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An Analysis and Evaluation of the Elementary Science Curricula in the State Universities and Leading Teachers Colleges in the United States
The purpose of this study is to determine the status of elementary science curricula in the different state universities and the leading teachers colleges in the United States.
An Analysis and Evaluation of the Recreation Program of the Callisburg Public School and Community
The purpose of this study is to analyze the recreation program of the Callisburg community in Cook County, Texas, to determine the extent to which it meets accepted standards for a community recreation program.
Analysis and Evaluation of the Role of Public Relations in Leasing Dallas Petroleum Center
The problem in this study was to discover if the public relations program of the Dallas Petroleum Center was useful in leasing and if the program played a significant role in a leasing increase. The study was carried out by describing the development of the building project, by analyzing the planning and execution of the public relations program, by testing the program's effectiveness, and by drawing conclusions about the program and by making recommendations for this specific program and for office leasing in general. The effectiveness of the program was tested by questionnaires and interviews. The public relations program proved to be an effective tool in leasing office space; and a similar program was recommended for other buildings.
An Analysis and Evaluation of Two Methods of Teaching Language Arts
This study compares and and provides an evaluation of language arts progress made by elementary school children using two different methods of instruction. One traditional method stressed grammar and the other experimentally focused on mechanics.
An Analysis and Production Book for a Staging of Jerry Bock's and Sheldon Harnick's The Apple Tree
The problem with which this study is concerned is that of critically analyzing and producing the musical comedy The Apple Tree. The study attempts to adapt some of the major unifying elements of this production and, in addition, unite the show through the use of color. The study also attempts to update the production through an extension of symbolism based on the style of Peter Max; to produce a major musical comedy in a stylized and symbolic style, and to show how a stylized and symbolic method of production can be used to achieve simplicity and unity within the confines of a limited budget.
An Analysis and Production of The Music Man
This investigation was based on a production performed by the Irving, Texas, Community Theatre in March, 1978, directed by the author of this thesis. The paper concerned the problems of producing a play under adverse conditions, such as lack of money, inadequate technical equipment, and a small stage. Chapter I included an investigation of the reviews of the original production in order to establish criteria by which to judge the Irving production. Chapters II and III dealth with varied technical aspects and their application under the adverse conditions. Examples of the technical factors were included in Chapter IV, with a scene synopsis. Chapter V contained a primarily favorable analysis based on the critic's and the audience's judgments, indicating most production elements to be successful.
The Analysis and Some of the Factors Associated with High School Transfers in Hill County
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the thirteen accredited high schools in Hill County to determine some of the factors associated with high school transfers in Hill County, and their results.
An Analysis, as Revealed by the Wire Recorder, of the Methods Used by Ten Selected Business Mathematics Students in Solving Stated Problems
Many studies have been made concerning the difficulties which business mathematics students have in solving stated problems. Such studies have been made by analyzing the student's errors as they appear on written solutions to problems, and, as a result, many errors are overlooked. Errors in the thinking process, and failure to read the problem a sufficient number of times are responsible for many errors made by students. Such errors are not apparent on written solutions, but would be revealed through oral solutions as recorded on a wire recorder. The purpose of this study, then, is to analyze the errors revealed by a wire recorder, along with errors on written solutions, and to classify and tabulate the errors from both sources.
An Analysis of a First Year of Participation in the Texas Health Education Program by the Sanger School
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the values and results of one year's participation of the Sanger School in a three-year Texas Health Education Program (Texas Extended School and Community Health Program) in order to determine an adequate basis for making recommendations for the further development of this program.
An Analysis of a Sample of County Welfare Families with a Record of Pregnancy Causing Increases in Welfare Expenditures
This is a study of families that had pregnancies while they were recipients or potential recipients of public assistance.
Analysis of Age-Grade and other Indices of Pupil Progress in the Primary Grades
The problem set forth in this study is to determine the causes of delay in school progress in the Bowie, Texas, elementary schools, and in which grade or grades the delay occurs.
