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open access

Angular Distribution of 30.6 Mev Protons Elastically Scattered by Be, C, and Al

Description: The motivation for the measurement of the angular distribution of elastic scattering of medium energy protons and neutrons has been clearly presented by others. They have also listed the results obtained prior to their experiments at 31.5 Mev. This is a report on some results obtained with 30.6 Mev protons scattered from Be, C, and Al.
Date: November 1953
Creator: Wright, Byron T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Convergence and Summability of Orthogonal Series

Description: Consider an orthogonal series [formula] where [formula] is an arbitrary orthonormal system for the interval (a, b) and [formula] is a sequence of real numbers. This report is a collection of theorems which give sufficient conditions for the convergence almost everywhere in (a, b) and summability a. e. in (a, b) of the above series.
Date: October 6, 1953
Creator: Killeen, John, 1925-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pile Neutron Production Field Curves Calculated Using the UCRL Differential Analyzer

Description: A set of 69 pile yield curves for the production of plutonium, americium, and curium isotopes in a neutron flux of 5 x 10<sup>14 cm<sup>-2 sec<sup>-1 is given. The differential analyzer of the University of California Radiation Laboratory was used in obtaining the curves. The curves are given also on log-log plots for comparison.
Date: October 30, 1953
Creator: Barrett, R. J.; Killeen, John, 1925-; Rasmussen, J. O. & Thompson, Stanley Gerald, 1912-1976
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Bevatron 9.9-Mev Proton Linear Accelerator

Description: The Bevatron requires an intense source of high energy protons. The machine should accept monoenergetic protons for a duration of approximately 500 microseconds once every 6 seconds. To satisfy the requirements of small loss due to scattering by the gas in the accelerating chamber, a 9.9-Mev linear accelerator has been built and operated.
Date: July 1954
Creator: Cork, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interaction of Heparin Active Factor and Egg-Yolk Lipoprotein

Description: There is an active principle in heparinized plasma that may be studied in vitro with a prescribed lipoprotein-containing medium. To this end the interaction of this active principle or factor was studied with lipoprotein species isolated from egg yolk.
Date: October 1953
Creator: Nichols, Alex V.; Rubin, L. & Lindgren, Frank T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Meson-Mass Measurements II - On the Measurement of the Masses of Charged Pions

Description: This paper describes the method developed and the results obtained in an extensive program of measurement of the masses of charged pions. Measurements were made of the total ranges in nuclear track emulsion and the momenta (obtained from the curving of the particle trajectory in the magnetic field of the 184-inch cyclotron) of pions and protons of nearly the same velocity.
Date: February 2, 1954
Creator: Smith, Frances M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Orbital Electron Capture in the Heaviest Elements

Description: Certain isotopes in the region of the heaviest elements have been produced by cyclotron and pile bombardment techniques, and their nuclear decay properties have been investigated. The orbital electron capture decay of At210, At211, Np234, Np235, Pu234, Pu237, and Am242m has been studied and decay schemes have been proposed. In addition, the alpha spectra of Po211, At210, and At211 have been observed.
Date: September 1953
Creator: Hoff, Richard William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Passage of Electrons Through Matter

Description: One of the oldest properties of electrons is their emission of x-rays (discrete and continuous spectra) when impinging on matter. Cloud-chamber tracks show light ionization, and considerable multiple scattering, except for fast electrons. Tracks are long and range indefinite.
Date: September 9, 1953
Creator: Vaughan, Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Distributions in Energy and in Number of Electrons and Photons in Cascade: Derived With Energy-Dependent Bremsstrahlung, Materialization, Collision Loss and Multiple Scattering

Description: Diffusion equations for a cascade shower which include an energy cutoff and energy parameters for each particle have not previously been studied. In this paper it is found that an inclusion of both permits collision loss to be represented as a discrete process by modifying the differential radiation cross section.
Date: September 17, 1953
Creator: Rankin, Bayard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Criterion For Vacuum Sparking Designed to Include Both R. F. and D. C.

