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Elicitation of tone words

Description: Recording of Tyler Utt and Shobhana Chelliah eliciting tone words in Lamkang (T-W) with Sumshot Khular.
Date: April 1, 2016
Duration: 2 minutes 36 seconds
Creator: Utt, Tyler P. & Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi
Partner: UNT College of Information

Elicitation of tone words

Description: Recording of Tyler Utt and Shobhana Chelliah eliciting tone words in Lamkang (R-S) with Sumshot Khular.
Date: April 1, 2016
Duration: 3 minutes 46 seconds
Creator: Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi & Utt, Tyler P.
Partner: UNT College of Information

Lamkang elders Laapuu singing during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu village.

Description: Lamkang Laapuus singing the traditional folk songs during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi.Organized by the family of Loveson Shilshi in memory of his late father. Participated by the community members and by the Lamkang Language Education Committee and SIL in order to document the Lamkang culture, dances and songs.
Date: March 4, 2014
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Lamkang Community Meat preparation,cooking and cutting by men during the first death anniversary of Late Behon Shilhi

Description: Lamkang community meat cutting by men during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu village. This picture shows how they are cutting the pieces to serve the community. Organized by the family of Loveson Shilshi in memory of his late father. Participated by the community members and by the Lamkang Language Education Committee and SIL in order to document the Lamkang culture, dances and songs.
Date: March 4, 2014
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang phangboor a basket for storage

Description: Photograph of baskets called phangboor in Lamkang. It is used to store grains or clothes depending according to the needs of the families. Naga tribes and their used of the similar phanboor or baskets varies with design and patterns of the basket weaving.The right smaller basket belongs to Northern Naga tribes.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a Lamkang traditonal inn made of vangpher

Description: Photograph of a Lamkang traditional thatch house known as [vangpher inn] in Lamkang. The roof is made of thatch, walls and floor made of bamboo and the name vangher is given due to that. This house is built by Kobeng Tholung of Lamkang Wangjangloon. Underneath is floor is used to keep some wooden planks for building a house.In way it is used as a store house. The steps seen in this house is made of bamboo.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Loveson and Dimirty seen in this picture on video recordings of his father's death anniversary celebration at Deering Khu

Description: Loveson and Dimitry seen here discussing about the videography of the ceremony during the first death anniversay of Loveson's father late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu village Chandel, Manipur state India. The Lamkang Langauge Education Committee and SIL were documenting the stories, songs and dances performed in the celebration.
Date: unknown
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Laapuu ready to sing at the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu

Description: Laapuu singers ready to sing during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi of Deering Khu. Organized by Loveson Shilshi and his family in memorial of their father. Lamkang Language Education Committee and Sil participated to document the traditional dances, songs and story telling during the celebration.
Date: March 4, 2014
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a traditonal dining table made of cane known as Tmaalna' krang

Description: Photograph of traditional dining table known as tmaalna' krang in Lamkang. It is made of cane with some bamboo in the circle ring at the bottom and top ring for giving stronger grip at the base. This is the most commonly used dining table before the coming of modern dining table sets. This piece if from Tony Khular's house in Thamlakhuren village.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Laapii and Laapuu singing at the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu

Description: Photograph of Laapii and Laapuu in a break while singing during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi of Deering Khu. Organized by Loveson Shilshi and his family in memorial of their father. Lamkang Language Education Committee and Sil participated to document the traditional dances, songs and story telling during the celebration. A traditional drum is seen in the picture too.
Date: March 4, 2014
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang traditional yarn spinning wheel known as Langthuk

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditional hand spinning wheel known as [langthuk] made by Thamshi Khular of Thamlakhuren villlage. The wheel is made of wood for the base, frame and the spikes are made of bamboo and the string is made of rope from climber called rii nu'. All weaving before the yarn is spin in this wheel before that are made as cloth.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Laapuu and Laapii singing at the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu

Description: Laapuu and Laapii main singers during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi of Deering Khu. Organized by Loveson Shilshi and his family in memorial of their father. Lamkang Language Education Committee and Sil participated to document the traditional dances, songs and story telling during the celebration.
Date: March 4, 2014
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Lamkang Traditonal Phangboor for storing rice or other grains

Description: Photograph of Lamkang traditonal baskets called [phangboor]. This pieces are made by Beshot Khular of Lungkharloon village. The picture is taken during the field visit to document his craft works. The phangboor are kept on the ptxaang above the fireplace to make them sturdy, strong and prevent mold.
Date: October 20, 2018
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information
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