Search Results

Cauliflower and Heading Broccoli Production.
A guide to growing cauliflower and heading broccoli on the farm.
Eggs at Any Meal.
Discusses the nutritional value and versatility of the egg; provides recipes and suggests ways to use eggs in a variety dishes and sauces.
English Sparrow Control.
Describes the damage caused by English sparrows and different methods of controlling them.
Fire-protective construction on the farm.
Describes the damage that can occur to property and people as a result of fire; and discusses various farm construction projects that prevent a fire or offer protection should a fire occur.
Growing Nursery Stock of Southern Pines.
Describes the steps for growing southern pine seedlings from nursery stock; discusses the proper methods for sowing, watering, and weeding.
House Ants.
Describes different types of house ants and methods of control.
How to control grasshoppers in cereal and forage crops.
Describes the grasshopper, the damage it causes to crops, and methods of control.
Ice Creams Frozen Without Stirring.
Provides recipes for mousse and other desserts.
Lubricating-oil sprays for use on dormant fruit trees.
Provides instructions for the preparation, storage, and use of lubricating-oil emulsions for orchard spraying.
Modernizing farmhouses.
Describes methods for updating farmhouses with modern conveniences.
Production of Spinach.
Describes characteristics and varieties of spinach, and provides farmers with recommendations for soils, fertilizers, cultivating, and harvesting it.
Pulp-Wood Crops in the Northeast.
Describes the process of cutting pulpwood for paper-making in the northeastern United States; summarizes results and conclusions about crop management, derived from intensive studies of pulpwood stands.
Rural buildings for business and social uses.
Describes how rural community buildings can be used in social and business functions.
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