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1-(4, 4'-Dinitrodiphenylmethyl)-Piperidines; 1-(4-Nitrobenzyl)-and 1-(4-Nitrobenzoyl)-Piperdines
This study experiments with the methods of 1-(4, 4'-Dinitrodiphenylmethyl)-Piperidines; 1-(4-Nitrobenzyl)-and 1-(4-Nitrobenzoyl)-Piperdines.
Ability Grouping in Secondary English
This thesis discusses the pros and cons of grouping by ability in secondary English.
Absolute Beta Counting Using Thick Sources
The problem with which we shall concern ourselves in this paper is the self-scattering and self-absorption of beta particles by the source.
Abstract Measure
This study of abstract measure covers classes of sets, measures and outer measures, extension of measures, and planer measure.
The Accompanied Solo Song of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the changes and developments of the accompanied solo song throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, including instrument usage and song types.
Accounting for Self-Insurance--Theory and Practice
This study is an investigation of the theoretical accounting viewpoints and the accounting procedures used in business practice for the origination and administration of a self-insurance program. The purpose of this study is to compare the correct theoretical accounting procedures for self-insurance planning with those used in practice today.
The Adaptability and Present Status of Andropogon Ischaemum L. in Denton County, Texas
This investigation has been made with reference to the adaptability of Andropogon ischaemum, King Ranch bluestem, to various soils, various slopes, and various erosion conditions in Denton County.
Adapting a Reading Program to Individual Differences
The problem of this study was to test the effectiveness of adapting the reading instruction to the level and ability of individuals or small groups of a particular group of second grade children.
Addison's Literary Criticism as Found in The Spectator
This thesis is a study of Joseph Addison's literary criticism as found in The Spectator.
Addition Reactions of Some Aromatic Aldazines
The paper explores the conclusion that the addition compound was bicyclic, and that the addition of each of the two moles of cyanic acid was dependent upon the other.
Adelardo Lopez De Ayala's Position in the Drama of the Nineteenth Century
This thesis discusses Adelardo Lopez De Ayala's position in the drama of the nineteenth century. Topics covered include: Literary movements in Spain in the nineteenth century, Lopez De Ayala's treatment of plot, the moral element in Lopez De Ayala's plays and character delineation in Lopez De Ayala's plays.
The Adequacy of Financial Support Received by the Small High-School Bands in Texas
The problem undertaken in this study is to attempt to determine the adequacy of financial support received by the small high school bands in Texas.
The Adequacy of the School Transportation Systems of Montague County, Texas
In this study an attempt is made to determine the adequacy of the school transportation systems of Montague County, Texas.
Administering the Use of Instructional Space in Texas State-Supported Colleges and Universities
The problem of this study is to determine the administrative practices for securing the optimum use of instructional space in colleges. This necessitates the development of an instrument to evaluate these practices.
The Adsorption of Radioactive Isotopes on Precipitates
This thesis concerns the investigation of radioisotopes as indicators for precipitation reactions. As a precipitate forms in the presence of a radioisotope, adsorption may take place on its surface. If this adsorption changes markedly at the stoichiometric point it will be possible to use this variation as an indicator for the reaction.
The Adsorption of Radioactive Isotopes on Specific Precipitates
The purpose of this investigation is to reveal the effects of certain factors affecting adsorption on some specific precipitates. It is hoped that the choice of precipitate types will enable extension of the information gained here to other precipitates similar to those investigated.
The Advancement of the Negro within Business and Professional Enterprise in Texas Since 1900
"This research study shall be the advancement of the Negro within business and professional enterprises in Texas since 1900. The objective is to discover if and where the colored people have made progress. If progress has been made, it must be due to some prevailing influence, and if no progress has been made, there has evidently been some hindering cause. This research shall try to discover these factors and record the results as they affected the progress of these people. It is the intention of this writer to race the educational, economic, and social advancement of these people and to show in what fields of endeavor they have advanced and in which fields they have failed. This advancement shall be traced from the year 1900 to the year 1950, showing the progress in ten year intervals."-- leaf 1.
