Search Results

Affecting Children's Value Claims by Using High-Level Questioning Focused on Selected Poetry
This study was to determine the extent to which the use of high-level questioning, through eliciting responses to selected poems, affects children's value claims. Twenty-seven seventh-grade boys comprised the control group, and twenty-seven eighth-grade boys comprised the experimental group. The experimental group took part in values-clarification experiences for sixteen weeks. The control group received no value instruction. The Values Inventory was administered to both groups at the beginning and at the end of the sixteen weeks. Testing of the hypotheses resulted in eight of the hypotheses being significant at the .01 level, indicating that values-clarification experiences using high-level questioning and selected poems did affect children's value claims.
An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Creation, Implementation, and Retention or Rejection of Curriculum Change: Three Objective-Based Skills Systems in Reading
The problem with which this study dealt was an identification of the positive or negative factors affecting the creation, implementation, and retention or rejection of curriculum change efforts. As examples, the Fountain Valley, PEGASUS-PACE, and Wisconsin Design skills management systems (SMS) for reading were studied as each was an example of successful curriculum change efforts, in two different settings,
Better Teaching Model? Middle School Science Classroom Using the 4MAT Instructional Strategy vs. Lessons Created Without this Model
The problem investigated was the need for effective and efficient learning for middle school science students to meet expectations set in Goals 2000. The use of the 4MAT Instructional Method was investigated as a possible method for attainment of current science standards. The study included one middle school science instructor's classes with 89 participating students. Measurements were taken and comparisons drawn using three assessment methods to determine if improved academic achievement and attitude scores resulted. Data analysis yielded no significant conclusion in either academic achievement or attitude improvement; however, observations of the researcher indicated potential usefulness of the 4MAT approach. The t-value calculated in the assessment methods was insufficient with a .05 probability of error present in the findings. The limitations of the study skewed the results and outweighed the possible observational insight.
Brain Growth Spurts and Plateau Periods in Normal Elementary School Pupils
The purposes of this study were to determine whether brain growth spurts occur in normal pupils and to determine whether there was a uniform difference in head circumference between boys and girls. Subjects were 3,062 normal elementary pupils, grades one through six, from one suburban school district. Fiberglass measuring tapes were used to measure pupils' head circumference. The hypotheses of the study predicted that the relationship between head circumference and age would be linear. Further, it was predicted that the differences in head circumference between boys and girls would be uniform over seven specified ages. The first hypothesis was tested using a test for linear trend and deviation from linear trend using the General Linear Models procedure. The results indicated that there was a significant linear trend between head circumference and age. The test for deviation from the linear trend was not significant. This would suggest that any deviation from a straight line observed in the data can be attributed to chance. It was concluded that since there was no significant deviation from linear trend, it would suggest a continuous growth of the brain for the ages included in this study. A two-way analysis of variance was used to test the second hypothesis. The results indicated that the male mean head circumference was significantly larger than that of the female in all age groups. As the interaction of sex and age groups was tested, there was no interaction between sex and age groups. It was concluded that since the interaction between sex and age groups was not significant, there is no indication of differences in the rates of brain growth between boys and girls.
The Cognitive Development Sequence of Music Skills in Elementary School Aged Children
The problem of this study was to determine the cognitive development sequence of music skills. This sequence was determined by finding the music skills level, the Piagetian developmental level, and the developmental art level for twelve students differing in reading ability and in the first through fourth grades.The students were individually tested, using Piaget's semi-clinical interview technique. The students were tested on seven Piagetian tasks, ten music tasks, and one art task. The validity was determined through the interview process. The examiner redirected questions until he was certain the subjects were responding from conviction. The reliability of the study was achieved through a test-retest procedure and impartial expert evaluation of the test sessions.
A Comparative Evaluation of Two Humanizing Approaches to In-Service Training of Teachers
The problem of the study was to compare the relationships between a cognitive-oriented and affective-oriented teacher in-service program on the subsequent incidence of humane characteristics in the classroom. Ninety-two teachers of grades 4, 5, and 6 from three school districts located in the Region XI Education Service Center area were involved in the study. One of the purposes of the study was to obtain information which could be helpful to Texas educators responsible for teacher in-service programs. It is critical that educators know the kinds of in-service programs which produce the greatest change in teacher behavior. This study concludes that in-service education programs which focus on specific instructional skills and strategies related to curriculum content are more viable in achieving the characteristics of a humane classroom than in-service programs which, though they be skills-oriented, do not relate specifically to curriculum content.
A Comparison of Opinions of Three Professional Groups with Regard to Various Levels of Deviant Behavior in Children
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which fifth-grade teachers, teachers in special education, and child psychiatrists hold similar views regarding the seriousness of commonly observed student behaviors. In addition, the views of these three groups are compared to research regarding which behaviors in children are predictive of future delinquency. The Wickman Scale, consisting of fifty commonly observed children's behaviors, and a fifteen-pair Semantic Differential Scale, designed for use in this study, were administered to a group of fifth-grade teachers, a group of special education teachers, and a group of child psychiatrists.
