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DataRes Project Briefing
Presentation for the 2012 CNI Annual Membership Meeting. This presentation provides an overview and update on the DataRes Project.
Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Open Access
Presentation for a workshop at the 2013 Open Access Symposium. This presentation discusses the impact of open access for students, the impact of open access on universities, and the impact of open access on publishing practices.
How Digital Libraries can Create a Culture of Open Access on Campus
Presentation for a panel discussion at the 2013 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. This panel presentation discusses how digital libraries can create a culture of open access on campus. Five panelists discuss their perspectives, strategies, challenges, and progress.
The Library Publishing Coalition Project
Presentation for the 2012 CNI Fall Meeting. This presentation discusses the Library Publishing Coalition Project.
Online Profiles and Unique Author Identifiers
Presentation for the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group 2013 Winter Meeting. This presentation discusses online profiles and unique author identifiers, their importance, features, and strategies for successfully using them.
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