Search Results

An Analysis of the Contribution of a Given Educational System to the Defense of Democracy
The purpose of this study is four-fold: (1) to present through an analysis of life needs the nature and source of a curriculum best adapted to democracy; (2) to present fairly some of the reasons why a curriculum must be founded on democracy if democracy survives the dangerous forces that threaten to obliterate its very existence; (3) to make an unprejudiced analysis of the regular situation now existing in Oklahoma schools at the present time to find whether her schools are meeting this challenge to democracy; and (4) to offer from the comparison of the summaries of these data recommendations whereby all schools may have a curriculum "rooted in the life of its people"--a program that contributes to democracy and permanent national defense.
An Analysis of the Correspondence-improvement Program at Great American Reserve Insurance Company Dallas, Texas
A preliminary purpose of this study in the area of business communications was that of determining the status of correspondence improvement in stock life insurance companies in Dallas. However, the major purpose, which stemmed from the preliminary one, was to study intensively the approach used in Great American.
An Analysis of the Course of Study for Instrumental Music Courses in the High Schools of Texas
The purpose of this survey was to analyze the course of study in instrumental music prescribed by the Texas State Department for the high schools of the state and to determine whether or not a coordinated and well-rounded program of education in instrumental music is being offered in the schools of Texas. It was hoped, furthermore, that, by comparing this program with others elsewhere, this analysis might show whether or not Texas is following any general trend in instrumental music education.
An Analysis of the Dallas Morning News Used Car Advertisements of Twenty Automobile Dealers for the Month of April
"It is the purpose of this study to determine the type of appeal, the size and cost, the plan of insertions, and the extent superlatives are used in The Dallas Morning News used car advertisements of twenty automobile dealers during the month of April. Fourteen advertising appeals were used by the twenty automobile dealers advertising in The Dallas Morning News in the month of April. The fourteen appeals used were: efficiency, friendliness, style, curiosity, safety, convenience-comfort, economy reliability-reputation, durability-dependability, social distinction, fear-caution, ambition, pleasure, and family affection. The economy was the one most used appeal by the dealer. As shown in Table 12, the number of advertising appeals used corresponds or exceeds very little the total number of advertising insertions. Excepting one case, the dealers place the largest advertisements in the Sunday paper. The general procedure was that of placing large advertisements in the Sunday paper and smaller ones throughout the week. The total cost for the twenty automobile dealers was $6,452.08. The total advertising cost per dealer ranged from $38.20 to $1613.81. Only nine of the twenty dealers used superlatives in advertising during the month of April. The nine dealers used nine different superlatives for a total of 281 times."--leaves 1 and 35.
The Analysis of the Demand for Residential Water in the City of Denton
The main objective of this study is to analyze the demand for water in Denton. The data used for the study are obtained from the City of Denton Utilities Department, the Tax Appraisal District and government documents. The 121 households which have perfect ten years historical data of water consumption were selected to be the representatives of all households in Denton. The study reveals that the change in water consumption significantly relates to the change in marginal price. Furthermore, the weather variables also have strong effects on the water consumption, especially during summer. The coefficients of income and a "difference" variable are found to have the opposite sign but are not equal in magnitude. In fact, they should be equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign. While the estimated coefficients on all independent variables were highly significant statistically, the resulting coefficient on the house size variable was statistically insignificant in the model test. The results show that the difference variable is required in the model. It also had some effect on the water consumption. It is found that there is a small change in water consumption when the lot size is increased.
Analysis of the Distribution of the Public School Funds
The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the present laws for distributing the public school funds meet certain criteria set up for apportioning the public school funds of Texas.
An Analysis of the Enrollment in the Academic and Non-Academic Courses in the Senior High Schools of Texas, 1947-1948
The purpose of this study is to analyze the enrollment in the academic and non-academic courses taught in the senior high schools of Texas.
An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Consumer Co-operation in the United States
A study of consumer cooperation in the United States relating to education, labor, business, religion, and government.
Analysis of the Financing of Church Building Programs
This study was an analysis of current financing of building programs of selected Protestant churches in the State of Texas.
