UNT Libraries Government Documents Department - 163 Matching Results

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A guide to growing and using alfalfa on the farm. Includes recommendations for different regions of the United States.
American Moles as Agricultural Pests and as Fur Producers.
Describes the habits of moles, the damage they can cause to lawns and gardens, and methods for their control. Provides instructions for trapping and skinning moles and tanning and selling their pelts.
Anthracnose as a cause of red-clover failure in the southern part of the Clover Belt.
Describes the characteristics of anthracnose, the damage it causes to red clover in the southern part of the Clover Belt, and methods of control; also discusses the development of strains of red clover resistant to anthracnose.
Back-yard poultry keeping.
Describes the advantages of keeping poultry at home; provides instructions for building, maintaining, and operating a poultry house.
Barley : culture, uses, and varieties.
Describes the characteristics and uses of barley, the area of the country where it is best grown, and the steps for successfully producing barley.
The beef calf : its growth and development.
Outlines the fundamental principles of cattle raising and breeding for beef production.
Beef Production in the Cotton Belt.
Contains information on methods of producing beef in the cotton-growing states.
Better seed corn.
Describes how to grow and store quality seed corn.
The boll-weevil problem.
Describes the characteristics of the boll weevil, the damage that it causes to crops, and methods for its control.
The Boll-Weevil Problem.
Describes the characteristics of the boll weevil, the damage it causes to cotton crops of the southeastern United States, and methods of control.
Bridge Grafting.
Provides instructions for bridge-grafting to save fruit trees that have been damaged by rodents or disease.
The Bulk Handling of Grain: With Special Reference to the Pacific Coast States.
Describes the process and equipment necessary for handling grain in bulk, and the advantages of doing so.
Buying a Farm in an Undeveloped Region.
Provides information on buying farmland in undeveloped regions throughout the United States; also suggests the amount of capital needed for purchasing farmland and sources of credit to consider.
Cabbage diseases.
Describes the sources and characteristics of cabbage diseases, and methods of control.
Care and improvement of the farm woods.
Describes methods for maintaining and improving woodland areas on the farm.
Carpet beetles and their control.
Describes the characteristics of carpet beetles and methods for their control.
Chimneys and fireplaces : they contribute to the health, comfort and happiness of the farm family : how to build them.
A concise explanation of the principles to be observed when building chimneys and fireplaces.
The chinch bug and how to fight it.
Describes the damages caused by the chinch bug to grain and grass crops, and several methods for its control.
Cigar-tobacco production in Pennsylvania.
Discusses the methods for tobacco farming in Pennsylvania. Includes cropping systems, cultural operations, and plant diseases.
Cleaning Grain on Farms and in Country Elevators.
Describes methods for separating weeds from grain in order to improve value and quality.
Clothes Moths and Their Control.
Describes different types of clothes moths, the damage they can cause to textiles in the home, and methods for control.
Clover failure.
Describes clover culture and examines the reasons for its decline. Discusses the benefits of increased efforts in reviving clover culture.
The club wheats.
Describes several varieties of club wheats and where they grow in the United States.
The common cabbage worm and its control.
Describes the characteristics and life history of the common cabbage worm, the damage it can cause, and methods of control.
The common white wheats.
Describes winter and spring varieties of white wheats and their production in the United States.
Control of Brown-Rot of Prunes and Cherries in the Pacific Northwest.
Describes brown-rot and its occurrence in prune and cherry orchards in the Pacific Northwest, the damage it causes, and methods of control.
Control of potato-tuber diseases.
Describes various potato-tuber diseases, as well as the various methods of control of these diseases.
The Control of the Alfalfa Weevil.
Pamphlet describing the characteristics of the alfalfa weevil, the damage it causes, and methods of control.
Control of the Codling Moth in the Pacific Northwest.
Describes the damages caused by the codling moth to apples and pears in the Pacific Northwest. Provides methods for its control.
Control of the Common Mealybug on Citrus in California.
Describes the mealybug, the damage it causes to citrus fruits in California, and methods of control.
Controlling the gipsy moth and the brown-tail moth.
Describes the characteristics of the gypsy moth and browntail moth, the damage they cause, and methods of control.
Cooking Beef According to the Cut.
Pamphlet discussing the nutritional value and versatility of beef; provides recipes and methods for its preparation in various dishes.
Cooperative livestock shipping associations.
Provides suggestions for people interested in or involved in cooperative livestock shipping associations. Discusses organizational aspects, management, shipments, livestock marking, and business methods.
The Corn Earworm: Its Ravages on Field Corn and Suggestions for Control.
Describes the life cycle of the European corn earworm, the damage it causes to corn and other crops, and methods of control.
Cotton-dusting machinery.
A guide to selecting farm machinery for dusting cotton crops.
Cotton ginning.
Describes the the mechanical process of cotton ginning, using a saw gin.
Cow-testing associations, and stories the records tell.
Describes the history and functions of farm cow-testing associations; provides steps for starting a new cow-testing association.
Cranberry harvesting and handling.
Recommends methods of harvesting, handling, storing, and packing cranberries in preparation for market. Discusses the function of cooperative cranberry organizations in relation to sales and prices.
Culture of citrus fruits in the Gulf States.
Describes the history and varieties of citrus fruits, as well as how to plant, manage and harvest groves in the Gulf States.
Cutworms in the Garden.
A guide to identifying cutworm interference and controlling cutworms in the garden. Provides information on obtaining and handling arsenic poison.
Dahlias for the Home.
Discusses the appeal of dahlias; describes the different varieties and how to grow them successfully at home.
Dairy-barn construction.
Discusses the many factors that must be taken into account when planning to construct a dairy barn.
Dairy-herd improvement through cooperative bull associations.
Describes the role of cooperative bull associations in dairy-herd improvement. Provides information about the financial benefits and advice for organizing a bull association.
Diseases of poultry.
Describes symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods for numerous diseases and parasites afflicting poultry.
Diseases of stone fruits on the market.
Describes damages that occur to stone fruits during marketing, including bruising and diseases.
Drying crude drugs.
Explains the fundamental principles of drying crude vegetable drugs. Provides drawings and instructions for constructing two types of driers.
The European corn borer and its control.
Describes the characteristics of the European corn borer and the damage it can cause to plants in the United States.
The European starling in the United States.
Describes the life cycle of the European starling, its beneficial and harmful qualities, and methods for its control.
Farm practices under corn-borer conditions.
Describes the problems caused by the corn borer in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, and methods of control.
Farm slaughtering and use of lamb and mutton.
Describes the use of lamb and mutton in meals, and methods for slaughtering, butchering, and preparing it. Discusses the reasons for its limited use.
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