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open access

A 1.8 Mev K+ injector for the high current beam transport experiment fusion

Description: For the High Current Beam Transport Experiment (HCX) at LBNL, an injector is required to deliver up to 1.8 MV of 0.6 A K{sup +} beam with an emittance of {approx}1 p-mm-mrad. We have successfully operated a 10-cm diameter surface ionization source together with an electrostatic quadrupole (ESQ) accelerator to meet these requirements. The pulse length is {approx}4 {micro}s, firing at once every 10-15 seconds. By optimizing the extraction diode and the ESQ voltages, we have obtained an output bea… more
Date: May 20, 2002
Creator: Kwan, J. W.; Bieniosek, F. M.; Henestroza, E.; Prost, L. & Seidl, P.
open access

1 GeV CW nonscaling FFAG for ADS, and magnet parameters

Description: Multi-MW proton driver capability remains a challenging, critical technology for many core HEP programs, particularly the neutrino ones such as the Muon Collider and Neutrino factory, and for high-profile energy applications such as Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors (ADS) and Accelerator Transmutation of Waste for nuclear power and waste management. Work is focused almost exclusively on an SRF linac, as, to date, no re-circulating accelerator can attain the 10-20 MW capability necessary f… more
Date: May 20, 2012
Creator: Johnstone, C.; Meot, F.; Snopok, P. & Weng, W.
open access

(02.2) Scoping experiments; (02.3) long-term corrosion testing and properties evaluation of candidate waste package basket material

Description: The work described in this activity plan addresses Information Need 2.7.3 of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Plan (l), which reads Determination that the design criteria in lOCFR60.130 through 60.133 and any appropriate additional design objectives pertaining to criticality control have been met. This work falls under section WBS 2 (Basket Materials) of WBS (Waste Package Materials) in the Work Breakdown Structure of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project.
Date: December 20, 1996
Creator: VanKonynenburg, R. A.
open access

2-D Axisymmetric Line Transport

Description: The methods used in the ALTAIR code for computing the transfer of spectral line radiation in two-dimensional axially-symmetric geometry are described. ALTAIR uses a variable-Eddington-tensor approach, in which the transfer equation of non-coherent line scattering is written in moment form, and the moments are closed with an assumed tensor relating the monochromatic pressure tensor and energy density; this Eddington tensor is obtained self-consistently using an accurate angle-dependent solution … more
Date: November 20, 1990
Creator: Castor, John I.; Dykema, Pieter G. & Klein, Richard I.
open access

A 2-D Pore-Network Model of the Drying of Single-Component Liquids in Porous Media

Description: The drying of liquid-saturated porous media is typically approaching using macroscopic continuum models involving phenomenological coefficients. Insight on these coefficients can be obtained by a more fundamental study at the pore- and pore-network levels. In this report, a model based on pore-network representation of porous media that accounts for various process at the pore-scale is presented. These include mass transfer by advection and diffusion in the gas phase, viscous flow in liquid and… more
Date: January 20, 2000
Creator: Yortsos, Yanic C.; Yiotis, A. G.; Stubos, A. K. & Boundovis, A. G.
open access

2, Pulse-mode expansions and refractive indices in plane-wave propagation

Description: This memo presents basic background theory for treating simultaneous propagation of electromagnetic pulses of various colors, directed along a common ray, through a molecular vapor. The memo discusses some techniques for expanding the positive frequency part of the transverse electric field into pulse modes, characterized by carrier frequencies within a modulated envelope. We discuss, in the approximation of plane waves with slowly varying envelopes, a set of uncoupled envelope equations in whi… more
Date: June 20, 1987
Creator: Shore, B. W.; Sacks, R.; Karr, T.; Morris, J. & Paisner, J. A.
open access

2$sup 0$K vacuum pumping system for Baseball II

Description: A vacuum pumping system that provides a cryo surface for condensing and freezing of H/sub 2/ gas is described. A closed-loop vacuum system was designed and built at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to pump down the neutralizer LH/sub e/ dewar with a volurae of 350 l and the lambda point dewar with a LH/sub e/ volume of 250 l. Both of these dewars can be pumped down simultaneously or one at a time. 100% of the H/sub e/ gas is recovered free of contaminations. The vacuum pump can handle 340 SCFM of … more
Date: August 20, 1973
Creator: Denhoy, B.S.
open access

3-D computer simulations of EM field sin the APS vacuum chamber. Part 2: Time-domain analysis

