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An Analysis of the Relationship of the Scores Made by Students on Aptitudes "G" and "V" and Parts "H" and "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and the Academic Grades Made in Industrial Arts
This study analyzes the converted scores made on Aptitudes "G" (intelligence) and "V" (verbal" and the raw scores made on Part "H" (three-dimensional space) and Part "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by students enrolled in beginning industrial arts courses, advanced industrial arts courses, and beginning English at North Texas State College, Denton, Texas, and the academic grades made by theses same students in order to determine what relationship exists between both the converted and raw scores made on the foregoing parts of the GATB and academic grades.
Biological Indices of Stream Pollution
A thorough biological survey and evaluation is a lengthy and expensive project. The number of technically trained persons required prevent its use by most public agencies. Since public health departments are the groups most frequently concerned with measuring the effects of pollution in streams, a need exists for a simplified method of sanitary survey. Recognizing this need, the Texas Health Department assigned the writer the problem of devising a method of survey which would require a field party of two and could be conducted entirely from a mobile field laboratory.
A Comparative Study of the Needs and Interests of the Students as Related to the Industrial Arts Curriculum of Highland Park Junior High School and Boude Storey Junior High School, Dallas, Texas
The study sought answers to the following questions and aspects of the problem: 1. What are the interests of the students attending Highland Park and Boude Storey Junior High Schools who take industrial arts? 2. Do the present industrial arts programs of both schools encourage the development of hobbies for leisure-time activities? 3. Do the present programs provide a foundation for further vocational preparation? 4. Do the projects included in the present industrial arts curriculum encourage the students to take more industrial arts courses? 5. Are the hobbies pursued by the boys who attend Boude Storey similar to those who attend Highland Park 6. Do the students from Boude Story and Highland Park have comparable facilities for ship work at home? 7. Are the interests of the students who attend the two schools similar? 8. Is the home background of the students of the two schools similar in respect to the parents' occupations, incomes, and interests? 9. What are the occupations, as evidenced by the study, for which the students express a preference? 10. Should the projects used in the industrial arts instructional program of the two schools be similar or different? 11. Does the home background of the students have any relationship to the needs and interests of the students?
Comparison of General Growth in Reading, when Taught by Three Different Specific Methods
The problem of this study is to determine by testing and observation which of three specific procedures for the improvement of general reading ability was the most effective when used with groups of sixth-grade children in the Bowie Elementary Schools.
A Comparison of the Physical Development, Motor Capacity, and Strength of Anglo-American and Spanish-American Boys in El Paso High School, El Paso, Texas
The problem of the present investigation may be briefly stated as follows: To make a comparison of the physical development, motor capacities, and strength of the Spanish-American and Anglo-American boys of the El Paso High School, El Paso, Texas.
A Comparison of Two Types of Home Project Report Forms
The purpose of the present study is to compare two forms of home project reports and to determine the preferred form.
A Critical Evaluation of the Course for General Mathematics in Meeting the Needs of Youth as Revealed by Several Courses of Study and the Adopted Textbooks for Texas Schools
This study is an attempt to determine how a course in general mathematics can satisfy some of the needs of youth. The purpose of this study is to find out how the course in general mathematics can be made to contribute effectively to pupil growth, and how well the present course is contributing to pupil growth.
Desirability of Additional Comanche County School Consolidation
The purpose of this study is to determine whether additional school consolidations in Comanche County will improve the educational opportunities of all students.
Economic History of the Development of the Oil Industry in Southeast Texas
The main body of this thesis is composed of four chapters: Chapter II is concerned with the development of the oil industry in Texas prior to the discovery of Spindletop; Chapter III deals with Spindletop; Chapter IV sets forth the later developments of the oil industry in Southeast Texas or Railroad Commission District No. 3; Chapter V is the concluding chapter, complete with summary, evaluation present status and future possibilities of the oil industry in Southeast Texas.
The Effectiveness of Films in Summarizing Food Units for Homemaking Classes
It is the purpose of this study to compare the effectiveness of the film method with the pupil-teacher discussion method for summarizing certain food units.
