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open access

Environmental Philosophy after Standing Rock

Description: In 2016, An estimated 15,000 people representing 400 Indigenous Nations and non-indigenous allies gathered at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in solidarity against the Dakota Access Pipeline to protect Mni Sose, the Missouri River. They became known as the Water Protectors. This dissertation analyzes the response in environmental philosophy journals to the #noDAPL protest at Standing Rock. Even though the Stand at Standing Rock became one of the most important and monumental environmental … more
Date: August 2021
Creator: Gessas, William Jeffrey
open access

Epistemological, Ontological, and Ethical Dimensions of Biocultural Rights: The Case of the Atrato River, Colombia

Description: In 2016, the Colombian Constitutional Court recognized the Atrato River as a subject of rights based on the theory of biocultural rights. This dissertation analyzes a new legal concept that aims to defend the rights to a good life for humans and other-than-human co-inhabitants who share river ecosystems, focusing on the case of the Atrato River in Colombia. The 3Hs framework of biocultural ethics is adopted to interconnect complex and interrelated historical, biophysical, cultural, and politica… more
Date: August 2022
Creator: González Morales, Valentina
open access

Ethica Existentae

Description: The aim of this dissertation is to provide a robust theory of environmental ethics which can offer nuanced accounts of value while evading the central problem of subjective disagreement that plagues other theories. The theory in question has many names, but the best abstraction of it can be found in the term "ontocentrism." Like pure biocentrism, this theory locates a monist center of value around which all other theorizations may orbit. Unlike biocentrism, however, this theory is not satisfied… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Serban, Zeno
open access

Hermeneutic Environmental Philosophy: Identity, Action, and the Imagination

Description: One of the major themes in environmental philosophy in the twenty-first century has broadly focused on how we experience and value the natural world. Along those lines, the driving question I take up in this project is if our ordinary experiences are seen as interpretations, what is the significance of this for our moral claims about the environment? Drawing on the hermeneutic philosophies of Hans Georg-Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur, I examine environmental interpretation as it relates particularly … more
Date: December 2020
Creator: Bell, Nathan M.
open access

Life and Death in the Field: Farmer Suicide and the Necessity to Feed

Description: Farmer suicide is at crisis levels in the United States and India. This crisis is both a problem of experiential knowledge within infrastructure as well as a problem of discourse power. I argue that the logical abstraction required to conceptualize and evaluate farmer suicide cannot be separated from the overall experience of farmer suicide. Rather than existing as distinctly separate phenomena, these elements are co-constitutive. Despite the Centers' for Disease Control identification and des… more
Date: August 2021
Creator: Opoien, Jared Wesley

Meeting Mosses: Toward a Convivial Biocultural Conservation

Description: In this dissertation I propose an ethical framework for "meeting mosses." At first glance, mosses are a tiny type of plants that have been uncritically understood as "primitive plants," to the extent that they are defined by negation as "non-vascular plants." Hence, mosses have been considered as "primitive" relatives of "true" vascular plants. This distortion is linked to the fact that mosses have been overlooked and represented as a radical otherness in Western civilization. To critically exa… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Zhu, Danqiong
open access

Ontology of Avulsion: Posthuman Freedom and Accidental Becoming

Description: Riverine avulsion is a radical divergence of a riverbed. In this dissertation, I take this movement as a paradigm for understanding the features of radical change. I develop a model for understanding the essential features of radical change. I argue that the main features involved in avulsion are tension, abandonment, and material freedom. In my analysis, tension provides the catalyst for change, such that it pressurizes complex systems of organization to the point of collapse. I use Catherine … more
Date: December 2021
Creator: Grossman, Jacob Wayne
open access

Participation in the Play of Nature: A Hermeneutic Approach to Environmental Aesthetics

Description: Within the environmental aesthetics literature, there is a noticeable schism between two general approaches to understanding the aesthetic value of nature: the ambient approach and the narrative approach. Ambient thinkers focus on the character of aesthetic appreciation of nature, the way in which one is embedded in multi-sensory environment. These ambient theorists emphasize the importance of those aesthetic experiences that are difficult to articulate. Narrative thinkers argue that aesthetic … more
Date: December 2020
Creator: Aloi, Michael Joseph
open access

Performative Resistance as Ecofeminist Praxis?

