Search Results

A Study of Personal Traits and Professional Qualities of Prospective Industrial Arts Teachers by School Officials and Industrial Arts Teacher Educators
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine what personal traits and professional qualities school officials seek in their duties of employing industrial arts teachers; (2) to determine what personal traits and professional qualities the industrial arts teacher educators believe to be most important for their students to possess upon completion of their formal education; and (3) to determine what type of appraisal form is considered most helpful by school officials and college educators.
Criteria Considered for Promotion in Rank of Junior College Non-Degree Technical and Vocational Teachers
The purpose of this study was to determine what criteria were being used or for use in determining rank assignment of non-degree technical-vocational junior college instructors.
A Survey of the Attitudes and Opinions of Industrial Arts Teachers Concerning the Modular-flexible Schedule in Selected Public Secondary Schools
This thesis is concerned with an examination of modular-flexible scheduling and the attitudes and opinions of industrial arts teachers employing this type of scheduling.
A Study to Develop a Curriculum in Industrial Destructive Testing Procedures for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals at the University Level
The problem of this study was to develop a curriculum based on present destructive testing procedures used in industry dealing with the mechanical properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and to organize the curriculum at the university level.
A Study to Develop a Curriculum Guide for Use in Teaching Numerically Controlled Drafting Courses
The problem with which this study is concerned is that of developing a curriculum guide educators can use in planning and organizing a course of study involving computer drafting at the junior college and technical vocational school levels. This study is also concerned with the impact of computer drafting on the present drafting curriculum.
A Study of Industrial Arts Woodworking Housing and Equipment Facilities in Texas
This is a study comparing the existing industrial arts housing and equipment facilities in the state of Texas with: first, housing standards within ad tentative Texas Education Agency publication entitled A Guide for Planning Industrial Arts Facilities; and second, apparent equipment needs for implementing the programs described in Texas Education Agency Bulletin 615, Principles and Standards for Accrediting Elementary and Secondary Schools and Description of Approved Courses Grades 7-12.
A Study of Industrial Arts Students and Non-industrial Arts Students in Midland High School
The purpose of this study was to compare industrial arts and non-industrial arts students in Midland High School, Midland, Texas. Data were gathered and analyzed to compare industrial arts and non-industrial arts students' chronological ages, family background, I. Q, scores and percentile rankings from intelligence tests, final grade point averages, vocational interests as described by the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, vocational and educational ambitions, hobby interests, and reasons for election or non-election of industrial arts.
The Value of Industrial Experience to Industrial Arts Teachers
The purpose of the study was to identify the types and amount of industrial and diversified work experience acquired by the industrial arts teachers in the Dallas Independent School District and their opinions concerning the value of industrial experience to industrial arts teaching.
A Study of the Philosophy of Martin Luther Concerning the Practical Arts and his Influence on the Philosophy of Modern-Day Industrial Arts in the United States
This study is an attempt to show the philosophy of Martin Luther concerning the practical arts and his influence on the philosophy of modern-day industrial arts in the United States. Although Martin Luther is considered generally outstanding because of his influence on religious matters, his philosophy and influence on education as we know it today is recognized.
The Influence of Comenius upon Current Interpretations of Industrial Arts
This study was made to determine the contributions of John Amos Comenius to the field of education and to analyze specifically his work in this field which would indicate that his philosophy contained concepts for industrial arts which are applicable today.
A Study to Determine a Sound Industrial Arts Program for the Northwest School
The problem of this study is to determine if an industrial arts program can be developed to fit the needs of the Northwest High School Community.
A Study of the Endocrine Glands and Their Implications for Education, with Special Emphasis on Industrial Arts
This is a study of the endocrine glands and their influence on the physical characteristics and behavior patterns of adolescents. The purpose of this study is not to present new ideas about the effects of the endocrine glands upon man, but to gather and present the information and data already available and to show how these glands of internal secretion affect the individual in his ability to participate in an educational program, with special emphasis on industrial arts.
A Study of the Monasteries and Their Influence on Industrial Arts
The general purposes of the thesis are to show the indebtedness of the industrial arts to the monasteries and to suggest certain areas for further study.