An Analysis of American Choral Folk Music Currently Available in Domestic Publication
The traditional music of America in collection is musically representative of pioneer settlements of the country from Mexico to Canada and from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. To insure that each section of this vast country was musically represented naturally would require a systematic and thorough coverage by those persons who have made this work their primary concern for a good many years. A look at the map of these United States gives the observer an acute awareness of the stupendous undertaking for those who were first to begin their trek into the regions of the land where folk song abounds, into communities into which fast-moving civilization has been slow to penetrate. Early in their history these communities were isolated because of the hardships and dangers of travel. With the spread of civilization, however, the country was tamed and became more densely populated so that the growth of folk song and traditions within the social life of these isolated communities was a natural sequence.
An Analysis of Appropriate Science Material for the Teaching of Elementary Science in the Jefferson School of Sherman, Texas
The purpose of this study is to investigate the current methods of teaching and the available science material for the teaching of elementary science in order to prepare a proposed plan of instruction for the seventh and eighth grades of Jefferson School for the 1941-1942 school year.
An Analysis of Attitudes toward the Role of the PTA and its Communication of Goals and Programs
The purpose of this study is to examine some aspects the Parent Teacher Association through designing a questionnaire, administering it to individuals involved to some degree in the organization, evaluating the data received, and then making knowledgeable observations about it. The specific aspects to be examined are its role and its communication of goals and programs as seen by several groups. Although the scope is limited to the Texas PTA, attitudes toward PTA in general are reflected in the responses.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with School Progress
This thesis is an analysis of certain factors associated with school progress of students of the graduating class of the Hillsboro Junior High School for 1940. The study is limited to considering the effect of age, attendance, environment, and economic status on progress during four years that these students attended junior high school.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with Teacher Supply and Demand in Texas
The problem of this study is to determine what are the factors associated with teacher supply and demand in Texas, to analyze and interpret these factors, and to offer recommendations regarding the problem.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with Teachers' Use of Credit
The purpose of this study is to determine what factors make it necessary for teachers to seek credit, how the credit needs of teachers are now being met, and possible solutions for the problems that exist because of these conditions.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Related to the Freedom of Teaching in Texas
The purpose of this study is to make an analysis of certain factors as they are related to freedom of teaching in Texas. This study will include community relations as well as the conditions within the classroom, as for example, the freedom in discussing controversial ideas.
An Analysis of Commercial Courses Offered in District Eight by Thirty-One Texas Public High Schools, Members of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
The purpose of the study is to show the similarity and dissimilarity of the business curricula in the thirty-one Texas public high schools of District Eight, members of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
An Analysis of Community Attitudes Toward the "Bowie News" as a News-Advertising Medium
This study measured attitudes of newspaper staff members, advertisers, subscribers, and power structure members toward the Bowie News as a news and advertising medium. Three hypotheses were tested: that members of the power structure would have a more favorable attitude toward the Bowie News than other readers; that the Bowie News would play an active role as an instrument of the power structure; and that all four publics would differ in their perception of the newspaper's role in getting information to the community. The hypotheses were tested by a t test and rejected. Publics' attitudes were homogeneous. It was concluded that the Bowie News reflects consensus opinion within the community and is a trusted news source.
An Analysis of Democracy in Special Education
The problem of this study is to make an analysis of some democratic procedures for planning and conducting special education for exceptional children.
An Analysis of Distribution Patterns of Amphibians and Reptiles in Texas
The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Texas by means of the methods of Webb and Hagmeier and Stults. An additional graphical analysis was made, including range and range limits which provides a cross-section of faunal change along selected base lines across the state.
An Analysis of Educational Equalization Legislation in Texas
It is the purpose of this study to make the following investigations: (1) to trace briefly the historical background of equalization in the United States; (2) to present briefly a cross-section of the plans of equalization used by representative states in the United States; (3) to analyze the principal legal provisions of the equalization laws of Texas for the purpose of showing the growth and development of the State's equalization policy; and (4) to present a summary, to draw conclusions, and to make certain recommendations in the light of the information derived from the study.
An Analysis of Ferris First-Grade Reading Program in Relation to Recognized Plans for Progress
The problem of the study was to analyze the first-grade reading program of the elementary school of Ferris, Texas, in relation to the recognized plans for progress in first-grade reading.
