success or failure? 2. Are the known high school quartiles dependable bases for selection of successful students? 3. Are there factors in the family backgrounds of these students that.may be significant in their selection? 4. Does an objective personality test have validity as a predictive factor in the success of a student? 5. Do we have any anecdotal records that reveal significant differences in personal adjustment between successful and failed students? 6. Are we able to predict the probable success of failed students upon readmission? 7. Do we have any combination of factors that may be significant in predicting the probable success of a student?
An Analysis of the Needs of the Northwest Independent School District and the Construction of a Possible Program to Meet those Needs
The problem in this study was to determine the needs of the people of the Northwest District by a social survey, and then, on the basis of the results of this survey and the exploring of established community programs, to construct a possible program by which these community needs could be partially or completely met.
An Analysis of the Public-Relations Practices of One Hundred Texas Public-School Systems
The purpose of this study has three aspects. These are, (1) to determine what constitutes sound public-relations practices as recommended by recognized authorities in this field; (2) to determine the extent to which certain public-relations practices are employed by one hundred Texas public school systems; and (3) to determine whether the public-relations programs of one hundred Texas public-school systems meet the requirements of a sound public-relations program.
Attitude Change as a Function of Parent Group Participation
The purpose of this study is to provide a measurement of selected parental attitudes and an evaluation of the effectiveness of Parent Groups as instruments for promoting attitude changes in a positive direction.
A Bulletin for Beginning Teachers
The purpose of this study is to determine pertinent contents for a bulletin for beginning teachers in the public schools of Port Arthur, Texas. An effort is made to evaluate the findings and to make specific recommendations regarding the contents of such a bulletin.
Certain Physical Traits as Factors in Social Acceptance
The purpose of this study is fourfold: (1) to determine the relationship between sociometric status and specific physique types; (2) to determine the relationship between personal appearance and sociometric status; (3) to determine the relationship between sociometric status and physical defects; (4) to determine the relationship between sociometric status and chronic absenteeism.
Change in Group Responsibility in the Second Grade as a Result of Concerted Effort
The problem under consideration is to determine the changes in group responsibility in a second grade as a result of concerted effort. The concerted efforts made in this experiment were telling, reading, and dramatizing stories, poems, and songs of responsibility; discussing of stories, poems, songs, and filmstrips of responsibility; the assigning of definite classroom responsibility; and the assigning of definite study responsibility. This study attempts to answer the question, how much change, positive or negative, will occur in group responsibility as a result of the above-mentioned efforts?
Changes in Self Concept Associated with Exposure to Theories of Personality
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of classroom lectures regarding personality theory on the incongruencies of one's self concept. Relying heavily upon the individual's drive toward integration, health, and self-actualization as summarized in the preceding section, as it is contended that, while some information will be rejected because of one's tendency to maintain and preserve established consistencies within himself, the individual's inherent motivation toward personal growth will result in the assimilation of many of these basic psychological beliefs into his own personality structure.
Classroom Environmental Control in Smith County
The purpose of this study is to attempt to show the development, growth, and some of the outstanding accomplishments with methods used in developing the environmental control in Smith County school rooms since October, 1946.
The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children : a Comparative Study Utilizing Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Males
The purpose of the present study is to compare the 1959 revision of the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS) with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for use as a psychometric instrument for determining the mental ability of mentally retarded male children.
A Comparative Analysis of the Development of High School Library Standards and Certain Associated Factors
The purpose of this study is to make a comparative analysis of the development of high school library standards since 1918 by taking into consideration the factors of rapid growth of high school enrollments, modifications of the basic philosophy of education, and the development of secondary school libraries.
A Comparative Study between the Achievement Test Results and Teacher Ratings Assigned Boys and Those Received by Girls of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades in the Stonewall Jackson School, Denton, Texas
It is the purpose of the writer to discover if there is any significant difference between the teacher ratings of boys and girls with equated intelligence quotients. And if such differences are found to exist, an attempt will be made to determine to what extent they prevail.
A Comparative Study of Anxiety between Science and Art Majors
The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of anxiety in college freshmen and seniors from the Departments of Science and Art at North Texas State College by using the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale. It is hoped that the findings uncovered by this study will be of help to others interested in investigating and exploring this area.
A Comparative Study of Elementary and Junior High School Music Programs in the State of Texas in 1949-1950
The purpose of this study is to present a comparison between recommendations made by authorities in the field of music education regarding the music curriculum in the elementary and junior high schools and the music curricula currently in existence, based on the tabulated results of a questionnaire sent to various school systems in Texas.
A Comparative Study of Home Food Production by Veteran Farm Families in the Aubrey, Texas Area and the Food Standard Recommended for Farm Families
"The problem involved in this study is to determine the status of the live-at-home program of typical veteran farm families in the Aubrey, Texas, area with the view of providing an adequate diet for preschool and school-age children. An adequate diet, which is used for comparison, has been set up by the home demonstration agents of the Texas Extension Service...Recommendations are made to show how the average veteran farm family maybe supplement the present substandard dietary level with farm-produced foods...Data for this study have been procured and organized from a survey of twenty representative veteran farm families in the Aubrey, Texas, area. Personal contacts in the form of visits in the home at least once a month for twelve months in 1949 were made to assist the veterans in recording farm and home income and expenses." -- leaf 1.
