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Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, Overall view of N Façade with later addition
It is a vase which is made up of ceramics.It comes in the art of pottery which is used for the decorative purpose.the design of the vase is that it is divided into two parts first part is the bottom one which is supporting the whole vase it is of yellow color mainly and in the middle of it has a shape and carving making it look like a teeth.Above to it is a wide circle which is going upwards and moulded towards outside from the top.There are various kinds of colors used in it green,blue pink etc and various design are made using it including flowers and leaves.
Cake dish
It is a plate which is made up of ceramics.It comes in the art of pottery which is used for the decorative purpose.The plate used is of green color and it's surface is shiny and glittery. There is a design on the plate having a flower with pink,yellow and green and a petal with is dettached to it on one corner of the plate.
Chess board
It is a ceramic board which is having a horizontal and vertical lines on it.Lines are somewhat distorted and even there are many black spots on it.This whole board is supported by the wheels which are attached to it on the downward side which is helpful and handy for the palyers to carry it from one place to another without carrying it and by just dragging it can be moved from its place.wheels are of red color and there are some molding design of black and yellow color are made on them.
Deep tea bowl
It is a bowl which is made up of ceramics.It is used for the decoration purpose and comes under the art of pottery.There are various circular lines which are drawn on the plates they can be differentiated as they are of different colors black,brown,yellow...These are the concentric circles.The surface of the bowl is shiny and glittery.There is number written on it 92.6245 and there is a sticky note on it on which number is written on it 4770.In the innermost circle there is some kind of design drawn on it
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