Search Results

Adjusting the Commercial Curriculum of Denton Senior High School, Denton, Texas, to the Needs of the Community
This study was made: first, to determine the vocational opportunities for commercial graduates of Denton Senior High School as a basis for more effective guidance; second, to determine whether the commercial training program in the local high school is providing adequate vocational preparation for the principal commercial positions in Denton, Texas, third, to discover the chief commercial weaknesses of the present employees in Denton, Texas; fourth, to secure information necessary for appropriate commercial curriculum for the local high school. It is the further aim of this investigation to determine the social as well as the personal business needs of the average individuals." --leaf 1
Advertising and Promotional Procedure as Practiced by Five Dallas Department Stores
The problem with which this paper is concerned is to observe and appraise the retail advertising and promotional procedure of five of the Dallas department stores. After observing their advertising methods, an attempt will be made to conclude whether their efficiency might be increased through use of different advertising and promotional policies.
An Analysis, as Revealed by the Wire Recorder, of the Methods Used by Ten Selected Business Mathematics Students in Solving Stated Problems
Many studies have been made concerning the difficulties which business mathematics students have in solving stated problems. Such studies have been made by analyzing the student's errors as they appear on written solutions to problems, and, as a result, many errors are overlooked. Errors in the thinking process, and failure to read the problem a sufficient number of times are responsible for many errors made by students. Such errors are not apparent on written solutions, but would be revealed through oral solutions as recorded on a wire recorder. The purpose of this study, then, is to analyze the errors revealed by a wire recorder, along with errors on written solutions, and to classify and tabulate the errors from both sources.
An Analysis of Personnel Programs Currently in Use in Selected Texas Banks
It is the purpose of this study to survey and appraise the personnel programs currently in use in selected Texas banks.
An Analysis of the Correspondence-improvement Program at Great American Reserve Insurance Company Dallas, Texas
A preliminary purpose of this study in the area of business communications was that of determining the status of correspondence improvement in stock life insurance companies in Dallas. However, the major purpose, which stemmed from the preliminary one, was to study intensively the approach used in Great American.
Analysis of the Financing of Church Building Programs
This study was an analysis of current financing of building programs of selected Protestant churches in the State of Texas.
A Comparative Study of Odessa College, Odessa, Texas, with Business Colleges in the Odessa Area to Determine the Effectiveness of Training Received by Business Students
The potential college students of the Odessa area need to know which type of school best suits their personal needs. The area around Odessa offers the highest paid secretarial Jobs in the state, with some 500 oil and oil supply firms employing from one to fifty full-time secretaries, with salaries ranging from $200 to 4325 per month. The opportunities for accountants, bookkeepers and auditors in the Odessa area is unlimited, and they earn from 4350 to $450 per month. The Odessa area also employs approximately 30 business teachers. 1 The. high school graduate is often at a loss as to whether to take advantage of a business course in a private business college in Odessa or whether to study business administration for one or two years at the local junior college, either in preparation for a job or for additional education at another college or university. A great deal of time and money may be wasted if a potential student attends the school that does not fulfill his needs. In view of the above, the purpose of this study is to make comparisons between the two types of schools in an effort to determine the type of school most suited for each student, and to pave the way for improvements in business education in that area. These facts will be helpful in planning the future curriculum and expansion of Odessa College and the possible establishment of a business school in connection with Odessa College.
A Comparison of Insurace Curricula of Accredited Colleges and Universities in Texas with the Curricula Recommended by 100 Selected Insurance Companies Operating in the State of Texas
This study was undertaken to determine whether the curricula of the colleges and universities are meeting the needs of the growing insurance industry. This study will determine, first, whether the insurance curricula of the accredited four-year colleges and universities in the state of Texas fulfill the needs of the insurance industry as reported by 100 selected insurance companies operating in the state of Texas. Second, this study will compare the insurance program at North Texas State College with the programs of other accredited colleges and universities in Texas. Third, from the foregoing analysis this study will attempt to determine whether the insurance program at North Texas State College could be improved. As a final consideration, this study will determine whether the insurance companies desire colleges and universities to offer special short courses for their insurance personnel.