A Comparative Study of Personality Variables of Students in Two Contrasted Colleges
The nature of the problem to be dealt with in this present study involves the religious personality. Specifically, it involves the question as to the personality similarities and differences of students from a religious college and students from a state college.
A Comparative Study of Teacher Ratings Assigned Girls and Boys
It is the purpose of this study to determine if there is any significant difference in teacher ratings of boys and girls of equal achievement. If such differences are found to exist, an attempt will be made to explain the causes for such differences.
A Comparative Study of the Arithmetical Achievement Made by Boys and Girls of the Seventh Grade of Ozona Junior High School, Ozona Texas
The primary purpose of the study was to determine, scientifically, if there is any significant difference between the ability of boys in the seventh grade and the ability of girls in the same grade to retain arithmetical ideas, facts, and processes. A second purpose was to investigate the causes of differences that were found to exist.
A Comparative Study of the Equalization and the Foundation Program of Finance in the Schools of Jones County, Texas
The problem of this study is to compare the effects of the Equalization Fund Program of 1948-1949 and the Foundation School Program of 1949-1950 upon the public schools in Jones County, Texas. The purpose of the investigation was to determine specifically the effects of the new financial plan as related to the three preceding phases of the educational program.
A Comparative Study of the Readiness and Achievement of First Grade Students in a Culturally Disadvantaged Area
It is the purpose of this study to compare the readiness and achievement of older and younger first grade students. Other purposes of the study involved a comparison of girls and boys in the first grade as to their readiness and achievement.
A Comparative Study of the Reading Interests of Junior and Senior Students in Ten Texas High Schools
The problem undertaken in this study was that of making an effort to determine, in so far as was possible, the reading interests of the students enrolled in the high school at Nocona, Texas, during the 1954-1955 school session. A secondary phase of the problem was to compare these reading interests with those of students enrolled in nine other typical high schools of comparable size in other sections of Texas, as determined by means of a questionnaire survey.
Comparison of a Traditional and an Integrated Program of Instruction in an Elementary School
The purpose of this study is to determine if elementary school children progress faster in academic or tool subjects when taught through interest units in an integrated curriculum or when taught the separate subjects by a traditional method. Reading, spelling, and handwriting are used as illustrative subjects in the sixth grade with reading only in the second grade.
Comparison of Aggressiveness in Two Groups of First Born Children
The problem with which this investigation was concerned was to determine whether or not age difference was related to aggressiveness scores of first-born children.
A Comparison of Boys' and Girls' Achievement Scores and Teacher Ratings
It is the primary purpose of this study to determine any differences in the achievement abilities and teacher ratings of the boys and girls of equal intelligence quotients in the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades of the Alvord Elementary School, Alvord, Texas. A secondary purpose is to make a study of the environmental background of a number of pupils in order to determine certain other factors that might be considered as producing some influence upon the success or failure of the boy or girl.
Comparison of Delinquents and Non-Delinquents on a Delinquency Proneness Test
The purpose of the present study was to develop further a semistructured nonverbal projective test to measure juvenile delinquency proneness. The goal in developing this test was to have a measure which would be free of the many limitations found in existing tests and scales of this nature.
A Comparison of Miller Analogies Test Scores with Undergraduate and Graduate Grade-Point Averages of Graduate Students
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the Miller Analogies Test scores of graduate school students and their undergraduate grade-point averages, as well as to find the relationship between Miller Analogies Test scores and the grade-point averages in graduate school of these students. A secondary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between each of the following variables: sex, age, curriculum and the performance levels of the subjects.
A Comparison of Scores Made on the MMPI and CTMM by Two Groups of Juvenile Delinquents Apprehended for Auto Theft and a Group of Non-Delinquents
The problem of this study was to determine if juvenile delinquents who commit auto theft without an accomplice differ significantly in certain characteristics from those who commit such thefts with one of more confederates. The characteristics investigated were: (1) scores made on individual scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and (2) intellectual ability as measured by the California Short-Form Test of Mental Maturity. Furthermore, the same characteristics were examined to determine if a significant difference existed between each of the groups of juvenile delinquents and a group of juveniles who did not have a record of delinquency and attended Sunday School classes regularly.
A Comparison of the Cuisenaire Method of Teaching Arithmetic with a Conventional Method
The problem of this investigation was to determine the effectiveness of the Cuisenaire method of teaching arithmetic to fourth graders, as compared with a traditional conventional method. Furthermore, a secondary aspect of the problem was to compare performances of the experimental and control groups when classified according to sex.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Modern and Traditional Methods of Teaching the Social Studies in the Eighth Grade
The problem of this study was to determine, if possible, whether any significant difference in achievement existed when eighth-grade social studies were taught by two distinct methods, namely, the traditional and the progressive.
