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open access

The critical velocity of a body towed by a cable from an airplane

Description: It is sufficient to consider only the equations of motion of the towed body whereas those of the cable may be left out of consideration. The result obtained makes it possible to determine which factors affect the critical velocity and what modifications of the instrument are necessary for extending the upper limit of that velocity.
Date: July 1937
Creator: Koning, C. & DeHaas, T. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Transformation of Heat in an Engine

Description: This report presents a thermodynamic basis for rating heat engines. The production of work by a heat engine rests on the operation of supplying heat, under favorable conditions, to a working fluid and then taking it away.
Date: April 1929
Creator: Neumann, Kurt
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Boundary Layer as a Means of Controlling the Flow of Liquids and Gases

Description: According to one of the main propositions of the boundary layer theory the scarcely noticeable boundary layer may, under certain conditions, have a decisive influence on the form of the external flow by causing it to separate from the wing surface. These phenomena are known to be caused by a kind of stagnation of the boundary layer at the point of separation. The present report deals with similar phenomena. It is important to note that usually the cause (external interference) directly affects … more
Date: March 1930
Creator: Schrenk, Oskar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lift Theory of Supporting Surfaces: Second Article

Description: Memorandum presenting a description of the hydrodynamic lift theory of supporting services. This report is mainly about the task of finding suitable wing sections for given lift conditions. Formulas are given for lift magnitude and moment, which make it possible to obtain solutions of great simplicity and clearness.
Date: September 1921
Creator: von Mises, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement to Comparison of Automatic Control Systems

Description: "This analysis deals with the indirect regulator, wherefrom the behavior of the direct regulator is deduced as a limiting case. The prime mover is looked upon as "independent of the load": a change in the adjusting power (to be applied) for the control link (as, for example, in relation to the adjusting path (eta) with pressure valves or the rudder of vessels) does not modify the actions of the prime mover. Mass forces and friction are discounted; "clearance" also is discounted in the transmiss… more
Date: August 1941
Creator: Oppelt, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airplane Flight in the Stratosphere

Description: This brief survey of the problems encountered in high-altitude flight deals in particular with the need for high lift coefficient in the wings, large aspect ratios in the wings, and also the problem of hermetically sealing the cabin.
Date: February 1932
Creator: de Caria, Ugo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lecture on Aerodynamics

Description: This lecture deals with four main subjects: methods of studying air resistance, experimental aerodynamics, propellers and stability of airplanes.
Date: September 1923
Creator: Toussaint, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Static Longitudinal Stability Of "Ente" Airplanes

Description: The stability conditions of Ente (duck) airplanes are investigated in this report. In developing the formulas, which afford an approximate solution, the unimportant effect of the height of the C.G. and the moment of the residual resistance are neglected. The effect of downwash from the forward horizontal empennage on the wing are also disregarded.
Date: March 1931
Creator: Kiel, Heinrich Georg
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drag Measurements on a Junkers Wing Section: Application of the Betz Method to the Results of Comparative Tests Made on a Model and on an Airplane in Flight

Description: The comparison of model tests in flight can be based on the result of such measurements. They are very important from the aerodynamical point of view, as they lead to useful conclusions regarding the behavior of the wing, its best shape and the conformity of theoretical and actual flow. Although there still remains a certain prejudice against such measurements, I have still attempted to make these comparative tests in order to inspire confidence in their reliability.
Date: September 1927
Creator: Weidinger, Hanns
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some New Tests at the Gottingen Laboratory

Description: The tests at the Gottingen laboratory included: friction tests on a surface treated with emaillite, verification tests on the M.V.A. 356 wing, and comparative tests of wing no. 36 at the Eiffel laboratory. The examination of all these experiments leads to the belief that, at large incidences, the speeds registered by the suction manometer of the testing chamber of the Eiffel laboratory wind tunnel are, owing to pressure drop, greater than the actual speeds. Therefore, the values of k(sub x) and… more
Date: April 1921
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Motion of Spheres in Still Fluids

Description: "The behavior of a liquid or gaseous medium, in which a solid body can move freely under the action of a force of constant magnitude and direction, is yet little known. Only in connection with a few special problems, which belong in this field, have experiments been tried and these chiefly concern technically important cases. The behavior of the simplest shaped bodies has as yet been scarcely investigated at all" (p. 1).
Date: April 1924
Creator: Hirsch, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Vortex Theory and Its Significance in Aviation

Description: This report will present ideas closely related to the vortex conception and illustrate them in the simplest possible terms. In addition to these general considerations, this report will attempt to show the application of the vortex theory in connection with the wing theory.
Date: July 1930
Creator: Betz, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Riveting in Metal Airplane Construction Part 1 : Riveting Methods and Equipment in German Metal Airplane Construction

Description: "Although all constructors in Germany use duralumin quite frequently, and prefer cold riveting exclusively for permanent (nondetachable) connections of individual structural components, their methods and equipment are very diversified. The differences are due to a great extent to the diversity of structural types and to the special shapes of the individual subassemblies. The results is that different manufacturers have developed totally different riveting methods, as well as entirely different … more
Date: December 1930
Creator: Pleines, Wilhelm
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aviation Engines in the Endurance Contest

Description: The contest for engines of great endurance had entries of 13 types by the following firms: Breguet, Farman, Fiat, Hispano-Suiza, Lorraine-Dietrich, Panhard-Levassor, Peugeot, Renault, and Salmson.
Date: December 1924
Creator: Lehr, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Problems Concerning the Stability and Maneuverability of Airplanes

Description: "The stability of an airplane can be easily determined by wind-tunnel tests, especially by simple tests with models mounted wind-vane fashion. However, each stability curve plotted by this method is valid only for a certain setting of the corresponding control surface, i.e., it characterizes the stability of the airplane with the control stick in a given position. The problems thus defined are studied from the point of view of longitudinal and transverse stability. Directional stability is not … more
Date: March 1932
Creator: Biche, Jean
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Transference of Heat From a Hot Plate to an Air Stream

Description: The object of the present study was to define experimentally the field of temperature and velocity in a heated flat plate when exposed to an air stream whose direction is parallel to it, then calculate therefrom the heat transference and the friction past the flat plate, and lastly, compare the test data with the mathematical theory. To ensure comparable results, we were to actually obtain or else approximate: a) two-dimensional flow; b) constant plate temperature in the direction of the stream… more
Date: April 1931
Creator: Elias, Franz
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent Developments in the Construction and Operation of All-Metal Airplanes

Description: Experiments on the effect of atmosphere and of sea water on the building materials employed by us have been carried on for years in the North Sea with the aid of the Hamburg Naval Observatory. Parallel experiments are being made at the Pisa Naval Observatory in the Mediterranean Sea. Metal sheets, sections, assemblies and experimental floats are being exposed to the action of the elements. Different construction techniques are discussed and a variety of specific airplanes are presented which in… more
Date: September 1926
Creator: Dornier, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Clerget 100 Hp Heavy-Oil Engine

Description: A complete technical description of the Clerget heavy-oil engine is presented along with the general characteristics. The general characteristics are: 9 cylinders, bore 120 mm, stroke 130 mm, four-stroke cycle engine, rated power limited to 100 hp at 1800 rpm; weight 228 kg; propeller with direct drive and air cooling. Moving parts, engine block, and lubrication are all presented.
Date: January 1931
Creator: Léglise, Pierre
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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