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open access

Genetic changes in Mammalian cells transformed by helium cells

Description: Midterm Syrian Hamster embryo (SHE) cells were employed to study high LET-radiation induced tumorigenesis. Normal SHE cells (secondary passage) were irradiated with accelerated helium ions at an incident energy of 22 MeV/u (9--10 keV/{mu}m). Transformed clones were isolated after growth in soft agar of cells obtained from the foci of the initial monolayer plated postirradiation. To study the progression process of malignant transformation, the transformed clones were followed by monolayer subcu… more
Date: November 1, 1990
Creator: Durante, M.; Grossi, G. (Naples Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Fisiche); Yang, T.C. & Roots, R. (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiation-induced mesotheliomas in rats

Description: Mesotheliomas have been reported in rats that inhaled plutonium, but these tumors have not been extensively studied. To investigate a possible role for inhaled radionuclides in the induction of mesotheliomas, four life-span studies conducted at the Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute are reviewed. A total of 3076 F344 rats were exposed by inhalation to aerosols of {sup 239}PuO{sub 2}, mixed uranium-plutonium oxide, or {sup 144}CeO{sub 2}. Results showed that a low incidence of pleural meso… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Hahn, F. F.; Haley, P. J.; Hubbs, A. F.; Hoover, M. D. & Lundgren, D. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Activation of oncogenes by radon progeny and x-rays

Description: The overall goal of this proposal is to study the carcinogenic effect of both high and low LET radiation at the molecular level, utilizing techniques developed in molecular biology, cancer cell biology and radiation biology. The underlying assumption is that malignant transformation of normal cells is a multistep process requiring two or more molecular events in the genomic DNA. We hypothesize that radiation may induce such events in one or more steps of the multistep process. We will use in vi… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Ling, C. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monochromosomal hybrids for the analysis of the human genome

Description: In this research project the authors proposed to develop rodent/human hybrid cell lines each containing a single different human chromosome. The human chromosomes will be marked with Ecogpt and stably maintained by selection in the hybrid cells. The experimental approach to produce the proposed cell lines involve the following: they will first transfer a cloned selectable marker, Ecogpt (an E. coli gene for xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase: XGPRT) to normal diploid human cells using a… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Athwal, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boron neutron capture therapy of ocular melanoma and intracranial glioma using p-boronophenylalanine

Description: During conventional radiotherapy, the dose that can be delivered to the tumor is limited by the tolerance of the surrounding normal tissue within the treatment volume. Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) represents a promising modality for selective tumor irradiation. The key to effective BNCT is selective localization of {sup 10}B in the tumor. We have shown that the synthetic amino acid p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) will selectively deliver boron to melanomas and other tumors such as gliosarco… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Coderre, J.A.; Greenberg, D.; Micca, P.L.; Joel, D.D.; Saraf, S. (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)) & Packer, S. (North Shore Univ. Hospital, Manhasset, NY (USA). Div. of Ophthalmology)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrastructural changes in the lung following exposure to perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) and potentiation of PFIB-induced lung injury by post-exposure exercise

Description: The authors investigated the kinetics of development of the injurious effects of perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) in the lower respiratory tract of the rat as a function of inhaled mass concentration. We additionally examined if exercise performed after exposure to PFIB can potentiate the severity of expression of PFIB-induced lung injury, while also assessing how PFIB exposure may result in reductions in work performance capacity. The severity of PFIB-induced lung injury was found to be directly pr… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Lehnert, B. E. & Stavert, D. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiobiology of boron neutron capture therapy: Problems with the concept of relative biological effectiveness

Description: The radiation dose delivered to cells in vitro or vivo during boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a mixture of photons, fast neutrons and heavy charged particles from the interaction of neutrons with nitrogen and born. The concept of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) had been developed to allow comparison of the effects of these radiations with the effects of standard photon treatments such as 250 kVp x-rays or {sup 60}Co gamma rays. The RBE value for all of these high linear energy t… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Coderre, J.A. & Makar, M.S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron issues in the JANUS mouse program

Description: Over the last 25 years, the JANUS program in the Biological and Medical Research Division at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has compiled a database on the response of both sexes of an F{sub 1} hybrid mouse, the B6CF{sub 1} (C57BL/6 x BALB/c), to external whole- body irradiation by {sup 60}Co {gamma}-rays and fission neutrons. Three basic patterns of exposure for both neutrons and {gamma}-rays have been investigated: single exposures, 24 equal once-weekly exposures, and 60 equal once-weekly e… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Carnes, Bruce A. & Grahn, Douglas
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Mutagenicity of Radon and Radon Daughters]

