Public Health, Workforce, Quality, and Related Provisions in H.R. 3962: Searching Inside

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... health information acquired through a wellness program is protected under the HIPAA privacy rule if (1... business associate contract with the plan. ARRA strengthened the privacy rule's business associate... privacy rule allows health plans to disclose health information to employers, subject to certain... of food), and not to the health plan or health insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan... cessation and weight reduction); and (4) having supportive work policies regarding tobacco use, food choices

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... this program. The Secretary would be required to ensure that this program adheres to the HIPAA privacy rule... in students' education records. The Secretary would be required to award: (1) a minimum of 10 grants in 10... low-income students (as defined); and (2) a minimum of 5 grants in 5 different states to eligible

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..., the Secretary would be required, within two years of enactment, to issue a final rule to establish a unique... health plan identifier. The rule could be an interim final rule, effective not later than October 1, 2012

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... such notice, interested persons may then comment on the proposed rule through written submissions with data... the resulting final rule. Sec. 2573. Protecting Consumer Access to Generic Drugs This section would add a new

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... to such convening. The section would further require the proposed rule to contain a summary of the recommendations... measures, and the extent to which the proposed rule follows such recommendations and the rationale

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... food establishments with 20 or more locations. These establishments would be required, for standard... article of food, so that the information is accessible to consumers before they make their purchases... or continuing in effect any requirement for nutrition labeling of a food that is not identical... and retail food. The section also would prohibit the amendments it made from being construed as: (1... preempted; (2) applying to any state or local requirement about food labeling that provides for safety

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... Public Health, Workforce, Quality, and Related Provisions in H.R. 3962 Food and Drug... Administration Background and Issues The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for the safety of most... access to them. FDA's regulation of food, in particular its nutrition labeling requirements, may have... to consider various tracking and postmarket surveillance mechanisms. Sec. 519(e) of the Federal Food Drug... CRS Report RS22946, Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Overview and Issues, by Erin D. Williams. 37

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... community-based and rural practice, primary care, and opportunities for minorities and disadvantaged students..., authorized under PHSA Title III, provides scholarships and student loan repayments for medical students

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... students. Sec. 735 establishes general provisions for the administration of the student loan fund. Title... students, interns, residents, and faculty who are participants in such programs. Title VII, Part D, Sec

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... and Treatment Services FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act FDA Food and Drug... Administration FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FFDCA Federal Food, Drug

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... for some foods currently exempted from such regulations. (See FFDCA Secs. 301(a) and 403). Food served... lists the circumstances that would cause a food to be deemed misbranded, which include the failure

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

...; (9) emergency care; (10) pain care and management; (11) Food and Drug Administration, including... provisions relating to medical devices, biological drugs, and food labeling; and (12) miscellaneous. In most

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