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open access

An Art Bibliography for Freshmen Majoring in Art at North Texas State College

Description: The bibliography will comprise books, current magazines, annuals, and bulletins available in the North Texas State College Library. Some publications from other libraries in the area will also be included; namely, the Texas Woman's University Library, Denton; the Dallas Public Library; the Fort Worth Public Library; and Southwestern Medical College Library, Dallas. The bibliography is intended primarily for freshmen majoring in art, although the publications will be of value also to those stude… more
Date: August 1958
Creator: Roberts, Gregory Lee
open access

The Art Museums of Texas and Their Contribution to Public School Education

Description: "...the writer undertook in this studyan evaluation of the seven major art museums of Texas and their contribution to public-school education. Chapter I served as an introduction to the study. Chapter II traced the development of the art museum in American, dating back to the period of colonial settlements in New England. It also presented the history of the art museums in the five key cities of Texas: the Elisabet Ney Museum of Austin, the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Fine Arts of… more
Date: August 1950
Creator: Lacy, Suella
open access

Ceramics as a Creative Medium for Sixth and Seventh Grade Pupils

Description: In view of the fact that clay has not been used so extensively or wisely in elementary art education as the generally recognized importance of the material seems to justify, the purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of clay as a creative medium and to determine which of the many ceramic techniques are most suitable for use by pupils in the upper elementary grade.
Date: August 1952
Creator: Pickens, Alex L.
open access

Color Preferences of Children in a Dallas Public School

Description: The problem of this study examines two questions which were posed. First, would color preferences of children in the N.W. Harllee School of the Dallas Independent School District be the same as those found in other studies of color preferences of elementary school children? Second, would there be differences in choices made by low academic aptitude groups and high academic aptitude groups? In an attempt to answer these questions, a series of tests was devised and administered to children gra… more
Date: January 1959
Creator: Foster, Lonnie George
open access

Components of a Basic Wardrobe for Professional Women

Description: The study was based on a survey of the outer garments and accessories within the wardrobes of twenty professional and business women of this vicinity. A questionnaire was used in order to obtain information concerning the wardrobes. From the results tabulated, the following concusions were reached: (1) the expenditures to provide adequate wardrobes were much more than they should have been; (2) in most cases, the distribution of garments was inadequate to meet the needs for all occasions; (3) t… more
Date: January 1951
Creator: Gross, Thelma Clement
open access

The Consideration of Visual Aspects of Art in Motion Picture Awards

Description: The writer, who, as an art student, has a special interest in the visual qualities of motion picture art, has undertaken to investigate the extent to which the visual aspect of art was outstanding in motion pictures receiving awards during the years 1951 through 1954. As a result of this investigation he hopes to reach some valid conclusions concerning the chronological and geographical distribution of visually excellent pictures during the period and to consider the consequences of those trend… more
Date: 1956
Creator: Jones, Billy Jack
open access

Equipment for Junior-High-School Art Rooms in the Corpus Christi, Texas, Schools

Description: This study considers the equipment needed for the art rooms of the three junior high schools of Corpus Christi, Texas. It discusses the special problems encountered by the teacher-committee that had to determine the minimum list of tools and other equipment necessary to carry out a well-rounded art program.
Date: 1951
Creator: Kerr, Lou Brock
open access

An Evaluation of Outdoor Advertising Art from 1920 to 1950

Description: For several years the author has viewed with interest the various kinds of outdoor signs. College courses in advertising art and advertising procedure, as well as practical experience in the advertising field, have increased his interest in this fascinating business and prodded him on to further investigation. With the desire to extend his knowledge of outdoor advertising and to pass on the body of his research to others who find it useful, the author has undertaken this study.
Date: 1951
Creator: Dyer, Rex
open access

An Evaluation of Publications for the Use of Junior-High-School Art Teachers

Description: The writer, an art teacher of some experience, has felt the need for more easily accessible and more definite and tangible information concerning printed material which could be used by the junior-high-school art teacher in carrying on a program of creative art experiences. This research, "An Evaluation of Art Publications", was made in an attempt to meet this need.
Date: January 1953
Creator: Rogers, Enna Fay
open access