A Comparison of Selected Factors in Undergraduate Programs in Business Teacher Education in Texas with Criteria Recommended for Business Teacher Education, 1956
The purpose of this study was to compare selected factors in undergraduate programs in business teacher education in Texas with criteria recommended for business teacher education. The factors selected were: (1) the business teacher education curriculum, (2) professional laboratory experiences of prospective business teachers, and (3) educational preparation, experience, and professional activities of the business education college faculty.
A Comparison of the Qualifications of Junior College Business Education Teachers in Texas with the Qualifications Desired by Junior College Presidents
The purpose of this investigation was twofold, namely: 1. To determine the personal characteristics and qualifications of the junior college business teachers in Texas; 2. To determine how well these characteristics match the desired qualifications given by college hiring personnel--presidents.
The Cooperative Movement and its Influence in Denton County
Cooperation is a subject which has intrigued the writer for some time. A study of the philosophy, history and accomplishments of the cooperative movement was begun, due to the interest of the study. In Denton County, Texas, the cooperatives have, for the past few years, been making such rapid progress that a study of the inception, growth and success of these societies seemed indicated. In spite of the broad field of study this subjected presented, it seemed necessary to review the cooperative movement before the local cooperatives could be properly interpreted. This was Done. Numerous books and magazine articles pertaining to cooperation were read. In making this library study, the writer tried to delve into the underlying philosophy of the cooperative movement. Those countries in which cooperation has made greatest strides were given particular attention in order to try to find the secret of their success. After this library approach was completed, the various cooperative societies of Denton County were visited. The writer talked with the leaders of the societies, obtained copies of the by-laws of each organization, examined financial statements, and attempted to analyze the purposes, the accomplishments, and the possibilities of the future success of these organizations.
The Development and Implementation of an Effective Loan Officer Training Program in a Commercial Bank
The research attempts to determine how an effective loan officer training program should be designed and implemented in Texas Commerce Bank. A comprehensive program would prepare newly hired college graduates for positions as commercial lending officers as quickly, thoroughly, and effectively as possible. In order to accomplish this objective, three steps are necessary in the research. The first step is to determine the generally accepted principles of training and development. Application of these principles in a program certainly increases the likelihood of successful training results. The second step is to survey a sample of the banking industry to determine what approaches to this problem are currently in use by other banks. If successful procedures, techniques, or ideas are now working for banks similar to Texas Commerce, perhaps they can be adapted to work in this bank. The final step in designing the program is to tailor the gathered information for the specific needs of Texas Commerce. The purpose of this step is to assure that the principles of step one and the successful approaches from step two are realistically and specifically matched with the training needs at Texas Commerce Bank.
Development of a Workbook for Business Mathematics Based on the Needs of Students of Business at North Texas State Teachers College
The problem of this study is to determine the needs of students who are majoring in business and to design a workbook that will best prepare these students for the business courses offered at North Texas State Teachers College and for the problems of everyday life.
Development of Industrial Management Curriculum for North Texas State College
This thesis will concentrate on a two-fold purpose: first, to determine whether an industrial management program at North Texas State College is justified; and second, to present a broad outline that will form a foundation upon which the content of such a program can be based.
Development of the Commercial Curricula in the Secondary Schools of Texas
The purpose of this study is to trace the growth and development of the commercial curricula in the secondary schools of Texas and to relate the changes in aims and objectives of such curricula in such a way that a reading of it will furnish a concise, definite, and clear understanding of what has happened in the past.
Development of the Punched Card Registration System at North Texas State College
This study presents a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College. The study also covers planning stages of registration materials, and a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record. To help fill the need for ready reference to methods used in various institutions across the nation, this study will present a history of the development and implementation of a punched card registration system in North Texas State College, with emphasis placed upon those areas of probable major interest to other colleges faced with a similar problem. The study will cover planning stages of registration materials, and will then present a a description of the various stages and processes involved in a typical semester from pre-registration preparations through posting the student's grades to the permanent record.
The Economic Status of the Classroom Teacher from 1925-45
The purpose of this study is to present a history of the progress made in advancing the welfare of teachers, to evaluate the trends in teachers' salaries over a period of twenty years, and to show the extent to which teacher retirement and teacher tenure laws have gained momentum in the United States. Recommendations for improvement will be made in cases where deficiencies exist.