An Evaluation of Remedial Reading Procedures
The problem of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of certain recommended procedures in the improvement of reading skills in a sixth-grade class in the Lewisville Elementary School, Lewisville, Texas.
An Evaluation of the United States Soil Conservation Service Program of Grassland Recovery on the Land Utilization Project in Wise county, Texas
This investigation was undertaken in order to evaluate the United States Soil Conservation Service program of grassland recovery on the land utilization project in Wise County, Texas.
A Follow-up Study of the Secretarial Training Graduates of King High School, Kingsville, Texas, for the Years 1944 Through 1951
This study is made to evaluate the effectiveness of the secretarial training course of Henrietta M. King High School, Kingsville, Texas, in preparing its students for employment after graduation. It determines the extent to which its students have used the knowledges and skills taught in the course.
Gift-wrapping Methods in Selected Department Stores in the North Texas Area
The study is limited to a survey of the gift-wrapping departments of selected stores in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Denton.
A History of Dallas Newspapers
"The development of newspapers in Dallas can be classified into certain definite dates: 1849-1865---the founding of the first newspaper to the Reconstruction period following the Civil War; 1865-1885--the postwar period and the expansion of newspapers; 1885-1906--the development of the present newspapers, the Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Times Herald, and others; 1906-1942--the advent of sensational journalism and the emergence of the newspaper as big business; and 1942 to the present--a decade of unprecedented growth and entrenchment."--leaf iv.
A Lunchroom Study of Specific Elementary, Junior, and Senior High Schools in the City of Dallas
The present study was made without benefit of poster, films, bulletin board, or other teaching aids. It was undertaken to determine the nutritive values of the menus served, the foods selected by the plate lunches, and the amount of food wasted in two elementary, two junior high, and two senior high school lunch cafeterias in the City of Dallas during a six month period of time.
The Overland Cattle Trade
One of the most fascinating subjects in all American history is the story of the great cow country. Its heyday was the twenty-year period from 1868 to 1888. It extended from below the Rio Grande on the south to well up in Saskatchewan in western Canada on the north. East and west it reached from the Rocky Mountains to about the Missouri- Arkansas border. It occupied a region nearly 2,000 miles long and from 200 to 700 miles wide--almost a million square miles in one vast open range. For countless years this region had been the home of millions of wild buffaloes, but in a very short time after 1868 it was transformed into a gigantic cattle kingdom. After two decades of spectacular existence, it just as suddenly passed away, and the cattle industry entered a new and in many ways an entirely different era. Texas cattle and Texas cattlemen played leading roles in this great drama of the West. The warm southern plains of Texas were the breeding place-the "incubator"-f or thousands of longhorn cattle, the broad prairies to the north were their feeding grounds, and the newly established railroad towns in Kansas and other states were the shipping points.
The Portrait of a Boom Town: Burkburnett
This thesis details the history of Burkburnett, Texas through the early 1800s through the early 1950s.
Procedures and Methods Used by Dallas - Fort Worth Food Brokers in Securing New Accounts
The chief problem of this study was to analyze the methods used by food brokers in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and to determine the general policies which were followed by those brokers in the selection and procurement of those accounts which later proved successful.
The Selection of Physical Education Activities for Junior High School Boys
This study is concerned with physical education for junior high school boys. Specifically, the problem was to select desirable physical activities for boys in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade of the North Texas State College Laboratory School in Denton, Texas.
Significance of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 upon Texas Companies
This study is concerned with the significance of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 on the public utility holding companies which were operating in Texas in 1935.
Social Behavior Differences Between Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Second-Grade Children
The major problem of this study is an investigation, by means of a time-sampling technique, the relationship between social behavior and social acceptance as determined by a sociometric technique.
A Study of Diabetes in Children, with Special Emphasis upon Camp Sweeney, a Summer Camp for Diabetic Boys and Girls, Gainesville, Texas
The purpose set forth for this study was that of making a critical investigation of the program of Camp Sweeney, a summer camp for diabetic children located in Cooke County, Texas, near Gainesville, in order to determine whether this camp is providing an effective and beneficial program for such children.