An Evaluation of the Esthetic Judgment of Students in Austin College

Description: For the average person many opportunities for esthetic enjoyment of useful objects exist if the relationship between beauty and utility is understood. Furniture and other articles of daily use have acquired new and radical changes of design, based on function, which are altering esthetic concepts. This new approach to design is gradually being accepted by manufacturers and producers. Do purchasers appreciate and accept these structural and functional bases of contemporary design? If they do not… more
Date: 1950
Creator: Miller, Helen
open access

Evidences of Modern Architectural Design in Public School Buildings of Denton, Texas

Description: In this study the public-school buildings of Denton are examined for evidences of modern architectural design. Chapter I serves as an introduction. Chapter II presents a history of the Denton Public Schools. Chapter III presents standards for evaluating modern school architecture. Features of existing school buildings, built earlier than 1964, which, in character, exemplify modern architectural design are described in Chapter IV. The three school buildings built since 1946 and the one under con… more
Date: August 1951
Creator: Carden, Mary Mildred
open access

The Exhibition as a Medium for Developing Community Awareness to Good Design in Useful Objects Available in Wichita Falls, Texas

Description: Realizing the need on the part of the general public for a better background for selection of useful household objects that combine utility and beauty of line, the author planned an exhibition in an attempt to develop a community awareness to good design in useful objects available in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Date: June 1951
Creator: Tyson, Phoebe W.
open access

The Function of Craft Activities in Early Adolescence

Description: This paper presents the thesis that a major emphasis on craft activities in the creative art program for early adolescence is indicated as an aid in the adjustment of the child to the more mature status in which he finds himself. As a test, during the school years 1955-56 and 1956-57, children in grades six and seven at the W. W. Bushman School in the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas, participated in various projects in crafts as part of the course of study in art, which also i… more
Date: 1957
Creator: Hull, Margaret Leatherwood
open access

The Geometric Analysis of Four German Paintings in the National Gallery of Art

Description: In a recent study of the geometric analysis of various masterpieces of many periods dating from early Egyptian to contemporary times, the author noted with particular interest the structure of the paintings of the German Renaissance masters. It seemed that the Germans used a simpler geometric plan in their compositions than did the Italian Renaissance painters. The writer was inspired to make further investigation to determine if such a theory were true.
Date: 1951
Creator: Reid, Ana Perle Huffhines
open access

The Geometric Analysis of Two Paintings in the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts

Description: This study was undertaken to help determine by geometric analysis whether the two paintings, one attributed to the fourteenth century Sienese artist, Ugolino da Siena, and the other to the fifteenth century Sienese artist, Sano di Pietro, were painted by these artists.
Date: 1956
Creator: Harris, Paul Rogers
open access

Ideal Siting, Orientation, and Ventilation of Houses in Relation to the Climate of Denton, Texas

Description: The purpose of this study was to collect and compile data on the principal climatic factors of the Denton area which affect one's personal comfort and health, in order to show how a maximum of these commodities could be secured through manipulation and control of the climate of individual building sites. In the Denton County area the naturally breezy climate of summer, excluding areas near heat-collecting surfaces of pavement and masonry, is not usually uncomfortable out of doors unless one is … more
Date: January 1954
Creator: Jenkins, Gloria Ann
open access

A Method of Analyzing Linear Perspective for Presentation to Junior and Senior High School Students

Description: The general purpose of this study is to develop a series of peep shows, or visual models, which will enable the young student to understand what the laws of perspective are, how they were found, and why his drawings will appear to have three dimensions if he follows the rules. The study is based upon a widely accepted idea--that it is much easier for most people to understand and remember a principle when they can actually see how it works. When rules are merely memorized, one is not assisted b… more
Date: 1950
Creator: Lacy, L'Louise Dial
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