Constancy of Sociometric Scores and their Relation to Other Psychological Variables
The problem under consideration in this study is to determine the constancy of sociometric scores in their relationship to the constancy of scores of some measures of achievement within a group of thirty-seven children enrolled in an elementary school of McKinney, Texas.
The Diagnostic Potential of Subtest Score Variability in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
This study was concerned with testing two hypotheses frequently made in the interpretation of performance on the Children's Scale. The first hypothesis is that maladjustment is directly related to the amount of scatter and the second stresses that the specificity of maladjustment may be determined by the pattern of successes and failures.
Differences between High and Low Creative University Students on an Objective Measure of Personality
This study was conducted to determine if high-creative college students differ from low-creative college students on an objective measure of personality. An additional purpose was to determine if university drama majors are more creative than non-drama majors.
Differences in Personality Characteristics among Two Groups of Art Majors Varying in Creativity and a Control Group
The present study is somewhat exploratory in nature in that it is interested in determining some of the factors which correlate with creativity. The study will limit itself to investigating the factors measured by Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire as they relate to creativity among high and low Creative art majors and non-art majors. To this end, it is hypothesized that a difference will be found among the mean scores of the three groups for at least thirteen of the sixteen factors.
Differences in Social Behavior Between Elementary School Children Who Have Attended Nursery School and Those Who Have Not Attended Nursery School
The purpose of this study is to attempt to discover any observable differences in social behavior between elementary school pupils who have attended nursery school and those who have had no nursery school experience.
Differential Diagnostic Factors of the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
The primary purpose of the study is to evaluate the ability of the Bender Gestalt to differentiate between two groups of psychiatric patients. A second aspect of the study concerns itself with the ability of the Bender Gestalt to differentiate between psychiatric patients and normals.
Education in Ellis County, Texas
This primary purpose of this thesis is to explore the progression of education within Ellis County. The first two chapters focus on how the county was founded, the first settlements, the formation of towns and economic developments. The rest of the paper gives the history and development of education, specifically the early schools of the county, the beginning of public schools, and the more recent trends of education.
Educational Background and Judgment Ability in a Group of 300 Delinquent Boys as Reflected by the Information and Comprehension Subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
It was the purpose of this study to attempt to discover if the educational background and judgment ability of juvenile delinquents are markedly impaired, as indicated by the Information and Comprehension subtest scores of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
Effect of Anxiety on Achievement Test Scores of Children in the Sixth Grade
The purpose of the present study will be to test the relation between Test Anxiety Scores and Stanford-Achievement Test scores and to determine whether there sill be differences of significant values within the sub-tests on the achievement tests.
The Effect of Ego-Involvement and Anxiety on Learning
It is the purpose of this study to determine if ego-involvement influences the performance of an individual in a learning situation.
The Effect of Feelings of Insecurity on Personality Characteristics of Institutionalized Adolescent Boys
This study was an investigation of the relationship between feelings of insecurity of institutionalized delinquent boys and the following personality variables: Ascendancy, Responsibility, Emotional Stability, Sociability, Cautiousness, Original Thinking, Personal Relations, and Vigor.
The Effect of Induced Motivation on the I.Q. Scores of Negro Children
The purpose of the present study was to further investigate the effects of motivation on the intellectual attainment of Negro children. In view of previous research and realizing the importance of related study on inventive and achievement, the following hypothesis was proposed: Inducement of motivation between pre-and post-administrations of Form A of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test would result in significantly greater magnitude of change in scores for the experimental group of Negro children than for the control group.
The Effect of White Noise on a Visual Discrimination Task
Previous studies have demonstrated that in some instances certain types of auditory stimulation have facilitated a subject's ability at a visual task while in other instances, the subject's ability has been inhibited. The primary objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of auditory stimulation upon a subject's performance on a visual discrimination task.
The Effectiveness of Sophisticated Toys in Play-Therapy with Twelve Year Old Children
It is the aim of this investigation to compare the use of normally recommended toys, ordinarily used in the play-therapy setting, with more sophisticated, "grown-up" toys, when working with twelve-year-old children.
Effectiveness of the American Junior Red Cross
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the American Junior Red Cross. Special emphasis was given to the development, benefits, and services of Dallas County Chapter of the American Junior Red Cross.
The Effectiveness of the K D Proneness Scale in the Identification and Detection of Juvenile Delinquency
The present investigation was focused on the problem of identification and detection of Juvenile delinquency. The purpose of the study was to determine if Juvenile delinquents whose first offenses were runaway or auto theft differ significantly from non-delinquents of a church group. The two delinquent groups were examined to determine if a significant difference existed.
The Effects of Concrete, Symbolic, and Verbal Reinforcement of the Discrimination Learning of Moderately and Severely Retarded Boys
The present study is an attempt to determine which of several different types of reinforcers is most effective in discrimination learning using institutionalized mentally retarded boys of different intellectual levels as subjects. If one type of reinforcement works more effectively in conditioning one level of institutionalized mentally retarded subject, then that type of reinforcement could be used to greater advantage in controlling behavior than some other, less effective kind of reinforcer.
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