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open access

Uranium Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance of the Lander NTMS Quadrangle, Wyoming, Including Concentrations of Forty-Three Additional Elements [Microfiche]

Description: Report detailing uranium and other elemental data resulting from the Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) of 355 water and 1376 sediment samples collected from 1443 locations in the Lander National Topographic Map Series (NTMS) quadrangle, Wyoming, by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Date: September 1979
Creator: Shannon, Spencer S.; Sandoval, Walter F.; Montoya, Janet D.; Minor, Michael M.; Simi, Oliver R.; Talcott, Carol L. et al.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Multisource Data Set Integration and Characterization of Uranium Mineralization for the Montrose Quadrangle, Colorado: Figures

Description: Color photographs of geologic maps, Landsat imagery, and density slices for the Montrose quadrangle, Colorado. Also included is a color composite for the COCH-1 classification scheme.
Date: April 1981
Creator: Bolivar, Stephen L.; Balog, Susan H.; Campbell, Katherine; Fugelso, L. Erik; Weaver, Thomas A. & Wecksung, George W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Gallium on Plutonium Assay

Description: Several of the plutonium assay methods were reexamined as part of a continuing effort to make improvements in these frequently used analyses. This investigation included a study of the controlled-potential coulometric, amperometric, potentiometric, and photometric titration methods and their applications to assays of delta-stabilized and alpha plutonium metal.
Date: November 1962
Creator: Bergstresser, K. S. (Karl Samuel), 1909-2004 & Waterbury, Glenn R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Injection Casting of Plutonium

Description: Plutonium metal can be injected into cold metal molds to form castings with thin walls. The operation is performed in a vacuum chamber, using an inert gas as the injecting medium. Sound pieces free of gas cavities can be made using either pure or delta-stabilized plutonium. This report describes the equipment and techniques used to cast a typical thin section piece in the form of a 6 in. diameter, 45' cone.
Date: January 1959
Creator: Anderson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Propulsion Test Reactor Kiwi-A Neutronic Studies

Description: Critical conditions were obtained for a series of uranium-graphite fueled assemblies in the C/Oy range 150 to 500 with thick graphite reflectors and Be or D2O islands. Perturbations were studied in order to find the effect on reactivity of geometrical changes and engineering features. Information from these studies was used to develop a mock-up of an optimum reactor geometry for the first rocket reactor test device, Kiwi-A. Studies on a zero power mock-up (Zepo-A) helped establish its design de… more
Date: September 1958
Creator: Orndoff, John D. & Hoogterp, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Integral Experiment to Measure the Tritium Production From Li7 By 14 Mev Neutrons in a Lithium Deuteride Sphere

Description: A sphere of LiD 2 feet in diameter was irradiated by 2 x 10<sup>15 14 Mev neutrons. Samples of Li<sup>7 metal were positioned at various radii for the irradiation. An analysis of these samples for tritium led to a determination of the number of tritons produced by 14 Mev neutrons acting on Li<sup>7 in a LiD system.
Date: June 1958
Creator: Wyman, Marvin Eugene, 1921-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Measurement of the [Lithium-7] Cross-Section for Several Neutron Energies From 4 to 15 Mev by Absolute Counting Techniques

Description: A measurement of the [Lithium-7] reaction cross section by absolute counting of the tritium betas is described. The cross section was measured at several neutron energies between 4 Mev and 15 Mev. A comparison with results by emulsion techniques is given.
Date: June 1958
Creator: Wyman, Marvin Eugene, 1921- & Thorpe, Munson M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Welding of Plutonium

Description: Delta-stabilized plutonium can be welded to itself or almost any other metal using the inert-gas metal-arc process. Equipment and procedures suitable for the welding of delta-stabilized plutonium under various conditions are described.
Date: May 9, 1958
Creator: Anderson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stability of a Linear Pinch With a Thick Boundary

Description: The stability of a linear pinch is investigated by means of the "6W" formalism of E. A. Frieman. It turns out that when attention is confined to the surface layers of the plasma, convenient stability criteria can be deduced for very general cylindrically symmetric distributions of magnetic field and plasma.
Date: August 1957
Creator: Suydam, Bergen R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Proposal For Reducing Impurities in a Stabilized Pinched Discharge

Description: It is proposed to reduce the initial wall hangup and consequent plasma contamination of a stabilized pinched discharge by reducing the Bz pressure difference across the current sheath to nearly zero at early times. Two methods for accomplishing this are proposed, both involving multistage programming of the Bz system.
Date: July 31, 1957
Creator: Lovberg, Ralph H. (Ralph Harvey)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Field Distributions in a Pinched Discharge

