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open access

0-2 kv Flash Tube Supplies

Description: The power supplies designed and constructed to power high-intensity flash tubes are described. Three supplies, capable of charging 100 mfd to 2 kv with a repetltion rate of not less than 0.8 sec, are operated remotely from a control panel containing 3 powerstats. The power supplies are full wave center trapped rectifiers employing silicon rectifiers. (M.C.G.)
Date: March 15, 1962
Creator: Miller, D. M.
open access

0-2 kv Flash Tube Supplies

Description: In order to perform the various experiments with a bubble chamber, a high intensity flash tube is used. This report briefly describes the power supplies designed and constructed to power these lamps.
Date: March 15, 1962
Creator: Miller, D. M.
open access

A 0. 4 mm Interferometer System Using Dielectric Waveguide

Description: A 0.4 mm submillimeter-wave, phase-modulated polarimeter/interferometer is used for simultaneous time-dependent measurement of line-averaged electron density and poloidal field-induced Faraday rotation along chords of the plasma column in ISX-B tokamak. Heterodyna detection and hollow dielectric waveguide are utilized to achieve the high sensitivity required for the multichord equipment.
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Hutchinson, D. P.; Ma, C. H.; Staats, P. A. & Vander Sluis, K. L.
open access

0.5 μm E/D AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure field effect transistor technology with DFET threshold adjust implant

Description: A doped-channel heterostructure field effect transistor (H-FET) technology has been developed with self-aligned refractory gate processing and using both enhancement- and depletion-mode transistors. D-HFET devices are obtained with a threshold voltage adjust implant into material designed for E-HFET operation. Both E- and D-HFETs utilize W/WSi bilayer gates, sidewall spacers, and rapid thermal annealing for controlling short channel effects. The 0.5 {mu}m E- HFETs (D-HFETs) have been demonstrat… more
Date: April 1997
Creator: Baca, A. G.; Sherwin, M. E.; Zolper, J. C.; Shul, R. J.; Briggs, R. D.; Heise, J. A. et al.
open access

A 0. 5 to 3. 0 MeV monoenergetic positron beam

Description: An adjustable, 0.5--3 MeV monoenergetic positron beam has been constructed at Brookhaven. Currently a /sup 22/Na source with a W(100) foil transmission moderator produces a 1.1 mm FWHN beam with an intensity of 3/times/10/sup 5/ e/sup +//sec at a target located downstream from the accelerator. The divergence of the beam is less than 0.1/degree/ at 2.2 MeV energy. A SOA gun with 2 lens transport system brings the beam to a focus at the entrance of an electrostatic 3 MeV Dynamitron accelerator. T… more
Date: 1988~
Creator: Huomo, H.; AsokaKumar, P.; Henderson, S. D.; Phlips, B. F.; Mayer, R.; McDonough, J. et al.
open access

0.7-eV GaInAs Junction for a GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs(1-eV)/GaInAs(0.7-eV) Four-Junction Solar Cell: Preprint

Description: We discuss recent developments in III-V multijunction solar cells, focusing on adding a fourth junction to the Ga0.5In0.5P/GaAs/Ga0.75In0.25As inverted three-junction cell. This cell, grown inverted on GaAs so that the lattice-mismatched Ga0.75In0.25As third junction is the last one grown, has demonstrated 38% efficiency, and 40% is likely in the near future. To achieve still further gains, a lower-bandgap GaxIn1-xAs fourth junction could be added to the three-junction structure for a four-junc… more
Date: May 1, 2006
Creator: Friedman, D. J.; Geisz, J. F.; Norman, A. G.; Wanlass, M. W. & Kurtz, S. R.
open access

0. 9 a Gev /sup 238/U on /sup 238/U collisions in the LBL streamer chamber. Appendix A

Description: Charged particle exclusive data for high multiplicity U on U events are reported. Analyses are based on comparison with Cugnon's intranuclear cascade model, and the explosion-evaporation simulation of Fai and Randrup. The azimuthal structure of the observed events shows evidence of collective flow. The widely used flow angle methodology proves to be relatively insensitive to collective effects under the conditions of the present experiment. An isotropic pattern of ejectile emission is not reach… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Fung, S.Y.; Beavis, D.; Gorn, W.; Keane, D.; Liu, Y.M.; Poe, R.T. et al.
open access

