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open access

Experimental Validation of Stratified Flow Phenomena, Graphite Oxidation, and Mitigation Strategies of Air Ingress Accidents

Description: The US Department of Energy is performing research and development (R&D) that focuses on key phenomena that are important during challenging scenarios that may occur in the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Program / GEN-IV Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR). Phenomena identification and ranking studies (PIRT) to date have identified the air ingress event, following on the heels of a VHTR depressurization, as very important (Schultz et al., 2006). Consequently, the development of advanced … more
Date: December 1, 2008
Creator: Oh, Chang Ho; Kim, Eung Soo; No, Hee Cheon & Cho, Nam Zin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Global nuclear energy partnership fuels transient testing at the Sandia National Laboratories nuclear facilities : planning and facility infrastructure options.

Description: The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership fuels development program is currently developing metallic, oxide, and nitride fuel forms as candidate fuels for an Advanced Burner Reactor. The Advance Burner Reactor is being designed to fission actinides efficiently, thereby reducing the long-term storage requirements for spent fuel repositories. Small fuel samples are being fabricated and evaluated with different transuranic loadings and with extensive burnup using the Advanced Test Reactor. During the … more
Date: October 1, 2007
Creator: Kelly, John E.; Wright, Steven Alan; Tikare, Veena; MacLean, Heather J. (Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID); Parma, Edward J., Jr.; Peters, Curtis D. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery Discontinuous Galerkin Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Method for all-speed flows

Description: There is an increasing interest to develop the next generation simulation tools for the advanced nuclear energy systems. These tools will utilize the state-of-art numerical algorithms and computer science technology in order to maximize the predictive capability, support advanced reactor designs, reduce uncertainty and increase safety margins. In analyzing nuclear energy systems, we are interested in compressible low-Mach number, high heat flux flows with a wide range of Re, Ra, and Pr numbers.… more
Date: July 1, 2008
Creator: Park, HyeongKae; Nourgaliev, Robert; Mousseau, Vincent & Knoll, Dana
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

INL Experimental Program Roadmap for Thermal Hydraulic Code Validation

Description: Advanced computer modeling and simulation tools and protocols will be heavily relied on for a wide variety of system studies, engineering design activities, and other aspects of the Next Generation Nuclear Power (NGNP) Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), the DOE Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), and light-water reactors. The goal is for all modeling and simulation tools to be demonstrated accurate and reliable through a formal Verification and Validation (V&V) process, especially wher… more
Date: September 1, 2007
Creator: McCreery, Glenn & McIlroy, Hugh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Benchmark Evaluation of Plutonium Hemispheres Reflected by Steel and Oil

Description: During the period from June 1967 through September 1969 a series of critical experiments was performed at the Rocky Flats Critical Mass Laboratory with spherical and hemispherical plutonium assemblies as nested hemishells as part of a Nuclear Safety Facility Experimental Program to evaluate operational safety margins for the Rocky Flats Plant. These assemblies were both bare and fully or partially oil-reflected. Many of these experiments were subcritical with an extrapolation to critical config… more
Date: June 1, 2008
Creator: Bess, John Darrell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress reports for Gen IV sodium fast reactor activities FY 2007.

Description: An important goal of the US DOE Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) program is to develop the technology necessary to increase safety margins in future fast reactor systems. Although no decision has been made yet about who will build the next demonstration fast reactor, it seems likely that the construction team will include a combination of international companies, and the safety design philosophy for the reactor will reflect a consensus of the participating countries. A significant amount of experience… more
Date: October 4, 2007
Creator: Cahalan, J. E. & Tentner, A. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum to NuMI shielding assessment

Description: The original safety assessment and the Safety Envelope for the NuMI beam line corresponds to 400 kW of beam power. The Main Injector is currently capable of and approved for producing 500 kW of beam power2. However, operation of the NuMI beam line at 400 kW of power brings up the possibility of an occasional excursion above 400 kW due to better than usual tuning in one of the machines upstream of the NuMI beam line. An excursion above the DOE approved Safety Envelope will constitute a safety vi… more
Date: October 1, 2007
Creator: Vaziri, Kamran
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Specification of advanced safety modeling requirements (Rev. 0).

Description: The U.S. Department of Energy's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership has lead to renewed interest in liquid-metal-cooled fast reactors for the purpose of closing the nuclear fuel cycle and making more efficient use of future repository capacity. However, the U.S. has not designed or constructed a fast reactor in nearly 30 years. Accurate, high-fidelity, whole-plant dynamics safety simulations will play a crucial role by providing confidence that component and system designs will satisfy establishe… more
Date: June 30, 2008
Creator: Fanning, T. H. & Tautges, T. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report-Passive Safety Optimization in Liquid Sodium-Cooled Reactors.