An Analysis of Four Seattle Repertory Theatre Seasons: 1970-1974
The Seattle Repertory Theatre is one of the most successful regional theatre companies in the country. This study attempts to determine the components-of its success. It concludes that the unique community acceptance and support of the Seattle Repertory Theatre is due primarily to the innovations of its Artistic Director, W. Duncan Ross, including a departure from the "permanent company" repertory theatre concept to a more flexible "nucleus company" supported by special guest artists, a shift in play selection emphasis from traditional dramatic plays to more contemporary and comedic works, and shortened .duration for each play from four to three weeks. Also examined are the growth of American Theatre, Ross's community involvement, guest directors, critical acceptance, and audience attendance.
Analysis of Interrelationships between Climate Change and Cotton Yield in Texas High Plains
The Texas High Plains produces the most substantial amount of cotton in Texas. The region is a semi-arid area with limited precipitation, and it is, therefore, susceptible to climate change. Cotton production in the Texas High Plains is mostly dependent on irrigation to increase yield. The overall goal of this research was to study the interrelationships between climate change and cotton yield using correlation analysis and also to study how climate has changed in the region using trend analysis. A three-decade data (1987-2017) was analyzed to establish the relationship between climate change and cotton and also to determine how climate has changed in the area over the last 30 years. The research used precipitation and temperature data to assess climate change.The results of this research showed that annual mean temperature has lesser impacts on cotton yield, and the correlation between annual precipitation and cotton yield is insignificant. It also found out that high rates of temperature at the boll opening stage of cotton growth results in decreased cotton yield and that at the boll development and boll opening stages, precipitation is needed. Again, the research indicated that, on average, there had been a significant increase in temperature, but precipitation trends are insignificant. About 60% of cotton acreage in the area is irrigated. Therefore the research also found out that increasing trends of cotton yield may contribute to the decline of groundwater in the area.
Analysis of Items on a Personality Questionnaire
The purpose of this study is to determine which items on a personality rating scale are most valid in describing individuals who have been selected on the basis of social acceptance.
An Analysis of Jaques Ibert’s Concertino Da Camera for Alto Saxophone and Eleven Instruments
This paper provides historical background for the creation of Jacques Ibert's Concertino da camera for alto saxophone and eleven instruments and analyzes its three movements. As one of the first works written for the saxophone, James Garland Riggs explains the importance of the piece.
An Analysis of Methods of Promoting Country Music Records in the Atlanta, Georgia Area
This study examined promoting recorded country music from Atlanta, Georgia, and explored why Atlanta is important in this field. It was learned, through interviews, that promoters wanted radio airplay and top trade publication chart ratings. Radio station program directors decided upon playlists from reading trade publications, efforts by record promoters, listener requests and focus groups, and from reported sales. Stores used album and poster displays, charts, and played music for promotion. The business is one of personalities and experience, as much as product promoted. Large conglomerates are fast changing it.
Analysis of Micro Enterprise Clusters in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Toluca, Mexico.
Businesses cluster to achieve agglomeration benefits. However, research in developing countries suggests that the economic environment limits small business’ propensity to benefit from agglomerations. The study examines the location, networking patterns, formal structures and owner characteristics of 1256 micro businesses from ten industries and thirteen sample areas in Toluca, Mexico. First, the thesis analyses whether clustering has a positive impact on the success rates of the surveyed enterprises, e.g. higher sales per employee. On an industry scale only Retail benefits from agglomerations economies. However, results of the neighborhood data show that specific areas benefit from urbanization economies. Overall, the study finds that businesses located within agglomerations, have higher levels of formalization, networking and professional training, hence constituting a more sophisticated base for economic development. Conclusions can be drawn for development policies and programs, arguing for a more differentiated approach of small business development depending on business location and cluster characteristics.
An Analysis of Money Spent by Certain Boarding Houses Patronized by Men and Women of the North Texas State Teachers College
1. A study was made of the food habits of college students. 2. Nine women's and five men's boarding houses contributed data over a period of 15 to 84 consecutive days regarding food purchases and the number served. 3. The individual houses reported from 24 to 323 students fed daily. 4. In no case was the food expenditure for fruits and vegetables less than 20 per cent, the range being 21 to 38 per cent. 5. The money spent for milk and milk products was greater for the men's houses than for the women's; five of the eight women's houses exceeded the 20 per cent mark while two of the five men's houses exceeded it. 6. The portion of the food dollar spent for meat, fish, eggs, and poultry on the whole was high, the range being 18 to 40 per cent. 7. None of the houses spent a fifth of the food expenditure for bread and cereals, the range being 4 to 14 per cent. 8. The large amount of money spent by women's houses for oleomargarine tended to increase the proportion of the food dollar spent for adjuncts. Two of the men's houses reported no money spent for oleomargarine. 9. The cost range per day per person for the entire study was 11 to 36 cents. 10. The average cost of feeding a man student was 4 and 1/2 cents more per day than that of feeding a woman student.
