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open access

45-Day safety screening for Tank 241-B-102 auger samples, riser 1

Description: This is the 45-Day report for the fiscal year 1994 Tank 241-B-102 auger sampling characterization effort. Only one of the two planned auger samples was received by the 222-S Laboratory, however it was decided to begin the 45-day clock and issue a report based on receipt of the first auger sample. Included are copies of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) scans as requested. Also included is a copy of any immediate notification documentation, chain of… more
Date: December 1, 1994
Creator: Bell, K. E.
open access

45-Day safety screening for Tank 241-C-103 push mode sample, riser 2

Description: This is the 45-Day report for the Tank 241-C-103 (C-103) push-mode core sampling characterization effort. Problems encountered with the push-mode sampling truck following removal of the first segment from riser 2 resulted in a long delay before resumption of sampling, therefore it was decided to begin the 45-day clock and issue a report based on receipt of this first segment. If subsequent segments are removed from tank C-103, a revision of this report or a new report will be issued to include … more
Date: December 16, 1994
Creator: Bell, K. E.
open access

The 50 GeV program at SLAC

Description: SLAC has undertaken a modes programs to upgrade the beam energy for fixed target experiments to 50 GeV. This upgrade is possible due to the previous extensive development work on the linac accelerating gradient for the SLC, which has been operational for over five years. The SLC can deliver a beam of energy up to 60 GeV using a pulse compression technique in the rf system which trades pulse length for a higher pulse amplitude. This mode of operation has been reliable and routine for the SLC. Ho… more
Date: March 1, 1994
Creator: Prescott, C. Y.
open access

50-MW X-band klystron sources for the next generation of linear colliders

Description: The first in a new series of high-power pulsed klystrons has been tested with the following results: Frequency = 11.4 GHz, beam voltage = 415 kV, power output = 51 MW, pulse length = 1.5 {mu}s, and efficiency = 37%. Several tubes of this type will be used in the Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (NLCTA) at SLAC. The rf performance of the klystron, which employs a standing-wave extended-interaction output circuit, is closely approximated by simulations performed with the SLAC CONDOR code. Th… more
Date: June 1, 1994
Creator: Caryotakis, G.; Eppley, K.; Fant, K.; Fowkes, R.; Phillips, R.; Tantawi, S. et al.
open access

59. Cold Spring Harbor symposium on quantitative biology: Molecular genetics of cancer

Description: Investigation of the mechanistic aspects of cancer has its roots in the studies on tumor viruses and their effects on cell proliferation, function, and growth. This outstanding progress was well documented in previous Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. In the early to mid 1980s, progress on the development of chromosome mapping strategies and the accumulation of DNA probes that identified polymorphisms, encouraged by the international Human Genome Project, enabled the identifi… more
Date: December 31, 1994
open access

95-1 Campaign evaporator boildown results

Description: The Process Chemistry Laboratories were requested to support the 242-A Evaporator restart as part of the overall 222-S laboratory effort. The net purpose of these studies is to determine the characteristics of double-shell tank materials as they are processed in the evaporator. The results for the boildown study (which includes pressure and temperature versus % waste volume reduction and density of final boildown residue) supporting the 242-A Evaporator restart are reported below. The boildown … more
Date: October 10, 1994
Creator: Miller, G. L.
open access

100 Area electrical distribution fault and coordination report

Description: This report documents three-phase and line-to-ground fault values and time overcurrent coordination curves for the electrical utility distribution system located in the 100 Areas. Activities that may improve the coordination of the distribution system have also been identified. An evaluation of system coordination was performed. The results of this evaluation are listed in Appendix B. There are protective devices within the 100 Area distribution system that do not coordinate with one another th… more
Date: September 23, 1994
Creator: Webber, J. J.
open access

100 Area excavation treatability study data validation report

Description: This report presents the results of sampling and chemical analyses at Hanford Reservation. The samples were analyzed by Thermo-Analytic Laboratories and Roy F. Weston Laboratories using US Environmental Protection Agency CLP protocols. Sample analyses included: volatile organics; semivolatile organics; inorganics; and general chemical parameters. The data from the chemical analyses were reviewed and validated to verify that reported sample results were of sufficient quality to support decisions… more
Date: May 19, 1994
Creator: Frain, J. M.
open access

100 Area soil washing: Bench scale tests on 116-F-4 pluto crib soil

Description: The Pacific Northwest Laboratory conducted a bench-scale treatability study on a pluto crib soil sample from 100 Area of the Hanford Site. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of physical separation (wet sieving), treatment processes (attrition scrubbing, and autogenous surface grinding), and chemical extraction methods as a means of separating radioactively-contaminated soil fractions from uncontaminated soil fractions. The soil washing treatability study was conducted on a soil… more
Date: June 10, 1994
Creator: Field, J. G.
open access

100 areas technical activities report - engineering, May, 1948

Description: This report is the May, 1948, progress report from the pile engineering groups in support of the production reactors in the 100 Area of the Hanford Reservation. Included are studies of reactor slug fabrication techniques relative to blistering and corrosion, corrosion of reactor components, studies and design of graphite blocks for reactors, and reactor cover gas changes and studies.
Date: June 18, 1994
Creator: Woods, W. K.
open access

100-B area technical baseline report

Description: This document supports the environmental remediation effort of the 100-B Area by providing remediation planners with key data that characterize the 100-B and 100-C Reactor sites. It provides operational histories of the 100-B and 100-C Reactors and each of their associated liquid and solid waste sites.
Date: September 1, 1994
Creator: Carpenter, R. W.
open access