Description: By use of small magnetic probes inserted into the discharge, the magnetic field distributions in the interior of a high-power pinched discharge have been measured as a function of time. From these data the current distributions can be deduced. By applying a static pressure calculation, in the cases when the radical pinch accelerations are small, the plasma pressure nkT in the pinch has been determined, with superimposed axial magnetic fields, and for stable and unstable configurations.
Date: November 20, 1956
Creator: Burkhardt, L. C.; Lovberg, Ralph H. (Ralph Harvey) & Phillips, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Neutron Cross Sections: Corrections to LA-1714 and a Correlation of 3 Mev Values

Description: Recent measurements on the long counter efficiency in which comparisons were made with the (n, p) scattering cross section, additional variations in efficiency were found which varied slowly with neutron energy but were still correlated with the total neutron cross section of carbon. Because of these variations in efficiency there are errors in the fission cross sections reported in LA-1714. Corrections to these data have been given here.
Date: March 1, 1957
Creator: Henkel, Richard L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Plutonium Sheet by Extrusion

Description: Plutonium sheet of uniform thickness and good surface can be made by the extrusion of a tube which is then split and flattened. This report describes the equipment and the operating conditions for making sheet 0.005 to 0.055 in. thick with areas up to 24 in. square.
Date: January 17, 1957
Creator: McNeese, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Emission Probabilities From the Interaction of 14-Mev Neutrons With Be, Ta, Bi, and U238

Description: The spatial and spectral distributions of the neutrons from 14-Mev neutron interactions with Ta, Bi, and U have been obtained using nuclear emulsion detectors in conjunction with a neutron collimator. The space-integrated neutron spectrum has been obtained for Be by means of a sphere experiment.
Date: January 1957
Creator: Rosen, Louis, 1918-2009 & Stewart, Leona
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nonweapons Activities at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Part III: Power Reactor Experiments

Description: The work of the Laboratory has greatly expanded into applications of nuclear energy which are significant for national defense and security, but are not directly connected with weapons development. It was felt, therefore, that a description of the non weapons activities of the Laboratory would serve a useful purpose at this time. For classification reasons, it has been necessary to issue the report in three parts; the third part concerns power reactor experiments.
Date: June 1956
Creator: Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Experiments on the Precipitation of Plutonium Compounds From Triputyl Phosphate Solutions

Description: The experiments described in this report were designed to explore the feasibility of precipitating plutonium from 35 percent TBP in Gulf BT using peroxide, fluoride, sulfide, sulfite, sulfate, cocalate, hydroxide, iodate and phosphate ions from anhydrous, dilute and concentrated aqueous sources.
Date: June 11, 1956
Creator: Maraman, W. J. & Mullins, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nonweapons Activities at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Part 1: Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions

Description: The work of the Laboratory has expanded into applications of nuclear energy which are significant for natural defense and security, but are not directly connected with weapons development. It was felt, therefore, that a description of the nonweapons activities of the Laboratory would serve a useful purpose at this time.. For classification reasons, it has been necessary to issue the report in three parts; this is the first and is concerned with controlled thermonuclear reactions.
Date: June 1956
Creator: Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium-Metal Critical Assemblies

Description: The two plutonium-metal critical assemblies that have been studied at Pajarito Site are Jezebel, bare plutonium; and Popsy, a plutonium core in a thick normal uranium reflector. These assemblies and their properties are described.
Date: May 1956
Creator: Jarvis, G. A.; Linenberger, G. A. & Paxton, Hugh Campbell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fabrication Procedure For RaLa Source Fuel Rods

Description: A new method to procure RaLa sources was proposed by Group CMR-10, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. This method depended upon irradiation of small-diameter U235 wire in the Materials Testing Reactor, Arco, Idaho. A procedure for cladding and sealing U235 wire in stainless steel tubing, by drawing, plugging the tube ends, and welding, was developed, tested, and proved to be satisfactory.
Date: February 15, 1956
Creator: Hockett, J. E.; Duncan, J. D.; Doll, D. T. & Taub, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process Development Studies for Recovering Ba140 From Irradiated Enriched-Uranium Rods

Description: As an alternative to recovering Ba140 from the spent MTR fuel assemblies a new enriched-uranium fuel pin was designed for irradiation. Two specimens, each containing about 3 g. of uranium (93% enriched), were irradiated to 1.3% and about 18% burnup. Examination after irradiation indicated that design improvements were needed; photographs are presented to illustrate the damage incurred during irradiation. A simple inorganic chemical process using precipitation and filtration techniques was devel… more
Date: March 1956
Creator: Schulte, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stability of the Pinch

Description: In this report, the stability of a pinched fluid is studied theoretically, under the combined influence of a longitudinal magnetic field and conducting exterior shell. Conditions allowing complete stability are found.
Date: April 1956
Creator: Rosenbluth, M. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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