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open access

Attitudes of Selected Texas Police and Fire Department Association Members Toward Employee Associations and Their Participation in Collective Bargaining under Texas State Law

Description: The purpose of the study is to investigate attitudes and opinions of police and fire association presidents and members about labor and management relations in their city and collective bargaining in general in the state. Presidents of fourteen police and fire associations were interviewed to obtain information about their experiences with collective bargaining or in seeking collective bargaining in local option elections. They were also asked about necessary changes in state and federal law on… more
Date: December 1978
Creator: Hastings, Barbara
open access

Comparative Advertising as Corporate Strategy: An Investigation of Key United States Industries

Description: This study is designed to examine comparative advertising as a viable advertising strategy in today's competitive business environment. Frequency and use of comparisons by the selected key industries and advertising agencies are investigated. Analysis is conducted to determine similarities and differences between firms who elect or avoid comparative advertising. Based on an analysis of the findings, certain conclusions are presented. The industry leader is not likely to use comparative advertis… more
Date: August 1978
Creator: Swayne, Linda E.
open access

Conceptual Foundations for Cost-Benefit Analyses in Homes for the Aging--Quantifying Resident Satisfaction

Description: The purpose of this research project is to develop concepts for doing cost-benefit analyses for governmental and nonprofit homes. Such concepts should facilitate a differential diagnosis which recognizes the wide individual differences among those served. Developing relevant concepts is a first step in measurement. An aim is to develop appropriate concepts and instruments that will make an ordinal measurement of resident satisfaction possible. This study makes no effort to develop monetary meas… more
Date: December 1975
Creator: Hyman, Ladelle M.
open access

Conglomerate Performance as Influenced by Selected Management Practices

Description: The latest surge of corporate mergers has been characterized by a steadily increasing rate of conglomerate combinations. It would appear that one of the prime motivating factors in conglomerate merger is a firm belief in the principle of "synergism," or the mutually cooperating action of separate substances taken together to produce an effect greater than that of any component taken alone. It would also appear that in such instances wherein there is no direct relationship in regard to raw mater… more
Date: May 1973
Creator: Ablowich, Edgar Allen, 1913-
open access

Corporate Planning and Forecasting: An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Service Industry and Development of a Generalized Approach for the Needs of the 1970's and the 1980's

Description: This study has a twofold purpose. The first is to demonstrate the state of the art of corporate planning and forecasting activity, and the second is to determine the existence of any differences between the planning practices of the consumer service industry and the producer service industry. The study is organized into seven chapters. The introduction chapter contains background information, a description of the problem and opportunity followed by a definition of terms, the purpose of the rese… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Subramanian, Bala R.
open access

Decision Criteria for Gifts Under the 1976 Tax Reform Act

Description: The 1976 Tax Reform Act made many changes in the taxation of estate and gift transfers. Previously gifts and estates were taxed separately and the gift tax rate was 75 percent of the estate tax rate; and there was a $30,000 exemption for gifts and a $60,000 exemption for estate transfers. Under the new law the exemptions were repealed and replaced with a unified credit against the tax; and the tax on estate and gift transfers was combined into one increasing rate schedule. Under the prior law, … more
Date: December 1977
Creator: Byars, Richard B.
open access

Environmental Pollution, Material Scarcity and the Development of Aluminum Recycling Reverse Channels of Distribution

Description: The purpose of this study was to analyze the developing organizational and management paradigms in the aluminum packaging and container industry, where reverse channels of distribution offer an excellent vehicle for studying organizations which are "closing the distribution circle." Based on the analysis, several conclusions are offered. 1. The extent to which primary manufacturers have entered aluminum packaging and container recycling and subsequently developed effective reverse channels of d… more
Date: August 1977
Creator: Ginter, Peter M.
open access

An Evaluation of the Impact of Citizen Participation on the Goals for Dallas Program as Developed and Implemented by the City of Dallas, Texas

Description: This study is designed to evaluate the impact of citizen participation in the Goals for Dallas program on the establishment and accomplishment of the goals. Also evaluated are the impact of community leaders on the program, the extent and degree of citizen participation, factors which encouraged and discouraged participation, the impact of local media, and the impact on citizen participants of participating. Twenty-five specific findings are presented, based on the compilation and analysis of i… more
Date: August 1976
Creator: Rodgers, Joseph P.
open access

An Exploratory Study of the Use of Accounting Information for Management Control of Faculty Salaries, Departmental Operating Expense, and Instructional Administration Expense at the Dean's Level in Selected State Colleges and Universities in Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine how deans of colleges within the state-supported, four-year universities in Texas use accounting information to allocate and control resources dedicated to faculty salaries, departmental operating expense, and instructional administration expense. Conclusions: 1. Communication is better between deans and financial officers at small universities than at large universities. 2. The relationship between line and staff appears to be misunderstood at several… more
Date: December 1975
Creator: Althaus, Marlin Clinton
open access

