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open access

Report on Carbon-14 generation and release at some of the Hanford reactors

Description: The Hanford graphite-moderated reactors have an enclosed gas circulation system to maintain control of the composition of gas atmosphere in the graphite stack. This investigation was undertaken to answer several questions concerning the generation and release of Carbon-14 in the operation of these graphite moderated reactors. The principle question was: Will an increase in the nitrogen content of the reactor atmosphere increase the release of Carbon-14 sufficiently to create a health hazard. Ot… more
Date: December 14, 1964
Creator: Barton, G.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor statistics, Section III, April 1961--May 15, 1962. Reactor Simulation Study, Reactor 5

Description: The discussion and summary report presented here illustrate the type of information that is currently in data processing machine language and available to those who require it. During the progress meetings at which these reports were discussed, several persons indicated a desire to have a documented explanation of the report and a personal copy to scan. This is the answer to these requests. The reports are comprised of three major sections. The first is a map indicating the number of recordings… more
Date: June 13, 1962
Creator: Burke, R.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gas cooling of cylindrical control rods for pile Area ``G``: Preliminary report

Description: A first approximation of the gas required to cool control rods for Pile Area G is presented in the following report. Since the results are based on a number of assumptions and approximations, they should be considered only as a first approximation and subject to revision. A gadolinium-stainless steel control rod can probably be readily cooled by gas. A boron-stainless steel control rod would be difficult to cool with gas and would probably require about 1,000 lbs./hr. of helium per rod. Carbon … more
Date: March 23, 1950
Creator: Robbins, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of K-Area core samples for K-Area formation stabilization work

Description: Foundation stabilization work in K-Area has been recently completed by Bechtel Inc. This effort involved pumping cement and cement-sand grout into unconsolidated sediments under K-Area. Subsequent to stabilization, core samples were collected to document the extent of grout flow in the area. Samples of this core were examined by SRTC personnel in support of the grouting program at the request of Bechtel personnel. This report summarizes the results of the SRTC study.
Date: May 27, 1992
Creator: Langton, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical activities report: Graphite Studies Group, February 1952

Description: Monthly activities for the following studies are given: (1) pile graphite monitoring; (2) graphite burnout and chemical studies; (3) graphite physical properties studies; (4) controlled temperature exposure; (5) thermal conductivity of gases; (6) damage mechanism study; (7) special exposures; and (8) experimental graphite program.
Date: March 6, 1952
Creator: Bupp, L. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status of plant assistance irradiations as of July 16, 1965

Description: This report covers the activities with regard to on-site customer irradiations as of the above date. The report covers the status of materials undergoing irradiation, awaiting disposition, material shipped during the month, and current status of all reactor test holes. The integrated exposure values are calculated in accordance with HW-62781, {open_quotes}Status Report Equations.{close_quotes} The integrated exposure reported is the average exposure received by the surrounding uranium columns. … more
Date: August 3, 1965
Creator: Ferguson, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tentative design basis new 100 Area water plant embodying a close cooling water circuit

Description: The attached document includes a plot plan, flow diagram and delineation of basic assumptions upon which the report was developed. It summarizes the work which has been accomplished to date under RDA No. DC-6 in developing a recirculating water system to serve a new reactor. In order to proceed with the work under RDA No. DC-6 it has been necessary to make certain basic assumptions relative to the primary circuit requirements of RDA No. DC-3. These assumptions are explained in the report and ar… more
Date: November 14, 1951
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status of irradiations performed by fuel and target irradiation technology for BNW as of September 30, 1969

Description: This report itemizes the irradiations performed by Testing and Irradiation Services for Battelle-Northwest. It lists the material being awaiting disposition and material shipped during the report period. Information consists of: TISR No.; request number; target material; piece number; operating time; CMK absorbed; charge date; location; exposure to date-NVT; discharge, date and time; and shipping date.
Date: October 9, 1969
Creator: Barker, L. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Vernatherm functional test, Test Project No. 14