An Analysis of the Guidance Needs and Problems Among the Women Students at North Texas State Teachers College
The intent and purposes of this study are (1) to discover the extent of the guidance needs and problems which confront the women students in North Texas State Teachers College and the extent to which the students are adjusting and developing into normal and socially effective individuals; (2) to interpret the data collected from the individual questionnaires in order that plans for a more adequate and effective guidance program may be made, and to offer a functional basis for individual and group guidance; and (3) to measure their present needs and problems in relation to personal and social adjustments as individuals and as groups.
An Analysis of the Health Program, to Determine its Adequacy in Meeting the Child's Needs, of the Elementary Schools of Cities the Size of Cleburne, Texas
This study is for the purpose of making a critical analysis of the health program of the white elementary public schools of Cleburne, Texas with implications for other other cities of corresponding size. This analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of such a health program in light of certain evaluative criteria. It is intended to call attention to the existing facilities for adequate health instruction, the need, if any, for more and better facilities and the need for teacher training in this field.
An Analysis of the Hobbies of Sixth Grade Girls of Twelve Elementary Schools of Dallas, Texas
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of girls enrolled in the sixth grade in twelve elementary schools of Dallas, Texas, who had hobbies; what types of hobbies had been selected; what factors had influenced their choice of hobbies; and the duration of the hobbies.
An Analysis of the Hobbies of the Fifth Grade Boys of Twelve Elementary Schools of Dallas, Texas
"The purpose of this study was to determine the percent of boys who had hobbies; what influenced their choice of hobbies; what types of hobbies were selected; what were their recreational, educational, and vocational values; and what were their environmental influences...One hundred and ninety-eight questionnaires were filed out in the schools that were in the high economic districts, one hundred ninety-one in the medium districts, and one hundred ninety-seven in the low districts. This made a total of five hundred and sixty-five questionnaires used in the analysis... Comparisons and analyses of all the groups were made by means of numbers, percentages, and averages. "-- leaves 3,7
An Analysis of the Impact of Medicare: a Case Study of Flow Memorial Hospital, Denton, Texas
"The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the medicare law on a particular hospital: Flow Memorial Hospital, Denton, Texas. The scope of this study is limited to an analysis of changes in hospital car at Flow Memorial Hospital resulting from medicare. These changes are examined on the basis of 1. number of patients and days of care; 2. hospital services by department; 3. the means of payment; and 4. social characteristics of the aged patient group. A detailed examination of aged patient care was made for the fiscal years 1966 and 1967. The 1966 year was the year immediately preceding medicare. The 1967 year was the first year of medicare. Longer time periods were used where the data were available and pertinent."-- leaf 1.
An Analysis of the Industrial Arts Program of the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas
This study is an analysis of the industrial arts program of the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas.
Analysis of the Interscholastic League Activities in the Elementary Schools of Texas
The purpose of this study is to present an analysis of University Interscholastic League activities in the light of modern objectives and principles and to evaluate the reaction of the elementary school teachers and principals to the League activities as they affect children, teachers, and the community. It will attempt to point out and analyze the objectives and principles for elementary school activities. It is hoped that it will cause elementary school teachers and principals of the state to cooperate in solving the problem of Interscholastic League activities in the elementary schools of Texas.
An Analysis of the Job Requirements for Interior Designers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area Compared to the Interior Design Curriculum at North Texas State University
"This study was conducted primarily to determine how relevant the interior design curriculum at North Texas State University is from the viewpoint of the practitioners of interior design in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area."--2.
An Analysis of the Musical Tastes of the Primary Children in Ten Schools Within a Radius of Fifty Miles of Bellevue, Texas
The purpose of this study is to analyze the musical tastes of the primary children in ten schools within a radius of fifty miles of Bellevue, Texas.
An Analysis of the Needs of the Northwest Independent School District and the Construction of a Possible Program to Meet those Needs
The problem in this study was to determine the needs of the people of the Northwest District by a social survey, and then, on the basis of the results of this survey and the exploring of established community programs, to construct a possible program by which these community needs could be partially or completely met.
An Analysis of the Objectives and Suggested or Illustrative Methods and Materials on the Subject of Reading in the Elementary Schools as Found in Seven State Courses of Study
The problem of this study was to analyze the objectives and methods for teaching reading in the elementary grades as they appeared in the latest available courses of study in certain states for the purpose of determining their uniformity or lack of uniformity. An effort was made to compile data on teaching reading in order to determine certain modern trends as supplementary material for the writer's teaching aids.