0. 20-m (8-in.) Primary Burner Development Report

Description: High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGRs) utilize graphite-base fuels. Fluidized-bed burners are being employed successfully in the experimental reprocessing of these fuels. The primary fluidized-bed burner is a unit operation in the reprocessing flowsheet in which the graphite moderator is removed. A detailed description of the development status of the 0.20-m (8-in.) diameter primary fluidized-bed burner as of July 1, 1977 is presented. Experimental work to date performed in 0.10; 0.20; an… more
Date: December 1977
Creator: Stula, R. T.; Young, D. T. & Rode, J. S.
open access

The 0.38 Percent Across-the-Board Cut in FY2000 Appropriations

Description: This report outlines cuts made in the federal budget for FY2000. The 0.38% cut was expected to yield savings of $2.4 billion in budget authority and $1.4 billion in outlays for the fiscal year. Departments with cuts in excess of $100 million included the Departments of Defense, Transportation, Health and Human Services, and Education.
Date: February 25, 2000
Creator: Keith, Robert
open access

0.351 micron Laser Beam propagation in High-temperature Plasmas

Description: A study of the laser-plasma interaction processes have been performed in plasmas that are created to emulate the plasma conditions in indirect drive inertial confinement fusion targets. The plasma emulator is produced in a gas-filled hohlraum; a blue 351-nm laser beam propagates along the axis of the hohlraum interacting with a high-temperature (T{sub e} = 3.5 keV), dense (n{sub e} = 5 x 10{sup 20}cm{sup -3}), long-scale length (L {approx} 2 mm) plasma. Experiments at these conditions have demo… more
Date: December 10, 2007
Creator: Froula, D.; Divol, L.; Meezan, N.; Ross, J.; Berger, R. L.; Michel, P. et al.
open access

0.25mm-Thick CCD Packaging for the Dark Energy Survey Camera Array

Description: Abstract: The Dark Energy Survey Camera focal plane array will consist of 62 2k x 4k CCDs with a pixel size of 15 microns and a silicon thickness of 250 microns for use at wavelengths between 400 and 1000 nm. Bare CCD die will be received from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). At the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the bare die will be packaged into a custom back-side-illuminated module design. Cold probe data from LBNL will be used to select the CCDs to be packaged. The … more
Date: 2006-06~
Creator: Derylo, Greg; Diehl, H. Thomas & Estrada, Juan
open access

0.52eV Quaternary InGaAsSb Thermophotovoltaic Diode Technology

Description: Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) diodes fabricated from 0.52eV lattice-matched InGaAsSb alloys are grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) on GaSb substrates. 4cm{sup 2} multi-chip diode modules with front-surface spectral filters were tested in a vacuum cavity and attained measured efficiency and power density of 19% and 0.58 W/cm{sup 2} respectively at operating at temperatures of T{sub radiator} = 950 C and T{sub diode} = 27 C. Device modeling and minority carrier lifetime measurements of… more
Date: June 9, 2004
Creator: Dashiell, M. W.; Beausang, J. F.; Nichols, G.; Depoy, D. M.; Danielson, L. R.; Ehsani, H. et al.
open access

$D^0 \bar{D}^0$ Mixing at BaBar

Description: This article reviews the recent measurement of D{sup 0}-{bar D}{sup 0} mixing with the D{sup 0} {yields} K{pi} decay channel from the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II B-Factory. Averages from the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group between this result and a previous result from BELLE are also presented.
Date: October 26, 2011
Creator: Coleman, Jonathon
open access

0-D study of the compression of low temperature spheromaks

Description: Compression of low temperature spheromak plasmas has been studied with the aid of a O-D two-fluid computer code. It is found that in a plasma which is radiation dominated, the electron temperature can be increased by up to a factor of seven for a compression of a factor of two, provided the temperature is above some critical value (approx.25eV) and the electron density particle confinement time product n/sub e/tau/sub p/ greater than or equal to 1 x 10/sup 9/s/cm/sup 3/. If the energy balance i… more
Date: September 1, 1985
Creator: Meyerhofer, D. D.; Hulse, R. A. & Zweibel, E. G.
open access