The Educational Philosophy of Frederick Gordon Bonser, with Special Emphasis upon Industrial Arts
The purpose of this study was threefold in nature. The first purpose was to study the life and educational background of Frederick Gordon Bonser in order to gain an understanding of the man and his educational purposes and objectives. A second purpose was to gain an insight into Bonser's philosophy of education; and the third purpose was to examine the available writings of Bonser in an attempt to analyze his philosophy of industrial arts as a phase of general education.
A Study of Calvin Milton Woodward's Contribution to the Present-Day Field of Industrial Arts
This study was made to determine the contributions of Calvin Milton Woodward to the field of industrial arts. His work will be analyzed so as to prove that his philosophy of manual training is directly related to the underlying philosophy of the industrial arts system.
A Study of the Qualifications and Status of 190 Industrial Arts Teachers in the Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High Schools of Texas
This is a study of the qualifications and status of industrial arts teachers in the elementary, junior, and senior high schools in the State of Texas.
A Study of the Philosophy of Otto Salomon, as Set Forth in the Educational Sloyd System of Sweden, and his Influence on Industrial Arts
This study was made to determine the contribution to the field of education of the philosophy of Otto Salomon as set forth in the Educational Sloyd System of Sweden and to analyze or show his influence on the teaching of Industrial Arts.
An Evaluation of Instructional Aids Available for Use in Teaching Automobile Mechanics and the Development of Additional Instructional Aids Suitable for Use in Teaching Automobile Mechanics in Industrial Arts at the Secondary Level
The purposes of this study are sixfold. They are as follows: 1. To study the various recommended courses of study for automobile mechanics and to ascertain the units of learning that are most commonly taught. 2. To obtain the various instructional aids that are available from the automotive industry to industrial arts teachers for use in teaching automobile mechanics at the secondary school level. 3. To develop suitable criteria for use in evaluating those instructional aids that are available. 4. To evaluate the instructional aids available in order to determine their probable effectiveness and practicability in teaching automobile mechanics. 5. To determine if there are instructional aids that can be developed and used by the instructor that are not available from commercial sources. 6. If there are instructional aids that can be developed but which are not available, one of the purposes of this study is to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of such aids.
Television and Its Applications to Education with Special Reference to Industrial Arts
It is the purpose of this study to determine if there are any ways and means by which television may be used effectively as an instructional aid in programs of education, and special attention will be given to ways and means of using television in the teaching of industrial arts.
A Study of Methods, Organization and Subject Matter in the Laboratory of Industries Plan in Seventy-five Public Schools of Texas
A study of methods, organization and subject matter in the Laboratory of Industries plan in seventy-five public schools of Texas.
A Study of the Requirements for a Baccalaureate Degree with Industrial Arts as the Major Course of Study in Seven Institutions of Higher Learning from 1920-1953
The specific purposes of the study are as follows: first, to study the general requirements for the baccalaureate degree and teaching certificate in the institutions included in the study; second, to study and analyze the requirements in each of the institutions for a major or first minor in industrial arts; third, to determine the changes and trends with respect to the total programs of preparation and changes and trends in the various phases of industrial arts taught in each of the institutions.
A Study of Some "Discipline Dangers" in the Industrial Arts Laboratories of Fort Worth, Texas, Public Schools
This is a study of the opinions of industrial arts teachers(presently teaching in the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas) concerning factors affecting discipline in industrial arts laboratories.
The Design, Construction, and Use of a Projection Box to be Used in Teaching a Course in Descriptive Geometry
The problem in this study was to design, build, and use a projection box to determine if it will help the student to better visualize problems included in descriptive geometry.
Study of the Industrial Arts Programs in the Junior Colleges of Texas
This is a study of the industrial arts programs in the junior colleges of Texas with special reference to the nature and scope of the curriculums, the teaching staff, and instructional and housing facilities.
A Study of Tests Available for Use in Industrial Arts and Procedures Used by Industrial Arts Teachers in Ascertaining Student Progress and Semester Grades
The over-all purpose of this study is to ascertain whether industrial arts teachers in Texas are utilizing methods in testing and in assigning final grades.