An Analysis of One Hundred Divorce Suits Filed in Dallas County, Texas, May and June, 1948
The problem is limited to an analysis of the first one hundred divorce suits involving children filed in Dallas County, Texas, during the months of May and June, 1948. The general factors considered are: (a) family background; (b) age; (c) educational background; (d) economic status; (e) previous marital relations; and (f) the number of children.
Analysis of Perceptions and Demographic Factors of Selected College Students' Vote in the 1972 Presidential Election
"The present investigation was concerned with college students' perceptions of candidates in the 1972 Presidential Election."--[1].
An Analysis of Personnel Programs Currently in Use in Selected Texas Banks
It is the purpose of this study to survey and appraise the personnel programs currently in use in selected Texas banks.
An Analysis of Propaganda in the Yellow Rain Controversy
The use of arguments containing increasingly technical materials has grown significantly in the recent years. Specifically, arguments that are used to justify military expenditures or to allege violations of international agreements are becoming more sophisticated. This study examines the dissemination and use of technical argument in claims made by the United States government that the Soviet Union violated chemical and biological treaties in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan. This study employs the Jowett-O'Donnell method for analyzing propaganda to determine the extent and effectiveness of the government's claims. The study concludes that propaganda was used extensively by the government in order to justify new weapons programs and that the propaganda campaign was effective because of the technological orientation of its claims.
An Analysis of Refuse Derived Fuel as an Environmentally Acceptable Fuel Alternative for the Cement Industry
Resource recovery is an attractive alternative to the waste disposal problem. The chief by-product of this process, refuse derived fuel (RDF) can be co-fired in traditional coal burning facilities. The cement industry is a potential user of RDF. This study, based on a test burn done at Texas Industries Inc. in Midlothian, Texas, demonstrated the technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of using RDF fuel in a cement kiln. Technically, the cement showed no deleterious effects when RDF was substituted for coal/natural gas at 20% by Btu content. Environmentally, acid rain gases were reduced. Economically, RDF was shown to be a cost effective fuel substitute if a resource recovery facility was erected on site.
An Analysis of Relations of Popularity to Certain Factors in Learning
Today educators are faced with the task of shifting the aim of education from that of teaching subject matter to that of providing experiences that are effective in stimulating wholesome personality development. With this in mind the writer was interested in providing opportunities and experiences for the development of efficient, balanced, harmonious, dynamic personalities, and in observing the relationship existing between these factors, social acceptance, home environment or socio-economic status, and the intelligence quotient, and the effects of these relationships upon the child's school success or academic status.
An Analysis of Scientific Learning in Growing Silkworms
The purpose of this study is to give the results of a science experiment in an elementary grade in raising silkworms. The purpose of the experiment was not to learn the laws and principles of science, but to determine whether the life cycle of the silkworm would create a greater interest in the field of science.
An Analysis of Senior High School Government Courses in the Public Schools of Texas
To provide a better understanding of civil government as taught in the public senior high schools of Texas, this study investigates the scope of subject matter now included in the course, the method of presentation of the students, and suggests possible improvement toward solution.
Analysis of Social Communication Network of Families within a Mobile Home Community
The study focuses on social interaction networks in Vacation Village Estates mobile home community. Analysis involves relevant data from an eleven-item questionnaire obtaining demographic variables and results of fifty-seven participating families' mutual ratings on an Acquaintance Volume Scale, ranging from 5, "very close friend," to 1, "do not know." Specifically examined were two social interaction constellations, reciprocal choices, high-scoring families and isolates. Three hypotheses tested measured greater length of residence, greater similarity of occupations, and greater similarity of religious activity, as relevant to "the greater amount of social interaction." Hypothesis 1, "greater length of residence," tested with correlation coefficient and F score was retained at .05 level of significance. Remaining hypotheses were rejected not achieving significance.