A Comparison of the Effects of a Systematic Instructional Strategy and Basal-Reader-Oriented Instructional Strategies on Elementary Pupil Achievement of Phonic Word-Attack Skills
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the two instructional strategies for six phonic word-attack skills objectives and to focus on the following specific questions: (a) When student teachers use a basal-reader-oriented strategy (Treatment I) for teaching phonic word-attack skills, what will be the effects on elementary pupil achievement of these skills? (b) When student teachers use a systematic instructional strategy (Treatment II) for teaching phonic word-attack skills, what will be the effects on elementary pupil achievement of these skills? (c) How will the effects of these strategies compare? Written criterion-referenced phonic word-attack skills pre-tests were administered to approximately 110 third and fourth grade pupils. The validity of the criterion-referenced tests was judged by a team of reading specialists from North Texas State University. The reliability coefficients of the tests ranged from .57 to .93 and all were significant at the .01 level. This report concludes that when elementary pupil achievement of phonic word-attack skills is used as the criterion for student teacher effectiveness then training in the conscientious application of systematic instructional procedures incorporating research validated learning principles is a more effective procedure than requiring student teachers to follow the recommended procedures in basal readers. It also concludes that the ability of student teachers to affect the learning of phonic word attack skills by elementary students increases with practice; however, this ability appears to increase at a greater rate for those trained in systematic instructional procedures than for those who are trained to use the basal reader.
A Comparison of the Leisure Reading Habits of Female Teachers and Non-Teachers
The purpose of this study was to determine, whether there was a significant difference in the leisure reading habits of two groups of women who were college graduates; one group of elementary classroom teachers, grades one through six, and another group of women who were not teachers.
Corporal Punishment in American Education from a Historical, Legal, and Theoretical Perspective
This paper discusses corporal punishment as a disciplinary method in American public schools. The effectiveness of corporal punishment is investigated. Chapter I introduces corporal punishment as a pertinent educational issue. Chapter II discusses the historical development of corporal punishment. Chapter III discusses the legal ramifications of corporal punishment. Chapter IV looks at surveys and studies that have been conducted in regard to the issue. Chapter V discusses a survey of teachers in Lewisville, Texas. Teachers responded to 42 statements pertaining to corporal punishment. Chapter VI concludes that research indicates that corporal punishment will not be effective unless it is administered harshly and consistently. The paper concludes that corporal punishment will not be necessary if higher educational institutions train teachers in alternative methods.
A Critical Analysis of Spelling Achievement in the Ft. Worth, Texas, Elementary Schools
This study presents an efficacy evaluation of language arts instruction in the Fort Worth, Texas elementary schools.
A Descriptive Analysis of Good Readers' and Writers' Concepts of Authorship at Grades Six and Eight
This qualitative research study examined the concepts of authorship exhibited by twelve selected good readers and writers in grades six and eight. Data were collected during pre-writing session interviews, five hour-long writing sessions, and post-composition interviews, and from written compositions and questionnaires. The following conclusions were drawn from the study. School and home reading programs that emphasized children's literature selections and regular and wide-ranged reading practices directly influenced the subjects' writing behaviors and concepts of authorship. In addition, those students who performed strongest as authors were those who found time to write privately at home or in a home-like situation. Revision occurred in traditional ways, such as movement or deletion of text, but also appeared to be related to the subjects' personal writing styles, such as verbalization, mental outlining, or reading the text out loud. Both grade levels exhibited individual writing development through integration of experiences, knowledge, and physical and social maturation. For these young writers, the key factor in perceived authorship was whether a writer had an interest in and enjoyed writing.
Determining the Predictive Value of Selected Measures for First Grade Reading Success
This study was undertaken to investigate the predictive value of certain tests in relationship to first grade reading success. The following predictor tests were administered to seventy first grade students during the first two weeks of school: Metropolitan Readiness Test, Naming Letters Test, Light Response Test and Matching Symbol Test. The Teacher's Reading Readiness Rating Scale was filled out by each of the seven teachers at the end of the sixth week. The Wechsler Intelignce Scale for Children was administered to each child during the fall. The seventh predictor test was computed by finding the difference in individual scores of the Light Response Test and the Matching Symbol Test.
Discovering the Extent to which Feelings of Insecurity can be Eliminated in Children of the Third Grade
This thesis presents student case studies from a third grade class at an Albany, Texas elementary school. Students with insecurity issues are described and remedial treatments are suggested.