A Study of the Opinions of the Graduates of Denton Senior High School, Denton, Texas, Concerning the Practical Arts
This study is an analysis of the opinions of the graduates of Denton Senior High School concerning the practical arts, namely industrial arts and home economics.
Industrial Arts in the Carrollton High School, Carrollton, Texas
This study is to determine a sound industrial arts program which will meet better the needs of the students attending Carrollton High School and the community.
A Study to Determine What Constitutes Adequate or Desirable Physical Facilities for Industrial Arts Laboratories in Public Schools
The problem of this study is to determine what constitutes adequate and desirable physical facilities for industrial arts laboratories in public schools.
A Study of the Needs, Interests, and Aptitudes of Students Enrolled in Industrial Arts Courses in Denton Senior High School during the 1959-1960 School Year
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the present industrial arts program adequately serves the interests, aptitudes, and needs of the students enrolled in the industrial arts courses in Denton Senior High School.
A Study of the Local Industrial Resources, their Availability, and Extent of Use in the Teaching of Industrial Arts in the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas
The purpose of this study is fourfold: first, to study the local industrial resources; second, to assemble and analyze data concerning the availability of industrial resources for instructional enrichment of the industrial arts program; third, to assemble and analyze data concerning the extent of use of available industrial resources in teaching industrial arts in the Dallas Independent School District; and fourth, to make recommendations and conclusions based on the findings of the study.
Design and Construction of a Mechanical Device for Storing, Dispensing, and Accounting for Small Tools and Equipment Used in the Industrial Arts Laboratory
This is a study to design and construct a suitable and effective mechanical device for storing, dispensing, and accounting for small tools and equipment used in industrial arts laboratories.
A Study of the Organization and Administration of the Industrial Arts Program in the Junior High Schools in Fort Worth, Texas, with Emphasis upon the Curriculum
The specific purposes of the study are: 1. To ascertain the curriculum pattern with respect to the different phases of industrial arts taught in all the junior high schools. 2. To ascertain the phases or unit and subject matter content taught in each of the junior high schools. 3. To ascertain the grade levels at which the various phases and units of learning are taught in each school. 4. To ascertain if there are variations in subject matter content taught in each of the junior high schools. 5. To make suggestions and recommendations based upon the findings of the study for improving organization and administration of the industrial arts program.
The Utilization of Industrial Arts Personnel and Equipment for School Maintenance in Texas Secondary Schools
This is a study of the utilization of industrial arts personnel and equipment for school maintenance in Texas secondary schools.
Interpreting Industrial Arts in the School-Community
The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to review the literature concerning school interpretation programs and the industrial arts phase of the public relations program based upon research studies, opinions and recommendations of leaders in education and industrial arts education; (2) to gather data concerning current practices used in the industrial arts departments during the year 1953-1954; and (3) to analyze the data in order to determine whether the current practice of industrial arts interpretation coincide with the interpretation program recommended by leaders in the field of education.
An Analysis of the Qualifications and General Status of the Industrial Arts Teachers Employed in the Secondary Schools of Arkansas during the 1953-1954 School Year
This is a study to ascertain the qualifications, the general status, and in-school and out-of-school activities of the industrial arts teachers employed in the secondary schools in Arkansas in order to compare them with the qualifications and general status of the industrial arts teachers employed in the State of Texas in 1953, as reported by Jack P. Dial.
The Religious Aspects of Labor
The purpose of this study is to determine if it is possible that training in the crafts as used in industrial arts today could be an aid to a better understanding of the meaning of religion or at least to give the student room for philosophic thinking rather than merely training in crafts.
The Industrial Arts and the Philosophy of Herbart
This study attempts to analyze the philosophy of Johann Friedrich Herbart in the field of the science of education and to determine if the philosophy of industrial arts would make his philosophy more meaningful and far-reaching.
A Study of the Industrial Arts Program in the Van Independent School District, Van, Texas and Other Adjoining Schools
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the extent to which the present industrial arts program of the Van Independent School District of Van, Texas, serves the needs and interests of the students and school community.
A Follow-up Study of the Semi-professional Engineering Graduates of Arlington State College
The purposes of this study are to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program at Arlington State College; to evaluate the curricula of the Semi-Professional Engineering Program at Arlington State College; and if needed, suggest improvements in the Semi-Professional Engineering curriculum at Arlington State College.
