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Ensemble: 2017-09-20 – UNT Symphony Orchestra [Stage Perspective]
Orchestra concert performed at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall. This video is shot from the orchestra's perspective, showing the conductor.
Off-Site Radiological Safety Report, Carlsbad, New Mexico
A summary ls presented of the off-slte radiological safety actlvities of the U. S. Public Health Service during the Project Gnome operation. Topics dlscussed include: operational procedures; collection of data by aerial monltoring, mobile monitoring, potash mlne surveys, air sampling, milk sampllng, water sampling, soil and vegetation sampllng, and a film badge program; laboratory control, emergency measures; medlcal services; and veterinary activltles. It was concluded that no persons ln the vlclnlty of the Gnome test site recelved harmful amounts of radlation either lnternally or externally. (M.C.G.)
Colorado State University Solar Heated and Cooled House
No Description Available.
Ensemble: 2017-09-20 – UNT Symphony Orchestra
Orchestra concert performed at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall.
Ensemble: 2017-09-27 – UNT Concert Orchestra [Stage Perspective]
Orchestra concert performed at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall. This video is shot from the orchestra's perspective, showing the conductor.
Poverty in the United States 1968-1969: Selected References
This report provides a list of resources published in 1968 or 1969 related to poverty in the United States.
Discussions of Medical Device Issues: A Selected Bibliography
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the safety and regulation of medical devices.
Congressional Organization for Science and Technology, 91st Congress, 2nd Session: A Listing of Congressional Committees and Subcommittees Having Jurisdiction over Scientific and Technological Activities
This report provides a listing of congressional committees and subcommittees related to science and technology.
Environmental Policy and Law: Bibliography of Reference Works and Government Documents and Bibliography of Legal Periodicals
This report provides an annotated bibliography of resources related to environmental law and policy and divided by material type.
Federal Government Health, Education, and Welfare Programs of Assistance to American Indians Residing on Federal Reservations
This report lists and describes federal health, education, and welfare programs available to Native Americans living on federal reservations.
Resolving some selected issues of A National Materials Policy. 1973
This report about the second conference on National Materials Policy sponsored by the Engineering Foundation at Henniker, N.H
PPBS in 1970: Methodology and Implementation, An Annotated Bibliography
This report provides an annotated bibliography of resources related to the Federal Planning-Programming-Budgeting System (PPBS) focused on its methodology and structure.
National Health Insurance Proposals and Their Alternatives
This report discusses legislative proposals for a national heath insurance system and alternatives to a national health insurance plan.
Environmental Affairs in the 91st Congress, 1st Session
This report discusses the growth of environmental policy and provides a listing of introduced legislation related to the environment in the 1st Session of the 91st Congress.
The Proposed Allied Services Act: Summary and Arguments, Pro and Con
This report discusses the purpose of the bill which is to encourage and assist states and localities to develop, demonstrate and evaluate means of improving the utilization and effectiveness of human services through integrated planning, management, and delivery of those services in order to achieve the objectives of personal independence and individual and family economic self-sufficiency.
Multinational Corporations 1968-70: Selected References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to multinational corporations which were published from 1968 to 1970.
Selected Federal Programs in Which Non-Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Children May Participate
This report discusses federal educational and nutritional assistance programs available to children attending private schools.
Criminal Procedure: Brief Summaries of Major Decisions of the "Warren Court" Relating to the Rights of Persons Accused of Crime
This report discusses Supreme Court decisions made during the tenure of Earl Warren as Chief Justice from 1953 to 1969 related to criminal procedure and the rights of the accused.
Equal Employment Opportunity in the Construction Industry: The Philadelphia Plan with Related Documents
This report discusses the issue of equal employment opportunities in the construction industry and the revised Philadelphia Plan which set numerical goals for the employment of minorities and regulated enforcement of the equal employment regulations. The text of the executive order and related correspondence is included.
Local Welfare Administrators' Comments On the "Welfare Crisis."
This report discusses local welfare and it points out a wide range of opinions and proposals reflected in the discussions of proposals for improving or changing the exiting system.
Digest of Selected Agricultural Legislation: 91st Congress
This report provides a listing of legislation introduced in the 91st Congress related to agriculture.
Police-Community Relations: Selected References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to police and community relations.
Dental Manpower in the United States
This report discusses the number of dentists in the U.S. and their ratio in proportion to the population as well as distribution across the U.S. Educational initiatives, funding programs, and other actions to alleviate a shortage of dentists are discussed.
The Seniority System: Pros, Cons, and Suggested Reforms
This report discusses the seniority system in Congress used to select committee chairman and efforts to reform the system.