Advantages of Marginal Costing as Compared to the Hour Rate or Normal Costing Now Used as the Basis of Price Determination in the Forms Division
This thesis is designed to emphasize and illustrate that marginal costing is a tool of management that can make clear the how, when, why, and wherefor of the price determining affect and its results.
Adventure and Political Reform in Winston Churchill Before 1913
This thesis discusses the life of Winston Churchill. It explores his adventures and political reform prior to 1913.
Age, Growth, and Food Habits of the Largemouthed Black Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) and the Spotted Bass (Micropterus Puctulatus SSP) in North and East Texas Lakes
This study is based on the examinations and analyses of 388 largemouthed black bass (Micropterus salmoides) and 118 spotted black bass (Micropterus puctulatus ssp.) which were collected over a period of three years from 9 lakes in the North-Central and East Texas areas. The results should show the following: (1) the average age of the black bass in each of the nine reservoirs in Texas; (2) the growth rate of the bass in these reservoirs; (3) the feeding habits of the bass in all reservoirs studied; (4) a comparison of the growth rates of the largemouthed and spotted basses; and (5) a comparison of the growth rates of bass from Texas and Oklahoma.
Albert Gallatin: His Position in American Legislation and Diplomacy
It shall be the purpose of this study to present an accounting of the career of public service of Gallatin as a legislator and as a diplomat, showing the great value of his service to the country of his adoption. The presentation shall be divided into several sections, namely those of Gallatin's early experiences in America, his activities while Secretary of the Treasury, while a commissioner at the Treaty of Ghent, and that part of his period of public service following Ghent.
Altered Leukemogenic Activity by Thyrotropic Treatment of Leukemic Mouse Thymus in Vitro
This investigation was planned to observe if the leukemic thymic tissue in vitro would inactivate TSH and to study the effect that TSH would have on the leukemogenic properties of these cells when transplanted into a high-leukemia strain of mice.
American Apprenticeship and its Contribution to Industrial Arts
The purpose of this study is to show, through the development of the American apprenticeship, certain factors and influences that have contributed to the growth of industrial arts in the public schools of the United States. It has been made to give the prospective industrial arts teacher and student some idea of the history and the importance of their work now and in the future.
American Interests in the Cuban Revolt, 1868-1878
This thesis describes the Cuban revolt of 1868-1878 and the interest it caused in the United States.
Amine Derivatives of 3-chloro-5(8?)-nitro-1,4-naphthoquinone
This work deals with the preparation of amine derivatives of 3-chloro-5(8?)-nitro-1,4-naphthoquinone which are to be tested for anti-tubercular activity by Parke, Davis and Company.
Anaerobic Organisms in Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Diseases
This study concerns a determination as to whether anaerobic organisms are involved in pulmonary diseases, particularly those of the chronic type.
An Analysis and Comparative Study of the Objectives of Industrial Arts and General Education in Order to Determine the Relationship of Industrial Arts to General Education
The purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the objectives of industrial arts and general education to determine whether or not these objectives are meeting the needs of the youth.
An Analysis and Comparison of Music Appreciation Books for the Junior High School and the High School
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and compare a selection of books that can be used in the teaching of music appreciation in the junior high school and the high school.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with Financing Capital Outlay for Texas Public Schools
The problem of this study is to determine the desirable characteristics of a sound program for financing Texas public school buildings--commensurate with need and with an equitable relation between state and local effort.
An Analysis of Certain Factors Associated with Teacher Supply and Demand in Texas
The problem of this study is to determine what are the factors associated with teacher supply and demand in Texas, to analyze and interpret these factors, and to offer recommendations regarding the problem.
An Analysis of Designs and Materials to Determine Sound School Building Construction
The purpose of the study was to analyze the materials used in industry and school plant building in order to determine the types and designs of buildings which will best meet the needs of our schools both today and in the future.