Description: The Vernatherm unit is a temperature sensitive capsule which translates temperature change to mechanical movement of a brass plunger. A change in phase of a hydrocarbon contained in a cylinder caused by temperature change, causes movement of the brass plunger. The units are available for various temperature ranges. The adaptation considered was to monitor the outlet water temperature from individual process tubes in the ``G`` pile. The purpose of the test was to determine the magnitude of error… more
Date: October 31, 1951
Creator: Smith, J. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation Processing Department monthly report, September 1963

Description: This document details activities of the Irradiation Processing Department during the month of August, 1958. A general summary is included at the start of the report, after which the report is divided into the following sections: Research and Engineering Operations; Production and Reactor Operations; Facilities Engineering Operation; Employee Relations Operation; and Financial Operation.
Date: October 14, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maximum temperature of aluminum end cap

Description: Neutron density at the end of the slug is increased appreciably and therefore the heat production in the end of the slug is also increased. The end result is increased heat flow into the cap with correspondingly higher temperatures. The combined results and conclusions of documents CP-1580, CP-1989, and CP-2871 afford a means of calculating the aluminum end cap temperatures with consideration being give to the above mentioned {open_quotes}Wilkins effect,{close_quotes} i.e., that the heat produc… more
Date: January 11, 1950
Creator: Roy, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Correlation of pressure drop data isothermal flow through standard process tube assembly

Description: The experimental data presented in HDC-1255 for the pressure drops through the various portions of a standard process tube assembly for isothermal flow are correlated in this report. Data include orifice sizes up to 0.310 inches. The equations have been adapted for the calculation of pressure drops or flow rates for clean tubes in pile operation. A systematic procedure is outlined for determining the pressure drops through each portion of the tube assembly. A method is presented for calculating… more
Date: December 27, 1949
Creator: Sege, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Insulating webbing between thermal shield and graphite reflector

Description: The purpose of this document is to present the bases and calculations which resulted in the conclusion given in the letter of October 17. Also, the original calculations were made on the basis that the webbing face thickness is equal to 1/2 inch, which is no longer the case. The new thickness is 3/4 inch. This alters the condition of heat generation. Consideration is given to the heat generation in the legs.
Date: October 24, 1951
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final report on Production Test 105-528-A -- Alteration of two C-Pile horizontal safety rods for temperature distribution control

Description: Pile temperature control is normally maintained by using four horizontal rods, two ``long`` rods extending to the far side of the pile and two ``short`` rods whose tips are on the near side. (1) This procedure prevents cycling of ``hot spots`` about the pile, but does not achieve symmetrical horizontal temperature distribution. Prior to pile operation the cadmium-containing cans were removed from the near ends of the two ``long`` control rods, numbers 5 and 11, at C pile, so that when these rod… more
Date: June 11, 1953
Creator: Halliday, A. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interim report No.1, PT-105-403-P, installation and initial operation

Description: The effect of temperature on the properties of graphite is being determined by exposing samples to pile neutrons at controlled temperatures in the range 75 C to 225 C. The first series of samples were charged into the newly installed dry, water-cooled test channel at B pile on January 23, 1951. This report presents details of the charging operation and observations noted during the initial operation of the test.
Date: February 7, 1951
Creator: Haussler, W. M. & Purcell, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status report of confinement studies Douglas United Nuclear operated reactors

Description: Confinement studies on the Hanford Production reactors were started in March at the request of the Richland Operations Office. The confinement studies were then undertaken with the following objectives established: (1) review and reestablish if necessary, the maximum credible accident for the production reactors operated by Douglas United Nuclear (DUN); (2) evaluate the present confinement systems under the Code of Federal Regulation Title 10, Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria, for the maximum cr… more
Date: November 30, 1965
Creator: Spink, J. R. & Fifer, N. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioisotope concentrations in the PRTR primary coolant and helium system during operation with a failed fuel element(s)

Description: Fission product measurements in the PRTR primary D{sub 2}O and helium systems during the startup tests in May 1961, showed the presence of a defective fuel elements(s). Reactor operation was discontinued during the latter part of May and during June for reactor maintenance and fuel element inspection. On resumption of operation on July 1, a sampling and analytical program was initiated to study the radioisotope concentrations resulting from this defective element(s) which were present in the pr… more
Date: September 7, 1961
Creator: Perkins, R. W. & Thomas, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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