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open access

Hot cell studies of tritium removal from and dissolution of an irradiated thoria fuel

Description: Tritium removal and dissolution studies on an irradiated thoria-based fuel were conducted in the High Level Caves at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL). The objectives of these studies were to define the effects of key process-related parameters on tritium evolution and subsequent dissolution. The test program at SRL determined the effects on tritium removal of particle size, heating temperature, oxidation, and agitation. ThO/sub 2//UO/sub 2/ (95%/5%) fuel from the Elk River Reactor, irradiate… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Pickett, J.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of curium-americium oxide microspheres by resin-bead loading

Description: Resin-bead loading and calcination techniques have been used to produce all curium and americium oxide feed material (about 2.2 kg) for HFIR targets since 1971. The process based on Dowex 50W resin has progressed from a series of test runs, through special production runs, into routine production in permanent equipment beginning in 1975. Key attributes of this process are its reliability, high yields, and ease of operation. The process is suited for remote operation in hot cells. Yields approac… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Chattin, F. R.; Benker, D. E.; Lloyd, M. H.; Orr, P. B.; Ross, R. G. & Wiggins, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Los Alamos upgrade in metallographic capabilities

Description: The Los Alamos Wing 9 Hot Cell Facility is in the process of upgrading their metallographic sample preparation and examination capability. The present capability to grind, polish and etch samples from reactor fuels and materials has been in operation for 18 years. Macro photography and alpha and beta-gamma autoradiography are an important part of this capability. Some of the fast breeder reactor experiments have contained sodium as a coolant. Therefore, the capability to distill sodium from som… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Ledbetter, J. M.; Dowler, K. E. & Cook, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron radiography at the NRAD facility

Description: The NRAD facility uses a 150 kW TRIGA reactor as a source of neutrons and is integrated with a hot cell such that highly radioactive specimens can be radiographed without removing them from the hot cell environment. A second beam tube is located in a separate shielded addition to HFEF and permits neutron radiography of irradiated or unirradiated specimens without subjecting them to the alpha-contaminated hot cell environment. Both beams are optimized for neutron radiography of highly radioactiv… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: McClellan, G.C. & Richards, W.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

New Hot Laboratory Facilities at Los Alamos

Description: New Hot Laboratory Facilities which support three major research programs directed by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California are described. For the Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Program, a hot cell addition to the Radio Chemistry Building at Los Alamos will be completed early in 1963, and construction is expected to start soon on the hot cell addition to the Maintenance, Assembly and Disassembly Building at the Nuclear Rocket Development Station in Nevada. Integral hot… more
Date: January 1, 1962
Creator: Wherritt, Charles R.; Franke, Paul R.; Field, R. E. & Lyle, A. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A versatile apparatus for studying irradiated fuel behavior

Description: A computer-controlled furnace system in the Alpha-Gamma Hot Cell Facility (ACHCF) at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois is being used to investigate the behavior of irradiated fuel materials under a variety of thermal conditions. The Fuel Behavior Test Apparatus (FBTA) is capable of accurate specimen temperature control over extended periods at temperatures up to {approximately}1000{degree}C, with short-term capability up to 1600{degree}C. The principal current use of the FBTA is to st… more
Date: September 1, 1989
Creator: Tsai, Hanchung.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Innovations in Los Alamos alpha box design

Description: Destructive examinations of irradiated fuel pins containing plutonium fuel must be performed in shielded hot cells with strict provisions for containing the plutonium. Alpha boxes provide containment for the plutonium, toxic fission products, and other hazardous highly radioactive materials. The alpha box contains windows for viewing and a variety of transfer systems specially designed to allow transfers in and out of the alpha box without spread of the hazardous materials that are contained in… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Ledbetter, J. M.; Dowler, K. E. & Cook, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot-cell design considerations for interfacing eddy-current systems