An Analysis of Maurice Ravel's Technique of Orchestration
It is interesting to note that several of Ravel's compositions for the piano were successful only after he had orchestrated them. Ravel, a pianist, had a natural gift for orchestration, and when writing for the piano he seems to have projected his thoughts to the orchestra; thus some of his works are more successful' for the orchestra than for the piano. Since he orchestrated several of his own piano compositions, these present an excellent opportunity for a study of his orchestrations.
An Analysis of Personnel Programs Currently in Use in Selected Texas Banks
It is the purpose of this study to survey and appraise the personnel programs currently in use in selected Texas banks.
An Analysis of the Advertising Art in Eight Retail Stores of Fort Worth Texas
It is the purpose of this thesis to acquaint the reader with the various systems, materials, and people who produce the art , in order to evaluate it and to pass on the results of its research to others who may find it useful in acquainting themselves with the advertising field.
An Analysis of the Background Data of Fifty Students Who Failed in the College of Home Economics, Syracuse University
The problem of academic failure has been of real concern to the administration and faculty at Syracuse University. The study at hand is concerned specifically with the problem in the College of Home Economics. Through a study of the data known about students at the time of entrance into the College, it was thought that a better basis for selection night be recommended for the admission of students to the College. Such questions as the following arise in the mind of the research worker: 1. Do the group psychological tests given at the University at the time of entrance give us one basis by which we may predict probable academic success or failure? 2. Are the known high school quartiles dependable bases for selection of successful students? 3. Are there factors in the family backgrounds of these students that.may be significant in their selection? 4. Does an objective personality test have validity as a predictive factor in the success of a student? 5. Do we have any anecdotal records that reveal significant differences in personal adjustment between successful and failed students? 6. Are we able to predict the probable success of failed students upon readmission? 7. Do we have any combination of factors that may be significant in predicting the probable success of a student?
An Analysis of the Background Variables of Negro High School Youth in the Texas Cooperative Youth Study
The purpose of the Texas Cooperative Youth Study was to gather basic data on the problems and interests of youth from youth themselves, their teachers, and their parents in the stages of early, middle, and late adolescence. The study was made to determine interests, attitudes, and concerns of youth in relation to home and family life; to determine whether homemaking education in the school takes into account these concerns and attitudes; and to find out whether interest in homemaking education is related to selected background and sociological variables.
An Analysis of the Boys' Physical Education Programs in the Approved Junior High Schools of Texas and a Comparison of the Findings with the Standards Recommended by the Texas State Department of Education in Bulletin 444
The investigator established the following purposes for the study: 1. To analyze the program of activities for boys' physical education in the approved junior high schools of Texas. 2. To make a survey of the equipment and facilities provided cor the boys' physical education programs. 3. To determine the status of the teaching personnel for the boys' physical education programs in regard to qualifications, professional preparation, duties, and experience. 4. To compare the findings of the study with the standards recommended in Bulletin 444.
An Analysis of the Changes and the Development of Negro Education in Rural Harrison County, 1940-1950
"The problem of this study is to trace the changes and the development of Negro education in rural Harrison County, Texas, from 1940-1950." --pg. 1
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Robert Schumann's Piano Works
The primary purpose of this thesis is to give the prospective performer of Schumann's piano works a better understanding of his many works for the piano and to give the pianist, and musicians in general, a better understanding of the pianistic devices employed by Schumann in his works for this instrument. Schumann rose to great heights for short intervals. He possessed enthusiasm, humor, charm, and eloquence. Such qualities have kept his music alive and have provided his listeners with lasting pleasure. Much of his music represents the nobility and warm-heartedness that characterized early Romanticism at its best.
An Analysis of the Correspondence-improvement Program at Great American Reserve Insurance Company Dallas, Texas
A preliminary purpose of this study in the area of business communications was that of determining the status of correspondence improvement in stock life insurance companies in Dallas. However, the major purpose, which stemmed from the preliminary one, was to study intensively the approach used in Great American.
