Search Results

Note: All results matching your query require you to be a member of the UNT Community (you must be on campus or login with university credentials for access).

Corpus of News on the Web (NOW) - October 2017

Description: Dataset of words collected from newspapers and magazines from twenty different countries; the individual files include concordance information, parts-of-speech, and other arrangements of the data.
Date: unknown
Creator: Davies, Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries

Corpus of News on the Web (NOW) - September 2017

Description: Dataset of words collected from newspapers and magazines from twenty different countries; the individual files include concordance information, parts-of-speech, and other arrangements of the data.
Date: unknown
Creator: Davies, Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries

ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English

Description: ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English was developed by Educational Testing Service and is comprised of 12,100 English essays written by speakers of 11 non-English native languages as part of an international test of academic English proficiency, TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). The test includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking sections and is delivered by computer in a secure test center. This release contains 1,100 essays for each of the 11 native languages sampled f… more
Date: June 16, 2014
Creator: Blanchard, Daniel; Tetreault, Joel; Higgins, Derrick; Cahill, Aoife & Chodorow, Martin
Partner: UNT Libraries
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