Description: This report summarizes the results of a three-year collaboration between Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) to identify and quantify the performance of innovative design features in metallic-fueled, sodium-cooled fast reactor designs. The objective of the work was to establish the reliability and safety margin enhancements provided by design innovations offering significant potential for construction, maintenance, and operating cost reductio… more
Date: August 13, 2007
Creator: Cahalana, J. E. & Hahn, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Methods for Quantifying Uncertainty in Fast Reactor Analyses.

Description: Liquid-metal-cooled fast reactors in the form of sodium-cooled fast reactors have been successfully built and tested in the U.S. and throughout the world. However, no fast reactor has operated in the U.S. for nearly fourteen years. More importantly, the U.S. has not constructed a fast reactor in nearly 30 years. In addition to reestablishing the necessary industrial infrastructure, the development, testing, and licensing of a new, advanced fast reactor concept will likely require a significant … more
Date: April 7, 2008
Creator: Fanning, T. H. & Fischer, P. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The R- and P-reactor buildings were retired from service and are now being prepared for deactivation and decommissioning (D&D). D&D activities will consist primarily of immobilizing contaminated components and structures in a grout-like formulation. Aluminum corrodes very rapidly when it comes in contact with the alkaline grout materials and as a result produces hydrogen gas. To address this potential deflagration/explosion hazard, the Materials Science and Technology Directorate (MS&am… more
Date: October 29, 2009
Creator: Wiersma, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NEAMS Experimental Support for Code Validation, INL FY2009

Description: The goal is for all modeling and simulation tools to be demonstrated accurate and reliable through a formal Verification and Validation (V&V) process, especially where such tools are to be used to establish safety margins and support regulatory compliance, or to design a system in a manner that reduces the role of expensive mockups and prototypes. Whereas the Verification part of the process does not rely on experiment, the Validation part, on the contrary, necessitates as many relevant and pre… more
Date: September 1, 2009
Creator: Youinou, G.; Palmiotti, G.; Salvatore, M. & Rabiti, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of in-pile degradation of the meat thermal conductivity on the maximum temperature of the plate-type U-Mo dispersion fuels

Description: Effect of in-pile degradation of thermal conductivity on the maximum temperature of the plate-type research reactor fuels has been assessed using the steady-state heat conduction equation and assuming convection cooling. It was found that due to very low meat thickness, characteristic for this type of fuel, the effect of thermal conductivity degradation on the maximum fuel temperature is minor. For example, the fuel plate featuring 0.635 mm thick meat operating at heat flux of 600 W/cm2 would e… more
Date: November 1, 2009
Creator: Medvedev, Pavel G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The R- and P-reactor buildings were retired from service and are now being prepared for deactivation and decommissioning (D&D). D&D activities will consist primarily of immobilizing contaminated components and structures in a grout-like formulation. Aluminum corrodes very rapidly when it comes in contact with the alkaline grout materials and as a result produces hydrogen gas. To address this potential deflagration/explosion hazard, the Materials Science and Technology Directorate (MS&am… more
Date: December 29, 2009
Creator: Wiersma, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The concept of safety margins has served as a fundamental principle in the design and operation of commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs). Defined as the minimum distance between a system’s “loading” and its “capacity”, plant design and operation is predicated on ensuring an adequate safety margin for safety-significant parameters (e.g., fuel cladding temperature, containment pressure, etc.) is provided over the spectrum of anticipated plant operating, transient and accident conditions. To meet… more
Date: July 1, 2009
Creator: Dinh, Nam & Szilard, Ronaldo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quick Look Report for Chemical Reactivity Modeling of Various Multi-Canister Overpack Breaches

Description: This report makes observations or shows trends in the response and does not specifically provide conclusions or predict the onset of bulk uranium oxidation safety margins based on hole size. Comprehensive analysis will be provided in the future. The report should animate discussions about the results and what should be analyzed further in the final analysis. This report intends only to show the response of the breached multi-canister overpack (MCO) as a function of event time using the GOTH_SNF… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Bratton, Robert Lawrence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A High Temperature, non-TRISO Fuel and Clad Design with Commercial-Grade Enrichment for the Prismatic Block Very High Temperature Reactor

