Search Results

Note: All results matching your query require you to be a member of the UNT Community (you must be on campus or login with university credentials for access).
Masters Recital: 2012-11-08 - Evan Oxenhandler, electric guitar
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Kenton Hall in partial fulfillment of the Master of Music (MM) degree.
Master's Recital: 2013-11-08 - Kenny Davis, bass trombone
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Voertman Hall.
Master's Recital: 2014-11-08 – Rick Moose, trumpet
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Master of Music (MM) degree.
Master's Recital: 2016-11-08 – Daniel Brock, trumpet
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Master of Music (MM) degree.
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