D-0 End Calorimeter Warm Tube/TeV Dry Air Purge

Description: This Engineering Note studies the design of the Dry Air Purge that is going to flow through the Warm Tube of the End Calorimeter of the D-O Calorimeter. The Tev tubes through the E.C. can be thought of as a cluster of concentric tubes: The Tev tube, the warm (vacuum vessel) tube, 15 layers of superinsulation, the cold (argon vessel) tube, and the Inner Hadronic center support tube. The Dry Air Purge will involve flowing Dry Air through the annular region between the Warm Tube and the Tev Beam P… more
Date: August 14, 1991
Creator: Leibfritz, J. R.
open access

0-G experiments with advanced ceramic fabric wick structures

Description: Both Air Force and NASA future spacecraft thermal management needs span the temperature range from cryogenic to liquid metals. Many of these needs are changing and not well defined and will remain so until goals, technology, and missions converge. Nevertheless, it is certain that high-temperature (> 800 K) and medium-temperature (about 450 K) radiator systems will have to be developed that offer significant improvements over current designs. This paper discusses experiments performed in the low… more
Date: July 1991
Creator: Antoniak, Z. I.; Webb, B. J.; Bates, J. M.; Cooper, M. F. & Pauley, K. A.
open access

D-0 North End Cap Calorimeter Cold Test Results

Description: The North endcap calorimeter vessel was recieved on July 1, 1990. A cooldown of the pressure vessel with liquid nitrogen was performed on July 10-11 to check the vessel's integrity. With the pressure vessel cold, the insulating vacuum was monitored for leaks. Through out the testing, the insulating vacuum remained good and the vessel passed the test. The cold test was carried out per the procedures of D-Zero engineering note 3740.220-EN-250. The test was very similar to the cold test performed … more
Date: August 2, 1990
Creator: Michael, J.
open access

D-0 South End Cap Calorimeter Cold Test Results

Description: The South endcap calorimeter vessel was moved into Lab A on Sept. 18, 1990. A cooldown of the pressure vessel with liquid nitrogen was performed on Sept. 26 to check the vessel's integrity. With the pressure vessel cold, the insulating vacuum was monitored for leaks. Through out the testing, the insulating vacuum remained good and the vessel passed the test. The cold test was carried out per the procedures of D-Zero engineering note 3740.220-EN-250. The test was very similar to the cold test pe… more
Date: November 26, 1990
Creator: Rucinski, R.
open access

0/sup -/ to 0/sup +/ beta decay in A = 16

Description: Techniques and results of the measurement of the beta-decay rate of the first excited state of /sup 16/N to the ground state of /sup 16/O are reported. Energy levels involved in the decay are shown, and the /sup 16/N 0/sup -/ beta decay branching ration is given. (WHK)
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Gagliardi, C.; Garvey, G. T.; Wrobel, J. R. & Freedman, S. J.
open access

1-1/2-Loop Semiscale Isothermal Test Program: Program and System Description in Support of Experiment Data Reports.

Description: The isothermal test series is part of the Semiscale Blowdown and Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) Project conducted by Aerojet Nuclear Company for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. The test series consisted of ten blowdown tests and five hot-wall tests with emphasis on emergency core coolant delivery. The blowdown tests were conducted to investigate the effects of lower plenum geometry, heat transfer configuration, ECC injection location, downcomer gap size, and break size.
Date: February 1, 1974
Creator: Aerojet Nuclear Company
open access

1.1-meter bore, 8-Tesla test facility

Description: The design and fabrication of a 1.1-m bore superconducting coil for an 8- T facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory are discussed. This facility will provide the backing field required for testing large multifilamentary Nb$sub 3$Sn coils as part of the superconductor development program at Livermore. The magnet measures 1.85 m o.d., is 1.5 m in length, and is solenoid wound in four separate modules. Total cold weight of the assembly is 18,000 Kg. A NbTi superconductor is used throughout with … more
Date: November 19, 1975
Creator: Nelson, R.; Cornish, D.; Zbasnik, J.; Sackett, S. & Taylor, C.
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