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Annual Report 1961

Description: This seventh Annual Report is a summary of some of the progress in scientific and engineering research and development carried on at Argonne National Laboratory during 1961. As is customary in this series, only those portions of the total program that have reached such a stage that they may be of general interest are recorded. Thus, a comparison with the Annual Reports for 1959 (ANL-6125) and for 1960 (ANL-6275) will reveal the description of a generally different set of scientific activities. … more
Date: 1961
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operating Manual for the Argonaut Reactor

Description: The design of the Argonaut (Argonne Nuclear Assembly for University Training) was initiated by the Reactor Engineering Division of Argonne National Laboratory to satisfy needs for a low-power reactor facility within the Laboratory, and for training uses within the international School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (ISNSE). It was intended primarily for instruction and research in reactor physics. It was also considered as a possibility that it would fulfill the requirements of universities… more
Date: August 1959
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report for January, February, and March 1958

Description: Development work was continued on the fused fluoride process for the recovery of enriched uranium from zirconium-matrix fuel alloys. The alloy is dissolved by immersing it in molten sodium fluoride-zirconium fluoride at 600°C and passing hydrogen fluoride vapor through the system.The dissolved uranium tetrafluoride in the melt is then volatilized as uranium hexafluoride by sparging with fluorine. The uranium hexafluoride product is purified and decontaminated by fractional distillation. Additio… more
Date: June 1958
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fabrication of a Plutonium Helix for a Doppler Experiment

Description: A helix constructed of plutonium was made to test the Doppler temperature effect in ZPR-III. The helix, 1 inch in diameter and 6-1/4 inches long, contained 240 grams of delta-phase plutonium alloy encapsulated in titanium tubing. Four plutonium rods were extruded, joined together, and pushed into a titanium tube. This tube was swaged tightly over the plutonium rod, and the assembly was wound into a coil. Electrical leads to the coil were made by swaging copper tubing over the ends of the coil. … more
Date: December 1958
Creator: Dunworth, R. J.; Rhude, H. V. & Kelman, L. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A laboratory Ivestigation of the Fluorination of Crude Uranium Tertrafluoride

Description: Ore concentrates have been converted directly to crude uranium tetrafluoride by hydrogen reduction and hydrofluorination in fluidized-bed reactors. Small-scale laboratory experiments demonstrated that this process can be extended to the production of crude uranium hexafluoride through fluorination of the uranium tetrafluoride in a fluidized bed. The satisfactory temperature range for the reaction lies between 300°C and 600°C. At 450°C the fluorine utilization is between 50 and 80 per cent. With… more
Date: December 1957
Creator: Sandus, O. & Steunenberg, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report July, August, and September, 1957

Description: Development work continued on a fused salt process for the recovery of uranium from zirconium-matrix fuel alloys. The fuel is dissolved in a sodium fluoride-zirconium fluoride melt at 600°C by hydrogen fluoride sparging. The melt is then sparged with fluorine gas which volatilizes the dissolved uranium as the hexafluoride. The final decontamination and purification of the uranium hexafluoride are accomplished by fractional distillation. The testing of graphite as a container material for the hy… more
Date: December 1957
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report for January, February, and March 1957

Description: A fused fluoride process for dissolution of zirconium-uranium fuel alloys is being developed. The alloy is dissolved in an equimolar sodium fluoride-zirconium fluoride melt at 600°C by sparging the system with hydrogen fluoride. The uranium is volatilized from the melt as the hexafluoride by a sparging operation with fluorine or bromine pentafluoride vapor. This product is then decontaminated and purified by fractional distillation.
Date: July 1957
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Report October, November and December, 1956