Educational Requirements for the B.B.A. Degree in Personnel Management at Eight Texas Colleges and Field Recommendations
This thesis will present a course of study for prospective personnel managers as recommended by practicing personnel executives of selected industries in Dallas, Texas.
Employment Criteria of the Community and Recommended Business Curriculum for Frank Phillips College, Borger, Texas
The purpose of this survey and study is to attempt the establishment of ways in which the business administration department of Frank Phillips College may help its students to prepare to fill the employment needs in the commercial offices of the area.
An Evaluation of the Business Writing Course at North Texas State College
This study is an attempt to evaluate the Business Writing course at North Texas State College and to determine whether the course as it is now presented meets the needs and desires of the students.
The Evolution and Present Status of Workmen's Compensation Insurance in Texas
The problem of this study is to record the evolution and to determine the present status of workmen's compensation insurance in Texas.
Executive Compensation Practices of Twenty-Five Texas Companies
The specific purpose of this study will be: (1) to find what factors determine the amount of pay that executives in twenty-five Texas companies receive, and how personal factors are ranked in setting their salaries; (2) to determine present and proposed utilization of formal job evaluation methods among the twenty-five Texas companies in setting executive salaries; (3) to find which methods of remuneration are used for executives of different levels in the twenty-five Texas companies; (4) to determine who has the final responsibility for the administration of executive salaries in the twenty-five Texas companies; and (5) to determine the means used in appraising executive merit or worth in determining salary adjustments while an individual remains in the same position.
An Experimental Study of Personality Development in the Stenography Class of the Edinburg High School
The purpose of this study is (1) to make a survey of all personality training procedures in an attempt to adapt those methods to the instructional problems of schools having a large Latin-American enrollment, and (2) to correlate personality development with the study of stenography and job finding by giving it specific emphasis in such a course.
The Factors Influencing Out-of-State Companies to Establish Manufacturing Facilities in Dallas County
"The purpose of this study was to collect and analyze locational data on all branch maufacturing plants established in Dallas County in 1954, 1955, and 1956; these data were acquired through personal interviews in 1957. For comparative purposes the same data on branch plants established in 1959 were obtained in 1960. The following elements of the locational process were determined and analyzed: 1. Origin and character of the new plants; specifically location of home office, types of products, size and location of the plant in Dallas. 2.locational process, including company personnel assigned the task of locating a suitable site and local agencies assisting in the locational process. 3. reasons for establishing the branch plant 4. factors that influenced management to locate the plant inDallas in preference to any other locations."-- leaf 4.
Gift-wrapping Methods in Selected Department Stores in the North Texas Area
The study is limited to a survey of the gift-wrapping departments of selected stores in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Denton.
The Growth and Development of Clifton Junior College, 1897-1947
"The purpose of this study to trace the growth and development of Clifton Junior College; to determine the extent to which the college is meeting the needs and requirements of its students, and to see what is the outlook for the future of this institution." -- leaf 1
History, Organization, and Unit Costs of the North Texas State College Bookbindery
This study is a discussion and description of the history, organization, and unit costs of the North Texas State College bookbindery, together with a comparison of these unit costs with charges made by commercial bookbinders for similar services. These are the three outstanding purposes of this problem: 1. to record briefly a history of the North Texas State College Bookbindery, 2. to describe the organization of the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery, including the personnel policies and clerical routines now in effect in its operation, and 3. to determine the unit costs of various types of services rendered by the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery and compare these unit costs with price lists of commercial bookbinders for similar services. It is intended that this study may be used as a guide to those who may contemplate setting up small bookbinderies and as a reference tool to future managers of the N. T. S. C. Bookbindery.
Human Relations Case Problems in the Aircraft Industry in the North Texas Area
The specific purpose of this investigation is to compile selected case problems for use in teaching human relations by the case method. This investigation will include those case situations that involve many of the factors that cause differences of opinion and friction between individuals or groups. The cases selected are limited to those that actually became the subject of a grievance in the aircraft industry of the Dallas-Fort Worth area of North Texas.
