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open access

Powder and Propellants: Energetic Materials at Indian Head, Maryland, 1890-1990

Description: Book describing the history of the U.S. Navy facility at Indian Head, Maryland, which researches, develops, tests, and evaluates chemical compounds used in gun and rocket propellants as well as cockpit ejection seats. "It is the story of how an institution adapted to changes in military technology, the individuals who shaped it, and the heritage they built" (front cover flap).
Date: 2002
Creator: Carlisle, Rodney P.
Partner: UNT Press
open access

Theoria, Volume 27, 2022

Description: Annual journal containing essays, studies, book reviews, and other articles related to the history of Western Music Theory, methods of analysis, and analytical discussions of musical compositions. The appendix includes information about contributors to the current volume, and an index of content in previously-issued volumes.
Date: 2022
Creator: Heidlberger, Frank
Partner: UNT Press
open access

Theoria, Volume 26, 2020

Description: Annual journal containing essays, studies, book reviews, and other articles related to the history of Western Music Theory, methods of analysis, and analytical discussions of musical compositions. The appendix includes information about contributors to the current volume, and an index of content in previously-issued volumes.
Date: 2020
Creator: Heidlberger, Frank
Partner: UNT Press

The Earps Invade Southern California: Bootlegging Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and the Old Soldiers’ Home

Description: Most readers of the Wild West know Wyatt Earp, Virgil Earp, and Morgan Earp for the famous shootout on the streets of Tombstone, Arizona. But few know the later years of the close-knit Earp family, which revolved around patriarch Nicholas Earp, and their last push at a major monetary coup in Los Angeles. By 1900 a newly established Old Soldiers’ Home was in place at Sawtelle (between Santa Monica and Los Angeles), with thousands of veterans earning monthly pensions, but in an environment where… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: July 15, 2020
Creator: Chaput, Donald & De Haas, David D., 1956-
Partner: UNT Press

Living in the Shadow of a Hell Ship: The Survival Story of U.S. Marine George Burlage, a WWII Prisoner-of-War of the Japanese

Description: U.S. Marine George Burlage was part of the largest surrender in American history at Bataan and Corregidor in the spring of 1942, where the Japanese captured more than 85,000 troops. More than forty percent would not survive World War II. His prisoner-of-war ordeal began at Cabanatuan near Manila, where the death rate in the early months of World War II was fifty men a day. Sensing that Cabanatuan was a death trap, he managed to get transferred to the isolated island of Palawan to help build an … more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: September 15, 2020
Creator: Burlage, Georgianne
Partner: UNT Press

Scouting with the Buffalo Soldiers: Lieutenant Powhatan Clarke, Frederic Remington, and the Tenth U.S. Cavalry in the Southwest

Description: On a hot summer’s day in Montana, a daring frontier cavalry officer, Powhatan Henry Clarke, died at the height of his promising career. A member of the U.S. Military Academy’s Class of 1884, Clarke graduated dead last, and while short on academic application, he was long on charm and bravado. Clarke obtained a commission with the black troops of the Tenth Cavalry, earning his spurs with these “Buffalo Soldiers.” He evolved into a fearless field commander at the troop level, gaining glory and f… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: October 15, 2020
Creator: Langellier, John P. (John Phillip)
Partner: UNT Press

Some People Let You Down

Description: The nine stories in Mike Alberti’s debut collection shine a sharp light on small-town American life —not the Arcadian small towns of yesteryear, but the old mill towns hanging on after the mill has stopped running, the deserted agricultural communities in the middle of vast industrial farms, places where bad luck has become part of the weather. But even in these blighted, neglected landscapes, the possibility of renewal always presents itself: there is hope for these places and the characters w… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: November 15, 2020
Creator: Alberti, Mike, 1987-
Partner: UNT Press

Tall Walls and High Fences: Officers and Offenders, the Texas Prison Story

Description: Texas has one of the world’s largest prison systems, in operation for more than 170 years and currently employing more than 28,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of people have been involved in the prison business in Texas: inmates, correctional officers, public officials, private industry representatives, and volunteers have all entered the secure facilities and experienced a different world. Previous books on Texas prisons have focused either on records and data of the prisons, personal memoir… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: October 15, 2020
Creator: Alexander, Bob & Alford, Richard K.
Partner: UNT Press

Firearms of the Texas Rangers: From the Frontier Era to the Modern Age

Description: From their founding in the 1820s up to the modern age, the Texas Rangers have shown the ability to adapt and survive. Part of that survival depended on their use of firearms. The evolving technology of these weapons often determined the effectiveness of these early day Rangers. John Coffee “Jack” Hays and Samuel Walker would leave their mark on the Rangers by incorporating new technology which allowed them to alter tactics when confronting their adversaries. The Frontier Battalion was created a… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: August 15, 2020
Creator: Dukes, Doug
Partner: UNT Press