Description: Methods of producing extremely clean surfaces on rolled Zircaloy-2 strip have been investigated. It has been found that the finer abrasives, 400 mesh or finer, are more effective than coarse types because of their ability to penetrate pits and crevices more readily. Two such cleanings, with an intermediate 35 v/o HNO3-5 v/o HF pickle, resulted in a microscopically clean surface. Ultrasonic inspection of the EBWR fuel plates has been completed during this quarter. Approximately 95% of the plates… more
Date: December 31, 1956
Creator: Foote, Frank G.; Schumar, James F. & Chiswik, Haim H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Coated Cast Iron Crucible for use with Eutectic Al-Si Alloy in the Temperature Range 595°-650°C

Description: The feasibility of the coated metal crucible as a container for eutectic Al-Si alloy has been proven by test. Small, enamel-coated cast iron pots has been proven by test. Small, enamel-coated cast iron pots have successfully withstood the chemically aggressive Al-Si alloy and the adverse influence of an oxidizing atmosphere for a period of 3 months at 725°C. A similarly coated castiron crucible containing 450 pounds of eutectic Al-Si alloy was successfully tested for 144 days in a jacketing ope… more
Date: November 1957
Creator: Yaggee, F. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report October, November, and December, 1956

Description: A final series of runs was made in a four-inch continuous-flow mixing chamber to study the transfer of isobutanol into water and nitrobenzene into ethylene glycol. Satisfactory techniques were developed to provide for the rapid analysis of these systems. In addition, a light-scattering correlation was prepared to provide a measure of the interfacial area of the yellow-colored nitrobenzene-ethylene glycol mixtures.
Date: March 1957
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgy Division Quarterly Report [for] October, November, and December 1955

Description: A total of nine clad plates, containing uranium -5 w/o zirconium 1.5 w/o niobium alloy cores and clad with Zircaloy-II, were rolled in plain carbon steel jackets, heat treated, physically evaluated, and corrosion tested. All these plates were found to be within predetermined dimensional tolerance in width, thickness, length, cladding thickness, and core distribution. Improved control of wielding variables and of the length of the seal pin projecting above the end plugs resulted in the eliminati… more
Date: June 1965
Creator: Foote, Frank G.; Schumar, James F. & Chiswik, Haim H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report

Description: Measurement of radioactive carry-over was made on borax III operating at 300 psig and at power levels ranging from 4 to 14 mv. Decontamination factors of from 1.5 x 104 (at 14 mv) were obtained. These data are in essential agreement with those predicted by previous laboratory experimental work.
Date: May 2, 1956
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Report January, February and March, 1956

Description: The EBWR loading requires a total of 888 plates. It is anticipated that approximately 1000 plates will have to be produced to obtain the number of acceptable plates required for the loading. To the end of this quarter, 568 cladding billet cores acceptable with respect to chemical composition and physical soundness had been cast; this number represents 78% of the total number of cores cast. Approximately 75% of the Zircaloy-II stock required has been rolled, and about 55% of the cladding compone… more
Date: June 1956
Creator: Foote, Frank G.; Schumar, James F. & Chiswik, Haim H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fabrication of Prototype Fuel Elements for the Experimental Boiling Water Reactor and the Experimental Breeder Reactor

Description: The purpose of this program was to develop techniques and methods for producing fuel elements for the Experimental Boiling Water and Experimental Breeder Reactors. Methods for fabricating large tubes, flat plates, and small pins were investigated. The tube and plates contained U-5 w/o Zr-1.5 w/o Nb alloy and were designed for the EBWR. The pins contained U-2 w/o Zr alloy and were designed for the EBR. Cladding and end seal material of Zircaloy-2 was required for the water-cooled EBWR elements. … more
Date: May 1956
Creator: Sawyer, H. F.; Paynton, W. C.; Loewenstein, P. & Corzine, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Progress Report on Reactor Development 400 Program

Description: Physics calculations have been made for various combinations of the four types of fuel assemblies to be used in the EBWR core. Two thicknesses of plates, 0.205 in. and 0.274 in., including the two 0.020-in. cladding layers, are to be made of both natural U and U containing 1.44% U235. A total of 148 assemblies, 74 natural and 74 enriched, are to be fabricated with six identical plates each. Various configurations of these fuel assemblies will be used to (1) change the critical size of the core,… more
Date: April 30, 1956
Creator: Stuart McLain & Members of the Laboratory Staff
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report July, August, and September, 1956