The Effect of Busing on School Success of Minority Students in Urban Elementary Schools
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine whether the mean gains on achievement scores in reading and mathematics for bused students in grades four and five after one year in integrated schools is greater than the mean gain in reading and mathematics achievement scores for similar non-bused students in segregated schools; (2) to determine whether school attendance for bused students is greater than attendance for similar non-bused students; and (3) to determine if attitude toward school, academic self-concept, and general self-concept among groups of subjects are different. The analysis and interpretation of data yielded the following conclusions. 1. The elements associated with increased achievement in reading for fourth-grade minority students are not likely to be positively facilitated by increasing the majority-minority ratio by busing. 2. The elements associated with increased achievement in reading for minority fifth-grade students may be enhanced by busing for racial balance. 3. The elements associated with increased achievement in mathematics for minority fourth-grade students may be enhanced by busing for racial balance. 4. The elements associated with increased achievement in mathematics for minority students are not likely to be facilitated by increasing the majority-minority ratio. 5. The busing of minority students out of their neighborhood may be expected to result in a higher rate of absenteeism. 6. At the fourth-grade level, the change of setting in schools, busing, and a more varied student body would not seem to be deeply felt in any racial group's view toward school. 7. At the fifth-grade level the variances brought about by busing seem to be most profoundly felt by the Anglo population insofar as attitude is concerned. 8. At both grade levels the academic self-concept of Anglo students can be expected to be higher than that of minority students. 9. Among the ethnic groups no consistent trend …
The Effect of Guided Practice on Student Achievement in Social Studies and Science in Grades Five and Six
The purpose of this study was to assess whether guided practice is more effective than no guided practice (1) in fifth and sixth grade classrooms, (2) in fifth and sixth grade social studies classrooms and fifth and sixth grade science classrooms, and (3) in science classrooms and social studies classrooms. In this experimental study, all fifth and sixth grade students in a small school district in north Texas were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and two control groups in each grade. Over the course of one month two teachers who had previously been trained in the use of guided practice procedures taught the experimental groups in each grade, using, extensive guided practice. Two other teachers taught the control groups in each grade without the use of guided practice. Students in both groups were administered a pretest before beginning each of two chapters in each textbook, while a posttest was administered after the study of each chapter. The analysis and interpretation of data yielded the conclusions that the use of guided practice in classes can be expected to result in higher student achievement than in classes using little or no guided practice in the following areas: science classes, social studies classes, sixth grade classes in general, fifth grade classes in general, fifth grade science classes, and fifth grade social studies classes. The use of guided practice did not result in significant gains in student achievement in sixth grade science classes and sixth grade social studies classes when compared with classes which used little or no guided practice.
The Effect of IOX Objectives-Based Reading Test Collections upon Fifth-Grade Comprehension and Word-Attack Skills
This study compares the effect of the objectives-based test collections of the Instructional Objectives Exchange on reading comprehension and word-attack skills of fifth-grade students in a basal reader program. The IOX, a non-profit educational organization, was established in the late 1960's to provide educators with instructional materials such as criterion-referenced tests to allow realistic assessment of students in reference to specific instructional objectives. IOX Director James Popham states the Exchange's purpose as encouraging educators throughout the country to use criterion-referenced instructional procedures. The study compares gains in reading comprehension and word-attack skills of a research group with the gains of a control group, using the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test for both pre-test and post-test. The IOX criterion-referenced tests were added to the reading program for the research group but were not given the control group.
The Effect of Teacher Participation iIn Writing Assignments on Children's Attitudes Towards Writing and on Children's Abilities to Write
The purpose of this study was to determine whether students' attitudes towards writing and their abilities to write were affected by their teacher's participation in their writing assignments. The null hypotheses that no significant differences would be found were supported. The control group and two experimental groups were all composed of fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from a racially mixed elementary school in a large metropolitan school district. The two experimental groups received identical instruction in writing skills except that the teacher wrote with one group and not with the other. The attitude scale, constructed for this experiment, proved to be statistically invalid and unreliable.
The Effect of Work-Study Methods Instruction on Student Achievement in Fifth Grade Social Studies
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is the effect of work-study method instruction upon the achievement of students in fifth grade social studies. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effects of the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) Study Method instruction upon the achievement of students in fifth grade social studies. The subjects ranged in age from ten years two months to thirteen years three months. Th I.Q. for the subjects ranged from 70 to 135. Of the 102 subjects involved in the study, 42 were male and 60 were female. The I.Q. score from the California Test of Mental Maturity, S Form was used to structure the subjects into three intelligence levels. Fifty-four subjects served as the experimental group, and forty-eight served as the control group. The instrument used to obtain pretest and posttest scores on the variable relating to achievement was the SRA Assessment Survey, Blue Level. Form E was used for the pretest, and Form F was used for the posttest. The subjects were assigned to four classes which were near equal. Two classes were selected by the principal to serve as the experimental group. The other two classes served as the control group. The investigator spent equal time with the control and the experimental group. The four classroom teachers rotated between experimental and control groups on an equal basis. Students in the experimental group met nineteen times during the study for a thirty-minute period. During these sessions, the experimental subjects used the SQ3R Study Method to do social studies assignments. The control group met for the same number of sessions and for an equal amount of time. They worked with the same content but without using the SQ3R Study Method. The analysis of covariance was employed with pretest scores as the …
The Effectiveness of a Structured Mathematics Program with Culturally Deprived Kindergarten Children
This study is limited to the mathematics performance of two intact groups of culturally deprived kindergarten students, mostly blacks, with a few whites and Mexican-Americans, who were enrolled at Robert E. Lee Elementary School (Denton, Texas) for the entire school year of 1970-1971. The purposes of the study are to compare the effectiveness of two methods of teaching mathematics to culturally disadvantaged children and to check for interaction of treatments when these children are classified by sex.
