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open access

Loss of Innocence

Description: Loss of Innocence uses sculpture, two-dimensional imagery, and text to explore the moment when children lose their innocence or realize their mortality. In the introduction, I explain that there are many factors, such as age and personality, which determine how children will deal with traumatic events in their lives and the duration of time that must pass before they move past the event. Often, children will combine childhood fantasy with random facts to create their own satisfactory explanatio… more
Date: May 2002
Creator: Smith, Jennifer J.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Sequence without Uniformity

Description: The inspiration for my undergraduate body of work is derived from my fascination with Henri Matisse, Jacob Lawrence, and the Impressionists. I suddenly became captivated with the Impressionist movement and the independence of abstraction. I set into motion a series of paintings and drawings featuring random African-Americans and African society representatives in vibrant color and abstracting forms, and was specifically concerned with altering the form outside of the realistic area. While in gr… more
Date: August 2002
Creator: Woodford, Nicole Yvonne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Striving for Amy: A Personal Aesthetic

Description: The first chapter of this descriptive paper outlines a problem, proposes a solution and poses three questions for me to answer after completion of research. The problem was to bring an emerging ceramic style into all of my pieces rather than just the few I have mastered. The solution was to create three sets of new forms and make them repeatedly until they boasted the sought-after style. Chapter 2 chronicles the research of creating, morphing, detailing and finally mastering these new forms. Ch… more
Date: December 2002
Creator: Reynolds, Amy Lauren
Partner: UNT Libraries

Discovering the Parameters of a Successful Piece: While Developing a Body of Work that Represents My Passion for Clay and My Enthusiasm for Life

Description: Chapter I describes the purpose of the project, which was to develop a body of work that exhibits all that I am at this point in time. The questions I presented to myself were the following: 1. A successful piece is defined by what parameters? 2. What visual qualities indicate my passion for clay and my enthusiasm for life? Chapter II lists and explains the five parameters of a successful piece, which are composition, firing, mark making, color contrast, and movement. Furthermore there is an ex… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: December 2002
Creator: Lichman, Brenda C.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Nature By Design

Description: Organic forms representing nature, but not particular species, are combined with elements signifying attitudes toward the natural world with an emphasis on North American culture. The viewer is encouraged to consider human effects on the environment. Aquarium Night Light and Trophy both refer to the human tendency for commercial exploitation coupled with the creation of nature images we sometimes seem to prefer over the reality of the natural world. Reliquary metaphorically connects traditional… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: December 2002
Creator: Lingle, Linda A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Surfacing the Void

Description: Surfacing the Void is an exploration of surface design in relationship to the topic of voids. For the purpose of this paper, two types of void were addressed: shelters and hulls. The theme behind the sculptural works dealt with negative spaces as an analogy for the voids in people's lives. The goal was to find a way for the surfaces to elicit an emotional response from the viewer that correlates to the impression of either shelter or hull. Keeping this in mind, each experiment was approached w… more
Date: May 2002
Creator: Williamson, Melanie L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Dialogue: An Exhibition of Ceramic Sculpture

Description: I want the viewers of my work to participate with me in a common experience. How I choose to communicate an experience in the work is intended to effect the viewer's level of understanding and participation. Toward this end, an exploration of nontraditional self-portraiture involving the viewer in a relationship with the artist will be used to maintain the visual dialogue imparted through the work. Utilization of recognizable symbols and icons within the work is meant to increase the clarity of… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: May 2000
Creator: Freeland, Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Evolution of Form

Description: A craftsman’s work evolves with time, new forms arise and old forms become more refined. This research attempts to study the evolution of pots over a designated period of time. The key findings include that the approach to glazing was relatively unchanged by the evolution in the work. However,the refinements that occurred in the work allowed the glazes to impart wonderful characteristics to the forms on which they are used.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: May 2000
Creator: Dotter, David D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Utilization of Semantic Webbing as a Method of Teaching Art Criticism in the Elementary School

Description: Art educators and classroom teachers in the elementary schools are confronted with the challenge of helping children look critically at works of art and develop written and/or verbal skills to communicate their findings. It was the purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the conceptual learning technique of semantic webbing in teaching art criticism in the elementary classroom. The author revealed a significant difference of opinions between two sample groups and similarities be… more
Date: May 1991
Creator: Peel, Marie A. (Marie Annette)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Diverse Works

Description: The goal of the work was to infect traditional ideas of beauty and authority with late Twentieth-Century culture and to thereby create an artifact that would reflect the multiplicity of our culture. My work, to date, has dealt with single works of a consistent media combining two and three-dimensional elements. I proposed to add to the complexity of my stated goal through a more varied use of medium; audio, photography, lighting, paint on canvas, reprocessed found objects as well as materials w… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Allen, Joseph Hugh
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Like Random Piles of Debris in My Mind

Description: In this project, I further examined my work as a fictional layering of vernacular culture within the discourse of historical art. This investigation addressed the sources of my art, both in the outside world and in the context of an inherited art tradition. I focused on the issues of the formation and function of my work as an estheticized representation of this culture.
Date: December 1993
Creator: Garrett, Randall D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Search for Meaning Through the Visually Analogous