An Analysis of the Participant Selection Process Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act: Texas and Louisiana
Federal guidelines required prime sponsors under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, or CETA, to serve the "significant segments" of the eligible population. This study analyzes whether prime sponsors in Texas and Louisiana correctly identified and served those segments. This study finds that eligible ethnic groups were properly identified and were served equitably; age and gender distinctions, however, were inadequately observed in the providing of services.
An Analysis of the Philosophy and Trends of the High School Commercial Curriculum
This study is designed to set forth the philosophy and indicate trends in the teaching of commercial education in the high schools of the United States.
An Analysis of the Possible Need of an Aircraft Training Program in Fort Worth Vocational Education Program
The purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the extent of the airplane industry in the immediate area of Fort Worth, Texas, to determine the need, if any, of adding a course in Airplane Industry to the curriculum of the Technical High School of Fort Worth, Texas.
An Analysis of the Power Woodworking Equipment in the High Schools of Texas
The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of the power woodworking equipment used for instructional purposes in the high schools of Texas, the amount of money needed to repair and maintain the equipment now in use, the various policies followed by the schools in regard to the purchasing and maintenance of this equipment, the makes of machinery most frequently found, the average age of the equipment, and the makes and types of woodworking machines preferred by the instructors for instructional purposes.
An Analysis of the Problem of the Insecurity of Children
This study is an attempt to find causes and indications of insecurity in elementary school children. Possible solutions and ways to increase security are also explored.
An Analysis of the Public-Relations Practices of One Hundred Texas Public-School Systems
The purpose of this study has three aspects. These are, (1) to determine what constitutes sound public-relations practices as recommended by recognized authorities in this field; (2) to determine the extent to which certain public-relations practices are employed by one hundred Texas public school systems; and (3) to determine whether the public-relations programs of one hundred Texas public-school systems meet the requirements of a sound public-relations program.
An Analysis of the Qualifications and General Status of the Industrial Arts Teachers Employed in the Secondary Schools of Arkansas during the 1953-1954 School Year
This is a study to ascertain the qualifications, the general status, and in-school and out-of-school activities of the industrial arts teachers employed in the secondary schools in Arkansas in order to compare them with the qualifications and general status of the industrial arts teachers employed in the State of Texas in 1953, as reported by Jack P. Dial.
The Analysis of the Reasons for and the Lack of Attendance at the Parent-Teacher Association of the Robert E. Lee School, Denton, Texas
The problem of this study is to analyze the reasons for attendance and lack of attendance at Parent-Teacher Association meetings of sixty selected parents of the Parent-Teacher Association in the Robert E. Lee School, Denton, Texas.
An Analysis of the Relationship of Comparative Advertising and Culture in Japanese Natives in the Dallas, Texas Area
This study was designed to test whether Japanese natives who retained traditional Japanese value orientations and who resided in the Dallas, Texas area would have unfavorable attitude toward the concept of comparative television advertising. Data were collected from 104 respondents of varying sex, age, education, occupation, length of stay in the United Sates, intention of settling in the United States, and television viewing horse. All null hypotheses were accepted, indicting that cultural influence among Japanese natives in the Dallas area did not result fin unfavorable attitude toward comparative advertising despite the fact that in Japan, the name of names in advertising is counter to basic Japanese culture and tradition.
An Analysis of the Relationship of the Scores Made by Students on Aptitudes "G" and "V" and Parts "H" and "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and the Academic Grades Made in Industrial Arts
This study analyzes the converted scores made on Aptitudes "G" (intelligence) and "V" (verbal" and the raw scores made on Part "H" (three-dimensional space) and Part "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by students enrolled in beginning industrial arts courses, advanced industrial arts courses, and beginning English at North Texas State College, Denton, Texas, and the academic grades made by theses same students in order to determine what relationship exists between both the converted and raw scores made on the foregoing parts of the GATB and academic grades.
An Analysis of the Relationships of the Perceptions of College Environment by Existing Groups and Subgroups on the Campus of a Small Church-affiliated College
The CUES II was used to investigate and analyze the campus environment of a small church-affiliated college in California.
