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open access


Description: One of the most utilized hot cell capabilities at the Idaho National Laboratory is referred to as the containment box. This is where all destructive examination samples are prepared for analysis. This one window box is contained within the much larger Hot Fuels Examination Facility which consists of a 21x10x8 meter hot cell with an inert argon atmosphere. The refurbishment of this box entailed removing of all sample preparation equipment and support systems, as well as the design and installati… more
Date: September 1, 2010
Creator: Robinson, Adam B. & Lind, R. Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot Fuel Examination Facility/North Facility safety report

Description: Design and safety-related construction features of the Hot Fuel Examination Facility/North, located on the Argonne--West site at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory are described. The proposed operations, the organizational structure, and emergency plans are given. Evaluations of potential accident situations are presented and it is concluded that HFEF/N can be operated safely and without undue hazard.
Date: February 1975
Creator: Adams, R. M.; Hampson, D. C.; Ferguson, K. R. & Hylsky, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of K-Basin High-Strength Homogeneous Sludge Simulants and Correlations Between Unconfined Compressive Strength and Shear Strength

Description: K-Basin sludge will be stored in the Sludge Transport and Storage Containers (STSCs) at an interim storage location on Central Plateau before being treated and packaged for disposal. During the storage period, sludge in the STSCs may consolidate/agglomerate, potentially resulting in high-shear-strength material. The Sludge Treatment Project (STP) plans to use water jets to retrieve K-Basin sludge after the interim storage. STP has identified shear strength to be a key parameter that should be b… more
Date: February 20, 2011
Creator: Onishi, Yasuo; Baer, Ellen BK; Chun, Jaehun; Yokuda, Satoru T.; Schmidt, Andrew J.; Sande, Susan et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Strength Measurements of Archive K Basin Sludge Using a Soil Penetrometer

Description: Spent fuel radioactive sludge present in the K East and K West spent nuclear fuel storage basins now resides in the KW Basin in six large underwater engineered containers. The sludge will be dispositioned in two phases under the Sludge Treatment Project: (1) hydraulic retrieval into sludge transport and storage containers (STSCs) and transport to interim storage in Central Plateau and (2) retrieval from the STSCs, treatment, and packaging for shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. In the … more
Date: December 6, 2011
Creator: Delegard, Calvin H.; Schmidt, Andrew J. & Chenault, Jeffrey W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot Wire Needle Probe for In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Detection

Description: Thermal conductivity is a key property of interest for both nuclear fuel and structural materials, and must be known for proper design, test, and application of new fuels and structural materials in nuclear reactors. Thermal conductivity is highly dependent on the physical structure, chemical composition, and the state of the material. Typically, thermal conductivity changes that occur during irradiation are measured out-of-pile by Post Irradiated Examination (PIE) using a “cook and look” appro… more
Date: November 1, 2001
Creator: Daw, Joshua; Rempe, Joy; Condie, Keith; Knudson, Darrell; Wilkins, S. Curtis; Fox, Brandon S. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Filtration and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Sludge and REDOX Cladding Sludge Actual Waste Sample Composites

Description: A testing program evaluating actual tank waste was developed in response to Task 4 from the M-12 External Flowsheet Review Team (EFRT) issue response plan (Barnes and Voke 2006). The test program was subdivided into logical increments. The bulk water-insoluble solid wastes that are anticipated to be delivered to the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) were identified according to type such that the actual waste testing could be targeted to the relevant categories. Under test … more
Date: March 2, 2009
Creator: Shimskey, Rick W.; Billing, Justin M.; Buck, Edgar C.; Casella, Amanda J.; Crum, Jarrod V.; Daniel, Richard C. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogen safety project chemical analysis support task: Window ``C`` semivolatile organic analysis

Description: Analysis of four samples for semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is the subject of this report. Two of the samples contained a significant amount of liquid. These two samples were partitioned into the solid and liquid phases. The solid and liquid phases were analyzed separately.
Date: March 1, 1992
Creator: Gillespie, B. M.; Stromatt, R. W. & Hoppe, E. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

