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open access

Pion correlations as a function of atomic mass in heavy ion collisions

Description: The method of two pion interferometry was used to obtain source-size and lifetime parameters for the pions produced in heavy ion collisions. The systems used were 1.70 {center dot} A GeV {sup 56}Fe + Fe, 1.82 {center dot} A GeV {sup 40}Ar + KCl and 1.54 {center dot} A GeV {sup 93}Nb + Nb, allowing for a search for dependences on the atomic number. Two acceptances (centered, in the lab., at {approximately} 0{degrees} and 45{degrees}) were used for each system, allowing a search for dependences o… more
Date: November 26, 1989
Creator: Chacon, A.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of plutonium and americium from chloride salt wastes by solvent extraction

Description: Plutonium and americium can be recovered from aqueous waste solutions containing a mixture of HCl and chloride salt wastes by the coupling of two solvent extraction systems: tributyl phosphate (TBP) in tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) in TCE. In the flowsheet developed, the salt wastes are dissolved in HCl, the Pu(III) is oxidized to the IV state with NaClO/sub 2/ and recovered in the TBP-TCE cycle, and the Am is then removed from t… more
Date: January 1, 1987
Creator: Reichley-Yinger, L. & Vandegrift, G.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic measurements of the transuranium elements. Progress report, January 1-December 31, 1986

Description: Magnetic measurements have been made on polycrystalline CfCl/sub 3/ in both a hexagonal and orthorhombic crystal form. The magnetic properties were studied as a function of crystal structure by converting the same sample back and forth from one form to the other. In a continuation of a study of the magnetic transition temperature as a function of actinide-actinide separation of the curium pnictide series we have undertaken magnetic measurements on curium bismuthide during this contract period. … more
Date: September 1, 1986
Creator: Nave, S.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Removal of silica from Raft River geothermal water

Description: Lack of sufficient quantities of clean surface or near-surface water at Raft River for cooling purposes dictates that cooled geothermal fluid, effluent from the Raft River 5 MW(e) Pilot Power Plant, must also be used as condenser coolant. Prior testing revealed that a water-treatment system would be required to reduce silica and calcium concentrations of the cooling fluid. The water-treatment system specified was to use dolomitic lime for both pH adjustment and source of magnesium. The dolomiti… more
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Suciu, D. F. & Miller, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low-cost solar array project. Task I. Silicon material. Investigation of the hydrogenation of SiCl/sub 4/

Description: Reaction kinetic measurements on the hydrochlorination of SiCl/sub 4/ and m.g. silicon metal were last reported as a function of reaction temperature, reactor pressure, H/sub 2//SiCl/sub 4/ ratio and silicon metal particle size distribution, 3 SiCl/sub 4/ + 2 H/sub 2/ + Si reversible 4 SiHCl/sub 3/. The effect of impurities in the m.g. silicon metal on the rate of this reaction has been investigated in this quarter. The m.g. silicon was replaced with high purity, electronic grade silicon metal … more
Date: October 7, 1980
Creator: Mui, J. Y. P. & Seyferth, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Efficient forward conversion in a Raman generator

Description: Stimulated Raman scattering of an XeCl laser at 308 nm in a high pressure H/sub 2/ cell shows anomalously high conversion into first Stokes (S1) when a pumping geometry with a Fresnel number near unity is used. Specifically a quantum efficiency of 88% is obtained into S1. Comparison with a plane-wave model indicates that a theory including diffraction and 4-wave mixing may be necessary to understand the anomalous holdoff of the second Stokes component. 10 references.
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Carlsten, J.L.; Telle, J.M. & Wenzel, R.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The GALLEX Project

Description: The GALLEX collaboration aims at the detection of solar neutrinos in a radiochemical experiment employing 30 tons of Gallium in form of concentrated aqueous Gallium-chloride solution. The detector is primarily sensitive to the otherwise inaccessible pp-neutrinos. Details of the experiment have been repeatedly described before. Here we report the present status of implementation in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy). So far, 12.2 tons of Gallium are at hand. The present status of de… more
Date: January 1, 1989
Creator: Kirsten, T. (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany, F.R.))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MAP3S precipitation chemistry network. Third periodic summary report, July 1978-December 1979

Description: The MAP3S Precipitation Chemistry Network consists of eight collection sites in the northeastern United States. Precipitation event samples are collected by cooperating site operators, using specially developed sampling equipment. In this, the third periodic summary report, are listed field and concentration data for the period July 1, 1978 to December 31, 1979. Over three years' samples have been collected at most of the sites, which went into operation between September 1976 and October 1978.… more
Date: May 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of platinum from concentrated sodium chloride brine by electrodeposition on vitreous carbon