Description: An empirical relation is presented which represents a boundary between no vacuum sparking and possible vacuum sparking. Metal electrodes and r.f. or d.c. voltages are used. The criterion fits several orders of surface gradient, voltage, gap, and frequency. Current due to field emission is considered necessary for sparking but in addition, energetic particles are required to initiate a cascade process which increases the field emission currents to the point of sparking. An elementary cascade pro… more
Date: September 4, 1953
Creator: Kilpatrick, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Dependence of Negative Pion Production on Neutron Number

Description: The existing data on positive pion production resulting from the interaction of 340 Mev protons with complex nuclei indicate that the production cross-sections agree more closely with a 2/3 variation than with a variation proportional to z. A preliminary survey of negative pion production at two pion energies has been made for Be, C, Al, Cu, Ag and Po, using the externally deflected 340 Mev synchro-cyclotron proton beam.
Date: unknown
Creator: Dudziak, Walter F. & Sagane, Ryokichi, 1905-1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dependence of Positive Pion Production Cross Sections on Atomic Number at Low Energies

Description: A preliminary study of positive pion production from proton-nucleus collisions revealed that positive pion production cross sections agree more favorably with a Z 2/3 variation than with a variation proportional to the atomic number. A similar study on negative pion production has shown that negative pion yields from proton-nucleus collisions tend to vary in proportion to the number of neutrons in the nucleus. As a result an experiment was performed to investigate if there is a significant chan… more
Date: September 8, 1953
Creator: Sagane, Ryokichi, 1905-1969 & Dudziak, Walter F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Separation of Iron and Cobalt on Synthetic Resin

Description: Recent studies on the separation of cobalt and nickel and on the behavior of iron in hydrochloric acid on Dowex-1 resin in relation to the selective adsorption of chloride complexes of these elements have suggested the use of resin for the separation of iron and cobalt.
Date: August 5, 1953
Creator: Helwig, Harold L.; Ashikawa, James K.; Clokie, Hugh & Smith, Elmer R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamics of Stagewise Extraction Columns

Description: A calculation method has been developed in order to correlate continuous-flow extraction results in mixer-settlers with rate data for batch experiments. This correlation utilizes dynamic extraction coefficients (E's) that are calculated from the rate data and the equilibrium extraction coefficients. The dynamic coefficients may then be used in stage-by-stage calculations, or their average values used in equations derived herein from the overall performance of center-fed columns.
Date: August 10, 1953
Creator: Hicks, T. E.; Rubin, B. & Vermeulen, Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stopping Power and Ion Density

Description: A "particle" of charge Ze moves with velocity v, mass M, energy [formula], through a "substance" of atomic number Zo, density N atoms/cm3. We have to consider the process of slowing down, and the nature of the trail of ions produced. Very slow particles are of little interest, as their range is very short. If Z is large, or if the particle is an electron, there are complications which we postpone. Thus, our considerations will apply particularly to protons, deuterons, o< -particles, and mesons.
Date: July 24, 1953
Creator: {{{name}}}
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Spectrum of 320 Mev Deuterons From He3

Description: The previous calculation of the energy spectrum of the high energy deuteron beam from the stripping of He3 (UCRL-2150) was thought to be in error, especially as regards the low energy tail, on the basis of some experiments with the neutron time-of-flight detector, which indicated a considerably narrower spectrum than that calculated in UCRL-2150. Since the value used for the attenuation cross section of deuterons in uranium is considerably lower than that presently considered correct a new calc… more
Date: July 17, 1953
Creator: Lee, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Simple Analogue Instrument For Summing Angles in the Root Locus Method of Solving Ordinary Equations and Stability Problems

Description: The root locus method of the treatment of stability problems in the field of servomechanisms is briefly summarized. A simple mechanical instrument of the analogue type (a summing device) containing no gear mechanisms, and designed to do most of the numerical work of the root locus method, is also described.
Date: July 10, 1953
Creator: Harris, Arnold H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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