Description: The Hot Fuel Examination Facility/North conducts remote eddy-current examination of irradiated fuel elements. Applications include cladding breach detection and irradiation-induced ferrite examination. The seccussful use of remote eddy-current techniques is achieved by applying basic test parameters and interfacing considerations. These include impedance matching, operating frequency, and feedthrough considerations.
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Franklin, E. M.; Webb, J. P. & Larson, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Shielded cells transfer automation

Description: Nuclear waste from shielded cells is removed, packaged, and transferred manually in many nuclear facilities. Radiation exposure is absorbed by operators during these operations and limited only through procedural controls. Technological advances in automation using robotics have allowed a production waste removal operation to be automated to reduce radiation exposure. The robotic system bags waste containers out of glove box and transfers them to a shielded container. Operators control the syst… more
Date: January 1, 1984
Creator: Fisher, J J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rigid hoist articulated grapple system development for enhanced remote maintenance

Description: Remote maintenance and repair within nuclear environments have become more demanding of remote manipulation equipment in the last few years. A deficiency exists in the array of tools available for dexterous operations of loads in the 180-kg range. The development of a manipulation system with enhanced operator controls is discussed. This system is a six-degree-of-freedom manipulator with bilateral servo control. It is to be attached to a mobile support boom in order to operate throughout the nu… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Witham, C.; White, P. & Garin, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot cell measuring and test equipment calibration control

Description: The need for increasingly accurate data on the performance of fuels and materials in nuclear reactors has placed increased emphasis on the quality of measurement of data obtained in hot cells. A program has been proposed to incorporate the basic features of a standard measurement laboratory while recognizing the unique aspect of hot-cell measurements. That hot cells must comply with calibration procedures in order to maintain control of measurement parameters has been the basis for the system p… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Taylor, K.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microgamma Scan System for analyzing radial isotopic profiles of irradiated transmutation fuels

Description: The U. S. Global Nuclear Energy Partnership / Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (GNEP/AFCI) is developing metallic transmutation alloys as a fuel form to transmute the long-lived transuranic actinide isotopes contained in spent nuclear fuel into shorter-lived fission products. The AFCI program has irradiated and examined eleven metallic alloy transmutation fuel specimens to evaluate the feasibility of actinide transmutation in advanced sodium-cooled fast reactors and thermal reactor implementation… more
Date: May 1, 2008
Creator: Hilton, Bruce A. & McGrath, Christopher A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Overview of Idaho National Laboratory's Hot Fuels Examination Facility

Description: The Hot Fuels Examination Facility (HFEF) at the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) of the Idaho National Laboratory was constructed in the 1960’s and opened for operation in the 1975 in support of the liquid metal fast breeder reactor research. Specifically the facility was designed to handle spent fuel and irradiated experiments from the Experimental Breeder Reactor EBRII, the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF), and the Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT). HFEF is a large alpha-gamma facility … more
Date: September 1, 2007
Creator: Robinson, Adam B.; Lind, R. Paul & Wachs, Daniel M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Selection of the reference concept for the surface examination stations in the fuels and materials examination facility

Description: The prototype surface examination station for the Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (FMEF) will use closed circuit television (CCTV) for routine modes of operation along with a nuclear periscope for special examination needs. The CCTV and the nuclear periscope were evaluated against prescribed station requirements and compared in a side-by-side demonstration. A quantitative evaluation of their outputs showed that both systems were capable of meeting surface anomaly detection requirements… more
Date: September 15, 1978
Creator: Frandsen, G. B. & Nash, C. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Remote waste handling at the Hot Fuel Examination Facility

Description: Radioactive solid wastes, some of which are combustible, are generated during disassembly and examination of irradiated fast-reactor fuel and material experiments at the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF). These wastes are remotely segregated and packaged in doubly contained, high-integrity, clean, retrievable waste packages for shipment to the Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL). This paper describes the equipment and techniques use… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Vaughn, M.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Field maintenance of radiation-shielding windows at HFEF