A Biscuit for Your Shoe: A Memoir of County Line, a Texas Freedom Colony

Description: In TFS Extra Book #28, Beatrice Upshaw shares her memories of growing up in County Line. A Biscuit for Your Shoe captures the lore of a community which began as a freedom colony west of Nacogdoches in East Texas. The book is a memoir, but it shares more than merely family memories of significant events. It tells of beliefs, home remedies, folk games, and customs, as well as the importance of religion and education to a community of like-minded people. The narrative is a rich source of colloquia… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: November 15, 2020
Creator: Upshaw, Beatrice, 1958-
Partner: UNT Press

The Boardinghouse: The Artist Community House, Chicago 1936-1937

Description: The Boardinghouse is an account of how a diverse group of high spirited, self-assured, talented youths were able to meld in supporting one another during Vogel’s first year as a student at the Chicago Art Institute’s School of Fine Art during the desperate times of the great depression. The book portrays one year in the lives of eighteen young men from various parts of the country who shared similar dreams of becoming an artist. In this Artist Community House, under the charge of Malcolm Hacke… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1995
Creator: Vogel, Donald S., 1917-2004
Partner: UNT Press
open access

D. H. Lawrence: Future Primitive

Description: This book will change the way you think about D.H. Lawrence. Critics have tried to define him as a Georgian poet, an imagist, a vitalist, a follower of the French symbolists, a romantic or a transcendentalist, but none of the usual labels fit. The same theme runs through all his work, beginning with his very first novel, The White Peacock, and ending with the last line of his final book, Apocalypse. Always it is nature. He said this over and over again, and no one - especially those who feared … more
Date: 1996
Creator: LaChapelle, Dolores
Partner: UNT Press

Memories and Images: the World of Donald Vogel and Valley House Gallery

Description: Donald Vogel arrived in Dallas at the beginning of World War II after a sojourn at the Art Institute of Chicago. “The feeling of space, its clear clean atmosphere, the calm courtesy of the people and promises of growth all gave hope to a young, would-be painter. What I could not have anticipated was that there would be no gentle growth: it exploded in every direction and the money followed.” Along with the wealth came East Coast art dealers who followed the oil field trails throughout Oklahoma … more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: November 2000
Creator: Vogel, Donald S., 1917-2004
Partner: UNT Press

Heart Diamond

Description: Heart-Diamond describes the author’s experiences growing up on a working cattle ranch in Southeastern New Mexico. In a series of sketches that begins with an incident in her childhood and concludes with her return to the ranch after a lengthy absence, the book features various members of her family in settings and situations typical of daily life not only on the Heart-Diamond but on any small, family-operated ranch: rounding up cattle, fixing windmills, helping a heifer to calve. At the same ti… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: March 1990
Creator: Greenwood, Kathy L.
Partner: UNT Press

The Core and the Cannon: a National Debate

Description: Allan Blooms’ book, The Closing of the American Mind, reopened the debate on the value of a classic learning curriculum. In recent years the Classic Learning Core and the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Texas have sponsored national conferences on the core and the curriculum. The articles which appear here are among the papers presented to those conferences. The Classic Learning Core is a distinguished curriculum for integrating the humanities requirements into a cohere… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: March 1993
Creator: Stevens, L. Roberts; Seligmann, G. L. & Long, Julian
Partner: UNT Press

Conversations on the Uses of Science and Technology

Description: A candid and often humorous discussion between Hackerman and Ashworth on the problems scientists and society will face with reductions in government financial support for research, or with restrictive government directives. In dialogue that is accessible to laymen and policy makers, the authors explain why scientific research must be allowed to continue unfettered and undirected if humankind is to accrue its full benefits. "In the United States, the universities are the sole source of scientis… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: September 1996
Creator: Hackerman, Norman & Ashworth, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Press

Land of Hope and Glory: a True Account of the Life and Times of Gen. Marcus Northway, Ret. and of the Character of his Eminent Friends

Description: In this latest novel, General Marcus Aurelius Northway, a homeopathic physician with deep faith in the curative powers of oil and whiskey, and his indomitable wife Ida Bailey Northway, bring on stage an intriguing set of characters who are their friends—Luther Burbank, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford—as the Northways take part in American history between the Great War and the Great Depression and herald a new age.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: April 1996
Creator: Terry, Marshall
Partner: UNT Press

Lost in Victory: Reflections of American War Orphans of World War II

Description: In 1990, Ann Mix began her search to find out about her father who had been killed in World War II. She discovered that, of the servicemen who died in that war, 183,000 were fathers. During her search, Mix met others whose fathers had been killed and few of them had much information about their fathers. As a result, Ann founded the American WWII Orphans Network to locate war orphans and become a depository for sources of information about WWII servicemen who were fathers. Senator Robert Dole, w… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: January 1998
Creator: Hadler, Susan Johnson; Mix, Anna Bennett & Christman, Calvin
Partner: UNT Press

Brandy, Our Man in Acapulco: the Life and Times of Colonel Frank M. Brandstetter

Description: Book providing.a biographical account of Frank M. Brandstetter, documenting his life and work as a hotelier, corporate executive, and U. S. Army intelligence officer. The text is based on Brandstetter's own recollections and corroborated with source documents and other published accounts. Index starts on page 367.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: December 1999
Creator: Carlisle, Rodney P. & Monetta, Dominic J.
Partner: UNT Press
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