An Analysis of the School News Appearing in Seven Navarro County Newspapers in so far as the News Pertains to Twelve School Districts
The problem in this study is to determine and evaluate the practices of twelve small town schools in Navarro County in giving information about the schools to the people of the communities through the newspapers of the county.
An Analysis of the Seasonal Food Habits of Two Species of Texas Centrarchids
This thesis explores the feeding habits of sunfish and bluegill in Texas lakes. Data gathered for this study is aimed to aid conservation of these pan fish by making a contribution toward a greater life history understanding of each species.
An Analysis of the Service of the Children's Division of the Dallas Public Library
The general purpose of this study is to make a survey of children's library work in the United States with special attention to recent trends and developments in this field as revealed in current practice. The specific purpose is to make an evaluation of the services rendered by the children's division of the Dallas Public Library and to determine how this department measures up to the standards set up by the American Library Association and by individual authorities.
An Analysis of the Sources of Tax Revenue of the State of Texas
The study proposes to analyze the tax sources of the State of Texas and to evaluate these sources on the basis of certain principles of sound taxation.
An Analysis of the Texas University Interscholastic League One-Act Play Directors as Drama Teachers
The purpose of this study is to determine (1) what training is recommended for high school teachers of drama, (2) what training the high school teachers of drama actually have, (3) what job situation is recommended for the high school teacher of drama, and (4) what job situation the high school teachers of drama in the State of Texas actually have. This study should determine if there is a significant relationship between what a high school drama teacher should be and what the high school drama teachers of Texas actually are.
An Analysis of the Trend Away from the Traditional Democratic Party in Texas Presidential Elections, 1932-1948
The purpose of this paper will be to look into the election returns to find some of the factors which have caused the trend of voters shifting away from the Democratic party towards the Republican party in presidential elections.
An Analysis of the Utilization of Community Resources in the Educational Program of Wise County, Texas
The problem forming the basis of this study has to do with an analysis of the degree of utilization of the community resources in the educational programs of the independent school districts of Wise County, Texas, for the purpose of determining how adequately these resources are being utilized by the schools for the enrichment of their curricula to the end that pupils may be released into their respective communities well-prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of efficient, functioning citizens.
An Analytical Study of Basketball Goal Shooting in Fifteen Girls' Commercial Basketball Games of the Major City and Industrial Leagues of Fort Worth, Texas, during the Season of 1951-1952
The investigator became interested in the status of basketball goal shooting in modern girls' basketball as compared to that of boys' goal shooting. Types of shots, their frequency and accuracy, and the zones on the court from which they were taken, were all considered as components of the status of basketball goal shooting. It was on the basis of this interest that the present study was undertaken.
An Analytical Study of Basketball Shooting in Twenty Intercollegiate Basketball Games for Men in Selected Colleges in the Southwest Region of the United States During the Season of 1948-1949
The investigator made an analytical study of basketball shooting in twenty intercollegiate basketball games for men in selected colleges in the southwest region of the United States during the season of 1948-1949.
An Analytical Study of Characteristics of Sixth- and Seventh-Grade Boys who were Non-Participants in Playground Activities of the Trinity Heights Elementary School, Dallas, Texas, with Implications for the Modification of the Playground Program to Meet the Needs of Such Boys
The investigator undertook to make an analytical study of boys in the sixth and seventh grades in the Trinity Heights Elementary School of Dallas, Texas, who tend to be non-participants in playground activities and, on the basis of the study, to draw implications for the future guidance of such boys in group participation in such activities.
An Analytical Study of Conditioning Programs for Interscholastic Girls' Championship Basketball Teams
An analytical study was made concerning conditioning programs conducted by coaches of Conference AA and Conference AAA Texas senior high school girls' basketball teams which progressed to district championships in University Interscholastic League competition during the 1957-1958 season.
An Analytical Study of the Instructional Procedures Utilized by the Coaching Staff at the Grand Prairie High School, Grand Prairie, Texas, in the Teaching of the T-Wing Football Formation
The purposes of this study may be stated as follows: 1. To analyze the instructional procedures utilized by the coaching staff in the development of the T-wing football formation at the Grand Prairie High School, Grand Prairie, Texas. 2. To gain a better understanding of the functions of the T-wing football formation as it is taught at the Grand Prairie High School. 3. To make recommendations and to propose further developments for the instructional procedures used in coaching the T-wing football formation at the Grand Prairie High School.
