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open access

A prototype on-line work procedure system for radioisotope thermoelectric generator production

Description: An on-line system to manage work procedures is being developed to support radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) assembly and testing in a new production facility. This system implements production work procedures as interactive electronic documents executed at the work site with no intermediate printed form. It provides good control of the creation and application of work procedures and provides active assistance to the worker in performing them and in documenting the results. An extensiv… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Creator: Kiebel, G.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Resource book: Decommissioning of contaminated facilities at Hanford

Description: In 1942 Hanford was commissioned as a site for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. The years since have seen the construction and operation of several generations of plutonium-producing reactors, plants for the chemical processing of irradiated fuel elements, plutonium and uranium processing and fabrication plants, and other facilities. There has also been a diversification of the Hanford site with the building of new laboratories, a fission product encapsulation plant, improved high-lev… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Resource book: Decommissioning of contaminated facilities at Hanford

Description: In 1942 Hanford was commissioned as a site for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. The years since have seen the construction and operation of several generations of plutonium-producing reactors, plants for the chemical processing of irradiated fuel elements, plutonium and uranium processing and fabrication plants, and other facilities. There has also been a diversification of the Hanford site with the building of new laboratories, a fission product encapsulation plant, improved high-lev… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of water chemistry on the erosion-corrosion of aluminum in high temperature high velocity water

Description: This paper reports on a laboratory study of erosion-corrosion on aluminum surfaces in high temperature water. It is essentially a continuation of a similar previous study with refinement in testing procedure and the addition of electrochemical measurements to study the phenomenon. The electrochemical procedures are of intrinsic worth, because such measurements have never before been conducted with such an unusual cell geometry as imposed by the erosion-corrosion testing apparatus.
Date: January 30, 1970
Creator: Jones, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford production reactor heat releases 1951--1971

Description: The purpose of this report is to document and detail the thermal releases from the Hanford nuclear production reactors during the period 1951 through 1971, and to put these releases in historical perspective with respect to changing Columbia River flows and temperatures. This information can also be used as a foundation for further ecological evaluations. When examining Hanford production reactor thermal releases to the Columbia River all related factors affecting the releases and the character… more
Date: April 1, 1992
Creator: Kannberg, L.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Designation of facility usage categories for Hanford Site facilities

Description: This report summarizes the Hanford Site methodology used to ensure facility compliance with the natural phenomena design criteria set forth in the US Department of Energy Orders and guidance. The current Hanford Site methodology for Usage Category designation is based on an engineered feature's safety function and on the feature's assigned Safety Class. At the Hanford Site, Safety Class assignments are deterministic in nature and are based on teh consequences of failure, without regard to the l… more
Date: October 1, 1991
Creator: Woodrich, D. D.; Ellingson, D. R.; Scott, M. A. & Schade, A. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Resource book: Decommissioning of contaminated facilities at Hanford

Description: In 1942 Hanford was commissioned as a site for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. The years since have seen the construction and operation of several generations of plutonium-producing reactors, plants for the chemical processing of irradiated fuel elements, plutonium and uranium processing and fabrication plants, and other facilities. There has also been a diversification of the Hanford site with the building of new laboratories, a fission product encapsulation plant, improved high-lev… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculation of groundwater discharge to the Columbia River in the 100-N Area

Description: A computer code called WATDIS (an acronym for water discharge) was developed that, when used with the commercially available software, WATER-VEL{trademark}, calculates the volumetric discharge to a specific cross-sectional area of the aquifer. This report describes the development of the WATDIS code and its application. The development of this code is Phase 1 of a two-phased project whose objective is to estimate the amounts of radionuclides reaching the Columbia River through the unconfined aq… more
Date: April 1, 1992
Creator: Gilmore, T.J.; Newcomer, D.R.; Wurstner, S.K. & Spane, F.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Validation of Turner Workbook normalized air exposure predictions for surface level releases using Hanford dispersion data. [R]

Description: In general, the methods used to determine atmospheric stability in assessment models depend upon the personal needs of the assessor. However, the results of this study indicate that for conditions similar to those prevailing during the Hanford tests and for the assumptions used with the Turner Workbook calculations, a method of atmospheric stability determination based on the vertical temperature gradient should be used if the assessor desires to insure some conservatism in his calculations of … more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Miller, C. W.; Little, C. A. & Hoffman, F. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

P Division monthly report, November 1948

Description: This progress report discusses activities at the P Division for the month of November 1948. All piles operated at 275 megawatts (MW) throughout the month except for outages listed under Area Activities in this report and except that F Pile operated at a reduced level during the first half of the month. This operation at reduced level was incident to the leaking process tube reported last month. A total of 81.4 tons of metal was discharged from the piles during the month. The 300 Area canned a t… more
Date: December 20, 1948
Creator: Lee, Edward P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production test 105-2-P (Supplement A) - Activity of pile discharge water (Activation of manganese and iron)

Description: This report discusses the Production Test 105-2-P (Supplement A) -- Activity of Pile Discharge Water. Previous studies of pile discharge water have shown that one of two processes is responsible for the large but variable amount of Mn{sup 56} activity present in the water. One process is the production of Mn{sup 56} by the reaction Mn{sup 55} on manganese impurity in the water. The amount of such impurity has been shown to be too small to produce the observed amount of Mn{sup 56} unless the mea… more
Date: May 8, 1946
Creator: West, J.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decommissioning of the 105-F and 105-H fuel storage basin in the 100 Area at the Hanford Site