An Income and Cost-of-Living Comparison for Selected Trades and Professions for the Period 1936-45
The purpose of this study is to show which incomes of the selected trades and professions have more nearly approached a parallel to the changing cost of living during the period January 1, 1936, to December 31, 1945.
An Integrated Guidance Program for Small Secondary Schools in Texas
Of the 1190 four-year high schools of Texas there are 941 with an enrollment of 250 or less. This group of schools is missing many opportunities to guide the youth they graduate into effective and wholesome living by means of an integrated guidance program. It is the purpose of this study to develop a program which, if incorporated into the curricula of these schools, should result in an integration of guidance into the many phases of the school's activities and increase the school's usefulness to the student.
An Investigation into the Characteristics and Causes of Monthly and Yearly Price Fluctuations of Spot Cotton at New York, New York, During the Period, 1911-1953
This study endeavors to give an insight into the causes and characteristics of price fluctuations of spot cotton at New York, N.Y., for the period 1911-1953, and to indicate whenever possible the factors which caused the price of cotton to rise or fall during selected periods.
Monthly Average Prices of Cattle at Fort Worth, 1951-1952, With Some Consideration of Factors Involved in the 1952 Price Drop
This report consists of a presentation of prices paid for the various classifications and grades of cattle sold in the Fort Worth Livestock Market during 1952; a comparison of 1951-1952 prices showing a sharp decline in the price of all grades and classifications which began in June of 1952; and an examination of some of the major factors contributing to the decline in cattle prices as reflected in the Livestock Market, Fort Worth, Texas. From a study of cattle prices that prevailed in the Fort Worth market during 1951 and 1952, and a consideration of some of the factors contributing thereto, the following conclusions are drawn: First, prices of all grades of cattle soared to unusually high levels during 1951, thereby accentuating the drop in price which occurred in the latter part of 1952. Second, the withholding of cattle from slaughter, during a cattle build-up process, rather than a scarcity of cattle in this country was primarily responsible for extremely high prices in 1951. Third, cattle production in this country has progressed in cycles of eight to ten years duration of each; the period under consideration was on the build-up side of the present cycle which began in 1949; and prices for 1951 and 1952 were definitely affected by cyclical influences.
Occupational Opportunities for the Woman College Graduate in Specialized Business Fields
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the opportunities in the business world for the woman college graduate. Attention has been given to the general status of women workers, the training given by colleges in business administration, and the opportunities for the employment and advancement in the business world.
The Operation of Centralized Purchasing for the State-Supported Institutions of the State of Texas and Selected States
The investigator made a study of the history, philosophy, method, and operation of centralized purchasing as it now exists for the state-supported institutions in the State of Texas and other selected states (New Hampshire, Montana, Michigan, Nebraska, and Minnesota).
Personnel Policies for Salesmen in Nash Automobile Dealerships in Texas
The automobile dealership is one of the more important types of small business. The operation of such a business is an integral part of the economy of the country, and conditions existing in the automobile field are usually fairly representative of those in other types of small business; therefore, the general personnel policies of an automobile dealership are basically similar to personnel policies of other small businesses in the distributive field. A study of personnel policies in this field will be of some use to anyone interested in the problems of small business.
A Plan for Modernization of a Small Manufacturing Firm
The purpose of this study was to analyze the operational equipment in current use at the Marshall Pottery Company and make a comparison of this equipment and modern, up-to-date equipment available and in use by other manufacturers. An attempt was made to formulate a long-range plan for developing and modernizing basic production processes and facilities at the Marshall Pottery Company.
Present Status of Graduate Degree Requirements in Business Administration and Business Education in Fifty-Eight Colleges and Universities in the United States
This study attempts to review comprehensively the present status of admission and degree requirements for graduate degrees in the business fields and in the commercial teaching field of secondary and collegiate education. It also seeks to ascertain graduate areas of concentration available in business administration and business education and to determine what graduate courses dealing primarily with business education are offered.
Private Beliefs of America's Financial Analysts--1953
This study will furnish the reader with general and specific investment advice as taken from questionnaires sent to a group of men who specialize in giving investment and financial advice -- financial analysts.
Production Control Systems of Nine Texas Shoe Manufacturers
The general production control practices of the shoe industry are basically similar to the production planning of other small businesses in the consumer field. This study will reduce to concrete form the types of production control used by the shoe industry of Texas.