An Analysis of some Possible Organizations for the Schools of Wise County, Texas
This problem is to determine what form of organization has most advantages for the schools of Wise County, Texas.
An Analysis of Teachers' Ratings of Pupils as Bright or Dull
This thesis resulted from an examination conducted to determine teacher ability to identify individual student capability based on rapport between the two parties.
An Analysis of the 4:2:1 Documentary
As a Chinese filmmaker, I feel obligated to reveal a true story about Chinese international students. Through my subjects and my stories, I am planning to express the messages that both adapting to a new culture and paying the financial cost of a foreign education have never been simple, but we will never give up our dreams.
An Analysis of the Activity Program Offered at El Centro, Denton's Youth Center
"The problem of this thesis is to determine through survey and comparative study the effect of the activity program of Denton's El Centro, the youth center, on the youth of the City of Denton...methods of operation and internal organization of youth centers, the purpose of the centers and the results of some of the activities are outlined. Members of the Denton youth center were interviewed; the information gained from the interviews was recorded on prepared questionnaires. Various types of activities at Denton's youth center are discussed. The study also attempts to reveal by means of tables those activities which are more important to the male youth of Denton. A discussion of the treatment of the youth problem is given with conclusions based upon the principles and practices set forth in the foregoing chapters."-- leaf 2.
An Analysis of the Adequacy of the Health Program in Certain Texas High Schools
This thesis examines the state of Texas high school health programs using federal standards first established seven years previously.
An Analysis of the Alexander Cooper Report on Housing for the Central Business District of Dallas
The questions arising over the deterioration of the 0BD have brought this topic to the attention of the public. This thesis will discuss the Central Business District of D311a5 and its decline. In order to study alternatives to these downward trends, the Central Business District Association of Dallas commissioned Alexander Cooper to make. an analysis of the possibilities for one alternative, namely, housing. The purpose of this study is to examine the le.rander Cooper Report on housing. The facts presented in this thesis will provide an analytical base of urban theory from which a discussion of housing prospects will be initiated. The feasibility of dointovm housing construction will 'be examined as it is presented in the Cooper Report.
An Analysis of the Background Data of Fifty Students Who Failed in the College of Home Economics, Syracuse University
The problem of academic failure has been of real concern to the administration and faculty at Syracuse University. The study at hand is concerned specifically with the problem in the College of Home Economics. Through a study of the data known about students at the time of entrance into the College, it was thought that a better basis for selection night be recommended for the admission of students to the College. Such questions as the following arise in the mind of the research worker: 1. Do the group psychological tests given at the University at the time of entrance give us one basis by which we may predict probable academic success or failure? 2. Are the known high school quartiles dependable bases for selection of successful students? 3. Are there factors in the family backgrounds of these students that.may be significant in their selection? 4. Does an objective personality test have validity as a predictive factor in the success of a student? 5. Do we have any anecdotal records that reveal significant differences in personal adjustment between successful and failed students? 6. Are we able to predict the probable success of failed students upon readmission? 7. Do we have any combination of factors that may be significant in predicting the probable success of a student?
An Analysis of the Background Variables of Negro High School Youth in the Texas Cooperative Youth Study
The purpose of the Texas Cooperative Youth Study was to gather basic data on the problems and interests of youth from youth themselves, their teachers, and their parents in the stages of early, middle, and late adolescence. The study was made to determine interests, attitudes, and concerns of youth in relation to home and family life; to determine whether homemaking education in the school takes into account these concerns and attitudes; and to find out whether interest in homemaking education is related to selected background and sociological variables.
An Analysis of the Boys' Physical Education Programs in the Approved Junior High Schools of Texas and a Comparison of the Findings with the Standards Recommended by the Texas State Department of Education in Bulletin 444
The investigator established the following purposes for the study: 1. To analyze the program of activities for boys' physical education in the approved junior high schools of Texas. 2. To make a survey of the equipment and facilities provided cor the boys' physical education programs. 3. To determine the status of the teaching personnel for the boys' physical education programs in regard to qualifications, professional preparation, duties, and experience. 4. To compare the findings of the study with the standards recommended in Bulletin 444.
An Analysis of the Changes and the Development of Negro Education in Rural Harrison County, 1940-1950
"The problem of this study is to trace the changes and the development of Negro education in rural Harrison County, Texas, from 1940-1950." --pg. 1
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