Description: The voltammetric characteristics of Pt(II) and Pt(IV) have been examined at a vitreous carbon electrode in slightly acidic 3M (approx. 15 wt %) NaCl solutions. Pt(IV) is reduced to Pt(II) at approx. 0 V and Pt(II) is reduced to Pt(0) at approx. -0.5 V vs Ag-AgCl. The rate of deposition of platinum metal at -0.5 V is very low on bare carbon, but increases as the coverage of platinum increases. The potential at which hydrogen is evolved in this medium is approx. -0.85 V. A technique has been test… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Harrar, J.E. & Stephens, F.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Basic studies of a gas-jet-coupled ion source for on-line isotope separation

Description: A hollow-cathode ion source was used in a gas-jet-coupled configuration to produce ion beams of fission products transported to it from a /sup 252/Cf fission source. Solid aerosols of NaCl and Ag were used effectively as activity carriers in the gas-jet system. Flat-plate skimmers provided an effective coupling of the ion source to the gas jet. Ge(Li) spectrometric measurements of the activity deposited on an ion-beam collector relative to that deposited on a pre-skimmer collector were used to … more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Anderl, R. A.; Novick, V. J. & Greenwood, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physicochemical basis of the Na-K-Ca geothermometer

Description: Regular changes in solution composition were observed experimentally during granite reaction with dilute NaCl (+CaCl/sub 2/) solutions; these changes closely follow the empirical Na-K-Ca geothermometer relationship. Initial minerals forming the granite (quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and biotite) were etched by the reactions. Alteration phases formed include calcium-zeolite at <300/sup 0/C, feldspar overgrowths at >300/sup 0/C, and minor amounts of clay and calcsilicate at all temperatures. A… more
Date: August 1, 1986
Creator: Janecky, D. R.; Charles, R. W.; Bayhurst, Gregory K. & Benjamin, T. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preferred methods of analysis for chemical tracers in moderate- and high-temperature geothermal environments

Description: This report describes the sampling and analytical techniques used for tracer analysis in the Raft River and East Mesa field tests. The collection procedures and sample preservation techniques, analytical methods and possible sources of contamination or error are discussed in detail. 6 refs.
Date: December 1, 1984
Creator: Kroneman, R.L.; Yorgason, K.R. & Moore, J.N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of mechanically hard, chemically inert antireflection coatings for photovoltaic solar modules. Final technical report, April 1, 1980-March 31, 1981

Description: The overall objective of this program is to determine the optical properties of i-Carbon (diamond-like) films and determine if these films can be developed into antireflecting (AR) coatings for silicon solar cells. The i-C films have been produced on glass, silicon, and KCl by radio frequency (RF) plasma decomposition of the alkane gases. Films were also produced on silicon solar cells by low-energy ion beam techniques. These coatings did not perform as well as those made from hydrocarbon gases… more
Date: March 31, 1981
Creator: Moravec, T.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reaction Hamiltonian and state-to-state description of chemical reactions

Description: A chemical reaction is treated as a quantum transition from reactants to products. A specific reaction Hamiltonian (in second quantization formalism) is introduced. The approach leads to Franck-Condon-like factor, and adiabatic method in the framework of the nuclear motion problems. The influence of reagent vibrational state on the product energy distribution has been studied following the reaction Hamiltonian method. Two different cases (fixed available energy and fixed translational energy) a… more
Date: August 1, 1985
Creator: Ruf, B. A.; Kresin, V. Z. & Lester, W. A. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-particle correlations in nuclear collisions. [800 MeV/A]

Description: Two-particle correlations in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions were measured with beams of 800 MeV/A at the Berkeley Bevalac to study the reaction mechanism in more detail. Results were obtained that give information about the mean free path of protons in the nucleus, the contribution of the single-knock-out process in the collisions between equal-size nuclei, and the nuclear shadowing effect in collisions with a heavy target nucleus. 3 figures. (RWR)
Date: July 1, 1980
Creator: Tanihata, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Salinity variations and chemical compositions of waters in the Frio Formation, Texas Gulf Coast. Annual report

Description: Waters produced from sandstone reservoirs of the deep Frio Formation exhibit spatial variations in chemical composition that roughly coincide with the major tectonic elements (Houston and Rio Grande Embayments, San Marcos Arch) and corresponding depositional systems (Houston and Norias deltas, Greta-Carancahua barrier/strandplain system) that were respectively active along the upper, lower, and middle Texas Coast during Frio deposition. Within an area, salinities are usually depth dependent, an… more
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Morton, R. A.; Garrett Jr., C. M.; Posey, J. S.; Han, J. H. & Jirik, L. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of nominal and crack-tip strain rate on IGSCC susceptibility in CERT tests