IFR fuel cycle process equipment design environment and objectives

Description: Argonne National laboratory (ANL) is refurbishing the hot cell facility originally constructed with the EBR-II reactor. When refurbishment is complete, the facility win demonstrate the complete fuel cycle for current generation high burnup metallic fuel elements. These are sodium bonded, stainless steel clad fuel pins of U-Zr or U-Pu-Zr composition typical of the fuel type proposed for a future Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) design. To the extent possible, the process equipment is being built at f… more
Date: March 1, 1993
Creator: Rigg, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Remote real time x-ray examination of fuel elements in a hot cell environment

Description: This report discusses the Remote Real Time X-ray System which will allow for detailed examination of fuel elements. This task will be accomplished in a highly radioactive hot cell environment. Two remote handling systems win be utilized at the examination station. One handling system will transfer the fuel element to and from the shielded x-ray system. A second handling system will allow for vertical and rotational inspection of the fuel elements. The process win include removing a single nucle… more
Date: March 1, 1993
Creator: Yapuncich, F. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

327 legacy waste processing plan

Description: The B and W Hanford Company`s (BWHC) 327 Facility [Postirradiation Testing Laboratory (PTL)] houses 10 hot cells in which a variety of postirradiation examinations have been performed since its construction in the mid 1950s. Over the years, the waste that was generated in these cells has been collected in one gallon buckets. These buckets are essentially one gallon cylindrical cans made of thin wall stainless steel with welded bottoms and slip fit lids. They contain assorted compactable waste (… more
Date: May 5, 1998
Creator: Henderson, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Filters in P-10 production hoods

Description: This paper addresses the reported problem of insufficient air flow through the Fiberglas filters for the air inlets in P-10 production hoods. Since it appears that the replacement of the contemplated filters with either louvers or grilles will not impose any forseen difficulties and will definitely assist in the ventilation design, this substitution has been accepted. Air flow through the grilles or louvers is to be designed to attain a minimum lineal velocity of 200 fpm through the openings.
Date: November 2, 1950
Creator: Adley, F. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Candidate In-Pile Thermal Conductivity Techniques

Description: Thermophysical properties of materials must be known for proper design, test, and application of new fuels and structural properties in nuclear reactors. In the case of nuclear fuels during irradiation, the physical structure and chemical composition change as a function of time and position within the rod. Typically, thermal conductivity changes, as well as other thermophysical properties being evaluated during irradiation in a materials and test reactor, are measured out-of-pile in “hot-cells… more
Date: May 1, 2009
Creator: Fox, B.; Ban, H.; Daw, J.; Condie, K.; Knudson, D. & Rempe, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Study at the 222-S Laboratory Using Hot-Cell Glove Box Prototype System

Description: This report describes the installation, testing and acceptance of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant procured laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (LA-ICP-AES) system for remotely analyzing high-level waste samples in a hot cell environment. The 2005-003; ATS MP 1027, Management Plan for Waste Treatment Plant Project Work Performed by Analytical Technical Services. The APD group at the 222-S laboratory demonstrated acceptable turnaround time (TAT) and… more
Date: March 26, 2009
Creator: Lockrem, L. L.; Owens, J. W. & Seidel, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

UDS Recovery Equipment Installation (AFCI CETE Milestone Report)

Description: This letter documents the successful installation of the un-dissolved solids (UDS) recovery equipment into the hot-cell in building 7920 at ORNL. This installation (see Figure 1) satisfies the AFCI Level 4 milestone in the CETE Investments and Hot Cell Upgrades work package (OR0915020323) to 'Complete UDS recovery equipment installation' (M4502032306), due 30 June 09.
Date: June 1, 2009
Creator: Jubin, Robert Thomas
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The UK National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) has developed a remote, non-electrical, radiation-mapping device known as RadBall (patent pending), which offers a means to locate and quantify radiation hazards and sources within contaminated areas of the nuclear industry. To date, the RadBall has been deployed in a number of technology trials in nuclear waste reprocessing plants at Sellafield in the UK. The trials have demonstrated the successful ability of the RadBall technology to be deployed and re… more
Date: November 23, 2009
Creator: Farfan, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This report describes the installation, testing, and acceptance of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) procured laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (LA-ICP-AES) system for remotely analyzing high-level waste (HLW) samples in a hot cell environment. The work was completed by the Analytical Process Development (APD) group in accordance with Task Order 2005-003; ATS MP 1027, Management Plan for Waste Treatment Plant Project Work Performed by Analyt… more
Date: February 23, 2009
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DQO Summary Report for 324 and 327 Building Hot Cells D4 Project Waste Characterization