Description: Our simulations suggest that the strong peak around 4 GHz in the narrow gap observed in the measurements is generated by TE modes. Therefore, one should not worry about this peak insofar as the coupling impedance is concerned. On the other hand, some discrepancies between our simulations and the measurements are noticed and remain to be resolved.
Date: January 20, 1989
Creator: Chou, W.
open access

3-D Finite Element Analysis of Induction Logging in a Dipping Formation

Description: Electromagnetic induction by a magnetic dipole located above a dipping interface is of relevance to the petroleum well-logging industry. The problem is fully three-dimensional (3-D) when formulated as above, but reduces to an analytically tractable one-dimensional (1-D) problem when cast as a small tilted coil above a horizontal interface. The two problems are related by a simple coordinate rotation. An examination of the induced eddy currents and the electric charge accumulation at the interfa… more
Date: July 20, 2000
Creator: Everett, Mark E.; Badea, Eugene A,; Shen, Liang, C.; Merchant, Gulamabbas A. & Weiss, Chester J.
open access

3-D TECATE/BREW: Thermal, stress, and birefringent ray-tracing codes for solid-state laser design

Description: This report describes the physics, code formulations, and numerics that are used in the TECATE (totally Eulerian code for anisotropic thermo-elasticity) and BREW (birefringent ray-tracing of electromagnetic waves) codes for laser design. These codes resolve thermal, stress, and birefringent optical effects in 3-D stationary solid-state systems. This suite of three constituent codes is a package referred to as LASRPAK.
Date: July 20, 1994
Creator: Gelinas, R. J.; Doss, S. K. & Nelson, R. G.
open access

9/11 Commission Recommendations: Joint Committee on Atomic Energy - A Model for Congressional Oversight?

Description: This report focuses on that portion of the 9/11 Commission recommendation that urges Congress to consider the model of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE). It provides an outline of the history, structure, and powers of the JCAE and analyzes a number of issues that might be considered by policymakers as they weigh the suitability of the JCAE as a possible model when crafting congressional oversight mechanisms for intelligence.
Date: August 20, 2004
Creator: Davis, Christopher M.
open access

100-C water plant

Description: System curves for each portion of the C Area Water Plant were obtained from referenced work and are presented in figures. Field test data, corroborating the calculated curves, are presented as singular points on the same graphs. Present maxima capacity of the C Area Filter Plant was 121,000 gpm with 118,000 gpm available for use as primary reactor coolant. Modifications to the filter effluent piping would increase this available flow to about 180,000 gpm. Of the 118,000 gpm available for C Reac… more
Date: February 20, 1961
Creator: Agar, J. D.
open access

100-D Area technical baseline report

Description: This document is prepared in support of the 100 Area Environmental Restoration activity at the US Department of Energy`s Hanford Site near Richland, Washington. It provides a technical baseline of waste sites located at the 100-D Area. The report is based on an environmental investigation undertaken by the Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) History Office in support of the Environmental Restoration Engineering Function and on review and evaluation of numerous Hanford Site current and historical… more
Date: August 20, 1993
Creator: Carpenter, R. W.
open access

200 amp Neutral Beam Source

Description: Recent efforts in controlled fusion experiments have indicated the need for large neutral-beam sources to provide an initial plasma for further plasma buildup, for use as a stoking source to makeup losses, or for plasma heating. Experiments now operating or envisioned for the near future anticipate the need for kilo-amp neutral beams in the 20-keV energy range and higher. These sources will be required to focus into relatively small-volume targets, have good gas efficiency, and use a minimum of… more
Date: August 20, 1973
Creator: Duffy, Thomas J.
open access

241-AY-102 Leak Detection Pit Drain Line Inspection Report

Description: This document provides a description of the design components, operational approach, and results from the Tank AY-102 leak detection pit drain piping visual inspection. To perform this inspection a custom robotic crawler with a deployment device was designed, built, and operated by IHI Southwest Technologies, Inc. for WRPS to inspect the 6-inch leak detection pit drain line.
Date: January 20, 2014
Creator: Boomer, Kayle D.; Engeman, Jason K.; Gunter, Jason R.; Joslyn, Cameron C.; Vazquez, Brandon J.; Venetz, Theodore J. et al.
open access

300 Area D4 Project 1st Quarter Fiscal Year 2006 Building Completion Report

Description: This report documents the deactivation, decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition of the MO-052, 3225, 334, 334A, and 334-TF Buildings in the 300 Area of the Hanford Site. The D4 of these facilities included characterization, engineering, removal of hazardous and radiologically contaminated materials, equipment removal, utility disconnection, deactivation, decontamination, demolition of the structure, and stabilization or removal of the remaining slab and foundation as appropriate.
Date: April 20, 2006
Creator: Smith, David S.
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