Effectiveness of a Transitional First Grade Program
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a transitional first grade program. A comparison of reading and math achievement and school attitude was the focus of the study. The study utilized a pretest/posttest design. The group of regular first grade students who qualified for the transitional program but attended regular first grade was the control group. The group of transitional first grade students was the experimental group. The regular first grade students received formal instruction in all academic areas. The experimental group received no formal instruction. All students were pretested and posttested using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and the Minnesota School Attitude Survey. Testing was administered to small groups of five or less by the researcher. Scoring was done also by the researcher. An analysis of covariance was used to determine if a significant difference existed between the groups. The analysis of covariance did not produce a significant F at the .05 level when applied to the Iowa Test of Basic Skills except for reading for boys in both groups. The numbers in each cell were low and no further comparisons were made. Due to a testing date that was approved late in the year, the Minnesota School Attitude Survey was determined to be invalid. Scores are reported for the reader's perusal only.
The Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction and its Relationship to Selected Learning Style Elements
The problem was to assess the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in reading and math and to determine the relationship between achievement using CAI and selected learning style elements. Learning style elements were limited to motivation, learning alone or with peers, auditory, visual, tactual, and kinesthetic perceptions. The Learning Style Inventory provided learning style data and The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills measured achievement. Both tests were administered in the classroom. Three hundred (300) fourth-grade students in six suburban schools were divided into experimental and control groups. The treatment was CAI in reading or mathematics for fifteen minutes per day and regular instruction. The nonequivalent control group design allowed for testing and treatment conditions for intact groups. Pre- and post-test achievement measures were administered to all subjects. An analysis of covariance was computed for the achievement measures. A correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between achievement and each learning style element. The Manova multiple regression procedure was used to determine which combination of selected learning style elements could predict achievement. The pre-test and time on task were used as covariates to control for initial differences between groups. The findings were: (1) the experimental groups gained significantly higher scores (.05 level) than the control groups in math achievement; (2) the control groups made significantly more reading gain (.05 level) than the experimental groups; (3) there was no significant relationship between achievement and selected learning style elements; (4) there was no significant relationship between any combination of selected learning style elements and achievement.
The Effects of Computer Assisted Instruction as a Supplement to Classroom Instruction in Reading Comprehension and Arithmetic
The present research was an investigation of the effects of computer assisted instruction as a supplement to classroom instruction in reading and arithmetic. The purposes of this study were to determine the effectiveness of microcomputer usage in supplemental reading comprehension and math instruction. Utilizing an elaboration of the pre-test, posttest control group design, 66 fifth graders completed the 4-month study. One-way analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data.
Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Attitudes and Achievement of Fourth Grade Students in Reading and Mathematics
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of participation in a Computer-Assisted instructional program (CAI) on fourth grade student attitudes and achievement in reading and mathematics. This study, based on Campbell and Stanley's quasiexperimental design 10, utilized Diascriptive Reading software for the CAI mathematics group and Milliken Math Sequences software for the CAI mathematics group and was completed by 242 students. The time span between pretests and posttests was seven months. Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Level 10, Form 7/8 was used for achievement testing and Estes Attitude Scale was used for attitude testing. Analysis of covariance was used to determine significance at the .05 level. The findings for this study were: 1. Reading Comprehension posttest scores were significantly higher for the control group than for the reading experimental group; 2. Reading Comprehension posttest scores were not significantly higher for boys than for girls within the reading experimental group; 3. Total math posttest scores were significantly higher for the mathematics experimental group than for the control group; 4. Concepts and Computation math subsets posttest scores were significantly higher for the mathematics experimental group than for the control group. There were no significant differences between the posttest scores of the two groups for the Math Problem Solving subset; 5. Total Math posttest scores were not significantly different for boys than for girls within the mathematics experimental group; 6. Attitude toward reading posttest scores were significantly higher for the reading experimental group than for the control group; 7. Attitude toward reading posttest scores were not significantly different for the boys than for girls within the reading experimental group; 8. Attitude toward mathematics posttest scores were significantly higher for the mathematics experimental group than for the control group; 9. Attitude toward mathematics posttest scores were significantly higher for girls than …
The Effects of English Immersion Mathematics Classes on the Mathematics Achievement and Aspiration of Eighth-Grade Spanish-Speaking LEP Students
This research grew from concerns relative to the mathematical performance of Spanish-speaking limited English proficient (LEP) public school students. This investigation studied the effects of the sheltered mathematics class on eighth-grade Spanish-speaking LEP students with regard to mathematical achievement, attitudes toward mathematics, the dropout rate, and the number of math credits earned in high school. The enrollment of a sheltered mathematics class was limited to LEP students. The purpose was to compare Spanish-speaking LEP students enrolled in sheltered mathematics classes with Spanish-speaking LEP students enrolled in regular mathematics classes. The research hypotheses were that achievement, mathematical attitudes, the dropout rate, and high school math credits earned would favor enrollment in sheltered mathematics classes. The data for achievement, dropout information, and mathematics course work completed were drawn from student records in the school district data bank. A mathematics attitude survey was given to a sample from the 1995-96 eighth-grade advanced level Spanish-speaking LEP students. The research hypotheses were not accepted. All of the populations did show an academic deficit. However, they did have more positive attitudes than negative attitudes toward mathematics. To improve achievement, staying in school, and a higher rate of inclusion in mathematics related careers the following recommendations were made: 1. Research should be done to write standardized mathematics tests that would be accurate and fair for Spanish-speaking LEP students. 2. Further research should be done into teaching strategies and classroom management particularly suited to Spanish-speaking LEP students. 3. Attitude measures should be used as pretest and posttest to study the effect of sheltered mathematics classes on LEP students in relation to attitudes toward mathematics and motivation to continue schooling. 4. Recruit and train qualified mathematics teachers to teach English as a second language (ESL) mathematics.
The Effects of Illustrations on a Context Method of Learning Reading Vocabulary for Fourth-Grade Students
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a context approach to learning reading vocabulary with the effectiveness of the context approach accompanied by illustrations. Subjects were 152 fourth graders from 19 reading classes in 8 elementary schools. Materials included illustrated and nonillustrated vocabulary cards, a researcher-made multiple-choice instrument, and a widely used achievement test, which was used to identify the subjects as good or poor readers. The researcher made instrument was administered as a pretest during the first week of the study. Forty-eight vocabulary words were taught during the second through fifth weeks. The instrument was given again as a posttest during week six and as a delayed posttest during week twelve. Results were analyzed with the analysis of covariance procedure.
The Effects of Learning Computer Programming on the General Problem-Solving Abilities of Fifth Grade Students
The problem of this study was to determine the effects of computer programming instruction on fifth graders, as measured by gains, if any, on tests of logic and problem solving.
The Effects of Learning to Program a Computer in BASIC or LOGO on the Problem-Solving Abilities of Fifth Grade Students
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine if learning to program a computer in either BASIC or Logo improves the problem-solving skills of fifth grade students when compared to a control group that receives no programming instruction, and (2) to determine if learning to program a computer in Logo is more effective than learning to program in BASIC for improving problem-solving skills in fifth grade students. Subjects were 132 fifth graders from two suburban elementary schools. The materials used in the study were the Computer Challenge Guide for the BASIC group and Logo in the Classroom for the Logo group. The New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills was used as the pretest and posttest measure.
The Effects of Participation in the BASICS Program on the Self-Concept, Experimental Beliefs, Dogmatism, and Pupil Control Ideology of In-Service Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the BASICS program. The program, Building and Applying Strategies for Initial Cognitive Skills, was developed by the Institute for Staff Development of Miami, Florida, for educating teachers, paraprofessionals, and parents in techniques considered essential in helping pre-school, primary grade, and special education children develop initial cognitive skills. The study was undertaken to determine the effects of the program on the self-concept, experimental beliefs, dogmatism, and pupil control ideology of in-service elementary school teachers who participated in it as an elective graduate level course. The design of the study was the non-equivalent control group design. Twelve subjects who volunteered to participate in the program formed the experimental group. Twelve other subjects were randomly selected from a graduate-level class in elementary school curriculum development to form the control group. The instructor who was in charge of the BASICS program taught the class from which the control subjects were selected. The study was conducted during the first six-week summer term of 1975 at North Texas State University. The two groups were administered pre and post the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the Personal Beliefs Inventory (PBI), the Teacher Practices Inventory (TPI), the Dogmatism Scale Form E, and the Pupil Control Ideology (PCI) Form. The pre- and post-test data obtained were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U as a one-tailed test.