Financial Leverage and the Cost of Capital

Description: The objective of the research reported in this dissertation is to conduct an empirical test of the hypothesis that, excluding income tax effects, the cost of capital to a firm is independent of the degree of financial leverage employed by the firm. This hypothesis, set forth by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller in 1958, represents a challenge to the traditional view on the subject, a challenge which carries implications of considerable importance in the field of finance. The challenge has led… more
Date: December 1977
Creator: Brust, Melvin F.
open access

Health Care Institutions and the Taft-Hartley Act: An Assessment of the Impact of the 1974 Amendments

Description: The problem with which this research is concerned is that of determining the impact of the 1974 Amendments (Public Law No. 93-3 60) to the Taft Hartley Act. These amendments provided new coverage to over two million health care workers. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of this law on labor relations in the health care industry. In retrospect, the first years following the amendments have been eventful; National Labor Relations Board cases, court decisions, increased organizi… more
Date: December 1978
Creator: Hughes, Paula Ann
open access

A Model for Optimal Interspousal Transfers in Estate Planning

Description: The problem with which this study is concerned is that of determining the optimal transfer of property from a decedent to his surviving spouse. A secondary problem addressed is whether equity between common law states and community property states in the application of the estate tax provisions has been achieved through the allowance of the marital deduction. From this analysis decision criteria were developed to aid taxpayers and their advisors in determining optimal property transfers to a su… more
Date: December 1979
Creator: Pulliam, Dale R.
open access

A Study in Human Resources Utilization: A Critical Examination of the Role of the Self-Concept in the Vocational Choice Process of College Students

Description: The specific problem confronted by this dissertation research is this: Do college students who are quite decided about their vocational choices have more developed and implemented self-concepts than do college students who are quite undecided about their vocational choices? If the decided students have more developed and implemented self-concepts than the undecided students, it can be logically reasoned that the developing and implementing of the self-concept is essential in the vocational choi… more
Date: December 1971
Creator: Davis, Jefferson Jackson
open access

A Study of Food Product Recalls and the Development of Guidelines for the Construction of Recall Programs for Small Food Processors

Description: This study was concerned with the capability of food processors to conduct a product recall, when necessary, with the least time and cost expenditures. An evaluation was made of the effectiveness of the procedures, policies, and organization by which food processors have conducted or would conduct a product recall. Based upon this assessment, a model product recall program was designed to enhance the ability of food processors to conduct product recalls more efficiently. The study concludes tha… more
Date: August 1974
Creator: Harrison, Mary Carolyn
open access

A Study of Open Code Dating in Grocery Retailing in Dallas County

Description: This study deals with "open code dating," the movement by grocery manufacturers and distributors toward dating perishable food packages in such a manner that consumers can readily determine product freshness or length of time on store shelves. The study explores the desirability and feasibility of open code dating, placing greatest importance upon the response of the consumer to the concept. It was found that consumers were aware of open code dating and generally strongly desired its universal … more
Date: December 1974
Creator: McGown, Kirby Lee
open access

A Study of the Collective Bargaining Process After Issuance of the Certification of Representative and an Analysis of Similarities in Ratified Contracts

Description: This project explored the period immediately following the NLRB certification of the representation election wherein a Certification of Representative was actually issued. The intent was to examine the ultimate effects of the collective bargaining process after a labor organization was recognized as the official bargaining agent for a bargaining unit. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the collective bargaining process between two established dates: (1) the date the union was cer… more
Date: May 1979
Creator: Pulich, Marcia Ann
open access

A Study of the Functions Performed by Store Managers in Chain Supermarkets

Description: The problem with which this dissertation is concerned is that of determining the true role performed by the chain supermarket store managers. A comparative study is made of chain supermarket store managers, supermarket chain-level managers, and non-food chain retail store managers and their ranking and rating of the importance of fifteen work functions ordinarily performed by retail store managers. The hypotheses of the study state that there will be a statistically significant difference in th… more
Date: December 1978
Creator: DeHay, Jerry M.
open access

A System of Selection and Human Resource Development for Small Retailers of Apparel and Accessories

Description: The study has a twofold purpose. The first is to determine the extent to which organized selection and training practices exist in small apparel and accessory retailing establishments, and the general attitude which small retailers of apparel and accessories express toward the value of selection and training functions. The second is to construct a practical system which can be used in small apparel and accessory retailing establishments.
Date: May 1973
Creator: Burr, Patricia LeMay
open access

The Use of Shared Service Arrangements by Member Hospitals of the Dallas Hospital Council

Description: This study was designed to assess the types of shared service arrangements and the degree of commitment as evidenced by the incorporation of policy statements displayed toward the sharing concept evident in the Dallas-Fort Worth hospitals. The purpose of this research, then, was to identify and evaluate present utilization of shared arrangements to establish a base for comparison and recommendations for future participation by the various categories of hospitals. The conclusions derived from th… more
Date: May 1979
Creator: Griffin, Adelaide, 1952-
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