A Study of Safety in the Industrial Arts Programs in the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas, Based upon Recommended Safety Standards
The purpose of the study was actually fourfold: first, to study the literature in the field of safety education with special reference to safety education in industrial arts programs concerning the present safety programs and safety standards as compared with those recommended by authorities in the field of safety; second, to visit each of the industrial arts programs and record information concerning the condition of the building and equipment and the use of these facilities; third; to compile the data for interpretation; and fourth, if an analysis of these data indicates a need for revision of the present safety programs, suggestions for improving the programs will be submitted to the supervisor of industrial arts and other administrators of the Fort Worth Public Schools.
A Study of the Contributions to the Texas Health Education Program Made by North Texas State College and Co-Operating Public Schools
The problem undertaken in this study was that of making an investigation of the nature of the contributions of the North Texas State College and the co-operating public schools under its supervision to the Texas Health Education Program during the three-year period from December, 1946, to December, 1949.
A Study of the Housing Facilities Provided for Industrial Arts in the Junior High Schools of Seven Panhandle Counties
This is a study of the housing facilities provided for industrial arts in the junior high schools of seven Panhandle counties of Texas.
Study of the Industrial Arts Programs in the Junior Colleges of Texas
This is a study of the industrial arts programs in the junior colleges of Texas with special reference to the nature and scope of the curriculums, the teaching staff, and instructional and housing facilities.
A Study of the Organization and Administration of Private Summer Camps for Children in Kerr County, Texas, with Recommendations for Camp Management
The investigator undertook to make a study of the management of a selected number of private summer camps for children in Kerr County, Texas, because of the growing interest in camping and the need for an informed public regarding the possibilities of wholesome recreation for children in summer camps.
A Study to Determine a Sound Industrial Arts Program for the Northwest School
The problem of this study is to determine if an industrial arts program can be developed to fit the needs of the Northwest High School Community.
A Study to Determine a Sound Program for the Effective Instruction and Social Integration of Latin-American Pupils in the Secondary Schools of Texas
"The purpose of this study was to formulate a recommended program to aid in the social integration of Latin-American and Anglo-American children in the secondary schools of Texas. In preparation for the development of this suggested plan, some of the more serious problems involved in the education of Latin-American children in schools designed primarily for the instruction of Anglo-American pupils were studied in available literature, and a set of psychological, sociological, and democratic criteria was formulated to serve as sound principles upon which to base the suggest program."--Leaf 1.
A Study to Determine a Sound Program for Using Community Resources to Improve the Elementary Schools of Denison, Texas.
The purpose of this study is to determine a sound program for using the community resources of Denison, Texas, to improve the elementary schools of that city.
A Study to determine the Type of Industrial Arts Curriculum Desired and Needed in the Thomas A. Edison School of Dallas, Texas
This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. In what industrial arts subjects are the students interested? 2. What industrial arts courses do the teachers want in the Thomas A. Edison School curriculum? 3. What industrial arts courses do the parents want offered in the Thomas A. Edison School curriculum? 4. What benefits do the parents and teachers believe will come from an industrial arts program in the Thomas A. Edison School?
Total Nicotinic Acid Metabolism of Young College Women on Self-Selected Diets
The purpose of this study is to determine the nicotinic acid values of the food consumed and the urinary and fecal excretions of young college women on self-selected diets.
The Use of Easy Reading Materials with Junior High School Pupils
The problem in this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of easy reading material in improving the reading ability of retarded students in the junior high school.
The Use of Music Activities with Retarded Latin-American Children
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of certain music activities in meeting some of the needs peculiar to a group of older, retarded Latin-American children. It is an effort to determine whether certain music activities may or may not help to give Latin-American children a more satisfying school experience and better equip them to live in the Anglo-American society of which they have become a part.
The Use of Native Materials in the Ante Bellum Buildings of Harrison County, Texas
This study is a report of the results of an investigation into the extent to which native materials were used in the antebellum buildings of Harrison County, Texas; the way in which they were used; and the aesthetic implications of their use. It was hoped that this research might fill a gap in the art and architectural history of Texas, since nothing has been written on this specific subject except a few articles and unpublished papers dealing with certain houses individually or with log construction in general.
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