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open access

2 MV Injector as the Elise Front-End and as an Experimental Facility

Description: We report on progress in the preparation of the 2 MV Injector at LBNL as the front-end of Elise, and as a multi-purpose experimental facility for Heavy Ion Fusion beam dynamics studies. Recent advances on the performance and understanding of the injector are described, and some of the on-going experimental activities are summarized.
Date: December 7, 1999
Creator: Yu, S. S.; Eylon, S.; Henestroza, E.; Peters, C.; Reginato, L.; Tauschwitz, A. et al.
open access

2-MW plasmajet facility thermal tests of concrete. [PWR and BWR]

Description: A test was made in the 2-Megawatt Plasmajet Facility to obtain experimental data relative to the thermal response of concrete to incident heat flux. 14.6 cm diameter by 8.0 cm long concrete cylinders were positioned in a supersonic flow of heated nitrogen from an arc heater. The end of the concrete cylinders impacted by the flow were subjected to heat fluxes in the range of 0.13 to 0.35 kW/cm/sup 2/. Measurements included cold wall surface heat flux and pressure distributions, surface and indep… more
Date: July 1, 1977
Creator: Goin, Kenneth L.
open access

2-Page Summary for Neptunium solubility in the Near-field Environment of A Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository

Description: The total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, includes a wide variety of processes to evaluate the potential release of radionuclides from the Engineered Barrier System into the unsaturated zone of the geosphere. The principal processes controlling radionuclide release and mobilization from the waste forms are captured in the model to assess the dissolved concentrations of radionuclides in the source-term. The TSPA model of the source-term inc… more
Date: March 29, 2005
Creator: Sassani, D.; van Luik, A. & Summerson, J.
open access

2, Pulse-mode expansions and refractive indices in plane-wave propagation

Description: This memo presents basic background theory for treating simultaneous propagation of electromagnetic pulses of various colors, directed along a common ray, through a molecular vapor. The memo discusses some techniques for expanding the positive frequency part of the transverse electric field into pulse modes, characterized by carrier frequencies within a modulated envelope. We discuss, in the approximation of plane waves with slowly varying envelopes, a set of uncoupled envelope equations in whi… more
Date: June 20, 1987
Creator: Shore, B. W.; Sacks, R.; Karr, T.; Morris, J. & Paisner, J. A.
open access

2 x 2 Polyethylene Reflected and Moderated Highly Enriched Uranium System with Rhenium

Description: The 2 × 2 array HEU-Re experiment was performed on the Planet universal critical assembly machine on November 4th, 2003 at the Los Alamos Critical Experiments Facility (LACEF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). For this experiment, there were 10 ½ units, each full unit containing four HEU foils and two rhenium foils. The top unit contained only two HEU foils and two rhenium foils. A total of 42 HEU foils were used for this experiment. Rhenium is a desirable cladding material for space nu… more
Date: September 1, 2010
Creator: Ellis, A. Nichole; Hutchinson, Jesson; Bess, John D.; Polyakov, Dmitry N.; Glushkov, Evgeny S. & Glushkov, Alexey E.
open access Feed Processing and Handling DL2 Final Report

Description: This milestone report is the deliverable for our Feed Processing and Handling project. It includes results of wet biomass feedstock analysis, slurry pumping information, fungal processing to produce a lignin-rich biorefinery residue and two subcontracted efforts to quantify the amount of wet biomass feedstocks currently available within the corn processing and paper processing industries.
Date: September 30, 2006
Creator: Elliott, Douglas C.; Magnuson, Jon K. & Wend, Christopher F.
open access

3-D Cavern Enlargement Analyses

Description: Three-dimensional finite element analyses simulate the mechanical response of enlarging existing caverns at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The caverns are located in Gulf Coast salt domes and are enlarged by leaching during oil drawdowns as fresh water is injected to displace the crude oil from the caverns. The current criteria adopted by the SPR limits cavern usage to 5 drawdowns (leaches). As a base case, 5 leaches were modeled over a 25 year period to roughly double the volume of a 1… more
Date: March 1, 2002
open access

3-D Characterization of the Structure of Paper and Paperboard and Their Application to Optimize Drying and Water Removal Processes and End-Use Applications