An Analytical Study of the Physical Education Program for Junior and Senior High School Girls in Fort Worth, Texas with Recommendations for Future Cooperative Program Development in Physical Education in the Two School Levels
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the girls' physical education programs in the junior and senior high schools in the Fort Worth Public Schools and to determine to what extent these programs insure the complete development of the girl, physically, mentally and socially in the two school levels.
An Analytical Study of the Practices in the Administration and Conduct of Women's Fencing Programs in Colleges in Texas with the Development of a Manual on Fencing for College Women
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of colleges within the State of Texas which offer fencing in their Women's Physical Education Programs. An attempt was made, by mailing questionnaires to sixty-two colleges in the State, to discover the number of colleges which offer fencing, and the present practices in the teaching of fencing. Since most publications on fencing are written by the "professionals and the fencing masters," an effort has also been made to develop a fencing manual to be used by the individuals who have had the fundamentals of fencing, and as a guide to the beginning fencers in order to equip them with the necessary material for teaching and learning fencing.
An Analytical Study of the Recreation Program of the Dallas County Juvenile Home Dallas, Texas
"It has been the purpose of this study to make an analysis of the recreational program at the Dallas County Juvenile Home...certain conclusions concerning the recreational program have been reached. 1. The principles upon which the recreational program is based are in line with the recommendations of the National Recreation Association. 2. In practice, recreation in the Dallas County Juvenile Home has not reached maximum efficiency. 3. The program is built largely to fill the needs of the majority of the boys who are detained at the home. 4. The program has been modified in some cases to meet the needs of the individual groups. 5. The recreation program serves as a means for the boys to express themselves; therefore, the supervisors and the case workers are able to establish better rapport with each boy. 5. The better rapport with each boy enables the case worker to determine the proper placement of the boy. 7. Through the efforts of recreation many personality adjustments have been made. 8. The study shows that the majority or 51 percent of the boys chose yard play as a first choice of activities offered at the home. 9. Because of the maintained interest of the entire staff to find and improve the defects of the program, recreation facilities have been expanded. 10. Inadequate funds limit the full use of the facilities at the home. "--leaf 67.
An Analytical Study of the Training and Conditioning Programs for Football in Selected Colleges and Universities of Texas
The purpose of this study was to determine what practices and policies were being used in the training and conditioning programs for football, the similarities and differences of the training and conditioning programs for football, and to recommend a training and conditioning program for football in colleges based upon the present practices of colleges and universities of Texas.
An Analytical Study of the Variation of Five Factors that Affect Learning
The problem of this study is to determine the variation of five factors that affect learning, and to ascertain whether or not the variation in the five factors considered affected the learning of two groups of pupils.
Analyzing Tuberculosis Vulnerability and Variables in Tarrant County
Over 9 million new cases of tuberculosis (TB) were reported worldwide in 2013. While the TB rate is much lower in the US, its uneven distribution and associated explanatory variables require interrogation in order to determine effective strategies for intervention and control. However, paucity of case data at fine geographic scales precludes such research. This research, using zip code level data from 837 confirmed TB cases in Tarrant County obtained from Texas Department of State Health Services, explores and attempts to explain the spatial patterns of TB and related risk markers within a framework of place vulnerability. Readily available census data is then used to characterize the spatial variations in TB risk. The resulting model will enable estimations of the geographic differences in TB case variables using this readily available census data instead of time-consuming and expensive individual data collection.
Anger/Hostility: Reliability of Measurement and Correlates of Health History
The purpose of this study was to (1) assess the reliability and validity of anger/hostility measures, (2) examine the relationship between anger/hostility and other negative emotions, and (3) examine the relationship between anger/hostility and health history. Sixty-five subjects were given the Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), the Profile of Mood States pomsS), the Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Health and Wellness Attitude Inventory (HWAI), and a health questionnaire designed to provide information about past disease and alcohol/drug use. Overall, the BDHI and POMS displayed good test-retest reliability. All six of the global indices of anger/hostility intercorrelated at a significant level, thus demonstrating good concurrent validity. The six global measures of anger/hostility also correlated at a significant level with other negative emotions.
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