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Covered Jar (Potiche) Decorated with Horsemen and Dogs

Description: Covered jar, sometimes called a potiche, is decorated with polychrome horsemen and dogs. White body background decorated with fanciful animals, patterned borders, foliage and flowers with basket weave decoration around the shoulder. Much of the patterns is red with polychrome occuring mostly on the costumed soldiers holding spears and animals.
Date: 1522~/1566~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Covered Jar (Potiche) Decorated with Horsemen and Dogs

Description: Covered jar, sometimes called a potiche, is decorated with polychrome horsemen and dogs. White body background decorated with fanciful animals, patterned borders, foliage and flowers with basket weave decoration around the shoulder. Much of the patterns is red with polychrome occuring mostly on the costumed soldiers holding spears and animals.
Date: 1522~/1566~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
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