Description: The three dimensional structure of paper materials plays a critical role in the paper manufacturing process especially via its impact on the transport properties for fluids. Dewatering of the wet web, pressing and drying will benefit from knowledge of the relationships between the web structure and its transport coefficients. The structure of the pore space within a paper sheet is imaged in serial sections using x-ray micro computed tomography. The three dimensional structure is reconstructed f… more
Date: August 29, 2004
Creator: Shri Ramaswamy, University of Minnesota & B.V. Ramarao, State University of New York
open access

3-D computer simulations of EM field sin the APS vacuum chamber. Part 2: Time-domain analysis

Description: Our simulations suggest that the strong peak around 4 GHz in the narrow gap observed in the measurements is generated by TE modes. Therefore, one should not worry about this peak insofar as the coupling impedance is concerned. On the other hand, some discrepancies between our simulations and the measurements are noticed and remain to be resolved.
Date: January 20, 1989
Creator: Chou, W.
open access

3-D computer simulations of EM fields in the APS vacuum chamber: Part 1, Frequency-domain analysis

Description: The vacuum chamber proposed for the storage ring of the 7-GeV Advanced Photon Source (APS) basically consists of two parts: the beam chamber and the antechamber, connected to each other by a narrow gap. A sector of 1-meter-long chamber with dosed end plates, to which are attached the 1-inch-diameter beampipes centered at the beam chamber, has been built for experimental purposes. The 3-D code MAFIA has been used to simulate the frequency-domain behaviors of EM fields in this setup. The results … more
Date: September 4, 1990
Creator: Chou, W. & Bridges, J.
open access

3-D Depth Migration via McClellan Transformations

Description: Three-dimensional seismic wavefields may be extrapolated in depth, one frequency at a time, by two-dimensional convolution with a circularly symmetric, frequency- and velocity-dependent filter. This depth extrapolation, performed for each frequency independently, lies at the heart of 3-D finite-difference depth migration. The computational efficiency of 3-D depth migration depends directly on the efficiency of this depth extrapolation. McClellan transformations provide an efficient method for b… more
Date: 1990~
Creator: Hale, D.
open access

3-D Experimental Fracture Analysis at High Temperature

Description: T*e, which is an elastic-plastic fracture parameter based on incremental theory of plasticity, was determined numerically and experimentally. The T*e integral of a tunneling crack in 2024-T3 aluminum, three point bend specimen was obtained through a hybrid analysis of moire interferometry and 3-D elastic-plastic finite element analysis. The results were verified by the good agreement between the experimentally and numerically determined T*e on the specimen surface.
Date: September 14, 2001
Creator: Jackson, John H. & Kobayashi, Albert S.
open access

3-D Finite Element Analyses of the Egan Cavern Field

Description: Three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed for the two gas-filled storage caverns at the Egan field, Jennings dome, Louisiana. The effects of cavern enlargement on surface subsidence, storage loss, and cavern stability were investigated. The finite element model simulated the leaching of caverns to 6 and 8 billion cubic feet (BCF) and examined their performance at various operating conditions. Operating pressures varied from 0.15 psi/ft to 0.9 psi/ft at the bottom of the lowest ce… more
Date: February 1, 1999
Creator: Klamerus, E.W. & Ehgartner, B.L.
open access

3-D Force-balanced Magnetospheric Configurations

Description: The knowledge of plasma pressure is essential for many physics applications in the magnetosphere, such as computing magnetospheric currents and deriving magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. A thorough knowledge of the 3-D pressure distribution has however eluded the community, as most in-situ pressure observations are either in the ionosphere or the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. With the assumption of pressure isotropy there have been attempts to obtain the pressure at different locatio… more
Date: February 10, 2003
Creator: Zaharia, Sorin; Cheng, C. Z. & Maezawa, K.
open access

3-D Micro-Scale Machining Implementation

Description: The KCP investigated milling, turning, and wire EDMing features at a micro-scale using existing equipment to find the limitations and hindrances to producing future designs.
Date: October 20, 2008
Creator: Boucher, Christopher L.
open access

