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D-D and D-T Neutron Excitation of Energy Levels in Cs133
The purpose of this experiment was to make positive assignment of the Cs133 energy levels excited by the inelastic scattering of neutrons.
Design and Testing of a Coincidence System
This paper is concerned with the design, testing and performance of a coincidence system, the proposed North Texas State College accelerator.
Dynamical Friction Coefficients for Plasmas Exhibiting Non-Spherical Electron Velocity Distributions
This investigation is designed to find the net rate of decrease in the component of velocity parallel to the original direction of motion of a proton moving through an electron gas exhibiting a non-spherical velocity distribution.
Energy Losses of Protons Projected through a Plasma Due to Collisions with Electrons of the Plasma for a Variety of Non-Maxwellian Electron Velocity Distributions
The purpose of this thesis is to study energy losses suffered by protons in traversing a plasma through collision with the electrons of the plasma. For these electrons a variety of non-Maxwellian velocity distributions are assumed.
Quaternion Representation of Crystal Space Groups
This investigation is designed to find quaternion operators which will generate selected space groups and which are more convenient to manipulate in some important types of problems.
A Study of Emitter Drift in Transistors
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the parameters of emitter drift and to suggest a mechanism for this phenomenon.
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