Description: In my Problem in Lieu of Thesis I explored the use of analogy in my work. I searched for ways to heighten the difference or distance between the imagery within an analogous relationship and yet maintain meaningful similarities or relationships. An analogy, for the purpose of this paper is defined as the following: "a similarity or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different."
Date: May 1989
Creator: Hudson, Jimmie Lynn Paroline
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Recurring Images Rising Out of a State of Obscurity

Description: Through this study I intended to analyze and determine the significance of the recurring imagery that emerged as an integral part of my compositions. Furthermore, I attempted to discern the importance and over all the effects of the small scale upon my work and determine how vital is the spontaneity that is used to obtain each composition.
Date: May 1993
Creator: Aberu, Nancy E. Vendrell
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Retained Two Dimensional Elements in a Three Dimensional Sculptural Format

Description: The object of this problem in lieu of thesis has been the exploration and identification of the retained two dimensional design idiom in the sculptural format of my work. (By this, I am referring to the lateral, planar quality which often continues as part of my designs.)
Date: December 1991
Creator: Trimble, H. Carl III
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Use of Symbolic Imagery Through the Decorative Qualities of Majolica

Description: For the purpose of this study I intended to use Majolica to allow me both more flexibility in the physical act of decorating my ceramic work, as well as the opportunity for the expansion of my selection of symbols. During this investigation the following questions were addressed: 1. Was the color range attainable with Majolica relevant to my work? 2. Was my chosen imagery complemented by the special properties of Majolica. 3. Did the textural possibilities of Majolica benefit my work?
Date: December 1990
Creator: Lipscomb, Loretta T.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Sculptural Expression, Based on Dream-Derived Imagery, of the Preciousness of Certain Tools in a Meditative Journey

Description: To emphasize the preciousness of these tools, I envisioned object-specific carrying cases, like a violin case or my grandmother's china cabinet. The object-specific case or cabinet is, like the tool it houses, special and singular inits utility and serves to underscore the ceremonial nature of the tool. Of all the examples of object-specific environments I've looked at, most have been constructed of fine woods; many have also been either covered or lined with various skins, silk, or velvet to r… more
Date: May 1993
Creator: Martin, Brian Scot
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of the Halo Effect Achieved Through Alterations of Standard Raku Formula and Procedures

Description: My research explored the possibilities of achieving the raku halo through variations of the standard engobe (pronounced on-gobe) and oxide formulas, using ceramic vessels as media. This included alterations of the ingredients, consistencies, and methods of application. Throughout the research, a journal was kept including individual information about research pieces, a statement of results, and my reaction to those effects. From this information, an analysis of the completed vessels was compile… more
Date: December 1989
Creator: Moorman, Evette M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Installation: Sculpture and Painting as a Hybrid Within Virtual Reality

Description: My work has developed to the point where it exists within the grey area between painting and sculpture. These hybrid works necessitate the transition from creating objects to that work singularly to installations of various works that operate as a whole. The purpose of this study is to identify successful methods of making this transition through the use of the computer. The computer should provide new strategies to integrate sculpture and painting into a hybrid form.
Date: May 1996
Creator: Ashton, Leo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Art by the Yard: Exploring Narrative Drawings

Description: I am interested, both from a personal standpoint and from a cultural perspective, in pursuing the meaning of thes eimages singly and as they combine with others. In turn, the results, I hope, will lead to the discovery of more images for my image encyclopedia. After this introduction subsequent chapters will explore my reasons for the combinations of images I choose and will place the finished drawings in their contemporary art context. My goal will be to note the changing meanings of the objec… more
Date: May 1990
Creator: Sale, Thomas Fancher
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Concept Vs. Intuition: A Study Into the Personal Understanding of Images

Description: I was curious as to what my work was about and what images were important to me. There had to be a reason why I was driven to do what I did, whether it was a conscious, conceptual purpose or a subconscious, intuitive reason. The problem of this investigation was to discover which of these I used in the creation of my images or whether I used both.
Date: December 1990
Creator: Student, Cheryl L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Transcendence and Paradox: A Question of Female and Male

Description: For the problem in lieu of thesis, a series of ten works were created in which a male image replaced the female image; I continued to utilize the same materials, format, and centralized frontal figure. A record of the work was accomplished by maintaining a written and visual journal on progress and outcome. Some research was made into topics related to the work, and the findings from the literature comprise chapter two of the paper. In executing this body of work and researching related topics,… more
Date: May 1991
Creator: Bennett, Karen M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Exploring Visual Metaphors for Loss

Description: My concerns relate to the process of imagery development and the process of utilizing suitable materials to execute my work. These concerns are dictated by the themes in a particular piece and revolve around an acute sense of loss. These themes are frequently presented with humor.
Date: August 1989
Creator: Langhorne, Meg
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Living Walls: The Integration of Clay and Architecture

Description: Although clay has been used throughout history as an embellishment of architectural structures, clay elements have usually remained subordinate to existing architectural forms. Three-dimensional ceramic modules which divided an existing space, altered or obscured architectural forms, and intersected with or penetrated established planes provided a greater interaction between clay and architecture. I explored the use of clay as an integral three-dimensional element which interacted with an archi… more
Date: May 1994
Creator: Gray, Douglas E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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