3-D Microprobe Metrology

Description: This report documents the results of a project undertaken to develop an ultra-high-accuracy measurement capability, which is necessary to address a rising trend toward miniaturized mechanical products exhibiting dramatically reduced product tolerances. A significant improvement in measurement capability is therefore required to insure that a 4:1 ratio can be maintained between product tolerances and measurement uncertainty.
Date: October 14, 2008
Creator: Swallow, Kevin
open access

A 3-D Model of Signaling and Transport Pathways in Epithelial Cells

Description: A 3-dimensional computer model was developed to simulate the spatial and chemical evolution of calcium ions inside an array of human epithelial kidney cells. This is a prototype model, intended to develop a methodology to incorporate much more complex interactions of metabolic and other processes within many types of cells and lead to increased ability to predict cellular responses to disease as well as to chemical and biological warfare situations. Preliminary tests of the model are described.
Date: April 1, 2005
Creator: Quong, Andrew A. & Westbrook, Charles K.
open access

A 3-d modular gripper design tool

Description: Modular fixturing kits are precisely machined sets of components used for flexible, short-turnaround construction of fixtures for a variety of manufacturing purposes. A modular vise is a parallel-jaw vise, where each jaw is a modular fixture plate with a regular grid of precisely positioned holes. A modular vise can be used to locate and hold parts for machining, assembly, and inspection tasks. To fixture a part, one places pins in some of the holes so that when the vise is closed, the part is … more
Date: January 1, 1997
Creator: Brown, R.G. & Brost, R.C.
open access

3-D Nonlinear Calculations of Resistive Tearing Modes

Description: Recent numerical calculations of the evolution of resistive tearing modes have been central to the understanding of magnetohydrodynamic activity and disruptions in tokamaks. The nonlinear, 3-D, initial-value computer code RSF has provided many of these results. This code assumes cylindrical geometry with a Fourier series representation in the two periodic coordinates and a finite-difference representation in the radial direction. This choice makes RSF considerably more accurate and efficient th… more
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Hicks, H. R.; Holmes, J. A.; Lee, D. K.; Carreras, B. & Waddell, B. V.
open access

3-D nonlinear evolution of MHD instabilities

Description: The nonlinear evolution of ideal MHD internal instabilities is investigated in straight cylindrical geometry by means of a 3-D initial-value computer code. These instabilities are characterized by pairs of velocity vortex cells rolling off each other and helically twisted down the plasma column. The cells persist until the poloidal velocity saturates at a few tenths of the Alfven velocity. The nonlinear phase is characterized by convection around these essentially fixed vortex cells. For exampl… more
Date: March 1, 1977
Creator: Bateman, G.; Hicks, H. R. & Wooten, J. W.
open access

3-D numerical analysis of a high-gain free-electron laser

Description: We present a novel approach to the 3-dimensional high-gain free- electron laser amplifier problem. The method allows us to write the laser field as an integral equation which can be efficiently and accurately evaluated on a small computer. The model is general enough to allow the inclusion of various initial electron beam distributions to study the gain reduction mechanism and its dependence on the physical parameters. 16 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.
Date: October 19, 1988
Creator: Gallardo, J.C.
open access

3-D Ray-tracing and 2-D Fokker-Planck Simulations of Radiofrequency Application to Tokamak Plasmas

Description: A state of the art numerical tool has been developed to simulate the propagation and the absorption of coexisting different types of waves in a tokamak geometry. The code includes a numerical solution of the three-dimensional (R, Z, {Phi}) toroidal wave equation for the electric field of the different waves in the WKBJ approximation. At each step of integration, the two-dimensional (v{sub {parallel}}, v{sub {perpendicular}}) Fokker-Planck equation is solved in the presence of quasilinear diffus… more
Date: May 1, 1999
Creator: Cardinali, A.; Paoletti, F. & Bernabei, S.
open access

3-D Reservoir and Stochastic Fracture Network Modeling for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Circle Ridge Phosphoria/Tensleep Reservoir, and River Reservation, Arapaho and Shoshone Tribes, Wyoming

Description: The goal of this project is to improve the recovery of oil from the Circle Ridge Oilfield, located on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, through an innovative integration of matrix characterization, structural reconstruction, and the characterization of the fracturing in the reservoir through the use of discrete fracture network models.
Date: September 9, 2002
Creator: La Pointe, Paul R. & Hermanson, Jan
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