A Study of the Housing Facilities Provided for Industrial Arts in the Junior High Schools of Seven Panhandle Counties
This is a study of the housing facilities provided for industrial arts in the junior high schools of seven Panhandle counties of Texas.
A Historical Study of the Use of Wood and the Kinds of Woods Used in the Construction of Implements, Furniture and Buildings
This is a study of the woods used by man in the construction of implements, furniture and buildings from the the first known use of wood to the present day use of this material.
A Critical Analysis, Based on Evaluative Criteria, of the Housing Facilities Provided for Industrial Arts in Three Senior High Schools and Four Junior High Schools Located at Beaumont, Texas
The purpose of the study is to determine whether or not the housing facilities provided for the industrial arts programs in the Beaumont Public Schools meet current recommendations concerning housing facilities as stated by five selected authorities in the field of school housing.
A Study of Standards for Industrial Arts Housing Facilities for Industrial Arts at Arlington Heights Senior High School, Fort Worth, Texas
This is a study of the standards and current practices as related to housing facilities for industrial arts programs with recommendations concerning the proposed housing facilities for industrial arts in the Arlington Heights Senior High School, Fort Worth, Texas, based upon present and future estimated scholastic enrollment and accepted standards and practices.
The Development of Teaching Aids for Elementary Electricity
The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching program of instructional aids which will enrich the teaching of elementary electricity in the junior and senior high schools. It is hoped that the information and materials developed and presented will be of practical value to the teachers engaged in the teaching of electricity.
A Study to Determine the Relationship between the Scores Made on Aptitudes "V" and "N" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and Parts "Q" and "L" of the American Council on Education Psychological Examination and the Academic Grades of Students Enrolled in Beginning English and Industrial Arts 122, 131, 245, 311, and 331
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Q-scores and the L-scores made on the American Council on Education Psychological Examination and the scores made on Aptitudes "N" and "V" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by the same students, and to compare the academic grades of these same students with the aforementioned test scores in order to determine what relationship exists, if any, between academic grades made in certain selected courses and scores made on each of the aforementioned tests.
A Study of the Influence of Certain Rulers of France and England on the Design of Furniture from 1300-1830
This study will attempt to show the influence of certain rulers on the construction and design of furniture during the years 1300 to 1830.
A Study of the Success of 209 Graduates of the Houston Public Schools on the Basis of their Wages and Increases in Wages
The problem of this study is to make a comparative analysis of the success, based on wages and increases in wages, of 209 students. There were 103 students who had completed Type "B" vocational training and 106 high school graduates who had not completed or taken Type "B" vocational training in the Houston Public Schools.
A Study and Evaluation of the Lighting in the Industrial Arts Shops of the Fort Worth Public Schools
There are many factors to be considered when studying the lighting of industrial arts shops. Adequate light is one of the most important factors, and by adequate lighting is meant light that is sufficient in quantity and quality. Other factors to be considered include the location of the shops in the building, the windows, interior painting, width, and length, and the ceiling height of the shoprooms. The study herein is directed toward better lighting in the industrial arts shops for more efficient work.
Basic Operations in the Prefabrication of Leather Projects and the Construction and Uses of Leathercraft Tools
The purpose of this study is to determine the use of homemade tools for leatherwork, and to examine the possibilities of making a part of the tools and equipment needed in leathercraft classes. This study will include inquiries made to the high schools of Texas where courses in leathercraft are offered.
A Critical Analysis of the Educational Program of the Lorenzo De Zavala Elementary School and the Northside Junior High School of Corpus Christi, Texas, to Determine whether Industrial Arts is Needed and Wanted
The purpose of this study was to determine, by means of a survey, the desires and needs of Latin-American children in connection with an educational program in the elementary school and at the junior-high-school level. It was recognized at the outset of this investigation that these pupils may be influenced materially both by the lower standard of education of their parents and the higher standard of education of their teachers. Language difficulties, living conditions at home, and loyalty to native teachings, customs, and traditions act as opposing forces in the effective educational training of these pupils in the schools of Texas.
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