Description: The current objective of our research is to investigate the dose-response relationship of the lethal and mutagenic effects of exposure of cells to radon and its decay products. Dose-rate dependence will be studied, as well as the nature of the DNA lesions. The effect of DNA repair on the lethal and mutagenic effects of exposure and on the character of the DNA lesions will be investigated by comparing the response of L5178Y strains which differ in their ability to rejoin X radiation-induced DNA … more
Date: January 1, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary observations of lung injury produced by instillation of HF in acidic and neutral buffer

Description: Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) is an extremely toxic organofluoride that can be produced during pyrolysis of tetrafluoroethylene polymers, including Teflon{reg sign}. Inhalation of PFIB at very low concentrations causes acute lung injury, the hallmark of which is pulmonary edema. Several lines of evidence have suggested that hydrolysis of PFIB and resulting production of hydrofluoric acid may be responsible for pulmonary damage. In order to investigate the potential involvement of hydrofluoric aci… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Brainard, J. R.; Kinkead, S. A.; Kober, E. M.; Sebring, R. J.; Stavert, D. M. & Lehnert, B. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quantitative changes in sets of proteins as markers of biological response

Description: Exposure to either physical or chemical insults triggers a cascade of bio-chemical events within the target cell. This response requires adjustment within the protein population of the cell, some proteins becoming more abundant (those involved in the cellular response), others less abundant (those not required or counterproductive to the response). Thus, quantitative changes in the global protein population of an exposed biological system may well serve as an indicator of exposure, provided the… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Giometti, C.S.; Taylor, J.; Gemmell, M.A.; Tollaksen, S.L. (Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)); Lalwani, N.D. & Reddy, J.K. (Northwestern Univ., Chicago, IL (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Protection by WR-151327 against late-effect damage from fission-spectrum neutrons

Description: Considerable effort has been expended to develop chemical agents capable of modifying radiation-induced damage to biological systems. The authors describe here differences in the radioprotective effect of WR-151327, depending on the sex of the animal and the post-irradiation time interval considered. The greatest effect in female animals is prior to 805 days post irradiation. The greater protection in male animals is seen during the time increment following 850 days after irradiation. While it … more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Grdina, D. J. (Argonne National Lab., IL (USA) Chicago Univ., IL (USA). Dept. of Radiation and Cellular Oncology); Wright, B. J. & Carnes, B. A. (Argonne National Lab., IL (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calcified-tissue investigations using synchrotron x-ray microscopy

Description: Synchrotron x-ray microscopy (SXRM) in both emission and absorption modes has been used to examine elemental distributions in specimens of rat tibia, human deciduous teeth, and an orthopedic implant phantom. The work was performed with a spatial resolution of 8 {mu}m for the emission work and 25 {mu}m for the absorption work. The results illustrate the usefulness of SXRM for measurements of different types of calcified tissue. 3 figs.
Date: October 1, 1990
Creator: Jones, K. W.; Spanne, P.; Schidlovsky, G.; Dejun, X. (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)); Bockman, R. S. (Cornell Univ., New York, NY (USA). Medical Coll.); Rabinowitz, M. B. (Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA (USA)) et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the cells of origin of radiogenic thyroid cancer: New studies based on an old idea

Description: We have presented evidence that the functional thyroid follicles (follicular units, FU) which are formed in grafts of monodispersed rat thyroid cells, and hence the thyroid tumors which later develop in such grafts, are clonal in origin. Recent studies have been designed to investigate: whether cell number-dependent inhibition of promotion-progression is mediated by remote hormonal feed-back, local cell-cell interactions, or both; the cell population kinetics of the clonogen subpopulation durin… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Clifton, K.H.; Domann, F.E. & Groch, K.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Correlation of physical and genetic maps of human chromosome 16

Description: This project is now progressing strongly. Thirteen somatic cell hybrids containing rearranged {number sign}16 chromosomes have been constructed, bringing the total number of hybrids constructed by the group to 27 which divides chromosome 16 into 29 regions. 170 probes have been mapped into these regions. Although this is the second progress report for this contract it essentially contains all the work carried out since the first progress report covered a period of less than three months during … more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Sutherland, G.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research in radiobiology

Description: This report discusses the technical progress made during the past year. Good progress has been made in the areas of bones cells at risk, bone cell morphometry, bone cell residence time, microdistribution of plutonium-239, and the calculation of cell-specific radiation dosimetry. 3 figs., 11 tabs. (KJD)
Date: July 15, 1990
Creator: Jee, W.S.S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Models for comparing lung-cancer risks in radon- and plutonium-exposed experimental animals

