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Photograph of Truh a fishing trap

Description: Photograph of tradtional truh for trapping fish in the wet paddy fields.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang traditonal shawl known as [tkar buw kpool]

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditional shawl known as [tkar buw kpool] in Lamkang. This shawl is woven by Tony Khular of Thamlakhuren village. This picture is taken as part of the Lamkang pictorial book project by Sumshot Khular.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang traditional gong known as Yamlung

Description: Photograph of yamlung a Lamkang traditonal gong used in any ceremonies and festivities, in living and death ceremonies. They are played during the celebrations.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Donnu Sankhil drying the firewood [Dinghon-tpurtuun]

Description: Photograph of Donnu Sankhil making the firewood pile to dry firewood in Lamkang traditional way known as [dinghon tpurtuwn] in Lamkang.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang phangboor a basket for storage

Description: Photograph of baskets called phangboor in Lamkang. It is used to store grains or clothes depending according to the needs of the families. Naga tribes and their used of the similar phanboor or baskets varies with design and patterns of the basket weaving.The right smaller basket belongs to Northern Naga tribes.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a Lamkang traditonal inn made of vangpher

Description: Photograph of a Lamkang traditional thatch house known as [vangpher inn] in Lamkang. The roof is made of thatch, walls and floor made of bamboo and the name vangher is given due to that. This house is built by Kobeng Tholung of Lamkang Wangjangloon. Underneath is floor is used to keep some wooden planks for building a house.In way it is used as a store house. The steps seen in this house is made of bamboo.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a traditonal dining table made of cane known as Tmaalna' krang

Description: Photograph of traditional dining table known as tmaalna' krang in Lamkang. It is made of cane with some bamboo in the circle ring at the bottom and top ring for giving stronger grip at the base. This is the most commonly used dining table before the coming of modern dining table sets. This piece if from Tony Khular's house in Thamlakhuren village.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang traditional yarn spinning wheel known as Langthuk

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditional hand spinning wheel known as [langthuk] made by Thamshi Khular of Thamlakhuren villlage. The wheel is made of wood for the base, frame and the spikes are made of bamboo and the string is made of rope from climber called rii nu'. All weaving before the yarn is spin in this wheel before that are made as cloth.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of bee hive [Pkhui Thlaar]

Description: Photograph of [Pkhui Thlaar] in Lamkang.This picture is shot by Tony Khular in her garden in Thamlakhuren village. Part of the pictorial book project for Lamkang.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang Traditonal Phangboor for storing rice or other grains

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditonal baskets called [phangboor]. This pieces are made by Beshot Khular of Lungkharloon village. The picture is taken during the field visit to document his craft works. The phangboor are kept on the ptxaang above the fireplace to make them sturdy, strong and prevent mold.
Date: October 20, 2018
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of displayed hunted animals skulls known as Saa-luu

Description: Photograph of Lamkang cultural way to keep the hunted animal skull displayed [saa luu] in Lamkang. This picture is taken from the house on displayed of the hunted skulls of different animals, bear, deers, stag, or other wild animals. The more one has the skulls it is a sign of respect for being a skilled respected hunter who are honored for the skills in hunting.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of caterpillar [tngang]

Description: Photograph of caterpillar [tngang] in Lamkang. This picture was shot by Tony Khular from a nearby tree at her house in Thamlakhuren.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of firewood stocking known as [dinghon]

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditional firewood stock piling known as [dinghon] in Lamkang. To keep the firewood dry in the shade of huts made of thatch roofs.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a Lamkang traditional earring known as Thlumthler

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditonal earring known as thlumthler. Thlumthler is worn during the cultural dances, festivities and ceremonies. This piece is beaded by Sankhil Thampol Khularnu of Thamlakhuren village.
Date: January 20, 2005
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of saa bur a container made of cane to keep meat dry

Description: Photograph of a traditional basket called bur where dry meat are stored. Kept hanging above the fireplace or close to it in order to keep the meat dry and protected from mold. Lupak is a loan word for this basket.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang bead necklaces made by Donnu Sankhil of Thamlakhuren

Description: Photograph of Lamkang tradtional bead necklaces called pthxii in Lamkang. These beads were first designed and introduced by Donnu Sankhil in the early 1980s.According to the different knik patterns of the Lamknang for knik myaar ksen, niktxil and diiphuun knik.
Date: January 20, 1989
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a boat in a lake 'Arkuung'

Description: Photograph of a boat in a lake called arkuung in Lamkang is seen in this picture. A tall tree is seen from the side of the lake.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a thatch house [Piirdii inn] at Thamlapokpi

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditional thatch roof and wooden floors with bamboo walls known as [piirdii le ruh bang inn] in Lamkang. The house of Betoi Tholung of Thamlapokpi village. In this picture a three house, one a barn, one a kitchen and main house built separately seen here.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a Lamkang basket called Voh and Reengkol

Description: Photograph of Lamkang men's basket called [voh ] in Lamkang. A wooden piece know as reengkol is seen here on the right side with strap called reengkol rii which is made to hold the basket while carrying a heavy load in a [boorkaang] a men's basket.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information
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