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Orb, Number 3
The sculptural object is created from layers of paper. This piece was included in the exhibition From Here to There: Practice, Form, and Meaning, May 22 - August 4, 2012.
Pennsylvania House
This painting depicts one of the annexes that remain on the property. A fire long ago destroyed the building's interior, but the brick remains. The low-chroma painting features ink washes. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
Plumb Bob: Shelter
The necklace is in the form of a plumb bob. The finial is shaped like a house.
Plumb Bob: Shelter
The necklace is in the form of a plumb bob. The finial is shaped like a house. This view shows the entire length of the necklace.
Plumb Bob: Tradition
The necklace is in the form of a plumb bob.
Plumb Bob: Tradition
The necklace is in the form of a plumb bob. This view of the necklace shows the entire length.
This low-chroma ink wash painting shows the banister and railing of a staircase leading down from the western porch that fades into the distance. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
Power Outlet
This low-chroma ink wash painting depicts a power outlet on the floor, almost buried in the ruin surrounding it. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
Image of the silver and alligator hide ring shows the double loop with one end of the silver piercing the alligator skin.
This silver ring consists of a flat portion covered in alligator skin. A thin silver band then extends and narrows above the hand before curving back to the skin piercing it.
This low-chroma ink wash painting shows the upper portion of a back entrance that primarily focuses on the roof, particularly the fallen decorative windows that were once perched on top of it. There are dead vines growing rampantly through the windows, roof, and doorway. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
This low-chroma ink wash painting depicts a room containing a large machine and switch mounted on the wall. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
Small Casseroles
Image of two small casserole containers as seen in the exhibition From Here to There: Practice, Form, and Meaning, May 22 through August 4, 2012 in the Art Gallery at the University of North Texas.
This relatively monochromatic painting uses mostly browns and tans to depict an upper level view of a decaying staircase. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
This low-chroma ink wash painting depicts an aerial view of the center of a stairwell. The angles of the broken banister and other elements create a somewhat dizzying perspective. The artist was selected by the Union Art Gallery Committee to have a one-person exhibition in the Union Gallery. This painting was exhibited in the Union Gallery, Union Building, from August 27 until September 13, 2012.
Table Object
This sculptural artwork of silver and animal hides resembles a cocoon with antennae.
Table Object
This sculptural artwork of silver and animal hides resembles a cocoon with antennae.
Table Object
This sculptural artwork of silver and animal hides resembles a cocoon with antennae.
Tail Shoes
This pair of hand-made shoes includes a tail like feature. They are natural in color with a closed toe.
The untitled set of photographs depict, in one, a man dressed in a suit and tie seated next to computer equipment and, in the second photograph, a man wearing a western style hat stands in front of a counter piled with many papers and objects as well as on the shelving behind him.
This painting on paper was included in the Senior Level Painting Exhibit in October 2012. The show was in the Lightwell Gallery in the Art Building on the University of North Texas campus.
The image of the painting displays its many colors in horizontal bands with texture in many other colors. The effect is much like marbling. This painting was included in the Senior Level Painting exhibition held in the Lightwell Gallery in the Art Building during October of 2012.
The painting consists of an orange ground upon which are many colors moving across the canvas. This painting was included in the Senior Level Painting exhibition held in the Lightwell Gallery in the Art Building during October of 2012.
This black and white digital photograph depicts an umbrella shape circling large from the lower right to smaller in the lower left. The background is dark.
Watercolor Abstract Emotions No. 1
The painting consists of a rainbow of colors with a rusty red in the center. The colors flow from top to bottom; the artist states that the painting was created with the idea that it may be hung in any direction. Although the colors meet and begin to interact with each other, they remain mostly independent. There are spots and blotches as well that creates texture.
Watercolor Abstract Emotions No. 2
The painting includes a large black area on the left hand side. The upper right hand portion includes many reddish colors. Sprinkled among the black ground are many yellow, red, blue and white areas that resemble balls of fire or stars. The artist states that the painting was created with the idea that it may be hung in any direction.
Internet Use in Latin America
This paper explores the development of Internet use in Latin America by exploring the macro- and micro-social expectations and actualities of Internet use.