Description: The prismatic block Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is a leading Generation IV reactor concept. This reactor with its relatively low core power density and large graphite mass currently satisfies the fundamental goals of the Generation IV charter. However, modifications can be made to the fuel and clad design, such that (1) VHTR uranium enrichment can be lowered to near commercial-grade pressurized water reactor (PWR) enrichments, (2) fuel burnups are extended, and (3) the thermal safety m… more
Date: November 1, 2005
Creator: Sterbentz, James W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AECL/US INERI - Development of Inert Matrix Fuels for Plutonium and Minor Actinide Management in Power Reactors -- Fuel Requirements and Down-Select Report

Description: The U.S. Advanced Fuel Cycle Program and the Atomic Energy Canada Ltd (AECL) seek to develop and demonstrate the technologies needed to minimize the overall Pu and minor actinides present in the light water reactor (LWR) nuclear fuel cycles. It is proposed to reuse the Pu from LWR spent fuel both for the energy it contains and to decrease the hazard and proliferation impact resulting from storage of the Pu and minor actinides. The use of fuel compositions with a combination of U and Pu oxide (M… more
Date: June 1, 2005
Creator: Carmack, William; Lee, Randy D.; Medvedev, Pavel; Meyer, Mitch; Todosow, Michael; Hamilton, Holly B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low-Enriched Fuel Design Concept for the Prismatic Very High Temperature Reactor Core

Description: A new non-TRISO fuel and clad design concept is proposed for the prismatic, heliumcooled Very High Temperature Reactor core. The new concept could substantially reduce the current 10-20 wt% TRISO uranium enrichments down to 4-6 wt% for both initial and reload cores. The proposed fuel form would be a high-temperature, high-density uranium ceramic, for example UO2, configured into very small diameter cylindrical rods. The small diameter fuel rods significantly increase core reactivity through imp… more
Date: May 1, 2007
Creator: Sterbentz, James W
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal Analysis of LWR-2 Experiment in the Advanced Test Reactor

Description: A thermal analysis was performed at the Idaho National Laboratory on the Light Water Reactor (LWR-2) experiment fuel to determine fuel temperatures and safety margins in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR). The overall experiment description and various types of fuel proposed for this experiment is presented Reference [1]. The purpose of this paper is to present the thermal analysis for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative's LWR-2 irradiation experiment in the ATR.
Date: June 1, 2006
Creator: Hawkes, Grant L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Observation of Cleavage Fracture after Substantial Dimple Rupture in ASTM A710 Steel

Description: A major concern often arising in structural integrity predictions is the possibility that low-energy brittle fracture could result as a consequence of cleavage either under normal operating or design accident conditions. This can be especially troublesome when the leak-before-break (LBB) approach shows an additional safety margin of the design. For LBB to be applicable, the fracture process must remain ductile (dimple rupture), and not change to cleavage. The American Society for Mechanical Eng… more
Date: July 1, 2000
Creator: Reuter, Walter Graham & Lloyd, Wilson Randolph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Instrumentation, Control, and Intelligent Systems

Description: Abundant and affordable energy is required for U.S. economic stability and national security. Advanced nuclear power plants offer the best near-term potential to generate abundant, affordable, and sustainable electricity and hydrogen without appreciable generation of greenhouse gases. To that end, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has been charged with leading the revitalization of nuclear power in the U.S. The INL vision is to become the preeminent nuclear energy laboratory with synergistic, wor… more
Date: September 1, 2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Measurement of Flow Phenomena in a VHTR Lower Plenum Model

Description: The Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is one of six reactor technologies chosen for further development by the Generation IV International Forum. In addition this system is the leading candidate for the Next Generation Nuclear Power (NGNP) Project in the U.S which has the goal of demonstrating the production of emissions free electricity and hydrogen by 2015. In preparation for the thermal-hydraulics and safety analyses that will be required to confirm the performance of the NGNP, work has b… more
Date: June 1, 2006
Creator: Jr., Hugh M. McIlroy; Condie, Keith G.; McCreery, Glenn E.; McEligot, Donald M. & Pink, Robert J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Definition of a Twelve-Point Polygonal SAA Boundaryfor the GLAST Mission

Description: The Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), set to launch in early 2008, detects gamma rays within a huge energy range of 100 MeV - 300 GeV. Background cosmic radiation interferes with such detection resulting in confusion over distinguishing cosmic from gamma rays encountered. This quandary is resolved by encasing GLAST's Large Area Telescope (LAT) with an Anti-Coincidence Detector (ACD), a device which identifies and vetoes charged particles. The ACD accomplishes this through plastic sc… more
Date: August 29, 2007
Creator: Djomehri, Sabra I. & /UC, Santa Cruz /SLAC
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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