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open access

An Analysis of Labor Arbitration Hearing Procedures in the United States

Description: The problem is to determine whether there exists a common body of procedures being followed by labor/management arbitrators in the United States. The agreement to arbitrate grievance disputes is the quid pro quo for an agreement not to strike. Currently some 95 per cent of all United States labor agreements provide for arbitration as the final step in the grievance procedure. Arbitration has increased at a steady pace over the years. The American Arbitration Association reports a 330 per cent i… more
Date: August 1980
Creator: Tyer, Charles William
open access

Conglomerate Performance as Influenced by Selected Management Practices

Description: The latest surge of corporate mergers has been characterized by a steadily increasing rate of conglomerate combinations. It would appear that one of the prime motivating factors in conglomerate merger is a firm belief in the principle of "synergism," or the mutually cooperating action of separate substances taken together to produce an effect greater than that of any component taken alone. It would also appear that in such instances wherein there is no direct relationship in regard to raw mater… more
Date: May 1973
Creator: Ablowich, Edgar Allen, 1913-
open access

Corporate Planning and Forecasting: An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Service Industry and Development of a Generalized Approach for the Needs of the 1970's and the 1980's

Description: This study has a twofold purpose. The first is to demonstrate the state of the art of corporate planning and forecasting activity, and the second is to determine the existence of any differences between the planning practices of the consumer service industry and the producer service industry. The study is organized into seven chapters. The introduction chapter contains background information, a description of the problem and opportunity followed by a definition of terms, the purpose of the rese… more
Date: May 1977
Creator: Subramanian, Bala R.
open access

A Study in Human Resources Utilization: A Critical Examination of the Role of the Self-Concept in the Vocational Choice Process of College Students

Description: The specific problem confronted by this dissertation research is this: Do college students who are quite decided about their vocational choices have more developed and implemented self-concepts than do college students who are quite undecided about their vocational choices? If the decided students have more developed and implemented self-concepts than the undecided students, it can be logically reasoned that the developing and implementing of the self-concept is essential in the vocational choi… more
Date: December 1971
Creator: Davis, Jefferson Jackson
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