Major Legislation Affecting Older Americans from 1960 Through 1969
This report discusses major legislation affecting older Americans that was passed from 1960 to 1969.
Narcotic Addiction: Selected Bibliographic References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to narcotics addiction.
The Physician Shortage in Rural America
This report discusses the shortage of physicians in rural areas and factors which have led to the problem as well as possible solutions.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,1929-1968: Selected References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and includes writings by him, biographical books and articles, and news articles related to his assassination, funeral, and legacy.
Draft Calls: Some Basic Facts
This report discusses the draft and procedures for selection which were revised in 1969 to make selection random and the number of men called up through the draft for 1968 through 1970.
Military Justice: A Summary of its Legislative and Judicial Development
This report discusses the military justice system and legislation and judicial decisions regarding it.
Economic Aspects of Reduced Defense Spending, 1960-1970: A Selected Bibliography Arranged Chronologically
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the economic effects of decreased defense spending which were published between 1960 and 1970.
Report on United States Relations with Panama. 1977
This report is about the Panama Canal, built and operated by the United States, slices the Republic of Panama in half and the relations between the United states and Panama.
The Office of Economic Opportunity in 1969: A Chronology of Events
This report provides a chronological listing and discussion of legislative measures related to the activities of the Office of Economic Opportunity in 1969.
The Electoral College: A Selected Bibliography
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the electoral college divided by resource type.
Desegregation in Education, August 1966-June 15, 1970: Pro and Con Selected References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to desegregation in education from August 1966 to June 15, 1970 divided by material type.
Mineral Resources of the United States Continental Shelf: Some Common Questions
This report answers some frequently asked questions regarding the mineral resources of the continental shelf of the United States
A Proposed Congressional General Counsel
This report is a proposal for a Congressional general counsel in the 89th Congress.
Congress and the Reversion of Okinawa
This report discusses the agreement between President Nixon and Prime Minister Sato of Japan for control of the Ryukyu Island chain (of which Okinawa is the chief island) to revert to Japan in 1972. Congressional actions related to the agreement and the issue of Congressional approval for executive actions which alter existing treaties are discussed.
The New Left: Students for a Democratic Society, A Supplement
This report discusses Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and their Marxist views and activities aimed at uniting students and workers. Splinter factions of SDS which staged violent protests in Chicago in the summer of 1969 are discussed in detail along with a prognosis on their likely levels of success in recruiting more students to their cause.
Major Natural Disasters in the United States: 1959-1969
This report provides a listing of major natural disasters in the United States between 1959 and 1969. It lists the name of the event, the estimated costs of damage, and fatality numbers for each disaster.
Discussions of the Health Care System in America: A Selected Bibliography
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the health care system in the United States
The Seniority System in Congress: A Selected Bibliography
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the seniority system in Congress.
Cooperation in the Marine Sciences Through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
This report discusses international cooperation in marine science through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the structure and activities of the organization.
Comparative Data on the Federal Government Budget Estimates Originally Submitted to Congress and the Final Budget Conditions Realized, Fiscal Years 1921-1971
This report provides a listing comparing the amount of the federal budget request for each fiscal year to the final budget. It covers fiscal years 1921 to 1971.
Nuclear-Powered U.S. Naval Vessels: Authorizations policy and problems
This report is categorized into three categories: (I) Previous authorizations of nuclear-powered naval vessels, (II) Present Policy toward nuclear-powered naval vessels and (III) CESA and naval nuclear populsion.
National Assessment of Education: Selected References
This report provides a bibliography of resources related to the National Assessment of Education program administered by the Education Commission of the United States.
Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Basic Data for Grand Island NTMS Quadrangle, Nebraska; Kansas: Appendix C
Data collected as part of a hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of Grand Island NTMS quadrangle in Kansas and Nebraska including laboratory data on well water and stream sediments as well as field data.
[UNT Grad Block Party booth walk]
Photograph of a walkway with booths lining the side and crowds of people gathered in front of them. Across the way another booth, along with some tables and chairs, is also set up.
[Faculty Members Dressed in their Regalia at Commencement Ceremony]
Photograph of faculty members dressed in their formal regalia at an Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony. The man in the foreground is dressed head to toe in the UNT special green, at he grins at something not seen in the photo frame. Family and friends of the graduating students are visible in the background seated in the bleachers of the Coliseum.
[President Neal Smatresk in Homecoming Parade]
Photograph of a Mercedes carrying UNT President Neal Smatresk and Debbie Smatresk. Debbie is wearing a mum and is waving at the crowd, Neal is tossing a T-shirt to them.
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