Description: Erika Cudworth's Developing Ecofeminist Theory provides a helpful foundation for a non-essentialist, properly intersectional ecofeminist account of oppression, marginalization, and domination, but her rejection of what she refers to as "postmodernism" appears to be based on a misreading of Judith Butler. I attempt to provide a synthesis of Cudworth's framework with Butler, particularly through the use of Karen Barad's agential realism, in order to provide possibility for new alliances between e… more
Date: May 2021
Creator: Johnson, Benjamin D
open access

Queer Faith, Wyrd Hope, Loving Struggle: A Reconsideration and Application of Karl Jaspers' Existenzphilosophie as Liberatory Praxis

Description: This dissertation delves into the oldest of all philosophical practices: Know thyself. Via a set of self-deconstructive reflections, the work explores the dynamics of existence within the context of marginalized communities, particularly focusing on queer liberation. To do this, the research introduces the concept of "transisting," a term inspired by eschewing mere resistance in order to self-disclose a path for overcoming customary structures of the everyday. Using the Existenzphilosophie of K… more
Date: May 2024
Creator: Brown, Keith Wayne
open access

The Question Concerning Endocrinology: Judith Butler's Gender Theory and Transgender Hormone Therapy

Description: For such a vexing topic as gender identity, this dissertation asks a rather straightforward question: If gender identity is—as Judith Butler has asserted—socially constructed and discursively mediated, then why does transgender hormone therapy (THT) work? This is the question concerning endocrinology that I ask Butler, and their answer is, if requiring of delicate assessment and interpretation, clear: it doesn't. Butler's work reveals an admonishing view that the efficacity of THT is due to pla… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Toole, Violet Ann
open access

The Serpent Symbol in Tradition: A Study of Traditional Serpent and Dragon Symbolism, Based in Part Upon the Concepts and Observations of Rene Guenon, Mircea Eliade, and Various Other Relevant Researchers

Description: Serpent and dragon symbolism are ubiquitous in the art and mythology of premodern cultures around the world. Over the centuries, conflicting hypotheses have been proposed to interpret this symbolism which, while illuminating, have proved insufficient to the task of revealing a singular meaning for the vast majority of examples. In this dissertation I argue that, in what the symbolist Rene Guenon and the historian of religions Mircea Eliade have called ‘traditional' or ‘archaic' societies, the… more
Date: May 2020
Creator: Dailey, Charles William
open access

Thinking Outside the Pipe: The Role of Participatory Water Ethics and Watershed Education Community Action Networks (WE CANs) in the Creation of a New Urban Water Narrative

Description: According to the United Nations, two-thirds of the world's population, approximately 4 billion people, experiences water scarcity at least one month per year. To avoid the water quantity crisis experienced in many regions of the world and the United States, a path to sustainability must be forged. My research aims to identify and critique the salient features of the narrative that drives contemporary urban water decisions and practices and to provide a meta-narrative about the role of narrative… more
Date: December 2022
Creator: Moss, Teresa Jo
open access

Thinking Through the Ecological Crisis with Hannah Arendt

Description: This dissertation offers a philosophical analysis of the ecological crisis through the lens of Hannah Arendt. It frames the ecological crisis as a struggle for situated cohabitation. By analyzing the work of Arendt, this dissertation shows the ways in which the ecological crisis is entwined with the political crisis of plurality. I suggest that these two issues are interconnected and that we need to address both for situated cohabitation. This dissertation is an interdisciplinary work, drawing … more
Date: August 2021
Creator: Tsuji, Rika
open access

An Unfortunate Unfitness: The Organismic Faults Detracting from the Probability of Sustainable Future Thriving in the Human Species

Description: This dissertation is an investigation and analysis of the contributions of the human organism to climate change, specifically concerned with its adverse effect on the biosphere. The focus of the analysis rests on three phenomena distinctive to humans participating in globalized economies and modernized societies; the distortions of anthrosupremacy, an uncritical development of technology, and an unhealthy cathexis with economic growth. These are analyzed and identified as stark contributors to … more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Webb, Jae
open access

Where There is No Love, Put Love: Rethinking Our Life with Technology

Description: The bedrock of this dissertation is the idea that our patterns of thought, speech, and action can be distilled into two distinct approaches defined by (1) the use of things on one hand and (2) the relation to persons on the other. That first approach is represented in our life with technology and has expanded to the point of omnipresence. Being so ubiquitous, technology largely goes unexamined in the way it functions, the effect it has on us, and the effect it has on our neighbor. In this manne… more
Date: July 2023
Creator: Mackh, David Paul
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