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An Analysis of the Course of Study for Instrumental Music Courses in the High Schools of Texas
The purpose of this survey was to analyze the course of study in instrumental music prescribed by the Texas State Department for the high schools of the state and to determine whether or not a coordinated and well-rounded program of education in instrumental music is being offered in the schools of Texas. It was hoped, furthermore, that, by comparing this program with others elsewhere, this analysis might show whether or not Texas is following any general trend in instrumental music education.
Contribution of the Westminster Choir Movement to American Choral Music
The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the contribution that the Westminster Choir movement has made to choral music in the United States today. It is hoped after the contributions have been stated by the investigator that the important position Westminster Choir College is occupying will be better understood.
An Evaluation of Present Practice in the Education of School Music Teachers in Texas
For a long time there has been a growing conviction among the music graduates from colleges in Texas that the training of music teachers has been limited both from the standpoint of the number of hours offered in music for a degree and of the adequacy of the training received. The trends in music teacher education in Texas need to be evaluated in order to determine whether or not teacher training in this state is adequate. In comparing the adequacy of the school curriculum as far as the number of hours and courses is concerned, McEachern's A Survey and Evaluation of the Education of School Music Teachers in the United States will be used as a source of comparison, since this study is inclusive of the curricula of colleges over the United States.
An Experimental Investigation of the Value of Music Workbooks in Junior High Music Classes
This study is an experimental investigation of two groups of junior high school students in an effort to evaluate the advantages of workbooks in their music classes. The comparison was made with two classes composed of thirty-two students each from the two junior high schools in the Beaumont Independent School District. One class used the workbooks in conjunction with the regular singing and appreciation work, but the other class did not use formal workbooks. They discussed the theory and notation of the music in relation to the work they were doing.
An Experimental Treatment of Inaccurate Singers in the Intermediate Grades
A study of the causes and remedial treatment of inaccurate singing through experimentation and research was chosen by the writer as a practical problem urgently in need of solution.
Guidance Factors in the Selection of Students for the Study of Instrumental Music in the Public Schools of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Instrumental music classes in the public schools of Tulsa, Oklahoma, have experienced a phenomenal growth during the past twenty years. Prior to this period, opportunity for instrumental music expression was limited to the high school band and orchestra,which rehearsed outside of school hours. No instruction other than this was provided and the student who wished to play in the school band or orchestra studied first from private instructors. In this study the investigator has examined a great many devices for measuring capacities and aptitudes which are known to the profession. He has attempted to evaluate these procedures in the light of sound educational philosophy. He has set forth a plan which he believes will materially improve the instrumental program through discovering unsuspected musical capacity and through sound guidance in the selection of suitable instruments.
The History of the Development of Public School Music in Taylor County, Texas
The first of any formal education in music that can be found from the records or from the memories of those who were present at the time was the singing school. One ranch in the Blair community has files in which records were found of all import ant events of the school and community life. These files relate the coming of the singing school regularly every summer. Shaped notes were taught front hymn books. At the end of the course, a certificate was given to those who graduated. The teacher of the school then moved on to the next engagement.
The Improvement of Musically Deficient Children at the Elementary Level in the East Van Zandt School, Fort Worth, Texas
The presence of musically deficient children in the music classes of elementary public schools is a well-known and a widespread situation. The problem of this study was to determine which of two methods of giving special attention to such pupils would be the more successful in assisting them to improve musically.
Initiating a Music Supervisory Program in a Small School
An inadequate music education program should give rise to some thought and action on the part of any serious-minded progressive teacher in that field, It is not enough to suspect or to discover faults, but a way to improve the situation should be attempted. Best practices should be evaluated and objectives formulated for future procedure through cooperative planning.
The Music Preparation of Elementary Education Majors in the Teacher Training Institutions of Texas
A. What training are senior colleges giving students in Texas to prepare them for teaching music in the grades? B. What training are junior colleges giving students in Texas to prepare them for teaching music in the grades? C. What observations can be made on training now given? What recommendations can be made for improvement? D. 'What conclusions have supervisors of music in Texas reached concerning the ability of teachers trained in teachers' colleges? E. What is the reaction of teachers who are teaching music and who have had the six hours of music required by the state department?
The Musical Setting of Eight Choruses for Typical Music Classes of Grades Four to Six
These eight were selected as typical lyrics to meet the diverse interests of students in the intermediate grades and to aid the teachers of those students in transmitting desired precepts and ideals. The poems are short and varied in verse form. The subject matter ranges from pirates and fairies to one's own conscience and Christmas; the moods, from whimsicality and nonsense to patriotism and reverence. The marked poetic devices influencing the choice of these particular lyrics are their rhythmical and alliterative quality; their rich, lively, yet correct language; their vivid imagery; their emotional appeal; and in a few cases their narrative quality.
Prerequisites and Requirements for a Master's Degree in Music of Selected Schools of the National Association of Schools of Music
This study was made, first, to compile the prerequisites and requirements for a master's degree in music from sixty-two of the colleges and universities of the National Association of Schools of Music; second, to compare the standards found from the observation of these data with those requirements at North Texas State Teachers College; third, to secure such information as would be useful in improving the graduate curriculum in the Department of Music at North Texas State Teachers College. It is the further aim of this investigation to aid any student interested in advanced study in any field of music to determine which college or university offers the most appropriate curriculum for his present need. This is the first study, as far as the investigator knows, ever made of this particular problem.
Ten Assembly Programs for Intermediate Grades Designed to Further the Understanding of Mexican Culture in our Schools
It shall be the purpose of the writer to prepare program material appropriate for school use which will interest, instruct and contribute toward mutual understanding of both the Latin-American and Anglo-American child. This program material has been incorporated into ten musical plays, the themes, dances and songs of which have been gleaned from a great amount of reading material, stories related by Mexican people, legends told by pioneer Anglo residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, and ideas that have been presented by students. It is the purpose of the writer to organize this material into plays which may be of service to any teacher who intends to present a program, in the intermediate grades, dealing with some phase of Latin and Anglo-American relations.
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