Effects of Practicing Self-Selected Teaching Skills on Measures of Personality and Teaching Behavior of Elementary Education Majors
The problem of this study was to determine the effects which the practicing of self-selected teaching skills by elementary education majors had on measures of personality and of teaching behavior. Personality measures were limited to self-confidence; attitudes toward self, children, and others; identification with the teaching role; and identification with the teaching profession. The teaching behavior measures were coded interaction episodes between a teacher trainee and four pupils in a microteaching setting. It was concluded that training experiences of short duration (e.g., eight weeks or less) (1) can be expected to positively affect specific, narrowly defined personality traits such as identification with the teaching role and identification with the teaching profession, (2) cannot be expected to affect broadly defined, global personality traits such as self-confidence or attitudes toward self, children, and others, and (3) cannot be expected to affect the classroom interaction of teachers and pupils.
The Effects of Specialized Skill Instruction on the Ability of Six-Grade Students to Solve Mathematical Word Problems
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of specialized skill instruction on the ability of sixth-grade students to solve mathematics word problems. Subjects were 578 sixth graders from eight elementary schools. Researcher-developed materials were used based on seven identified content strands. Specific sections of a widely used achievement test were used to identify ability groups in both reading and mathematics and served as the pretest and posttest measures.
An Ethnographic Study of Outstanding, Veteran Elementary Teachers
The purpose of this study was to describe outstanding, veteran elementary teachers using an ethnographic approach. This qualitative study was conducted in a suburban independent school district in northeast Texas serving approximately 17,000 students. The data collected focused on five outstanding, veteran elementary teachers who had at least twenty years of uninterrupted teaching service. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observations, and the administration of the Mind Styles (Gregorc,1982) inventory. The findings of this research were as follows. This study found that many factors were responsible for retaining outstanding, veteran elementary teachers in the work force. These included adequate preparation, a strong personal commitment, a successful initial teaching assignment, a development of skills and abilities inside and outside the teaching field, and professional accomplishments throughout the teaching career.
An Experimental Study of the Effect of a Career Education Program on Academic Achievement and Attitudes of Fifth-Grade Students
This study was designed to determine the effects of the infusion of career-education concepts into the language arts and social studies curricula of fifth-grade students. Hypotheses related to differences in mean scores of students in the experimental group and the control group on the Reading Test, Language Test, Study Skills Test of the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills, as well as on the total battery scores. Additional hypotheses were formulated concerning the difference between proportional mean scores on the Career Education Questionnaire and three self-concept inventories designed by Instructional Objectives Exchange. The following conclusions are based on the findings of this study: (1) Infusion of career-education concepts into content areas of the curriculum can result in the increased academic achievement of-students. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that, statistically, the arithmetic mean scores for the experimental and the control groups were not significantly different. Gains in language expression and mechanics, reading vocabulary, and references study skills can result when students relate academic knowledge to the world of work; (2) Students' attitudes toward career education can be altered through the provision of factual information and meaningful experiences; and (3) The self-concepts of students are relatively stable and not altered appreciably during a brief period of time.
Factors Associated with Leadership Ability of the Elementary School Child
This thesis is the result of an examination conducted on the leadership abilities of elementary school children and whether or not an improvement can be made through teaching.
First-Year Teacher Usage of Manipulatives in Mathematics Instruction: A Case Study
This qualitative case study examined the use of manipulatives in mathematics instruction by six first-year intermediate teachers in a north Texas school district. Their preparation for, access to, and perceptions about manipulatives were examined. Specific content associated with manipulative usage was identified.
A History of State Level Curriculum Legislation Affecting Texas Public Elementary Schools, 1950-1983
The problem with which this study is concerned is that of tracing the history of state level laws and resolutions which affected the elementary school curriculum in Texas' public schools during the years 1950-1983. The roles of the legislature, the State Board of Education, and the State Department of Education in relation to the curriculum are presented. The purposes of the study are to review state level legislation since 1950 that affected the curriculum, to update the work of earlier historical accounts of public education in Texas, and to provide a basis for understanding the current state of curriculum by focusing on its evolution. Inspection of the data reveals that numerous topics were added to the elementary curriculum during the years under study, resulting in a fragmented and complex curriculum. Many of these topics were repealed in 1981. The study concludes that the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education, as well as the legislature exert considerable influence over the curriculum, and that this influence seems likely to increase as the result of reform legislation enacted in 1981. Further study relating to the implementation effects of the new curriculum is recommended.
The Immediate Effect of Classroom Integration on the Academic Progress, Self-Concept, and Racial Attitudes of Elementary White Students
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the differences and changes in integrated and segregated white students' self-concepts, racial attitudes, and academic achievements.
