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Oral History Interview with Charles P. Foote, February 21, 1993
Interview with Charles P. Foote about his experiences while employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. He discusses his childhood during the Great Depression in in Hunt County, Texas; joining the CCC; assignment to a camp at Wolfe City, Texas (Company 2899); description of camp; life in camp.
Oral History Interview with Charles P. Foote, February 21, 1993
Interview with Charles Foote concerning his experiences before and during his employment in the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Foote worked at a camp in Wolfe City, Texas (Company 2899).
Oral History Interview with Joba Ramirez, July 19, 2004
Interview with Joba Ramirez, a nurse from Denton, Texas, regarding her Mexican-American heritage. Ramirez discusses her background, medical education, family traditions, discrimination she experienced, and the history of Denton's Mexican-American community.
Oral History Interviews with Eiland Collins, 1991
Interview with Eiland Collins, a community leader, concerning his experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas from 1962 to 1991. Collins discusses his childhood in East Texas, his segregated education, Civic League and its activities, property violations, home improvements, his presidency of the Civic League, zoning problems, the "Buy Out," and current neighborhood problems.
Oral History Interviews with Eiland Collins, 1991
Interview with Eiland Collins, a Army veteran and civic leader of Hamilton Park from Greenville, Texas. Collins discusses his family background and growing up, service in the Army, work afterwards, his involvement in Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, his work for the Civic League and becoming its president, anti-drug projects, contemporary issues in the neighborhood, the "buy out," and some general reflections on his work for the community.
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