Explore Results

Note: All results matching your query require you to be a member of the UNT Community (you must be on campus or login with university credentials for access).

Panorama of Venice

Description: keywords: panorama, plaza
Date: 1977
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Piazza San Marco

Description: keywords: plaza ; Overall view NW from the terrace of the Duomo
Date: 1974
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Campo S. Maria Formosa

Description: keywords: plaza ; Overall view S w. the N transept façade
Date: 1974
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

The Molo Waterfront Development

Description: keywords: waterfront development ; View fr. Ponte della Paglia of Piazzetta and Santa Maria delle Salute
Date: 1974
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Grand Canal Waterfront Development

Description: keywords: waterfront development ; View NE of Grand Canal w. Rialto Bridge (by Antonio da Ponte, 1588-92)
Date: 1977
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Campo San Polo

Description: keywords: plaza ; Overall view fr. SW
Date: 1974
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
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