UNT Speaks Out on No Child Left Behind: The Impact of NCLB on Arts Education
This presentation is part of the faculty lecture series UNT Speaks Out on No Child Left Behind. This presentation discusses the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and its impact on arts education.
The ill effects of World Wide Web on the Google Generation: An analysis and criticism of ways in which the World Wide Web is altering young learners’ cognitive behaviors
Article accompanying the Proceedings of HCI 2011 The 25th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction. This paper explores the World Wide Web's effect on the Google Generation/those born after 1993.
2,490 Feet
The work is a coiled piece of paper that measures 2,490 feet when unwound. Pieces of white string tie sections to hold it in place.
Activities A-G
The work consists of a series of six books. They were included in the exhibition From Here to There: Practice, Form, and Meaning, May 22 - August 4, 2012.
Black Growth
This head piece was created using mylar removed from floppy disks that were individually machine stitched into form, then hand sewn to create the overall look.
Gotta Gun
This artwork consists of two portions, the top a grid, eight by seven, of colored squares and the lower dialogue between Caroline and Steve.
Senate Testimony
The left hand section of the painting depicts three men seated at a table with microphones while the right side consists of text, dialogue between two people, Steve and a woman.
Students Collaborate to Develop Educational Green-Clothing Label
This book chapter describes a project to develop an informative green label that outlines the impact of a product on the environment, to help inform the consumer considering buying the product.
The digital photograph with its pale blue background depicts on the left side of the frame white overlapping planes that create the sense of movement. Some yellow color enters the frame of the work in the lower right hand corner.
Untitled and Sew Bits
Two sleeveless white dresses are shown in this view of the exhibition entitled From Here to There: Practice, Form, and Meaning that was hosted in the UNT Art Gallery from May 22 to August 4, 2012.
Cezanne Painting
This monochromatic painting depicts the artist Paul Cezanne in the countryside with some of his plain-air paintings and on the left hand edge text and dialogue unrelated to Cezanne.
Paper Reel Rubbing HB
Image of drawing which consists of many concentric circles drawn on a cream color paper.
Paper Reel Rubbing HT
Image of drawing of concentric circles drawn on a cream color paper.
Paper Reel Rubbing L
Image of artwork which consists of concentric loosely drawn circles centered on the cream colored rectangular paper. Across the circles are many parallel straight lines creating a loose circle as well.
Paper Reel Rubbing R
Image of drawing that consists of many concentric circles centered on a rectangular cream color paper.
Paper Reel Rubbing V
Image of drawing consisting of many concentric circles drawn in graphite and centered on cream color rectangular piece of paper. Some marks cross the circles in a loose fashion creating a soft texture.
Richardson Endorses Obama
Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico, stands next to President Barack Obama. Both men are looking downward but smiling. The digital painting is a creative depiction of an AP photograph by Alex Brandon. Text below the image states, "Richardson gives endorsement to Obama." Included on top of the photo depiction are several loosely digitally painted colorful geometric shapes, an orange square, a green square, a pink rectangle and miscellaneous other loose yellow, red and turquoise marks. In the white margin at the bottom of the image of the men is a small inset image that depicts a highway overpass, a billboard and a car on the road with two dialogue bubbles.
Round Soffit Vent
The brooch is in the shape of a round soffit vent.
Skin Quilt Project
This is an excerpt from the documentary, "The Skin Quilt Project," that focuses on skin color representation. The documentary features scholars, writers, and quilters from across the country, who discuss issues of skin-color politics in the African-American community. Through the stories of African-American quilters we are able to understand how the fellowship and practice of quilting has enriched peoples lives, and given them a sense of pride in their cultural heritage.
This digital photograph depicts standing figures in black and white superimposed with secondary figures in bright colors. The composition in horizontal.
Video Conference and Eddie
This predominately black and white work consists of three main images, some text and several colorful marks moving across the face of the artwork. The larger text states, "Bush and Iraq's leader have video conference."
The brooch front has granulation while the back side has keum boo overlay. The texture is created by chasing and repousse.
The brooch front has granulation while the back side has keum boo overlay. The texture is created by chasing and repousse.
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