The Impact of Role Playing on Selected Values Claims Held by Third- and Fifth-Grade Students
The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining whether role playing could be used successfully to help elementary school children clarify selected values claims. The changes in children's values claims were measured by using the Semantic Differential developed by Osgood and others. This study had a threefold purpose. The first was to determine if children's values claims in the third grade could be changed by a concentrated program of role playing. The second was to determine whether children's values claims in the fifth grade could be changed by a concentrated program of role playing. The third was to determine if there was a difference in the amount of change in third- and fifth-grade children's values claims after both grades had experienced a concentrated program of role playing. The following conclusions were reached: (1) Role playing experiences can be used successfully to change third-grade children's values claims in respect to the concepts of honesty and consideration of others. (2) Whether role playing can be used successfully with third-grade children to change their values claims in regard to respect for property is open to question. (3) Whether role playing can be used successfully with fifth-grade children to change their values claims in regard to honesty, consideration of others, and respect for property is open to question. The study implied that (1) role playing may be more effective with children in the third grade than with children in the fifth grade, (2) role playing may be more effective with some values claims than with others, (3) though the changes made by the fifth grade after role-playing experiences were not significant, they were in the positive direction. Consequently it is entirely possible that role playing could have been more effective with the fifth grade under differing circumstances, (4) significant changes …
The Impact of Transitional First Grade on Students' Readiness and School Attitude
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a transitional first grade program on the attitude and readiness scores of a group of regular first grade students who qualified for the transitional program but attended regular first grade (control group) and a group of transitional first grade students (experimental group). The study utilized a pretest/posttest design. The regular first grade students received formal instruction in all academic areas. The experimental group received no formal instruction.
The Influence of Inner-City and Suburban Student-Teaching Upon Beginning Elementary Teachers
This study investigates the influence of inner-city and suburban student teaching upon adjustment and effectiveness of first-year elementary teachers, with secondary attention to their personal and professional problems of adjustment to their initial teaching location. The fifty-five subjects of this study were first-year, inner-city and suburban teachers in the Dallas area. Except for two Black females and three Anglo males, all were Anglo females. The findings of this study support the following conclusions 1. Student-teaching locale should not be the determining factor in deciding the type of school for first-year teachers. 2. Effective inner-city student teachers may be expected to be highly effective teachers in both inner-city schools and those in other locales. 3. Successful student-teaching experiences, regardless of location, can be expected to produce well-adjusted, effective teachers. 4. It can be anticipated that inner-city teachers will experience a negative change in optimism, attitudes toward teaching, general adjustment and mental health during their initial year of teaching. 5. Both suburban and inner-city teachers who enjoyed successful student-teaching experiences can be expected to have good self-perception, empathy, a favorable view of children, confidence regarding classroom discipline, and effectiveness as a teacher.
The Influence of Rhyming Verses on Young Children's Ability to Repeat Rhythmic Phrases
The purpose of this study was to determine if the teaching of rhyming verses containing rhythmic phrases facilitates young children's learning of the rhythmic phrases. The study utilized a pre-test/post-test/control group design. The students were randomly selected and assigned to either experimental group A, experimental group B, or a control group. Students in experimental group A were taught the rhyming verses and given practice repeating the rhythmic phrases contained in the rhyming verses. Students in experimental group B were only given practice repeating the rhythmic phrases. The control group was taught seasonal songs and activities. No rhythmic instruction was given to the control group.
Investigation into the Nature of b-d Confusion Among Selected Samples of Elementary Children
The problem explored by this study is the nature of b-d confusion as it is exhibited by remedial and nonremedial readers at various elementary ages in the areas of letter identification, spelling, and reading. The purposes of Phase I of the study were to examine the progressive phase-out of b-d errors committed by samples of remedial and nonremedial readers and to explore certain factors that could be related to the problem. The object of Phase II was to describe subjects with extreme b-d reversal problems. Extreme b-d reversers were found to have been average or below on first-grade-readiness scores and significantly below grade-level placement in reading achievement. School marks were also generally low. As a whole, the extremes were predominantly right-handed and no sex bias was detected. When the extremes were compared to subjects above average in b-d responses, the extremes made significantly more errors on other letters, were able to read significantly fewer words, and required significantly more assistance in spelling. These groups significantly differed on position of b-d reversals in reading, but not in spelling, nor on the proportion of real words actually produced when reversals were made in reading. Reversal of b and d was not associated in the same population as b-p reversals.
The Learning-Center Concept in Open-Space Elementary Schools of Texas
The first purpose of this study is to determine whether significant differences exist among the perceptions of principals, librarians, and teachers with respect to the following categorical practices or conditions relative to the learning-center concept in open-space elementary schools: (1) teacher preparation for use of the learning center; (2) student preparation for use of the learning center; (3) learning center personnel and their role; (4) operation of the learning center; (5) facilities, materials, and equipment in the learning center; (6) use of the learning center for individualizing learning; and (7) use of the learning center for developing independent learning skills. The second purpose of this study is to determine whether a significant correlation exists among specific categories. The third purpose of this study is to establish the degree of emphasis placed upon various practices or conditions relative to the learning-center concept in open-space elementary schools of Texas.