Description: The achievement of excellent viewing through hot-cell shielding windows does not occur by chance. Instead, it requires a well planned and executed program of field maintenance. The lack of such a program is a major factor when a hot-cell facility has poor window viewing. At HFEF, all preventive maintenance is performed by one group of trained technical-support personnel under the immediate direction of a Systems Engineer, who has responsibility for the shielding windows. Window maintenance is p… more
Date: January 1, 1983
Creator: Tobias, D.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An in-cell alpha detection system for radioisotope component assembly operations

Description: A remotely operated alpha detection system is being developed for use at the Radioisotope Power Systems Facility at the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site. It will be used in hot cells being constructed to assemble components of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators for space power applications. The in-cell detection equipment will survey radiological swipe samples to determine smearable surface contamination levels on radioisotope fuel, fueled components, and hot-cell work areas. This sys… more
Date: September 1, 1991
Creator: Carteret, B.A. (Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States)) & Goles, R.W. (Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (United States))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of fast breeder reactor fuel reprocessing technology at the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation

Description: For the past two decades, a broad range of research development (R D) programs to establish fast breeder reactor (FBR) system and its associated fuel cycle technology have been pursued by the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). Developmental activities for FBR fuel reprocessing technology have been primarily conducted at PNC Tokai Works where many important R D facilities for nuclear fuel cycle are located. These include cold and uranium tests for process equipment dev… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Kawata, T.; Takeda, H.; Togashi, A.; Hayashi, S. (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Works) & Stradley, J.G. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Capabilities and Application of Existing Hot Cells at the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory

Description: The Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory operates two hot cell facilities, the Postirradiation Testing Laboratory, and the Shielded Materials Facility. The hot cell facilities provide a wide range of capabilities for postirradiation examination and testing of irradiated reactor fuels and structural materials to evaluate irradiation tests and determine failure mechanisms and effects of irradiation on physical and mechanical properties of reactor core components. Current functions performed… more
Date: June 1, 1979
Creator: Pember, L. A.; Gruber, W. J.; McMahan, M. E. & Weber, E. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Current status of the transuranium processing plant

Description: The current status of the Transuranium Processing Plant (TRU) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is summarized. The quantities of materials processed in the facility during 12 years of operation are given. TRU, a hot cell chemical processing facility, is described. Provisions have been made for changing and modifying equipment for continued updating of the plant in order to include new concepts in chemical processes and equipment design. (DC)
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: King, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory-scale shielded cell for /sup 252/Cf

Description: A shielded-cell facility for storing and handling remotely up to 2 milligram quantities of unencapsulated /sup 252/Cf has been built in a radiochemistry laboratory at the Test Reactor Area of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Unique features of this facility are its compact bulk radiation shield of borated gypsum and transfer lines which permit the transport of fission product activity from /sup 252/Cf fission sources within the cell to a mass separator and to a fast radiochemistry sys… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Anderl, R. A. & Cargo, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Cask Maintenance Facility concepts, an update and reassessment

Description: The results of three trade-off studies of alternative concepts for performing cask maintenance for Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System casks are presented. An earlier study resulted in a recommendation that a submerged pool concept for cask internal component removal be used in the design of a Cask Maintenance Facility. The first trade-off study resulted in confirming the previous recommendation that a submerged pool concept be used rather than an isolation cell; the basis for this con… more
Date: January 1, 1992
Creator: Attaway, C. R.; Medley, L. B.; Williamson, A.; Pope, R. B. & Shappert, L. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Placement of the radiochemical processing plant at Oak Ridge National Laboratory into a safe standby condition

Description: Extensive upgrade, cleanup, and decontamination efforts are being conducted for appropriate areas in the Radiochemical Processing Plant (RPP) with the goal of achieving ''safe standby'' condition by the end of FY 1989. The ventilation system must maintain containment; thus, it is being upgraded via demolition and replacement of marginally adequate ductwork, fans, and control systems. Areas that are being decontaminated and stripped of various services (e.g., piping, ductwork, and process tanks)… more
Date: January 1, 1986
Creator: Holladay, D. W.; Bopp, C. D.; Farmer, A. J.; Johnson, J. K.; Miller, C. H.; Powers, B. A. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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