Description: This data quality objective (DQO) summary report provides the results of the DQO process conducted for waste characterization activities for the 324 and 327 Building hot cells decommission, deactivate, decontaminate, and demolish activities. This DQO summary report addresses the systems and processes related to the hot cells, air locks, vaults, tanks, piping, basins, air plenums, air ducts, filters, an adjacent elements that have high dose rates, high contamination levels, and/or suspect transu… more
Date: February 6, 2006
Creator: Lee, T.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This report examines and ranks a total of seven materials processing techniques that may be potentially utilized to consolidate the undissolved solids from nuclear fuel reprocessing into a low-surface area form. Commercial vendors of processing equipment were contacted and literature researched to gather information for this report. Typical equipment and their operation, corresponding to each of the seven techniques, are described in the report based upon the discussions and information provide… more
Date: March 1, 2011
Creator: Rohatgi, Aashish & Strachan, Denis M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility

Description: The Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), is a large test reactor for providing the capability for studying the effects of intense neutron and gamma radiation on reactor materials and fuels. The ATR is a pressurized, light-water, high flux test reactor with a maximum operating power of 250 MWth. The INL also has several hot cells and other laboratories in which irradiated material can be examined to study material irradiation effects. In 2007 the US Department of … more
Date: August 1, 2011
Creator: Marshall, Frances M.; Benson, Jeff & Thelen, Mary Catherine
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Test Area North (TAN) was a site of the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) Project of the U.S. Air Force and the Atomic Energy Commission. Its Cold War mission was to develop a turbojet bomber propelled by nuclear power. The project was part of an arms race. Test activities took place in five areas at TAN. The Assembly & Maintenance area was a shop and hot cell complex. Nuclear tests ran at the Initial Engine Test area. Low-power test reactors operated at a third cluster. The fourth area was for… more
Date: February 1, 2005
Creator: Stacy, Susan & Gilbert, Hollie K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Reactor Spent Fuel Processing: Experience and Criticality Safety

Description: This paper discusses operational and criticality safety experience associated with the Idaho National Laboratory Fuel Conditioning Facility which uses a pyrometallurgical process to treat spent fast reactor metallic fuel. The process is conducted in an inert atmosphere hot cell. The process starts with chopping metallic fuel elements into a basket. The basket is lowered into molten salt (LiCl-KCl) along with a steel mandrel. Active metal fission products, transuranic metals and sodium metal in … more
Date: May 1, 2007
Creator: Pope, Chad
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical safety requirements for the Auxiliary Hot Cell Facility (AHCF).

Description: These Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) identify the operational conditions, boundaries, and administrative controls for the safe operation of the Auxiliary Hot Cell Facility (AHCF) at Sandia National Laboratories, in compliance with 10 CFR 830, 'Nuclear Safety Management.' The bases for the TSRs are established in the AHCF Documented Safety Analysis (DSA), which was issued in compliance with 10 CFR 830, Subpart B, 'Safety Basis Requirements.' The AHCF Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCOs)… more
Date: February 1, 2004
Creator: Seylar, Roland F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiological Characterization Methodology of INEEL Stored RH-TRU Waste from ANL-E

Description: An Acceptable Knowledge (AK)-based radiological characterization methodology is being developed for RH TRU waste generated from ANL-E hot cell operations performed on fuel elements irradiated in the EBR-II reactor. The methodology relies on AK for composition of the fresh fuel elements, their irradiation history, and the waste generation and collection processes. Radiological characterization of the waste involves the estimates of the quantities of significant fission products and transuranic i… more
Date: February 1, 2003
Creator: Bhatt, Rajiv N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Eddy Current Examination of Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister Closure Welds

Description: The National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program (NSNFP) has developed standardized DOE SNF canisters for handling and interim storage of SNF at various DOE sites as well as SNF transport to and SNF handling and disposal at the repository. The final closure weld of the canister will be produced remotely in a hot cell after loading and must meet American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section III, Division 3 code requirements thereby requiring volumetric and surface nondestructive evaluation to v… more
Date: April 1, 2006
Creator: Watkins, Arthur D.; Kunerth, Dennis C. & McJunkin, Timothy R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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