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open access

Use of Cloud Observations and Mesoscale Meteorology Models to Evaluate and Improve Cloud Parameterizations. Technical Progress Report, 1 October 1992--30 September 1993

Description: This research program utilizes satellite and surface-derived cloud observations together with standard meteorological measurements to evaluate and improve our ability to accurately diagnose cloud coverage. Results of this research will be used to compliment existing or future parameterizations of cloud effects in general circulation models, since nearly all cloud parameterizations must specify a fractional area of cloud coverage when calculating radiative or dynamic cloud effects, and current p… more
Date: September 30, 1993
Creator: Walcek, C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cloud and aerosol characterization for the ARM central facility: Multiple remote sensor techniques development. Final technical report

Description: In support of the initial phase of the Instrument Development Program (IDP) of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program, the authors have researched the means by which multiple remote sensing techniques could be best applied to characterizing the cloudy atmosphere. This research has directly supported the short-term goal of aiding in the selection of the most appropriate instrumentation for ARM Clouds and Radiation Testbed (CART) sites, but also has more long-term consequences for th… more
Date: November 1, 1993
Creator: Sassen, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Exploitation of parallelism in climate models. [Annual] report, 1 September 1991--29 February 1992

Description: The US Department of Energy (DOE) through its CHAMMP initiative, hopes to develop the capability to make meaningful regional climate forecasts on time scales exceeding a decade, such capability to be based on numerical prediction type models. We propose research to contribute to each of the specific items enumerated in the CHAMMP announcement (Notice 9103); i.e., to consider theoretical limits to prediction of climate and climate change on appropriate time scales, to develop new mathematical te… more
Date: May 1, 1992
Creator: Baer, Ferdinand; Tribbia, Joseph J. & Williamson, David L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sealed tube comparisons of the compatibility of desiccants with refrigerants and lubricants. Quarterly technical progress report, January 1994--March 1994

Description: Continuing environmental concerns mandate replacement of CFC`s with alternate refrigeration fluids. At this time relatively little testing has been reported in the literature for compatibility of desiccants in these new working fluids. Using bench scale test methods generally accepted throughout the industry today, this work will provide data necessary to assess the compatibility or virtually all of the currently used desiccant types - both bead and molded core, with thirteen refrigerant/lubric… more
Date: April 1, 1994
Creator: Field, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Climate evolution with a coupled two dimensional atmosphere/ocean model. Final report, [March 1, 1992--August 31, 1993]

Description: To test the impact of a density-dependent eddy diffusivity law on global warming predictions, transient calculations with a standard upwelling-diffusion ocean/climate model were conducted. This report discusses that research. In addition, this report also presents the findings from research conducted on internal wave-breaking turbulence in an upwelling-diffusion ocean.
Date: February 1, 1994
Creator: Hoffert, M. I. & Kheshgi, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brookhaven National Laboratory site environmental report for calendar year 1990

Description: Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) carries out basic and applied research in the following fields: high-energy nuclear and solid state physics; fundamental material and structure properties and the interactions of matter; nuclear medicine, biomedical and environmental sciences; and selected energy technologies. In conducting these research activities, it is Laboratory policy to protect the health and safety of employees and the public, and to minimize the impact of BNL operations on the envir… more
Date: January 1, 1992
Creator: Miltenberger, R. P.; Royce, B. A. & Naidu, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modeling the response of the California Current system to global greenhouse warming. Final report to the National Institute for Global Environmental Change (August 1993)

Description: This is the final report for the project ``Modeling the Response of the California Current System to Global Greenhouse Warming,`` supported 1990 and 1991 by NIGEC. The scientists involved are Dr. Richard C.J. Somerville and Alejandro Paries-Sierra of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD. A copy of papers submitted to the Journal of Physical Oceanography, and Geofisica Internacional that were supported in part or whole by WEST-GEC, as well as a summary of a talk delivered at the XX General … more
Date: December 31, 1993
Creator: Pares-Sierra, A. & Somerville, R. C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Testbed model and data assimilation for ARM. Progress report No. 2, 1 March 1991--31 August 1992 (revised)

Description: The objectives of this contract are to further develop and test the ALFA (AER Local Forecast and Assimilation) model originally designed at AER for local weather prediction and apply it to three distinct but related purposes in connection with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program: (a) to provide a testbed that simulates a global climate model in order to facilitate the development and testing of new cloud parametrizations and radiation models; (b) to assimilate the ARM data conti… more
Date: September 22, 1992
Creator: Louis, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bacterially induced precipitation of CaCO{sub 3}: An example from studies of cyanobacterial mats. Final report