An Analysis of the Industrial Arts Program of the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas
This study is an analysis of the industrial arts program of the Fort Worth Public Schools, Fort Worth, Texas.
An Analysis of the Integration of Interior and Exterior Space in Houses Designed by Richard Neutra
The purpose of this study of Richard Neutra's houses is three-fold: 1. To analyze the spatial treatment of the interiors. 2. To analyze the spatial treatment of the exteriors. 3. To determine the spatial relationship of the interiors to exteriors and find out how it was achieved.
An Analysis of the Needs of the Northwest Independent School District and the Construction of a Possible Program to Meet those Needs
The problem in this study was to determine the needs of the people of the Northwest District by a social survey, and then, on the basis of the results of this survey and the exploring of established community programs, to construct a possible program by which these community needs could be partially or completely met.
An Analysis of the Progress of Unions in Organizing Professional Engineers
The problems of this research report were threefold: 1. To trace the history of the unionization of engineers from its inception to the present time. 2. To present the arguments of those individuals and groups who practice and favor engineering unionization, and to set fort the counter-arguments of those individuals and groups who reject unionization for engineers. 3. To summarize the facts and opinions discovered and, in view of these findings, to draw conclusions on the merits and the trend of engineering unionization.
An Analysis of the Qualifications and General Status of the Industrial Arts Teachers Employed in the Secondary Schools of Arkansas during the 1953-1954 School Year
This is a study to ascertain the qualifications, the general status, and in-school and out-of-school activities of the industrial arts teachers employed in the secondary schools in Arkansas in order to compare them with the qualifications and general status of the industrial arts teachers employed in the State of Texas in 1953, as reported by Jack P. Dial.
An Analysis of the Relationship of the Scores Made by Students on Aptitudes "G" and "V" and Parts "H" and "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and the Academic Grades Made in Industrial Arts
This study analyzes the converted scores made on Aptitudes "G" (intelligence) and "V" (verbal" and the raw scores made on Part "H" (three-dimensional space) and Part "I" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by students enrolled in beginning industrial arts courses, advanced industrial arts courses, and beginning English at North Texas State College, Denton, Texas, and the academic grades made by theses same students in order to determine what relationship exists between both the converted and raw scores made on the foregoing parts of the GATB and academic grades.
An Analysis of the Trend Away from the Traditional Democratic Party in Texas Presidential Elections, 1932-1948
The purpose of this paper will be to look into the election returns to find some of the factors which have caused the trend of voters shifting away from the Democratic party towards the Republican party in presidential elections.
An Analysis of the Work of Pestalozzi in Education and His Philosophy Concerning Practical Arts
The purpose of this study was to ascertain and analyze the following: What was Pestalozzi's philosophy concerning practical arts? What effect did his method of teaching have on the education of Europe during his time? How did his experiment at Neuhof influence education of his time? How did his experiment at Stanz influence education? How did his experiment at Burgdorf influence the method of education? How did his experiment at Yverdon influence education? What was his method of teaching elementary education? Why did educators come from other countries to study the methods of Pestalozzi? How did his object lessons change the methods of education? Why did he think that work should be correlated with school subjects? Why did he believe that sense impressions were the foundation for instruction?
An Analysis of the Works for Solo Trumpet by Alan Hovhaness
The purpose of this study is to determine the general style characteristics of the works for solo trumpet by Alan Hovhaness, viz., Khrimian Hairig, Overture to Avak, Prayer of Saint Gregory, and Haroutiun. The musical elements of form, melody, harmony, tonality, rhythm, texture, and counterpoint are examined objectively in order to determine the essential features of the music. Further consideration is given to the idiomatic use of the solo trumpet in these compositions. Each composition is examined separately, the conclusions and generalizations of the style features being reserved for the final chapter.
An Analysis of Trailer Homes Produced in the United States in 1953
The purpose of this study is to analyze trailer homes being produced in the United States in 1953 in order to determine how they might be made more livable and functional.
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