A Proposed Curriculum at North Texas State College School of Business for Training Business Managers for the Public Schools of Texas
It is the purpose of this study to determine what training is needed to qualify an individual for the position of school business manager. This study is made to show what duties are performed by business managers in the public schools of Texas and what training in college will be needed to qualify a college graduate for the position of school business manager.
Requirements for Business Degrees in Texas' Largest Colleges and Universities
In this study an effort is made to review comprehensively the requirements for business administration degrees in the larger colleges and universities in Texas. The development and adaptation of uniform requirements in any field of study are necessarily slow processes and subject to frequent revision. Especially is this true in the field of business education.
The Role of the State Supervisor in Business Education
This study is designed to present information on the supervision of business education as revealed through research and personal observations. Included in this study of state supervision of business education are such phases as proposed qualifications and duties of a state supervisor of business education, a brief study of supervisory programs now in effect in other states, the need for a state supervisor in Texas, and a proposed program for supervision of business education in Texas.
Service Rating Used in Manufacturing Plants of Dallas County, Texas
This study is an effort to review and compare the qualities of service ratings currently being used in the manufacturing plants of Dallas County, Texas, with the recommended qualities for service ratings as set forth in the sources available in the North Texas State Teachers College Library. Also, individual service ratings selected from the group under study will be compared to each other and discussed in detail.
Situation-Type Problems for Use in Elementary Accounting
The problem of this study is to develop a series of "situation-type" problems to be used in the teaching of the first course in elementary accounting at North Texas State College. The solutions for the problems were prepared contemporaneously with the problems to save the instructor's time when the problems are used. These problems are to include the phases of accounting of theory and principles in addition to the recording and classifying.
The Status of Inventory Valuation in Texas Cotton Mills, 1950
The problem is to determine the status of the methods of inventory valuation in Texas Cotton Mills. This study is also conducted to determine how much uniformity, if any, exists in this particular industry.
A Study of Denton's Shopping Goods Trade Losses to Dallas and Fort Worth
"The primary objective of this study was to determine the proportion of shopping goods trade Denton merchants are losing to other cities. A secondary objective was to find reasons for the loss of trade. Since Denton is within the trade orbit of Dallas and Fort Worth, special emphasis was placed on finding the percentage of trade going to these two cities...The major finding of this study is the indication that approximately 81 percent of Denton's retail shopping goods trade is actually done in Denton. "-- leaves 1,58.
A Study of How Business Education Conferences Can Promote Better Business Education in the State of Texas
This is a study of business education conferences in Texas made in an effort to improve business training in Texas secondary schools. Many young people leave high school intending to enter the business world. Business is ready to accept those who are competent. The educational preparation of students, however, is often insufficient to permit their seizing the opportunities offered to them.
A Study of Personnel Policies in North Texas State Teachers College as Compared With Those of Twenty-Five Other Institutions of Higher Learning
This study of personnel policies in college and universities includes such phrases as administrative control, classification and distribution of positions, selection and appointment, terms of employment, teaching loads, and appraisal and interpretation of personnel policies. This study is planned to provide data on the policies with regard to the non-teaching staff as well as those of the teaching staff. From this study the writer concludes that strong personnel policies are not being developed by the twenty-five colleges and universities studied. The administrative officers apparently are largely unaware of the vital needs of such policies, and the members of the staff are reported to have little representation in formulating the policies which are adopted. Furthermore, it is evident that colleges and universities are not taking the lead in the unification of personnel policies in institutions of higher learning, and the worth of each individual employed by the institutions is not being recognized.
A Study of the Duties of the Deans of Women in the Seven State Teachers Colleges of Texas
The problem undertaken is a study of the duties of the deans of women in the seven state teachers colleges of Texas, their relationship to other members of the faculty, and special problems with which they are confronted. The study also includes a discussion of routine office duties, dormitory duties, public relations work, academic teaching, social duties, and the main professional satisfactions of the position.
A Study of the Fees Charged in Texas High Schools for Commercial Courses
The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship of the fee system for certain business subjects in Texas high schools to certain principles of free public school education as provided for Texas public schools.
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