100-DR-1 radiological surveys

Description: This report summarizes and documents the results of the radiological surveys conducted over the surface of the 100-DR-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington. In addition, this report explains the survey methodology using the Ultrasonic Ranging and Data System (USRADS). The 100-DR-1 radiological survey field task consisted of two activities: characterization of the operable unit-specific background conditions and the radiological survey of the operable unit surface area. The survey … more
Date: January 28, 1994
Creator: Naiknimbalkar, N. M.
open access

>100 watt average power at 0.53 {mu}m with 25 ns, 2.5 kHz repetition rate pulses from a single power oscillator

Description: We have generated approximately 100 watts of frequency doubled light from the output of an electro-optically Q-switched, diode-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser oscillator operating at an average power of 200 watts (2.5 kHz repetition rate, 80 mJ/pulse, 25 ns pulsewidth). The Q-switch was a compensated z-axis propagation LiNbO{sub 3} electro-optic modulator, and the frequency conversion crystal was a thin slab of KTP. In addition, Q-switched operation at an average power of approximately 250 watts with … more
Date: March 1, 1994
Creator: Velsko, S. P.; Comaskey, B.; Albrecht, G. F. & Beach, R. J.
open access

101-SY waste sample speed of sound/rheology testing for sonic probe program

Description: One problem faced in the clean-up operation at Hanford is that a number of radioactive waste storage tanks are experiencing a periodic buildup and release of potentially explosive gases. The best known example is Tank 241-SY-101 (commonly referred to as 101-SY) in which hydrogen gas periodically built up within the waste to the point that increased buoyancy caused a roll-over event, in which the gas was suddenly released in potentially explosive concentrations (if an ignition source were presen… more
Date: July 25, 1994
Creator: Cannon, N. S.
open access

105-KE Basin isolation barrier leak rate test analytical development

Description: This report provides analytical developments in support of the proposed leak rate test of the 105-KE Basin. The analytical basis upon which the K-basin leak test results will be used ti determine the basin leakage rates is developed in this report. The leakage of the K-Basin isolation barriers under accident conditions will be determined from the test results. There are two fundamental flow regimes that may exist in the postulated K-Basin leakage, viscous laminar and turbulent flow. An analytic… more
Date: December 1, 1994
Creator: Irwin, J. J.
open access

118-B-1 excavation treatability test plan

Description: The Hanford 118-B-1 Burial Ground Treatability Study has been required by milestone change request {number_sign}M-15-93-04, dated September 30, 1993. The change request requires that a treatability test be conducted at the 100-B Area to obtain additional engineering information for remedial design of burial grounds receiving waste from 100 Area removal actions. This treatability study has two purposes: (1) to support development of the Proposed Plan (PP) and Record of Decision (ROD), which will… more
Date: July 1, 1994
open access

118-B-1 excavation treatability test procedures

Description: This treatability study has two purposes: to support development of the approach to be used for burial ground remediation, and to provide specific engineering information for the design of burial grounds receiving waste generated from the 100 Area removal actions. Data generated from this test will also provide performance and cost information necessary for detailed analysis of alternatives for burial ground remediation. Further details on the test requirements, milestones and data quality obje… more
Date: August 1, 1994
Creator: Frain, J. M.
open access

132 ns Bunch Spacing in the Tevatron Proton-Antiproton Collider

Description: Following completion of the Fermilab Main Injector it is expected that the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider will be operating at a luminosity in excess of 5{times}10{sup 3l} cm{sup {minus}2} with 36 proton and antiproton bunches spaced at 396 nsec. At this luminosity, each of the experimental detectors will see approximately 1.3 interactions per crossing. Potential improvements to the collider low beta and rf systems could push the luminosity beyond 10{times}10{sup 3l} cm{sup {minus}2}sec{su… more
Date: December 1, 1994
Creator: Holmes, S. D.; Holt, J.; Johnstone, J. A.; Marriner, J.; Martens, M. & McGinnis, D.
open access

180 MW demonstration of advanced tangentially-fired combustion techniques for the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NO{sub x}) emissions from coal-fired boilers. Final report

Description: This report provides the key findings of the Innovative Clean Coal Technology (ICCT) demonstration project at Gulf Power`s Lansing Smith Unit No. 2 and the implications for other tangentially-fired boilers. L. Smith Unit No. 2 is a 180 MW tangentially-fired boiler burning Eastern Bituminous coal, which was retrofitted with Asea Brown Boveri/Combustion Engineering Services` (ABB/CE) LNCFS I, II, and III technologies. An extensive test program was carried-out with US Department of Energy, Souther… more
Date: February 1, 1994
Creator: Tavoulareas, E. S.; Hardman, R.; Eskinazi, D. & Smith, L.
open access

200 Area TEDF interface control document

Description: Because the TEDF does not have any treatment or retention capacity, strict control at the generator interface is essential to operate the TEDF in compliance with good engineering practices, Hanford site requirements, and the 216 Discharge Permit. The information in the Interface Control Document (ICD) forms the basis of understanding between all parties involved in the TEDF; DOE, WHC, and the generating facilities. The ICD defines the controlling document hierarchy; LEF, and generator responsib… more
Date: November 15, 1994
Creator: Brown, M. J. & Hildebrand, R. A.
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