Description: Constant extension rate tests have been performed on sensitized Type 316 stainless steel in oxygenated water (8 ppM O/sub 2/) containing chloride ion impurities (0.5 ppM) over a range of strain rates from 10/sup -5/ to 2 x 10/sup -7/ s/sup -1/. The susceptibility to IGSCC (as quantified by parameters such as crack length at failure) increases with a decrease in strain rate. A model consistent with the observed and postulated crack growth behavior and with a fracture criterion is presented and u… more
Date: September 1, 1983
Creator: Maiya, P.S. & Shack, W.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrodynamic/kinetic reactions in liquid-dominated geothermal systems. Final report

Description: A mobile geothermal well-site test unit at the Mercer 2 well in South Brawley, California (Imperial Valley), was constructed and tested. The equipment controlled, monitored, and recorded all process conditions of single- and dual-flash power cycles. Single- and two-phase flashed brine effluents were flowed through piping component test sections to provide hydrodynamic/kinetic data for scale formation. The unit operated at flowrates in excess of 200 gpm and is designed to accommodate flowrates u… more
Date: April 1, 1982
Creator: Nesewich, J.P. & Gracey, C.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advances in materials science, Metals and Ceramics Division. Triannual progress report, October 1979-January 1980

Description: Progress is summarized concerning magnetic fusion energy materials, laser fusion energy, aluminium-air battery and vehicle, geothermal research, oil-shale research, nuclear waste management, office of basic energy sciences research, and materials research notes. (FS)
Date: March 31, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of integration issues to realize the market potential of OTEC energy in the aluminum industry. Final report

Description: The various integration issues are studied which must be considered to realize the market potential for the use of OTEC by the aluminum industry. The chloride reduction process has been identified as an attractive candidate for use with OTEC systems, and drained-cathode Hall cells and two alternative chloride reduction processes are considered. OTEC power system and plantships for the different processes are described. Aluminum industry characteristics important for OTEC considerations are give… more
Date: September 1, 1980
Creator: Jones, Jr., M. S.; Thiagarajan, V.; Sathyanarayana, K.; Markel, A. L.; Snyder, III, J. E.; Sprouse, A. M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies on the LASL cadmium-cadmium carbonate cycle

Description: The following results were obtained from studies on the cadmium-cadmium carbonate cycle. A new lower limit for the heat of formation of CdO(g) has been estimated 0//sub f,298/ > 113.8 kJ/mol. Hydrogen production is subject to catalysis. While Pd is an effective catalyst, NH/sub 4/Cl shows greater catalytic activity. Seventy-two percent of the total available H/sub 2/ is formed in one-half hour at 523/sup 0/K using NH/sub 4/Cl as a catalyst. Four to five moles of water must be rem… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Mason, C. F. V.; Bowman, M. G. & Behrens, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Leaching studies using PNL 76-68 glass beads and UO/sub 2/ rods with Umtanum basalt and Nugget sandstone

Description: We have performed a 440-day leaching experiment, Bead Leach II, using PNL 76-68 glass beads and simulated uranium fuel rods in the presence of repository host rocks. The experiment was conducted in a single pass continuous-flow apparatus consisting of 72 channels. The experimental conditions were: 25/sup 0/C and 75/sup 0/C, flow rates of 1, 10, and 300 m1/d, and leachant solutions consisting of simulated basalt groundwater, brine, and sodium bicarbonate solution. The two host rocks studied were… more
Date: February 1, 1984
Creator: Bazan, F.; Rego, J.; Failor, R. & Coles, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final report on Silicon halide-alkali metal flames as a source of solar grade silicon

Description: The object of this program was to determine the feasibility of using continuous high-temperature reactions of alkali metals and silicon halides to produce silicon in large quantities and of suitable purity for use in the production of photovoltaic solar cells. Equilibrium calculations showed that a range of conditions were available where silicon was produced as a condensed phase but the byproduct alkali metal salt was a vapor. A process was proposed using the vapor phase reaction of Na with Si… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Olson, D. B.; Miller, W. J. & Gould, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effects of halides on the performance of coal gas-fueled molten carbonate fuel cells: Final report, October 1986-October 1987

Description: This report presents the results of a program to determine the probable tolerable limits of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride present in the fuel and oxidant streams of molten carbonate fuel cells that are operating on gasified coal. A literature survey and thermodynamic analyses were performed to determine the likely effects of halides on cell performance and materials. Based on the results of these studies, accelerated corrosion experiments and electrode half-cell performance tests were… more
Date: October 1, 1987
Creator: Magee, T. P.; Kunz, H. R.; Krasij, M. & Cote, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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