Description: Epidemiologic studies of radon-exposed underground miners have provided the primary basis for estimating human lung-cancer risks resulting from radon exposure. These studies are sometimes used to estimate lung-cancer risks resulting from exposure to other alpha- emitters as well. The latter use, often referred to as the dosimetric approach, is based on the assumption that a specified dose to the lung produces the same lung-tumor risk regardless of the substance producing the dose. At Pacific No… more
Date: October 1, 1990
Creator: Gilbert, E. S.; Cross, F. T.; Sanders, C. L. & Dagle, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metabolites of IPPA, BMIPP, and DMIPP fatty acids in rats hearts: A quantitative HPLC-study

Description: The significance of the use of radioiodinated fatty acid analogues such as 15-(p-iodophenyl) pentadecanoic acid (IPPA), 15-(p-iodophenyl)-3-R,S-methylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP), and 15-(p-iodophenyl)-3-dimethylpentadecanoic acid (DMIPP) for the evaluation of regional myocardial fatty acid uptake is well documented. An understanding of the relative incorporation of these fatty acid analogues into various fatty acid pools is important to correlate fatty acid uptake and release with flux through t… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Kropp, J.; Assmann, T.; Biersack, H.J.; Wissen, H.P. (Bonn Univ. (Germany, F.R.)) & Knapp, F.F. Jr. Ambrose, K.R. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparative Evaluation of Several Small Mammal Species as Monitors of Heavy Metals, Radionuclides, and Selected Organic Compounds in the Environment

Description: The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate which small mammal species are the best monitors of specific environmental contaminants. The evaluation is based on the published literature and on an analysis of small mammals trapped at several sites on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Reservation in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Studies on the uptake of heavy metals, radionuclides, and organic chemicals are reviewed in Chapter II to evaluate several small mammal species for their capacity to … more
Date: August 1, 1990
Creator: Talmage, S.S. (Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN (USA) Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)) & Walton, B.T. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Field-flow fractionation of chromosomes

Description: Research continued on field flow fractionation of chromosomes. Progress in the past year can be organized into three main categories: (1) chromosome sample preparation; (2) preliminary chromosome fractionation; (3) fractionation of a polystyrene aggregate model which approximates the chromosome shape. We have been successful in isolating metaphase chromosomes from the Chinese hamster. We also received a human chromosome sample from Dr. Carolyn Bell-Prince of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Resu… more
Date: September 1, 1990
Creator: Giddings, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gallium a unique anti-resorptive agent in bone: Preclinical studies on its mechanisms of action

Description: The discovery of gallium as a new and unique agent for the treatment of metabolic bone disorders was in part fortuitous. Gallium is an exciting new therapeutic agent for the treatment of pathologic states characterized by accelerated bone resorption. Compared to other therapeutic metal compounds containing platinum or germanium, gallium affects its antiresorptive action without any evidence of a cytotoxic effect on bone cells. Gallium is unique amongst all therapeutically available antiresorpti… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Bockman, R.; Adelman, R.; Donnelly, R.; Brody, L.; Warrell, R. (Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (USA)) & Jones, K.W. (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drug delivery by organ-specific immunoliposomes

Description: Monoclonal antibodies highly specific to the mouse pulmonary endothelial cells were conjugated to liposomes. The resulting immunoliposomes showed high levels of lung accumulation when injected intravenously into mice. Optimal target binding and retention were achieved if the lipid composition included ganglioside GM{sub 1} to reduce the uptake of immunoliposomes by the reticuloendothelial system. Details of the construction and optimization of these organ-specific immunoliposomes are reviewed. … more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Maruyama, Kazuo; Mori, Atsuhide; Hunag, Leaf (Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN (USA). Dept. of Biochemistry) & Kennel, S.J. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of gamma-emitting, receptor binding radiotracers for imaging the brain and pancreas

Description: This progress report covers period from Nov. 1, 1989 to Aug. 31, 1990. The long term objective was to develop receptor-binding radiotracers for SPECT or PET imaging of CNS or peripheral nervous system. The specific chemistry aims, as understood on the basis of past findings, were: to synthesize and develop a more polar analogs of 4IQNB, possessing similar binding characteristics but eliminated more rapidly from the surrounding tissues and the target organ, to design a method of introducing a te… more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Reba, R.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adducts in Sperm Protamine and DNA (Deoxyribonuclease) vs. Mutation Frequency

Description: In mammals, variability in the genetic sensitivity of different germ-cell stages to mutagens could be the result of how much chemical reaches the different stages, what molecular targets may be affected in the different stages and whether or not repair of lesions occurs. In the mouse, several mutagens have been found that cause their greatest genetic damage in late-spermatid and early-spermatozoa stages and that also bind very strongly to the protamine in these stages. Chemicals which are less … more
Date: January 1, 1990
Creator: Sega, G. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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