Description: Bacteria induce the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the laboratory and in nature by altering their chemical environment. Geologists are recognizing the possibility that bacterially induced precipitates may form significant mineral deposits, unfortunately, there are currently no sound criteria by which they can be recognized in recent sediments, or in the rock record. Cultures of aerobic and facultative bacteria from cyanobacterial mats on Andros Island, Bahamas, and Baffin Bay, Texas, ind… more
Date: April 30, 1990
Creator: Chafetz, H. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of atmospheric pollution scavenging. Twenty-fourth progress report

Description: Atmospheric scavenging research conducted by the Illinois State Water Survey under contract with the Department of Energy has been a significant factor in the historical development of the field of precipitation scavenging. Emphasis of the work during the 1980`s became focused on the problem of acid rain problem with the Survey being chosen as the Central Analytical Laboratory for sample analysis of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program National Trends Network (NADP/NTN). The DOE research… more
Date: August 1, 1990
Creator: Williams, A. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A research program on radiative transfer model development in support of the ARM program. Progress report No. 3, 1 November 1992--31 October 1993

Description: The objective of this research effort is to develop radiative transfer models that are consistent with ARM spectral radiance measurements for clear and cloudy atmospheres. Our approach is to develop the model physics and related databases with a line-by-line model in the context of available spectral radiance measurements. The line-by-line model then functions as an intermediate standard to both develop and validate rapid radiative transfer models appropriate to GCM applications. A preprint of … more
Date: October 1, 1993
Creator: Clough, S. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cloud and aerosol characterization for the ARM central facility: Multiple remote sensor techniques development. Technical progress report

Description: This research project designed to investigate how atmospheric remote sensing technology can best be applied to the characterization of the cloudy atmosphere. Our research program addresses basic atmospheric remote sensing questions, but at the same time is clearly directed toward providing information crucial to the ARM (Atmospheric Remote Sensing) program and for application to the Clouds and Radiation Testbed (CART). The instrumentation that is being brought into play includes a variety of ar… more
Date: April 30, 1992
Creator: Sassen, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Natural and anthropogenic climate change. Final report, 1 March 1986--31 August 1992

Description: This final report provides a broad overview of program accomplishments. Brief descriptions are provided for accomplishments with respect to intercomparisions and improvements in general circulation models, analysis of climatic data and climate model statistics, and accomplishments in the China Meteorology coordination.
Date: August 31, 1992
Creator: Portman, D. A.; Gutowski, W. J. Jr.; Wang, W. C.; Iacono, M. J. & Yang, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research on the Seasonal Snow of the Arctic Slope. Annual Progress Report, January 16, 1987--January 15, 1988

Description: This project deals with the seasonal snow on Alaska`s Arctic Slope. Although it is concentrated on snow of the R{sub 4}D project area, it is important to relate the snow cover of this area with the rest of the Arctic Slope. The goals include determination of the amount of precipitation which comes as snow, the wind transport of this snow and its depositional pattern as influenced by drifting, the physical properties of the snow, the physical processes which operate in it, the proportions of it … more
Date: December 31, 1988
Creator: Benson, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Active Layer Dynamics and Arctic Hydrology and Meteorology. Final Report

Description: Man`s impact on the environment is increasing with time. To be able to evaluate anthropogenic impacts on an ecosystems, it is necessary first to understand all facets of how the ecosystems works: what the main processes (physical, biological, chemical) are, at what rates they proceed, and how they can be manipulated. Arctic ecosystems are dominated by physical processes of energy exchange. This project has concentrated on a strong program of hydrologic and meteorologic data collection, to bette… more
Date: October 1, 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sensitivity of Climate Models: Comparison of Simulated and Observed Patterns for Past Climates. Progress Report, February 1, 1993--January 31, 1994

Description: Predicting the potential climatic effects of increased concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide requires the continuing development of climate models. Confidence in the predictions will be much enhanced once the models are thoroughly tested in terms of their ability to simulate climates that differ significantly from today`s climate. During the past several years, the authors have used paleoclimatic data to test the accuracy of the NCAR CCMO (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Commun… more
Date: August 1, 1993
Creator: Kutzbach, J.; Oglesby, R. J.; Prell, W. L. & Webb, T., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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