Description: The US Department of Energy (DOE) owns the eight surplus production reactors at the Hanford Site north of Richland, Washington. The fuel storage basins at the 105-F and 105-H reactors were filled with equipment, associated with the operation of the basins and clean fill in 1970. This was done to stabilize the residual sediment and a few feet of water in the reactors' fuel storage basins. This project investigates the subject basins to locate and remove overlooked fuel elements left in the basin… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Creator: Griffin, P.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Letter report: Title listing of daily operating data on Hanford single-pass reactors, 1944--1971

Description: The primary objective of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project is to estimate the radiation dose that populations and individuals could have received as a result of emissions from Hanford Site operations since 1944, with descriptions of the uncertainties inherent in such estimates. A secondary objective is to make project documentation and Hanford-originated references used in the reports available to the public. Hanford-originated documents of potential interest and/or u… more
Date: February 1, 1992
Creator: Gydesen, S.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A history of major Hanford facilities and processes involving radioactive material. [Contains glossary]

Description: The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established in 1987 to estimate radiation doses that people could have received from nuclear operations at the Hanford Site since 1944. Hanford Site operations began in 1944 to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. This effort included fabricating fuel elements, irradiating the fuel in nuclear reactors, and separating the resulting plutonium from uranium and fission byproducts. To build a foundation for the first step in estimati… more
Date: March 1, 1991
Creator: Ballinger, M.Y. & Hall, R.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uncertainties in source term calculations generated by the ORIGEN2 computer code for Hanford Production Reactors

Description: The ORIGEN2 computer code is the primary calculational tool for computing isotopic source terms for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project. The ORIGEN2 code computes the amounts of radionuclides that are created or remain in spent nuclear fuel after neutron irradiation and radioactive decay have occurred as a result of nuclear reactor operation. ORIGEN2 was chosen as the primary code for these calculations because it is widely used and accepted by the nuclear industry, bot… more
Date: March 1, 1991
Creator: Heeb, C.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fission product iodine during early Hanford-Site operations: Its production and behavior during fuel processing, off-gas treatment and release to the atmosphere

Description: The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established to estimate the radiological dose impact that Hanford Site operations may have made on the local and regional population. This impact is estimated by examining operations involving radioactive materials that were conducted at the Hanford Site from the startup of the first reactor in 1944 to the present. HEDR Project work is divided among several technical tasks. One of these tasks, Source Terms, is designed to develop … more
Date: May 1, 1991
Creator: Burger, L.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HUDU: The Hanford Unified Dose Utility computer code

Description: The Hanford Unified Dose Utility (HUDU) computer program was developed to provide rapid initial assessment of radiological emergency situations. The HUDU code uses a straight-line Gaussian atmospheric dispersion model to estimate the transport of radionuclides released from an accident site. For dose points on the plume centerline, it calculates internal doses due to inhalation and external doses due to exposure to the plume. The program incorporates a number of features unique to the Hanford S… more
Date: February 1, 1991
Creator: Scherpelz, R.I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

P Division monthly report, January 1950

Description: This progress report discusses the activities of the P Division for the month of January 1950. The B, D, F and H pilan operated throughout the month except for outages listed under Area Activities. Power levels were as follow: B pile -- 275 megawatts (MW) D pile -- 305 MW, F pile -- 275 MW increased to 305 MW during the month, and H pile -- 275 MW increased to 330 MW during the month. The piles operated with a time operated'' efficiency of 88.8%. A total of 53.07 tons of metal at an average of … more
Date: February 6, 1950
Creator: Lee, Edward P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor statistics, Section III, April 1961--May 15, 1962. Reactor 3

Description: The discussion and summary report presented here illustrate the type of information that is currently in data processing machine language and available to those who require it. During the progress meetings at which these reports were discussed, several persons indicated a desire to have a documented explanation of the report and a personal copy to scan. This is the answer to these requests. The reports are comprised of three major sections. The first is a map indicating the number of recordings… more
Date: June 13, 1962
Creator: Burke, R.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analyses and correlations of HAPO rupture experience with natural uranium material

Description: One of the major factors restricting reactor power levels is the incidence of ruptured slugs. The primary purpose in studying ruptures is to determine how reactor operating variables affect rupture rates. With this knowledge reactor operating conditions may be adjusted or controlled in the manner that will optimize reactor production. In addition, knowledge of rupture rate relationships are useful in fuel element development and in overall economic studies of existing and proposed reactors and … more
Date: April 23, 1958
Creator: Bloomstrand, R.R. & Neef, W.I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Use of reactor effluent water as steam plant boiler feed

Description: The radiological aspects of a proposal to recover some of the heat now wasted in cooling water from the Hanford reactors by using the hot water as boiler feed for the steam plants in the 100 Areas are evaluated. The radioactive material in the hot effluent water will contaminate the boiler feed water system, cause additional radiation exposure of personnel, and increase the cost of maintenance and radiation protection, but very little radioactive material will be carried over into the steam sys… more
Date: December 8, 1953
Creator: Clukey, H. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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