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Search Results

[Frank Cuellar Sr. and Alfred Cuellar at the Plaza Café]

Description: Portrait of Frank Cuellar Sr. (left) and Alfred Cuellar standing behind a counter inside the "Plaza Café." An unknown man sits at the end of the counter and looks directly at the camera. Four tables with chairs can be seen. Behind the counter, a menu, bottles, and various products are visible. A cash register and glass display case rest on the countertop.
Date: December 11, 1934
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Portrait of an Winfield Farmer]

Description: Portrait of Winfield Farmer, a longtime employee of Frank Cuellar in Shreveport, Louisiana. Farmer looks off to the side with a blank expression on his face. A handwritten greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cuellar is including on the folder.
Date: 19XX
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Portrait of baby, Maria Teresa]

Description: Portrait of Maria Teresa at 2 months old. Eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & Martiel Cuellar. The photograph is contained in a folder that includes a handwritten note that reads, "To Frank + Julia Love, Maria Teresa age: 2 months."
Date: 19XX
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Portrait of Mariano Martinez Jr.]

Description: Portrait of a little boy, Mariano Martinez Jr., in a white suit and tie. He looks off to the side with a slight smile on his face. The photograph is contained in a folder that includes a handwritten note that reads, "For Mom and Dad with all my love, Mariano Martinez Jr."
Date: January 28, 1953
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Portrait of Bill Cuellar at 6 months old]

Description: Portrait of Bill Cuellar at 6 months old, looking off to the side with a slight smile on his face. He wears a knit onesie and hat. The photograph is contained in a folder that includes a handwritten note that reads, "To Uncle Frank and Aunt Julia with all my love, Bill Cuellar."
Date: 19XX
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[The Cuellar brothers hoeing cotton]

Description: Photograph of the Cuellar brothers hoeing cotton in a field located in Kaufman, Texas. Everyone is wearing long-sleeve, button-up shirts with large hats. From left to right: Manuel, Willie Jack, Amos (standing), Mack, Alfred, Frank, and Gilbert.
Date: 1924
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Five of the Cuellar brothers]

Description: Portrait of five of the Cuellar brothers, smiling for a photograph. All five men are wearing suits and ties. They are in a small room with a desk and a lamp. From left to right: Alfred, Mack, Frank Sr. (seated), Willie Jack, and Gilbert Cuellar.
Date: 19XX
Creator: Messina Studios
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Gladys riding a tricycle]

Description: Portrait of Gladys Cuellar riding a tricycle outdoors on a dirt road. She is wearing a long-sleeve dress, with boots and a hat. Behind her, a dog is laying down in the dirt. There is a stone building and a person sitting visible in the background.
Date: 1934
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[El Chico Corporation Annual Report 1968]

Description: The El Chico Corporation Annual Report from 1968. It includes portraits of Frank Sr. and Mack Cuellar, a letter to El Chico shareholders, provides a layout of restaurant and franchise operations and updates readers on new management and El Chico profits among other things.
Date: 1968
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[“El Chico Corporation Grows” article]

Description: An article titled “El Chico Corporation Grows” from 1965. The article describes El Chico's origins, restaurant locations, and a captioned image of “Mama’s Boys” Alfred, Mack, Willie Jack, Gilbert, and Frank Sr. Cuellar.
Date: October 1965
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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