Search Results

Note: All results matching your query require you to be a member of the UNT Community (you must be on campus or login with university credentials for access).
Ensemble: 2002-09-24 – Choralfest 2002
Ensemble performance at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall.
Ensemble: 2008-09-24 – Chamber Orchestra
Concert presented at the UNT College of Music Winspear Performance Hall.
Ensemble: 2009-09-24 – Symphonic Band
Symphonic band concert performed at the UNT College of Music Winspear Performance Hall.
Ensemble: 2015-09-24 – University of North Texas Wind Symphony
Band concert performed at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall.
Ensemble: 2015-09-24 – UNT Wind Symphony
Ensemble concert presented at UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center Winspear Hall.
Faculty Recital: 1987-09-24 - James Gillespie, clarinet, Steven Harlos, piano, and Carol Harlos, cello
Faculty recital performed at the NTSU School of Music Recital Hall
Faculty Recital: 1993-09-24 - Adam Wodnicki, piano
A faculty recital performed at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall.
Faculty Recital: 1995-09-24 - Dale Peters, organ
A Faculty recital performed in the UNT College of Music Main Auditorium.
Faculty Recital: 2006-09-24 - Robin Best, baritone; Lynn Eustis, soprano; & Elvia L. Puccinelli, piano
Faculty recital of contemporary American music for voice and piano performed at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall
Faculty Recital: 2007-09-24 - Gustavo Romero, piano
Recital performed at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall.
Faculty Recital: 2010-09-24 - John Holt, trumpet, and Petronel Malan, piano
A faculty recital performed at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall.
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