The Most Important Educational Problems Affecting the Growth of Elementary Schools of Texas, 1972
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is the identification of conditions, situations, and events that are important problems faced in the public elementary schools of Texas. Problems are categorized into sixteen areas: finance, desegregation and busing, school organization, school personnel, preschool and kindergarten, instructional improvement, reporting systems, pupil behavior, curriculum, in-service staff training, humanizing the schools, public relations, minority groups, migrant children, special education, and recent trends. The purpose of the study is to determine perceived importance of problems and to establish priorities of current issues from information obtained from education leaders of elementary schools.
Norma and Mel Gabler: The Development and Causes of Their Involvement Concerning the Curricular Appropriateness of School Textbook Content
The problem of this study was to trace through available sources the history of Norma and Mel Gablers' work concerning the curricular appropriateness of textbooks and interpret in terms of motivation, scope, and effectiveness the identified impact of their work. The purpose of this study was to present a comprehensive report documenting specifically that which the Gablers have done, said, and represent. A chronology of events of the Gablers' textbook involvement from 1961 through 1981 has been recorded. Material written and/or distributed by the Gablers through their organization, Educational Research Analysts, has been reviewed and summarized with extensive documentation to convey the philosophy and intentions of the Gablers since their work in this area began. Specific passages of textbook content petitioned against by Norma Gabler before the Texas State Textbook Adoption Committee have been presented as organized around the Gabler outline, "Textbook Reviewing by Categories." Media presentations featuring the Gablers have been reviewed for the purpose of informing others about what types of information have been presented to the American public about this issue and to offer a glimpse into the human nature characteristics of the Gablers as personalities. Professional educator reaction into this probe of textbook content is offered to relate the numerous concerns expressed about the monitoring of educational materials. Finally, an analysis of the Gablers' efforts and identified observations as to their effectiveness and influence have been recorded conveying the extent and success of the Gabler involvement as it pertains to textbook content.
A Qualitative Analysis of the Computer Programming Abilities and Thought Processes of Five-Year-Old Children
The problem of this study was to describe and analyze the computer programming abilities and thought processes of five-year-old children using a conventional microcomputer and the Apple LOGO language. This dissertation reports on the behavior of five kindergarten children and the counts they made as they learned to program in LOGO on an Apple XI Plus microcomputer. The five participants were randomly selected from a group of ten five-year-olds who passed a screening test of numeral and capital letter recognition. The sample included three girls and two boys, all of whom were white. The students met individually with the researcher and the computer for about twenty minutes every day during a ten-week period.
The Relationship between the Level of Dogmatism of Supervising Teachers and Student Teachers and the Amount of Change in Attitude of the Student Teachers
This research sought to determine if a significant relationship existed between various levels of dogmatism of supervising teachers and student teachers and the degree of change in attitude of the student teachers during student teaching.
The Relationship of Fifth-Grade Students' Self-Concepts and Attitudes toward Mathematics to Academic Achievement in Arithmetical Computation, Concepts, and Application
The purpose of this study was to determine the interrelationship of self-concept and attitude toward mathematics to academic achievement in the areas of arithmetical computation, concepts, and application.
The Relationship of Selected Variables to Math Achievement in a Computer-Assisted Instructional Setting
The purpose of this study was to explore the variables of I.Q., sex, instructional organization, classroom instructional time, and time in computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in the third and fifth grades in order to determine which of these variables or combinations of variables were the best predictors of mathematics computation and concepts achievement. The study used a one-group pretest-posttest design.
The Relationship of Sex and Age at Entrance to School to Second Grade Achievement
This investigation compared achievement of boys and girls in second grade who were seven years old in June, July, and August of 1983 to the boys and girls in second grade who were eight years old in September, October, and November of 1983. The students were tested using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills using the following areas: reading, total math, and composite scores. The study also looked at the correlation of sex and age of students who had been retained in first grade. A comparison of teacher grades to standardized test scores and ability grouping was also presented. One way analysis of variance was applied to the test results. A chi square test of independence was conducted on students retained in the first grade to determine if interaction between sex and age was indicated. Older children scored higher in all three areas measured, while girls scored higher in reading. This may seem contradictory, but is not. Age was significant beyond the .05 level, while sex was significant beyond the .001 level. This difference is explained by the extremes in means for younger boys and older girls. Since first grade curriculum emphasizes reading, this gave girls a definite advantage over boys. Boys, however, scored significantly higher in math. The results indicate a need for restructuring curriculum to meet the needs of boys and girls. Younger boys in second grade scored the lowest in all areas tested, except math. These scores would have been even more significant if the boys who were not promoted to second grade could have been included in the second grade testing. These findings indicate that total developmental age is the most important factor when considering admission for school. A closer look should be taken at the requirements for school entrance. The factors that must be considered …
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