Description: Additional runs have been made in the six-inch, continuous-flow mixing chamber to study the rate of mass transfer between isobutanol and water. These runs were inconclusive because the effluents were mutually saturated. A new four-inch cell has been designed and is being fabricated; this will permit a reduction in the time available for mass transfer. Consideration has been given to other liquid pairs which may transfer more slowly than isobutanol-water. The system nitrobenzene-ethylene glycol … more
Date: December 1956
Creator: Rodger, W. A.; Vogel, R. C. & Munnecke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Engineering Division Quarterly Report Section I January, February, March. 1956

Description: Physical calculations have been performed for various combinations of the four types of fuel assemblies to be used in the EBWR core. Two thicknesses of plates (0.205 in. and 0.274 in., including two 0.020-in. cladding layers) are to be made of both natural uranium and uranium containing 1.44% U235. Any given fuel assembly contains six identical plates. A total of 148 assemblies, 74 natural and 74 enriched, are to be fabricated. Various configurations of these fuel assemblies can be used to (1) … more
Date: July 1956
Creator: Members of the Reactor Engineering Division
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Manufacture of Enriched ZPR-III Fuel Plates

Description: This report is essentially a procedural account of the fabrication of certain enriched ZPR-III fuel plates for use in the ANL fast critical experiments at Arco, Idaho. A total of 208.92 kilograms of fully enrich, unalloyed uranium was processed. Of this amount 202.74 kilograms was received in the form of Oak Ridge type reduction buttons and 6.18 kilograms as pressed-powder plates. The completed fabrication consisted of 720 rectangular fuel plates having the nominal dimensions 3in. x 2in. x 1/8i… more
Date: October 1956
Creator: Yaggee, Frank L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary Report of the Hazards of the Internal Exponential Experiment (ZPR-V)

Description: The Internal exponential Exponential Experiment (ZPR-V) will be constructed by loading up to 49 of the fuel cans, containing up to 155 kg of U235, of the present Fast Exponential Experiment in a 22-in. square iron tank, surrounded by an annular thermal region of fully enriched light water lattice 10 to 15 cm thick. This assembly will be placed in a 5-ft diameter tank which will, in turn, be located in the 10-ft diameter ZPR-II tank, the annular space between the outer tanks containing water for… more
Date: March 1956
Creator: Hummel, H. H.; Martens, F. H.; Meneghetti, D.; Bryan, R. H. & Reardon, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Engineering Division Quarterly Report [for] October, November, December 1955. Section I

Description: The gastight steel building (400,000 cu ft) in which all radioactive components are to be housed has been completed by the Graver Tank Company. This structure was tested for strength at 18.75 psig (20% above design pressure) and then tested for leaks. No leaks were found in soap bubble testing of all welded seams. Continuous measurements of temperature and pressure over a ten-day period showed the leakage, if any, to be less than the 500 cu/ ft/day at 15 psig specified. The gastight cylinder wa… more
Date: April 1956
Creator: Members of the Reactor Engineering Division
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ALPR Preliminary Design Study (Argonne Low Power Reactor) Phase 1

Description: A preliminary design study, Phase I of the ALPR project, has been made in accordance with the Army Reactors Branch specifications for a nuclear "package" power plant with a 200-260-kw electric and 400 kw heating capacity. The plant is to be installed at the Idaho Reactor Testing Station as a prototype for remote arctic installations. The "conventional" power plant as well as the exterior reactor components are described in the accompanying report and cost estimate by Pioneer Service and Enginee… more
Date: April 20, 1956
Creator: Treshow, M.; Pearlman, H.; Rossin, D. & Shaftman, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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