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Does the Arousal System Contribute to Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences? A Summary and Response
Article acknowledging the viability and potential value of the hypothesis underlying articles suggesting a relationship between near-death experiences (NDEs) and the body's arousal system, but also identifying substantial weaknesses in both the presented lines of evidence and the studies.
Death and Dying in the Works of Two Croatian Writers
Paper elucidating the views upon death and dying expressed in the works of two Croatian writers, Dobrisa Cesaric and Miroslav Krleza. The paper concludes with a suggestion of an inquiry into the influence of the works by Cesaric and Krleza upon the ideas of modern elementary school and high school generations on death and dying.
From Fear to Love in Gay and Lesbian Near-Death Experiences and the Coming Out Process
Abstract: This article illustrates the changes in thought and feeling states within gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender near-death experiences, and implications for the coming out process for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered experiencers.
Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 25, Number 3, Spring 2007
Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Remarks on Ernesto Bozzano's La Psiche Domina la Materia
Article discussing Ernesto Bozzano's study on the subject of physical phenomena around the time of someone's death, including a critique of his dogmatic approach to the interpretation of the cases, and the use of cases lacking relevant information.
Obituary: Ian Stevenson, M.D.
Obituary of Ian Stevenson, a survival researcher and founder of the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies.
Obituary: Rhea White, M.L.S.
Obituary for Rhea White, the founder and director of the Exceptional Human Experience Network. The text describes her professional career and publications.
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