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ARKENSTONE – I. A novel method for robustly capturing high specific energy outflows in cosmological simulations
Article describes how ARKENSTONE is a new model for multiphase, stellar feedback-driven galactic winds designed for inclusion in coarse resolution cosmological simulations. In this first paper of a series, the authors describe the features that allow ARKENSTONE to properly treat high specific energy wind components and demonstrate them using idealized non-cosmological simulations of a galaxy with a realistic circumgalactic medium (CGM) using the AREPO code.
Discovery of the first heavily obscured QSO candidate at z > 6 in a close galaxy pair
This article reports the Chandra discovery of the first heavily obscured QSO candidate in the early universe, hosted by a close (≈5 kpc) galaxy pair at z = 6.515.
Entropy Balance in the Expanding Universe: A Novel Perspective
The article describes cosmic expansion as correlated with the standpoints of local observers’ co-moving horizons. In keeping with relational quantum mechanics, which claims that quantum systems are only meaningful in the context of measurements, the authors suggest that information gets ergodically “diluted” in our isotropic and homogeneous expanding Universe, so that an observer detects just a limited amount of the total cosmic bits.
Confinement of antiprotons in the electrostatic space charge of positrons in a model of the ALPHA antihydrogen trap
This article details the equilibrium of a positron plasma in a model of the ALPHA apparatus that is computed using a finite-difference method. The positron plasma in the model extends to axial magnetic mirrors in absence of an octupole field. Formation of a three-dimensional electrostatic potential well is found to occur self-consistently. Well depths under various conditions are evaluated. Also, the equilibrium with an antiproton plasma confined in the potential well is computed.
Exploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-Quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Initial Results
This article presents initial results from an exploratory X-ray monitoring project of two groups of comparably luminous radio-quiet quasars.
Accelerator-based neutron source using a cold deuterium target with degenerate electrons
This article discusses recent reports of potential cold deuterium targets.
Hyperbolic metamaterials: new physics behind a classical problem
This article summarizes earlier theories in the Clemmow's prescription for transformation of the electromagnetic field in hyperbolic media and provides a review of recent developments in this active research area.
Nanoimprinted plasmonic nanocavity arrays
This article demonstrates high resonant absorption of visible light with a plasmonic nanocavity chain structure fabricated through resistless nanoimprinting in metal (RNIM).
Spatially Periodic Electromagnetic Force Field For Plasma Confinement and Control
In this article, a theoretical understanding is developed of the single-particle reflection properties of a force field, considering the incident charged particles to have a non-drifting, isotropic velocity distribution. Classical trajectory Monte Carlo simulations and analytical modeling are employed. The initiation of an experimental effort to study force fields is described.
Comment on "Modification of graphene properties due to electron-beam irradiation"
This article gives comment to a previous article entitled 'Modification of graphene properties due to electron-beam irradiation'. These articles discuss the modification of graphene properties due to electron-beam irradiation.
Inhomogeneous DNA: Conducting exons and insulating introns
Article discussing inhomogeneous DNA and conducting exons and insulating introns.
Symmetry-induced tunneling in one-dimensional disordered potentials
This article discusses symmetry-induced tunneling in one-dimensional disordered potentials.
Star Formation in the Hosts of High-z QSOs: Evidence from Spitzer PAH Detections
This article presents Spitzer rest frame mid-infrared spectroscopy of 12z~2 millimeter-bright type 1 QSOs.
Chandra Observations of the Highest Redshift Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
This article presents Chandra observations of 21 z > 4 quasars, including 11 sources at z > 5.
Effects of O2, Ar, and H2 gases on the field-emission properties of single-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes
In this article, the authors compare the effects of O2, Ar, and H2 gases on the field-emission (FE) properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs).
Phonon Softening and High-Pressure Low-Symmetry Phases of Cesium Iodide
Article on phonon softening and high-pressure low-symmetry phases of cesium iodide.
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